Fat fucking cows on TooManyChromosomes womansplainnto a woman how her boss’s behavior *must* be problematic, even after OP explains the context.

69  2018-08-03 by GaySexInYourGayFace


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Unemployed, lonely failures with severe social anxiety lecturing on workplace interactions. It's like any job thread on SRD.

Fuck you! All of these women have to deal with so much more then men do when at a job! Women are payed less were harassed constantly talked down to and have men flirting with us constantly!

I love you.

Wow thanks! I don't get compliments that often.

Good girl ;)

Don't say that.




Hush now bird lady

Calm down.

Did you ban them?

And you in particular have all these Billy goats trip trapping over your bridge.

Ok I'm now sure you're a troll. You didn't even try here.

youre only now sure?

I want to believe.

lol i doubt people want to flirt with you anyway.

Wtf is this still r/drama

I wonder if it would blow they're minds if they knew plenty of people actually make more money than their boss/manager. Before I shifted positions I made more money than my boss because my engineering skills were worth more than their product management skills.

..... Kinkshamers. Kinkshamers everywhere.

Everyday this proving itself more and more that its basically a female version of neckbeardism.

Xincel with a daddy kink.

This is my surprised face.


TwoX incel I guess?

My GF calls me uncle, I am still not sure on how to react. I don't hate it, it's just a bit weird? I guess



that does seem a little weird... have you ever asked why uncle?

Just one of her kinks, when she's drunk she loves rape scenarios so... Yeah.

There's also some bite-sized drama there over kinkshaming.

I refuse to believe that's not bait

THIS. no bigger red flag than "we're more a family than a company" it's always code for ....and families can ignore labor laws, right?

Imagine thinking a company trying to treat you like a person and not a cog.

What they're talking about isn't being treated like a person tho. From what I've heard a lot of smaller businesses use the 'we're a family' line to manipulate workers into working under disagreeable conditions or tolerate being treated like shit. It's like how a lot of small tech, marketing, and design firms 'treat employees well' by offering things like free breakfast and allowing people to take their dogs into work so they'll forget the fact that they're working much longer and harder than they should be for the salary they receive.

Maybe I'm biased because of my current employment situation, but I don't think the situation you're describing is the norm outside of the denizens of the internet being paranoid and thinking everyone is actively looking to exploit you in any way possible.

thanks for this unsolicited serious post you mindraping piece of shit

doggos at work are capitalism in action

is /r/dogfree the real leftists?

You ever know of a woman who always, always has issues with her coworkers but is never at fault in any of the stories she tells?

They're all in that comment section

Fat, anti-social manatee neets reeing about bosses they'll never have...someone needs to repost a gender swapped story there someday though and check the answer

Do you not keep in contact with your previous bosses after you no longer work for them?

Yes? It's called networking and gave me many jobs and projects. #paygap

Is this what happens to your brain after your BMI is bigger than 40?

Lol I'm with the cows on this one. Who says "good girl" to an employee it's fucking weird.

tfw no milf boss to call me good boy

so wait she has some fucked up 'daddy' fetish and gets turned on by being called 'good girl' and yet it is the boss who is the one who is problematic?