/r/News discusses race traitor Candace Owens

178  2018-08-08 by aGolfHipster


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Just because we allowed you to leave the plantation, doesn't mean you can vote against what we want you to vote for. Fucking UNCLE TOM.

I like how black people voting Democrat because the GOP is racist as shit is always met with this "plantation" meme from Republicans.

Hint: They vote against you because you're racist, not because they're brainwashed.


I'm not a republican, pozzy

Aren't you an admitted fascist?


Fascists tend to seek alliance with mainstream conservatives in order to obtain power, and in fact, both successful fascist movements (Italy and Germany) were levered into power by conservatives.

The Trump base is a proto-fascist movement. So how are you any different?

Trump is just a republican with no filter. His immigration policies are no different from those of Billyboy in the 90's, and ICE was just as bad as it is now as it was under Obama.

Here's a good article on it: http://slatestarcodex.com/2016/11/16/you-are-still-crying-wolf/

The far right that rose in the wake of Trump is only because of the media's own attention to Trump, and how they have desensitized people to all the things that they have accused Trump of.

and ICE was just as bad as it is now as it was under Obama.

We're done here lmao.

No really, instead of put into detainment centers they were just put into the hands of human smugglers.

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.

Shut the fuck up neoliberal shill

gtfo, mdegenerate incel

How am i an mdegenerate you chapofag house

well it has to do with your lack of positive rolemodels, autism, NEET life, incel, bitterness, stupidity, lack of education, general retardation and finally, horrible insecurity

Thats a hard miss on all of those projections lmfao

you asked me how you are a mdegenerate, i just told you ;)

dude you really need to come up with a new one

Kippot is a nut case. Just like all of us in this purgatory sub

i speak the truth, look at how he deflects

Bitterness is the only one that hits. Im very bitter about how thr next two decades look

Ie more war in fucking ME

why would a NEET incel care be bitter about that?


why would a NEET incel be bitter about that?


Thats a hard miss on all of those projections lmfao

Nice doublepost, fgt

Thats a hard miss on all of those projections lmfao

The idea ICE was the same under Obama is so hilariously false, how is it even possible to conclude?

Im not agreeing with him nor you

Shave your face and clean your room

The far right that rose in the wake of Trump is only because of the media's own attention to Trump

It's also a reactionary response to extremism coming from the left (ie: Antifa). Want to empower Nazis? The easiest way to do that is to promote and provoke violent radical leftists. How do we know this? Because that's exactly what happened in Weimar Germany.

reactionary response to memes about antifa being relevant in any way

OK MDEfugee

You're just blind to the centrist truth.

Fuck u right

tbh the alt-right is basically just as irrelevant as antifa.

Fuck off fag. You didn't even hear about antifa until Trump became the president. If you are anti a group that's anti fascists... What's that make you?

Smart. Normal. Nonlarper.

It likely makes you a fascist. Sorry

Lol, so much for radical centrism. If you subscribe to a political ideology, you're a pawn and a goober. No political system is going to actually advocate for you beyond making sure you don't grab enough angry people and throw them out of power.

Totally agreed. Which is why we need to bash plebs that are propping up and obviously compromised administration.. Only idealogy I subscribe to is I don't like stupid people. The right just happens to be full of them and in power. Blame Jesus.

You sound like a stupid person.

Sane? Rational? Not a violent piece of shit who's trying to live out their murder fantasy and justify it by saying "DEY FASCIST"?

Meh. Half the people still voting gop are legit lite fascists lol. Antifa gaining notoriety is just so the right can pretend having antifa "on your side" is as bad as all the klansmen the Gop counts as the base. Lol

I don't get it either. Trump is easily the most liberal Republican president since . . . Eisenhower? Teddy Roosevelt?

One wonders how badly Democrats would be freaking-out if say Ted Cruz had won.

Ronald Reagan pardoned all illegal immigrants, doesn't that make him some kinda soyboy?

He also was anti-gun (when black people are involved).

Ronald Reagan is a fucking communist. I bet he would have said violent video games are bad as well the fuckin sjw.

donald trump is the first president to have openly supported gay marriage before being elected.

President Nixon was a notorious communist, he wanted to introduce universal basic income in the US.

ICE was just as bad as it is now as it was under Obama.

It actually was not; before Trump's zero-tolerance policies they trended to not actually separate children from their parents.

Honestly they should just jail kids with parents. Just throw in a extra toilet and a Nintendo DS in there something. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

Kids in jail are allowed to communciate with parents. The Trump admin ahs also failed to keep detailed records of seperated kids and parents, thus making reuniting them difficult.

Honestly, just separate them and give the kids to middle-class. Those birth parents suck, the kids get access to internet and league of legends/sweet-ass hentai and best of all it discourages border crossing.

Everyone wins!!

Kids do not, as a rule, agree to family separation because their new familly has a higher income level.

