46  2018-07-21 by The_Reason_Trump_Won



a) it's his fault to not delete his own tweets, or it's his agents fault.

b) Disney hired a dude that was a face of Troma and wrote Lollipop Chainsaw, what were they expecting is beyond me.

c) considering that they employ people who were caught doing worse things than tweets and that he apologized 6 years ago, yes the firing is questionable.

The firing is 100% dumb outrage culture. Yes, not debatable.

Is it funny that there's people complaining that this is unfair but they don't say a peep when it's someone they disagree with politically getting shunned? Yes, not debatable.

He wrote Lollipop Chainsaw?

Yes, with some japanese dude.

some japanese dude

But of course.

Some Japanese dude who has this as a typical example of his writing.

took me too long to realize that japanese game devs actually know how to do camp, while most western devs are stuck up their own ass trying to copy hollywood movies

the king

I think he did delete them a really long time ago, long before he was associated with Marvel

Gamergate did it again

I wildly disagree with you there. What happened now with Gunn was a GamerGate op and GG succeeded. One of the biggest media companies on the planet just folded fast for them, this will embolden them more than ever before.

I love how GamerGate is either incel virgins who live in their mom's basement, or a group so powerful they can get Trump elected and celebrities fired. The horde can't make up it's mind.

Gamergate was literally a bunch of pissed off lefty-Lucy gamer reddit users who attracted the attention and kinda clumped into righty-tighties making them the ultimate evil alt-right monster juggernauts they are today.

Gamergators will tell you that Gamergate is old-hat but it is actually a well-oiled machine digitally destroying the lives of innocent people of various minority and underprivileged backgrounds.

Trump is still a symptom of Gamergate. Cut the head off the snake. End Fatt Jabba and Mr. Reddikur, and the alt-right Gators will fall.

Mmm new pasta

Made with love ♥

that horde, lemme tell ya

Gunn is still responsible for the things he said.

The only reason anyone cares about what he said is because white supremacists put it into the fold. Do you not understand why that’s a problem?

but I ain't a hypocritical little shit about it.

Yes, you are, because you aren’t pining for deleting the careers of the underlying white supremacists. Which is exactly my point.

Lol tf is this nigga saying. It's like he can't accept that the 'white supremacists' aren't the ones facing consequences in this situation.

Seriously what does he want?


dude racial slurs lmao

Why did centipedos put down the fentanyl and made an effort to dig up those tweets anyway?

something to do with Gunn himself digging Shapiro's past tweets.

Lol, the far left always projects, huh.

More like, only retards put their edgy personal thoughts or jokes on Twitter.

lmao, he's definitely not far left. Only tweets basic liberal talking points.

Eh. Classic left/right technique of "digging up dirt": nothing of value actually happens, but a lot of outrage is bound to emerge.

No, I mean, what prompted them to? Why they got salty in the first place?

Trumpets don't need a valid reason to be outraged: like the vilest SJW, they always are. "If it helps ruining someone else, I'm happy".

Was this really the worst "Trump bashing" you could find?


It was the first result in a quick Google search

i just saw someone on twitter mention a new word that was coined for situations such as this. Caucacity: Mad wack things only white people would do. I like it.

u/MrMediumStuff thank you for this

That's great.

literally whom?

sounds like a porn star

Pretty sure it's the old gay guy on Project Runway.

Cap’n Hotmess?


Ok this is epic

Hey op, just thought you should know that Caps doesn't make you funny


/u/snallygaster /u/CirqueDuFuder

who removed this doe


Lies, Jesus loves my posts

Did you know? Cats, just like people, are subject to asthma. Dust, smoke, and other forms of air pullution in your cat's environment can be troublesome sources of irritation.

u/CirqueDuFuder, you subscribed here.

Live by the social justice outrage mob, die by the social justice outrage mob used against you by your enemies. R E K T

Live by the social justice outrage mob

didn’t this guy work for comic books or something?

and die by some Trumper outrage mob?

He made space capeshit guardians of the galaxy movies.

social justice outrage mob used against you by your enemies

Only reason social media outrage is an ordinary thing to get fired for now is because of reeeeee racism and reeeeeee white supremacy.

i disagree and also you’re wrong