Dumped and obese Lena Dunham wants you to know that she's ACKSHUALLY MUCH HAPPIER NOW YOU GUYZ

95  2018-08-06 by QueenOfTheIncels


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And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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Did her sister dump her or something?

Weird thing is that it could be possible, given Lena is bi and her sister is a converted lesbian

But mostly given that Lena gave her sister a fistful of pebbles on the daily until she was 2old4her.

You don't get to judge a woman's sexuality.

What about a landwhale's?

Taking a shower combing your hair and getting dressed is sexist.

ergh you are just like her mother

Moments before this was taken she tried to cover my stomach and untie my hair.

Have some self respect.

no, just disappointed.

How's the pug?

He’s good. It’s supposed to get back into the late 90s and early 100s this week, which cuts time out at the dog park. 😭

Pugs r ugly


That's as far as I got.


How? Like is this why some women are "size queens"? Because the standard sized dick can't even get to their rancid cunt through all the fat?

You need a big dick for bestiality.

Wait, where is your blood covered pepe falir ?

I clicked it off while not paying attention

Always here to help for flairs.

2 inches isn't standard lol

Fat women do usually love to brag or talk about such stuff. Easier to just go with women having nasty holes, less brainwork.

Oh good, a dog for her to abuse.

I bet you would.


I’m actually shocked she’s married to that one artist he seems like he could do much better.

She's married?

She is not. Her ex-boyfriend is Tay Tay's main music producer who recently dumped her. She alone. :-(

Did she move to Canada yet?

Like she would quality.

She's just as qualified as any leaf currently there. They should stop oppressing her and preventing her move.

This is your (and my) daily reminder that there are things more honest than pictures and that your feed is a bastion of lies!

Jaden Smith's tweets as a teen were more profound than 35-year old Lena's epiphanies regarding social media.

I have unironically seen better looking butches irl...and I'm not even talking about soft butches.

There are better looking women on this sub alone and I am only counting the men.

When you are obese, every single day is leg day starting with the second they lift themselves from bed.

Working on getting those extra-thicc calves

I c she's so feminist and sticking it to patriatch- I mean the weight loss didn't work in forcing Adam Driver to look her way ever again without being on a payroll so she went right back to being a dumpster in record time even for failed crash diets gg Lena truly the voice of a generation

Adam Driver went from Lena Dunham to Daisy Ridley as his leading lady. He's already deleted Dunham from his contacts list.

In the first picture I look like a cashmere princess made of miracles

Not being overweight doesn't fix a goblin face.

I look like I’ve killed 9 husbands and hidden them in the bayou.

I mean she probably did...

Good luck finding none men who would marry her.

She could easily find an equally trashy guy. Or a suga boi.

Lena Dunham uses a 'husband sack' to kidnap soyboy cucks and crushes their pelvises as they ejaculate into her spawning pit.

As the man's body twerks and dies out, Dunhambeast consumes the brain, slurping up it's gooey contents with a straw.

I look like I’ve killed 9 husbands and hidden them in the bayou.

...oddly specific example, Lena.

Jfc She has 8 other sisters?

it's symbolism jackass. 1 pebble = 1 husband. and she "hid" them in her sister's "bayou"

I adore her unironically

This woman is the Spirit of the XXIst Century white women.

I'll call her Jenny Offended-Lard-Ass

She's such a disgusting slug of a cunt.

Man, she real fat.

Not like celebrity fat, but FAT fat.

She’s really letting herself go, but she’ll always be my meme qweennn. ❤️❤️❤️


The theory is that she was faking ADHD to get Adderall. She lost weight, but the lack of nutrition and the speed induced manic episodes caused her so much stress and mental anguish that she pretty much had to put the Adderall down.

The theory is that she was faking ADHD to get Adderall.

Is that like 90% of people who claim to have ADHD?

restored to sanity

Apparently sane people think sister rape is nbd

What’s sad is that she’s actually fairly nice looking at a normal size. She’s still a psychotic retard, but now she’s a fat, ugly psychotic retard.

Nothing says "I'm happy and confident" like actually saying "I'm happy and confident", repeatedly, to anyone who'll listen.

Who dat?

Didn't she post something similar a couple of weeks ago