I'm not being ironic, tho

Kids generally don't like being permanently separated from their parents because their new family has a higher income level.

Hajek Ha what dumb little idiots

Kids generally also don't like things such as eating vegetables, going to sleep, or doing homework.

Are you suggesting we should do away with all of those things as well?

Permanently separating kids from their parents because they crossed the border illegally is a violation of human rights.

Oh I agree, illegal border crossers should just be turned back en masse.

That doesn't change the sentiment that just because kids object to something doesn't mean it's in their best interest.

And frankly this would be in their best interest, even if it violates some international human rights treaty.

You are stating that crossing the border illegally shows that a child's aprents aren't fit to raise them?

Sorry, but I'm willing to believe that indiscrimiante permanent forced separation of children from their parents isn't very good for them either.

No, I think being raised in middle class America has better chances for success than being raised in buttfuck Mexico.

I mean there's a reason why they're trying to cross the border, right?

Also, not part of the DDF, just like pissing in pizzashills cornflakes.

And being forcibly separated from your non-abusive parents and sent off to adoption severely decreases chances of success. We already went over this with the Stolen Generations.

OK so do they counter each other out or something? Like increased chance of success due to being raised in a proper environment versus decreased chance of success from emotional trauma?

illegal border crossers should just be turned back en masse

yeah, daddy wanted to prosecute everyone tho

"It's not enough we turn them away, we need to feel like we're doing something about the problem"

Ugg, Daddy so fragile

pppftp implying i'll take little Paco, Arian, Juanita, Jaime, and Casalupita

just Casalupita thx

Fascism is preferable to communism

No, it's not.

Fashionism is

Anything, up to and including death, is preferable to communism. Source: my family escaped from Communist Romania.

Fascism is a larger threat than communism is. Fascism is a set of emotional traits in which war is the ultimate goal, it is perpetual war.

Fascism is how you end the world.

This doesn't mean communism is good, but the idea it's as bad as fascism is at best delusion.

Well at least we agree on one thing: Communism isn't as bad as fascism - it's FAR worse. If you contrast the death toll of both forms of government it's not even a close race. Hitler was a rookie at mass murdering people compared to Mao or Stalin.

Anyone claiming Communism is as bad, or worse than fascism, is hilariously uneducated as to what fascism is.

I can suggest a book if you'd like, or two books.

True, I forgot about the perpetual Iberian war.

Common misconception that Spain was fascist, most experts on fascism don't view it that way, from the anatomy of fascism:

founded in 1931 was letting separatist movements get the upper hand in Catalonia and the Basque country. In Spain, however, defeat and fears of decline led to Francoā€™s military dictatorship rather than to power for the leader of the fascist Falange, JosĆ© Antonio Primo de Rivera. Fascism is never an inevitable outcome.

Then why did Franco make the Falange the only political party in Spain?

You'd have to read more of the book, I'm not so much in the mood to copypasta 2 pages here, but trust me, the fascists weren't running the show in Spain.

and Portugal?

Not fascist either. Academics consider Italy/German the only successful fascist movements, as in the only ones to actually seize power.

Even the wiki page sums it up:

With fascist organizations being popular and widely supported across many countries (like Italian Fascism and Nazism) as an antagonist of communist ideologies, AntĆ³nio de Oliveira Salazar developed the Estado Novo which can be described as a right leaning corporatist regime of para-fascist inspiration. The basis of his regime was a platform of stability, in direct contrast to the unstable environment of the First Republic. According to some Portuguese scholars like Jaime Nogueira Pinto[4] and Rui Ramos,[5] his early reforms and policies changed the whole nation since they allowed political and financial stability and therefore social order and economic growth, after the politically unstable and financially chaotic years of the Portuguese First Republic (1910ā€“1926). After the First Republic, when not even public order was achieved, this looked like an impressive breakthrough to most of the population; Salazar achieved his height in popularity at this point. This transfiguration of Portugal was then known as A LiĆ§Ć£o de Salazar ā€“ "Salazar's Lesson". Salazar's program was opposed to communism, socialism, and liberalism. It was pro-Catholic, conservative, and nationalistic. Its policy envisaged the perpetuation of Portugal as a pluricontinental empire, financially autonomous and politically independent from the dominating superpowers, and a source of civilization and stability to the overseas societies in the African and Asian possessions.

If both the Iberian regimes can be considered not fascist enough, then why is Germany also considered fascist? The difference between the Iberian regimes and the Italian one is similar to the difference between the German and Italian regimes. There's a whole racial doctrine linked to Nazi expansionism missing from the Italian version of fascism.

And who are the academics that only consider Italy and Germany the only successful fascist movements? Paxton? Renzo De Felice doesn't even consider the Nazis fascist, 'academics' are in constant debate over which regimes are fascist and which aren't since the ideology is hard to define.

