Jean Luc returns to Star Trek. Chants of Shut up, Wesley fill the streets.

114  2018-08-05 by CannibalGotenks


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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This is from his own blog:

“Sir,” he says, “I know this may finish me, but —”

And Picard, the captain who recognized Wesley’s intellect and promoted him to acting ensign, *and the closest thing to a father figure Wesley has ever known, responds with three words that follow and haunt me to this day: “Shut up, Wesley!”****


Should have seen when wil showed up here defending the blog post.

Link pLEase?

Haaha thanks!

That’s why u/MasterLawlz gets as many passes as he wants and still retains GOAT dramamod status

That thread was the only time /u/MasterLawlz was funny.


defending is a stong word when talking about wheaton. he couldn't defend a pudding from a fly. its more like constant "why?" whining.

Do you always miss the point? Or is this your first time?

hey guys definitely don't PM u slash wil and tell him

Shut up, Wesley

Watch out. He'll get back at you. In addition to the white male "easy mode" option, he's got the celebrity cheat mode enabled. He can fuck you up in a thousand ways.

Just remember though, his life is much harder than yours!

Pings were practically invented so people could mention celebrities like Wil Wheaton. Absurd that we wouldn't be allowed to ping him.

Dude needs to realize that people aren't telling him to "shut up" because they think he'll find it funny. They don't care if he finds it funny. They find him, and the character, obnoxious. They want him to shut up. They'd probably be saying it to him even if it wasn't a famous quote; that's how much people want him to stop whining.

I went to a Doug Loves Movies taping years ago (I didn't know any better) which featured not only "Whinin'" Wil Wheaton, but Neil "Jr. High Physics" Tyson. Perhaps the only time Degrasse has been out-attentioned. Wil wasn't cast as Wesley, he was discovered as a parallel dimension symbiotic parasite on everyone's time and patience.

so something bothers you...then you get on the interwebs and announce ot the whole world it bothers you and to please stop doing it

wtf were you thinking bro?

the internet is full of trolls and douches just waiting for you to say that exact thing

Wil 'this account mocks fascists' Wheaton

god i hate liberals

Please, the man's a progressive, nothing liberal about him anymore

what a failure... didnt he get cucked by that nerd girl he orbited for years as well?

Probably though he is married now. A couple years ago someone sent her the navy seal copypasta and she thought it was a real threat and called the police. When people made fun of her for it she claimed that she showed wil and that he had never heard of it before.

He got mad when people called him a "fake nerd" and then he revealed neither he nor his wife knew about the most famous copypasta. It's an incredible level of delusion.

Will Wheaton is lamer than Wesley Crusher.

Ain't that the truth

This but unironically.

Crusher wasn't as bad as you remember, he's not completely wrong that he (and TNG in general) suffered from bad writing in season 1.

Everything in TNG S1 aged so god damned terribly with the sole exception of this flawlessly acted sex scene in the middle of the 2nd episode.

Didn't Wesley get groomed by a transdimensional space pedo?


Doc and Wesley

Goddamn it this is exactly what pings are for


This new show has a bunch of hack writers so he’ll will appear in the show. I’m sure that he is desperately begging the producers to let him back.

Everyone knows though that he was actually raped and then shot out into space after leaving with that space pedophile.

The Traveller cornholed dat ass.

God Twitter sucks. The only reasonable response to that whiny article should have been "Shut up, Wesley" hundreds of times. Even Reddit wouldn't have fucked that up.

I never looked through Wil's history before, but not that I have... this dude has a serious fetish for the sucidegirls.

He sexually assaulted a few (many), rumor has it.

Why quote twitter when you can just /u/wil?

Pinging's not allowed anymore...sorry.

Pre-pinging there were jokes about saying his username three times to "summon" him.

If you can't ping Wil then the admins may as well just delete the feature.

Wow that's pretty fucked up that people can't ping him anymore. It's his fault that he's on here, not ours.

the forbidden fruit!

At least you didn't get falsely accused of sexual assault and harassment from a ex-gf like your buddy did, Wil.

This guy is such a pussy

Why do people hate Wil? Is it just because of Star Trek? I've never seen him do anything untoward.

I think just because he’s whiny and annoying, and there’s a whole fake nerd thing around him. Not sure though, I only know of him through this sub

He's a poser like you mentioned and (allegedly) has sexually assaulted women. All I know is that he's exceptionally whiny and should shut the fuck up

He's weirdly famous, but has never done anything that compares to his role in Star Trek, so that overshadows everything he does forever.

how can one person be so insanely, incredibly fucking whiny?

Idk and im me

Compare Sir Patrick Stewart's statement on the return of Jean-Luc Picard to Mr. Wheaton filling the Twitter character limit with repetitions of "OMG".

Geek culture has mentally stunted everyone caught in it. Everything involved needs legally banned for geeks to have any chance at reaching mental maturity.

Shut up, Wil!

You think people say it to his face irl? Would be pretty funny imo

It's a damn shame I can't ping anymore, because I'd definitely like to point out that wilwheton's reddit account consists pretty much entire of him posting on /r/suicidegirls.