Should I buy a Roomba?

81  2018-07-29 by MasterLawlz

I'm sick of sweeping all the time and am wondering if a Roomba is worth it


I don't think you can afford a Roomba

Enjoy your poverty

I can tho

Do you recommend any particular model? I don't want to get one for more than 200-300 dollars because any higher than that and I might as well just hire a maid

You mean you want to buy a cheap knock off?

Typical 👏 poor 👏person 👏response👏

I'm not poor, I'm cheap, there's a difference.


you learned that from your single mother?

Shalom my friend

user reports:
1: I wanna gild this but I'm also cheap and also not gay enough to make a "leddit silver" comment


The most expensive model. Fuck the maid, she'll just jack your shit.

This but unironically

This but literally

Like, jack it how...

Fuck the maid

tbf that's not something you can do to a Roomba so there's that.

Says you

Found the guy in the ER with the story about vacuuming the house in the nude when he tripped and fell...

I can tho

With your shitty sales job?


Clearly money management isn't a thing you do, brotendo.

Do you know how much Sales jobs can pay lol? I’m not going door to door selling Reliant energy

Lol sales? I think you should buy the Roomba, and then go an buy a new car, on store credit. What could go wrong?

Live the lifestyle, fam, live the dream.

I'm not gonna bother with a new car until I'm 25 because insurance is bloody insanely expensive for young people. Like, it would very realistically be more expensive than my rent and utilities combined depending on what I got.

If you can and your parents aren't asses buy a car and put it in their name till then. Assuming you live in the kinda place that you need one

I have a car and it’s nice but it just isn’t new. My dad has to have a special insurance policy for his job so I can’t get on his plan and my mom lives out of state. Otherwise I totally would because that’s what 90% of people my age do.

Nah then don't do it. Drive a beater for a coupla years; ie it's safe enough to drive and the AC works (I'm p sure you said you live down south where it's hot as balls). Then buy a good car or even better rent a nice ass place, keep driving beaters and then buy a good ass place

Isn’t that insurance fraud?

This is the correct answer. I waited until after 25 to buy a nice, fancy car and now pay less to insure it and the beater Toyota I keep as my delivery car than I did to insure the one car in my early twenties. As a bonus, putting off the new car for so long allowed me to build enough credit to secure financing at an interest rate below inflation.

Smh at the damn mortality hump.

You seem more like the LegalShield or Primerica type frankly


now let me tell you about my 60 dollar shake that will help you lose five pounds in a day

A substitute for personal responsibility that will magically shed off those pounds? Sign me up!

You’ll be paying a maid that much each fortnight to clean your shit. Just buy the high end model.

Unironically the best thing you've ever posted

I for one welcome our robot overlords with open arms

They are okay and do a decent job sweeping up stuff on most surfaces. They do have an annoying tendency to get stuck or run out of battery halfway through a job.

Really? I assumed they would be able to gauge how much battery they have and adjust the job accordingly

They're not that smart.

They also do not do at all well with dark carpets, or thick carpets on hardwood floors.

A roomba is good if you are clutter free, on the floor at least. It does not replace regular vacuuming/cleaning, but they are nice (particularly if you have wood floor) at keeping your place looking sharp.

Clean your own God damn room, mister.


fighting jordan petersons nazis one reply at a time, keep up the good work!

You can't stick your dick in it like you can a regular vacuum cleaner so that's a big downside.

Tell that to Buster Bluth

Clean your room yourself, bucko

is this the nazi propaganda that JBP and his followers have been spreading ?!

Unironically yes

Buy two roombas.

Tape a knife and a (optionally) balloon to each and let them loose.

how lazy are you that you can't sweep your 1 bedroom tiny apartment yourself.


Do they pickup used tissues?

> not flushing your fapkins

Just use a condom. It contains the load.

I’m more of a containment vessel.

There's no point in getting a roomba unless you have cat(s) to sit on it.

I'm allergic to cats tho :(

Keep yourself safe.

Woah same 😂👍

I value your safety

A fate worse than death

😽 😽 😽

This is true.

do you have any redeeming qualities

Yes, I have exactly seven.

No repeats.

Well he's not Ed

Wow rude

Why even live ?

Imagine you cant see sensationalism even when the article even says it is being sensationalist.

In future studies, though, she would like researchers to look at the nutritional changes that happened after the agricultural revolution. Eating less meat and more grains and vegetables might have also helped shift bone and muscle strength, she notes. Another unanswered question, says Macintosh: precisely how ancient men and women split up the chores.

Have you done it yourself?

Not yet, I need to successfully justify it to myself first.

That would be funny. I want one now just to see if the cat would sit on it.


Buy a Xiaomi from AliExpress. Ask 4chan's /g/csg/ for more information.


Garbage. Holding a Mi Mix 2 right now, just as soon toss in in the trash with apple crap.

Ship it to me

It's not mine, can't do anything other than advise the owner to ditch it for better.

The hardware is usually pretty nice but the Redmi OS sucks balls, it's way more restrictive than even Apple.

fuck that shit I'm not buying a fucking chinese botnet vacuum

Are you that afraid of chink team 6 busting down your door?