The "problem" with fascism is each movement is different. Nazism was a form of fascism, not "the" only brand of fascism.

for example:

This book takes the position that they are, because they reject any universal value other than the success of chosen peoples in a Darwinian struggle for primacy. The community comes before humankind in fascist values, and respecting individual rights or due process gave way to serving the destiny of the Volk or razza. Therefore each individual national fascist movement gives full expression to its own cultural particularism. Fascism, unlike the other ā€œisms,ā€ is not for export: each movement jealously guards its own recipe for national revival, and fascist leaders seem to feel little or no kinship with their foreign cousins. It has proved impossible to make any fascist ā€œinternationalā€ work.

Have you only read that book on fascism? If you only take Paxton's definition of fascism as the right one then yes only Germany and Italy were fascist, but I could just as easily say that racial science is incompatible with fascism.

Grouped according to their several interests, individuals form classes; they form trade-unions when organized according to their several economic activities; but first and foremost they form the State, which is no mere matter of numbers, the suns of the individuals forming the majority. Fascism is therefore opposed to that form of democracy which equates a nation to the majority, lowering it to the level of the largest number (17); but it is the purest form of democracy if the nation be considered as it should be from the point of view of quality rather than quantity, as an idea, the mightiest because the most ethical, the most coherent, the truest, expressing itself in a people as the conscience and will of the few, if not, indeed, of one, and ending to express itself in the conscience and the will of the mass, of the whole group ethnically molded by natural and historical conditions into a nation, advancing, as one conscience and one will, along the self same line of development and spiritual formation (18). Not a race, nor a geographically defined region, but a people, historically perpetuating itself; a multitude unified by an idea and imbued with the will to live, the will to power, self-consciousness, personality (19).

With footnote 19 being

19) Race: it is a feeling and not a reality; 95 %, a feeling.

That's straight from Mussolini himself, and while I personally don't think that it excludes the Nazis from being considered fascist it should highlight the difficulty in defining the ideology. I know it is tempting to take one work as a definitive authority on a topic (I made that mistake a lot in my first years of university), I would urge against it because you're just arguing that Paxton is the absolute authority on who is and isn't fascist.

I'm quoting Paxton because the man is literally the most credible academic on the subject.

I mean, you're trying to cite something Mussolini said, which, to be honest, kind of leads me to believe you don't really understand fascism at all.

It's like people that quote Hitler and claim he was a socialist. At this point, it kind of seems as if you tried to come at me, didn't think I'd have academic sources to prove you wrong, and are now just trying to gymnastics it a bit.

No, I assumed you had sources since you said you could suggest some books to someone else, so I'm not surprised you quoted Paxton and wikipedia. But okay pizzashill you win I don't understand fascism.

I mean most people don't, I don't have some amazing grasp of it. But I know enough about it to understand what meets the actual "definition" and what doesn't.

I also said I could suggest a book, anatomy of fascism being one of them. The third reich trilogy is a great series as well. There really is a difference between "fascism" and "conservative military dictatorship."

I know what it is, I am Italian and have relatives that lived through Mussolini's reign and were also conscripted.

Tell me about Argentina pizza, were they too, not fascist?

I can just repeat this again, the only 2 successful fascist movements = Germany/Italy.

The communists in Argentina thank you for washing away their sacrifices.

I don't care what you or they think, I care what academics and experts on the subject think.

Pizza, did you attend college by chance?

What do you think.

No, and thatā€™s okay. I donā€™t criticize anyoneā€™s lack of wanting to be in massive debt.

The reason I ask is because Iā€™d like to inform you that anything regarding history after World War Two is probably one of the most debated academic topics and you can cherry pick any event or topic about the Cold War and have 400 different interpretations for the simple fact that much of it is either a. Not declassified by any respective government or b. Has active bearing on the current time, Academics arenā€™t a singular group, and I can tell you there are dozens of sources that disagree with your statement about Italy and Germany being the only successful fascist movements

A) Yes.

B) When your go-to response when confronted with actual historical scholarsghip on a subject is to declare "ree the academics are lying" you basically just out yourself as someone incapable of formulating a real argument. I'd highly suggest you learn what fascism is, because you will not find a credible expert on the subject claiming there were successful fascist movements outside of Italy/Germany.

Even wikipedia:

Argentina came under the rule of Juan PerĆ³n in 1946 and he is sometimes characterised as a fascist. However the description of Peronism as fascist has proven controversial in academic circles.

Note the word controversial. I didnā€™t say they were lying or wrong, Iā€™m saying itā€™s not a cut and dry thing. You relying heavily on third party sources and being unable to actually discuss the merits of the findings speaks volumes about your knowledge of the subject.

I can find 5 sources that disagree with your statement by tomorrow if youā€™d like, academic ones as well.

I'm not interested in discussing the merits with you because I do not believe you have even a basic idea what you're talking about.

You're the kind of person that runs around claiming Spain was fascist. It's historical illiteracy combined with a misunderstanding of the term "fascism."