No I just want to be able to continue streaming videos instead of letting China infiltrate my network for their botnet.

i like roombas because when i was living with my former milf-in-law, it would constantly get stuck and she'd bend over to fix it. god her ass was thick. i'm not even an ass man either

Why former?

Fuck yes. Have three heavy coated dogs and my roombas keep the place incredibly clean. One for the living room/kitchen, one for the bedrooms, one for the office/family room. The amount of fur on the floor has dropped dramatically.

Your autism is next level. I can't believe what I just read. How did you sit there, for what I can only assume was at least one hour, and write that? More importantly, how did you skim it over after you were done and actually think to yourself, "this is good enough to post"?

This is Reddit, we are the front page of the internet. This low quality post goes against everything we stand for - funny memes, good posts and intellectual discussion. Hint: all of these lacking in your post. I cannot believe someone would sit there and write something like this.

I've been around, too. This account is quite old, but it's not my first one. I have seen the worst of the worst, believe me. Still, this jars the quality Redditor in me. What happened to posts that have substance? What happened to the reddit that stood for quality comments and discussion? In a reddit where posts like this exist, is it even worth upvoting anything? I do not want to provide my superior input on content if this is what we've become. You will not benefit from my refined discretion as to what posts are worthy of upvotes and which of downvotes - you do not deserve my talents.

I henceforth withhold my upvotes and downvotes, which have brought the best Reddit comments and submissions to the forefront while filtering out the worst. Let's see how long Reddit lasts without by expert input. You people better start respecting quality posting, or I'll never upvote or downvote a post again. Good luck trying to have a nice website then...




I am a bot. Contact

I can't even ping lightumbra to tell them this bot is stupid

You can ping u/lightumbra to talk about the bot. It's only cross-subreddit drama malicious stuff that's an issue.

That sucks.

Nah, doing that is stupid, petty and annoying anyway. It's about time somebody stops it.

I literally couldn't care less if you ping me. Bussyshillbot used to call me a dog fucker. I only removed it because I don't want it to get banned for that.

Not my fault the admins can't make up their minds on what is acceptable.

Also ur bot is dumdum

Oh yeah, ur bot is dumdum

No u

Can't ping? What is this about /u/seenten?

I'd suggest reconsidering how you see sweeping. When done right, it can be a very zen experience and we all can use more zen. Just think monk in a monastery, and the chore becomes a whole difference experience.

Or: “There is no need to do any housework at all. After the first four years the dirt doesn't get any worse.” - Quentin Crisp

Shut up

I'm really proud of the growth your showing but the benefit comes from doing it the old fashioned way.

Just get your girlfriend to clean up for you.....oh wait.

oh shit, brb killin myself

real talk

have you ever been in a relationship?

not yet

been on dates though

i hate to tell you this, but it's over 😞



I'm sorry to hear that.

If it makes you happier I think you still have hope. You're a funny dude and some girls will just fall head-over-heels with funny guys, even if they aren't that good looking.

Just keep a healthy social life going and start working out, I'm sure there's a light at the end of the tunnel

lol thanks

I need to hit up bars tbh

If you need some beginner tips slide into my dms

Give him a pity fuck, would ya?

they'll be ugly girls though, so yeah.

The boy's gotta start somewhere.

*the gym

No, /u/MasterLawlz has never even interacted with another human being IRL. He was raised by Wolves in the Back-woods of the Boonies, and only has access to reddit through an extremely slow and dilapidated Satellite Internet Connection provided to him through an old phone without even a full-sized keyboard.



If you have non-carpeted floor, hell yes (also get a knockoff).

Roomba is spanish for Mexican.

Shopping list should be:

  • A CPAP mask & tube
  • A tank of helium
  • Duct tape

Never sweep again.

Big fan of the robot slaves here. I like to talk shit to mine while it cleans. I get off on it.

You don't have a Roomba? But...what do your cats ride?

Only if it’s DJ Roomba.

Now robots are stealing jobs from trans-legal immigrants who could have really used the money they could have gotten from cleaning your place! This is so typical of trump's america.

Only if you have a cat that will ride it 😽

Can you have sex with it?

You could put a suction cup marrital aid on it and play pig in the poke I suppose.

Anything is a fleshlight with enough silicon gloves and hand cream

Yeah if you get a good one they do alright, but don't need to drop a shitting on a fucking robot vacuum, look for midrange options.

You meed to both keep your floor clean for it to move around, and have a viable house for it's utility. Honestly, I'd just invedt in a badass vacuum instead and leave it in a visible area when you bring the ladies home.

Yeah, pretty good tool if you're clean as is

I bought a roomba during Prime Day sales. Haven't set it up yet. I'll let you know how it goes.

Yeah. They're amazing. But you can go with the cheaper ecovacs off Amazon if you want to get multiple for multiple floors.

They kind of suck but if you don't sweep currently then it will show improvement.

Just make sure you attach Bluetooth speakers so DJ roomba drop some bangers

I had a canadian knockoff roomba called a bobsweep. It sucked and scared my dog, and didn't even apologize.

If you think it would make you happy 😊