Anyone claiming that country was fascist is a moron.

Are you afraid you might actually lose an argument that disrupts your bubble pizza?

You have significant issues with your assertions, stemming from your own belief of what fascism is, to the fact that you canā€™t actually tell the class why Argentina and Chile and Myanmar and Spain arenā€™t fascists and how their governments different from one another. (Hint: they all have economic differences:

fascism didn't kill 100 million people

Fascism was also stopped by the rest of the world because fascism launched a war of world conquest in which they intended to exterminate multiple ethnic groups.

Every time I come to this sub and encounter you tards it becomes really clear how poorly educated you guys are.

Licking boots is better than [insert conservative boogeyman here]

  • Fascists, since forever

I love the bootlicker meme. I mean, I'd get it coming from anarchists but Tankies literally worship a government structure that literally controls every tiny aspect of their lives.

You don't have to be a tankie to think fascists are useless faggots excuse me wallmart americans

If you're not one us you must be a commie!

  • Also fascists since forever

Death? Yeah licking boots is better than death and I'm not even a shoe fetishist.

That's a low bar you live under there chief

It's really not

Imagine reacting defensively to people making fun of fascists on the internet.

Licking boots is better than [insert conservative boogeyman here]

Fascists, since forever

Jesus Christ. I can't wait for school to start again.

You excited for the 7th grade sweaty?

No wonder U.S. libtards are so deranged, desperate and salty atm.

I mean, I can quote the anatomy of fascism if you want, nothing I said is factually incorrect.

Hey don't be a fascist pls

see look at the kind of bridges we can build with thoughtful and polite conversation

I'm not allowed to tell you to kill yourself due to the rules :)

Hey don't be a fascist pls

Ja. Now put on this friendship armband and get in line. De Fuhrer is coming!

REEE kill middle America

This but entirely unironically

Good luck - they own most of the guns.

Fentanyl, sweaty

That's why we buy extra ammo.

ā€œWeā€ ?

Ew, a poor person.

We're not poor, we just spend all our money on guns and banjos.

Is banjos code for Fentanyl?


TIL "people don't vote for you because of blatant racism" is the same as "kill middle America."

No, this is about you in particular. It is full time job for you to rant about hating your family and people that live near you on Reddit.

TIL "hating middle America" is "why should middle America have 2-3x the power simply because they live in middle America."

sperging about the ec

A new low for you tbh

Tyranny of the majority. Look it up. You have the time. Also maybe crack "Shattered" as well

Can you explain to me why tyranny of the minority is better?

Really, why should commiefornia and jew York decide what the nation does any more than the rest of america. The guy is arguing for states rights but apparently hasn't figured that out.

commiefornia and jew York

TOPPEST KEK M8Y! Your wit is so impressive boyo, what hilarious hi-jinx will you come up with next?!?!!?

also post more pix greeny.

excuse you, the correct name is The People's Gaypublic of Drugafornia.

Even if that's true, the Uncle Tom and race traitor accusations don't help.

Maybe, but I don't really see the point in respecting these people.

It's like the gay guys that vote republican, it doesn't even make sense.

By attacking them like that you validate their belief that "Democrats are the real racists." and motivate them to continue voting Republican, partially out of spite.

That's neat, they can vote against their own interests if they want, it's of no concern to me.

And who exactly would you vote for if you were going to vote in favor of your best interests? The decaying corpse of Elliot Rodger?

So, you can determine what an individuals best interest is by looking at surface level, skin deep traits such as race or sexuality?

You absolutely can, tbh. It's like when dumb ass rural white people elect conservatives.

Like do you unironically believe the GOP is good for them?

I don't believe things like skin color determine what you want, how you think, what your principles are or what's best for you.

According to your world view, are there any scenarios where voting for conservatives is in someone's best interest?

Sure, the only scenario is when you're rich, likely going to die within the next 40 years, and feel like fucking society over so you can have short-term profit.

You basically described half of all the Bond villains.

Who else benefits? Does the average man benefit from no environmental regulations, reduced education spending?

the claim is that the average man benefits from an economy in which businesses do better i.e. less taxes.

I'm not saying it's correct but jesus christ did you pay attention in high school econ?

This only makes sense if you look at things over very short time periods, the healthcare expenses alone would likely eat up any benefit an average person gets.

This only makes sense if you look at things over very short time periods, the healthcare expenses alone would likely eat up any benefit an average person gets.

??? how did you leap to "removal of all government-sponsored healthcare" from tax cuts. it's possible to cut taxes and adjust government spending in more than one way you know.

It's not that I don't understand econ, it's that you're a dumb person that has a very narrow understanding of what is being discussed here.

always with the zero substance pseud insults pizza. "you don't understand what's being discussed here" big retort.

go shave ur facial pubes, maybe not looking like a total NEET will give you the confidence to not be so aggressive all the time

You understand environmental damage causes damage to public health, correct?

You understand the US has one of the worst healthcare systems on the planet, correct?

You understand that, for example, the areas getting polluted will mainly be poor areas, meaning these "average" men end up fucked over in the long term, correct?

Well who else benefits? The farmers with their 18 billion dollar handout? First socialist president!

You absolutely can, [use skin color to determine what an individual thinks] tbh. It's like when dumb ass rural white people elect conservatives.

Like do you unironically believe the GOP is good for them?

Keep fighting the good fight, champ. I'm on your side tbqh.

If those fags and negroids don't lern what's good for 'em soon I think we should only give them a percentage of a vote. Something like 60% the vote of a superiorly intelligent straight white male like yourself. That way they still feel represented but they can't fuck things up for the rest of the ~master race~ country. We can call it the 60% compromise or something.

these stupid darkies don't know what's good for them!


So I guess you think you know better than the minorities whatā€™s best for them? That sounds a LOT like the arguments people used to make against emancipation and equal voting rights. Out of curiosity does the Klan supply your uniform or do you use your own bedsheets?

I know what's better for most people than they do, because most people are retarded.

I know what's better for rural whites too.

So because you think you know better than black people, and you think you know better than most people in general because they're retarded, that means you think black people are retarded?

Are you sure you're not a Nazi?

I think most black people are retarded, just like most white people are retarded.

Takes one to know one tard.

I know what's better for most people than they do, because most people are retarded.

Says the fuckin NEET

Can you provide some proof I'm a "NEET."

You fucking what? XD People who have something productive to do don't dick around FUCKING r/DRAMA ARGUING ABOUT POLITICS!

So that's a no on the proof?

  1. Learn about Russell's teapot argument
  2. Bring it every time something unconvincing happens
  3. Oh! r/iamverysmart !

Yeah, all fucking possible evidence you wasting your time arguing with people who are fucking obvious trolls suggest you are fucking NEET. But even if somebody would bring video proof you would say "eh, it could be fabricated" or something equally retarded. Fucking edgy kid

So to be clear, that's a no on the proof?

Point out how fucking pointless agruing about proof is "So there is no proof?"

FUCKING GENIUS! 10/10, perfect debating skills, would buy books

Sorry, was that no proof or proof?

some proof I'm a "NEET."

^ This comment thread. Where you posted dozens of replies during normal business/school hours.

So your proof I'm a "neet" is I posted on Reddit, and to be clear here, you believe the only way I could be posting on Reddit during these hours is if I'm a NEET?

That's the argument you want to go with, and you see no glaring holes in said argument?

Your face.

Are you in education, employment, or training?

I'm not answering a single question. I'm taking a stand here, if you make a claim online, make sure you can support it.

> it's of no concern to me.

> proceeds to REEEEE all over every politics thread.

It's like the gay guys that vote republican, it doesn't even make sense.

Translation: If republican voting gays weren't so stupid, they would vote democrat

Condescension will surely make them see the light!

You replied to the wrong person.


Replying to pizza is a loss cause.

You seemed to catch the irony of their statements though.

It's like the gay guys that vote republican, it doesn't even make sense.

It makes perfect sense, most of them are Double-Income No Kids and don't want to funnel their hard-earned money back into a system for a bunch of dumb fucking straights who breed like bunnies and suck off the government teat to funnel their inbred little shits.

I'm just gonna assume you're a troll.

And I'm just gonna assume you're one ugly ass motherfucker, oh wait a second, I'm not gonna "assume it," I'm gonna know it to be fact

You know this soyboy shit won't help you get pussy, right?

It's not often I encounter someone with this low of an intelligence level.

even for /r/drama you take the cake.

It's not often I encounter someone so goddamn ass ugly

even for /r/drama you take the cake


"Even I know I'm ugly as sin so I'm not even going to bother arguing with this bitch"

It's just not entertaining, it's kind of like when an angry teenager runs out of real arguments and starts saying things he thinks will hurt you, because in his tiny world, if someone called him fat, or ugly, that'd hurt him.

You thinking that spam linking my picture and calling me ugly will somehow impact me is more telling of yourself than anything.

You're insecure, so by lashing out in this way you bolster your own low self-esteem.

It's all very basic, really. You operate in the way same a 14 year old bully does, but sadly this isn't high school, so it's an exercise in impotence.

You operate in the way same a 14 year old bully does, but sadly this isn't high school

Nigga you are in /r/drama, shut the fuck up about "14 year old bullies"

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.

holy fuck you're so triggered by the pizza boy ahahaha

Come visit us over at r/RightwingLGBT and try to change our mind! Theyā€™ll love you!

rightwingLGBT has like a grand total of 3 gay people.

  • 2 dykes & a tranny.

And donā€™t you forget it faggot

How many times are you guys gonna get banned from the Republican convention before you realize they don't want you.

Since most of them probably donā€™t identify as Republican and just like trump, Iā€™m sure they donā€™t give a flying fuck.

So when are you gonna show us your bussy?

Why would they like Trump? Who is more valuable to the Trumpster, evangelical cucks or the gays?

Lots of different individual reasons. Mine wonā€™t be theirs.

Head on over and ask them yourself fag

I don't think I'd get a coherent reason from them, in the same way I'm not going to get a coherent reason from any Trumptard.

because ur a beacon of coherence.

Kay buddy. Keep livin the delusion.

I can give coherent reasons for everything I believe. Trumptards on the other hand? Not so much, most of the time they just repeat Trumpian talking points riddled with literal fake news.

lmao /u/pizzashill is one independent womyn who dont need no man ripping his heart out away from going straight Elliot Rodger on some hoes.

You can just see the depression in his eyes.

I would feel bad for him if he wasn't such an irritating autist.


It's like the gay guys that vote republican, it doesn't even make sense.

Same thing with White people and Asians voting D then?

What anti white/Asian policy is the DNC engaged in?

What anti white/Asian policy is the DNC engaged in?

Nothing serious that I know of, but they do pander to a population that is generally hostile to Asians.



Eh, black people vote Democrat because that's where the path to power was and is in most places they live, and as Democrats have done worse with whites the black vote has become more important to them (critically so in the South and Midwest) that it is in fact over-represented within the Democratic Party. Even if they wanted to the GOP has no way of offering that kind of power to black voters within its own party.

Also the GOP is historically a party of the northeast and west while the Democrats are historically the party of the south so it's hardly surprising that the latter does a much better job of outreach at the local level. Just compare the two parties' presidential candidates from the last 50 years for example and try to guess which ones have had better opportunities to make connections with the black community at the local and state levels. This is also why George W Bush did better with Hispanic voters than Mitt Romney: it's a lot easier to connect with Hispanics as the governor of Texas versus being the governor of Massachusetts.

Hey fuck face, the Democrats preach about how "tolerant" they are, but that means fuck-all when you factor in how much their policies have destroyed the black community.

Welfare and the current state of school systems have created entire cities of blacks who have no marketable skills and can't pass basic literacy tests. The Democrats did that, no the Republicans.

Can you explain to me how exactly the Republicans are "racist as shit?" Can you tell me what they've done that's been racist, please?

I'm dead serious when I say this is the most retarded comment I've ever seen anyone write on Reddit.

I'll ignore the racist rants about how democrats have "destroyed the black community" because black people still have issues with poverty, and get right to this absurd shit:

Can you explain to me how exactly the Republicans are "racist as shit?" Can you tell me what they've done that's been racist, please?

  • Racial voter suppression.

  • Trump linking fake crime statistics on twitter to attack black Americans.

  • The southern strategy, in which Republicans outright admitted to:


The perception that the Republican Party had served as the "vehicle of white supremacy in the South", particularly during the Goldwater campaign and the presidential elections of 1968 and 1972, made it difficult for the Republican Party to win the support of black voters in the South in later years.[4] In 2005, Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman formally apologized to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a national civil rights organization, for exploiting racial polarization to win elections and ignoring the black vote.[13][14]

Do I really need to keep going here?

I'm dead serious when I say this is the most retarded comment I've ever seen anyone write on Reddit.

Back at you, you oogly ass motherfucker.

I'll ignore the racist rants about how democrats have "destroyed the black community" because black people still have issues with poverty

"Still have issues with poverty." Hey white boy, that didn't happen out of thin air, it came of Democrat policies.

The southern strategy, in which Republicans outright admitted to:

Ima ignore the shit you said about Trump because I understand that your Trump Derangement Syndrome is too deeply embedded in your inbred caveman skull for you to be reasoned with on anything having to do with Daddy, so let's just jump to this bullshit.


You are so fucking stupid, you needle dicked mayo ass soyboy.

TIL modern racial voter suppression and Trump linking fake crime stats is "50 years ago."

And you top it off with a nice fake LBJ quote.

  • calls someone stupid.

  • repeats fake news about LBJ.

Can't make this shit up.

Right, except it's not fake, and under the "Attributed" section of that page, the word "nigger" is used in multiple quotes.

It's literally fake, there is no proof or evidence he ever said it:


Snopes is not a reliable source.

Here is a literal recording of LBJ saying "nigger," in addition to other racial slurs, while talking about people as merely voters and not people. While there's no recording of the quote in question, it comes from a reliable source and sounds completely plausible based on countless other recordings of him saying similar shit about "niggers." Blacks were pawns in his plans for the party's dominance.

But please, cuck, keep talking about those "racist Republicans" and keep being a useful idiot for the DNC.

Snopes is not a reliable source.

And stopped reading. You have 1 reply to point out what in that snopes article is factually incorrect before you're dismissed.


I read the fucking link, unlike you who just Googled and shared, and then I provided audio of him saying something similar.

Nobody denied that LBJ had used the n word before. That doesn't mean the quote you're claiming he said came from him, and the fact you think this is how logic works reveals you to be a complete moron.

So again - there is no proof that he ever said what you quoted.

To put this into perspective and show exactly how dumb you are.

I've heard you like fucking babies. My proof?


Right here, you used the word fucking.

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in

Exactly what I thought bitch, take a seat.

Unproven is not the same as fake lmao. That's like you guys repeating "TRUMP IS A PEDO" over some magical twist in his words.

Literally no evidence or proof he said it.


But was he a racist?

Probably? Still doesn't mean he said what was quoted, though, now does it?

No no. I just want to know.

If there are no records of Trump dropping the hard R, yet heā€™s a racist; yet there is one of LBJ. Then is LBJ a racist? Yes or no?

Iā€™m not bickering about the 200 years nonsense. Does LBJ dropping the hard R make him a racist, yes or no?

Trump literally linked fake racial crime statistics on twitter.

Yes or no.

Jesus Christ, are you illiterate?

No, just enjoying this.

Was LBJ a racist? Give me that yes or no answer Pizza.

I'm done with you, you literally can't read.

Lol. Easy win.

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.

snopes lol i mean are you even trying to be right?

You have 1 reply to point out what in that article is factually incorrect before being dismissed.

You have 1 reply

Or what, chief?


Just like women have dismissed your ugly ass, huh?

I wish women did dismiss me tbh, I keep finding myself in relationships.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

Dude, take it up with them, foids like me for some reason.

"STFU bitch IRL I get tons of pussy and I don't even like women"

Dude I try my hardest to send them running but they always think I'm joking.

How do they find you in the basement?

I like to leave a trail of pizza crust from the driveway to the side door.

TIL fbi stats showing blacks commit the most crime is ā€œracistā€ and ā€œfake.ā€

TIL you're a complete moron, he didn't link FBI stats, he linked literal fake stats:


Nice try though.

I never referenced Trumps stats. I referenced the FBI.

Hey, is the FBI racist?

Are you retarded?

I said Trump linked fake crime statistics.

You then responded and tried to claim he linked FBI stats.

Who in the actual fuck do you think you're fooling?

Quote me where I said he linked FBI stats.

Quote me.

Because I think you took my statement out of context.

Is the FBI racist?


Here is what I said:

pizzashill 9 points 6 hours ago TIL modern racial voter suppression and Trump linking fake crime stats is "50 years ago."

To which you responded:

rationalhuckleberry [score hidden] 28 minutes ago TIL fbi stats showing blacks commit the most crime is ā€œracistā€ and ā€œfake.ā€

Again, are you trolling? Who do you think you're fooling here?

Is the FBI racist?

When did I accuse the FBI of being racist?

I never said you accused them. I just asked a question, you illiterate incel.

You're more incoherent than Donald Trump.

No, that award goes to you šŸ˜˜

Ew, another white person trying to win brownie points with minorities

News flash, whitey: I don't care

I don't give a shit about youths.

I'm dead serious when I say this is the most retarded comment I've ever seen anyone write on Reddit.

You should start proofreading your own comments then.

are you smart enough to google which parties have been in control over the past 30 or 40 years and see it was in fact both democrats and republicans doing it


you realize Trump could never have gotten elected without the 2012 Obama voter switched to Trump in 2016? do you reaaalllyyy think that many people turned racist in 4 years? something to think about.

I think there's a large and growing amount of evidence that racial anxiety and fears of a declining white majority turned people towards the populist right.

Do you agree this research exists?

im sure you can find some bullshit studies exaggerating figures that make up about one percent of one percent of the population. do yo you deny that former Obama voters are the reason Trump is in office right now?

Do you think former Obama voters are immune to racial anxiety and fears of white decline?

Also, what evidence do you have said studies are "bullshit."

because its very easy to lump people in as 'white supremacists' for arguing against popular black culture which glorifies criminality.

lets try using our own brains here for a second, did millions of Obama voters become racist in 4 years, or did Trump's economic and immigration policy's appeal to them because the DNC promised change and delivered bullshit.

because its very easy to lump people in as 'white supremacists' for arguing against popular black culture which glorifies criminality.

This isn't a valid reason for why the studies are "bullshit" and I'm not sure how you think it is.

Not only that, but the studies don't even look at this. Serious question, have you ever read these papers?

lets try using our own brains here for a second, did millions of Obama voters become racist in 4 years, or did Trump's economic and immigration policy's appeal to them because the DNC promised change and delivered bullshit.

Considering exit polls showed voters worried about the economy voted Hillary Clinton, no, the idea economics is why the least intelligent citizens in our society voted Trump seems questionable.

Better yet, can you explain to me how Trump's economic illiteracy is going to help them?

This isn't a valid reason for why the studies are "bullshit" and I'm not sure how you think it is. Not only that, but the studies don't even look at this. Serious question, have you ever read these papers?

I have read articles posted on /r/politics claiming an increase in 'white nationalism' and ommissions in the specifics of their tells me its bullshit. feel free to link me something that proves me wrong tho.

Considering exit polls showed voters worried about the economy voted Hillary Clinton, no, the idea economics is why the least intelligent citizens in our society voted Trump seems questionable. Better yet, can you explain to me how Trump's economic illiteracy is going to help them?

polls and especially exit polls in the 2016 election have been proven so far from reality I'm surprised you have the balls to cite them. didn't the exit polls also not match up with the results for much of the democratic primary?

lol virtually full employment, over 4% GDP growth, and I personally got a raise from his tax cut. For an economic illiterate something seems to be working. either way, as Michael Moore of all people correctly predicted, voting for Trump was a 'fuck you' to Washington, because the Obama admin SCREWED their voters.

promising change, when pretty much all the changes were negative, telling us to 'see something, say something' then deleting whistleblower protections from their website when actual whistleblowers emerge, expanding the drone strike program, fucking healthcare in the ass even harder, but no, it must be racism.

I have read articles posted on /r/politics claiming an increase in 'white nationalism' and ommissions in the specifics of their tells me its bullshit. feel free to link me something that proves me wrong tho.

So that's you, right now, admitting that you haven't read any of these papers? I need you to say yes or no before I link them.

polls and especially exit polls in the 2016 election have been proven so far from reality I'm surprised you have the balls to cite them. didn't the exit polls also not match up with the results for much of the democratic primary?

A) Polls were literally within margin of error in 2016 and as accurate as they've been historically, which is pretty accurate:



B) National exit polls are fairly accurate, and even if they weren't, there's no way they'd this far off. Trump voters did not vote based on economic facotrs.

lol virtually full employment, over 4% GDP growth,

A) Long term trend:


B) Quarterly GDP growth does not = annual GDP growth.

For an economic illiterate something seems to be working. either way, as Michael Moore of all people correctly predicted, voting for Trump was a 'fuck you' to Washington, because the Obama admin SCREWED their voters.

This is wild. You're citing long term trends as evidence Trump has done something and claiming a man that has started multiple trade wars is not an economic illiterate.

You understand Trump doesn't even understand what GDP is, right?

promising change, when pretty much all the changes were negative, telling us to 'see something, say something' then deleting whistleblower protections from their website when actual whistleblowers emerge, expanding the drone strike program, fucking healthcare in the ass even harder, but no, it must be racism.

Imagine being so retarded you think Obama made healthcare worse when in reality it was a bandaid on a festering wound that slowed healthcare costs and insured more people.

Exactly as I suspected - you're just a profoundly misinformed person with not even a basic comprehension of what you're talking about.

So that's you, right now, admitting that you haven't read any of these papers? I need you to say yes or no before I link them.

I read the articles posted on/r/politics making the same claims you are now, and they were pretty easily debunked as being extremely flexible with the term 'white nationalist' so I don't know if they are these same wonderful 'papers' you still havn't linked, but again feel free to do so.

A) Polls were literally within margin of error in 2016 and as accurate as they've been historically, which is pretty accurate:

on a national scale, for the actual battleground states that matter they were wildly inaccurate. but sure lets give credibility back to the institutions that utterly failed in 2016 because theyve done so much to deserve it

National exit polls are fairly accurate, and even if they weren't, there's no way they'd this far off. Trump voters did not vote based on economic facotrs.

depends what you mean by economic factors, I think Michael Moore of all people said it best.


again, seems a lot more believable then millions of Obama voters turning racist, a point you still havn't addressed really.

Long term trend:

unemployment stagnated in Q3/Q4 of 2016 and immediately dropped sharply right after Trump took office. Also, even if its jsut continuing a trend, a positive trend is still helpinghelping the economy, derp. something you claim he would do the opposite of.

B) Quarterly GDP growth does not = annual GDP growth.

please show me where I ever said it did. O only crested 4% quarterly once in 8 years, Trump has already hit it, and 2017 was in the 3's I believe? seems pretty decent to me.

This is wild. You're citing long term trends as evidence Trump has done something and claiming a man that has started multiple trade wars is not an economic illiterate.

You understand Trump doesn't even understand what GDP is, right?

except the markets aren't suffering nearly as much as the left wishes they would from these trade wars. my friend is pretty into trading and he says it doesn't make sense but the trade war isn't really hurting us, just a lot of uncertainty.

Imagine being so retarded you think Obama made healthcare worse when in reality it was a bandaid on a festering wound that slowed healthcare costs and insured more people.

oh lets get rid of charging more for preexisting conditions, and then wonder why no one buys any health insurance until AFTER they have a condition. I know! we just force them to get insurance with a fine! oh, the fine wasn't nearly enough, so premiums will still shoot up 20-40% ? some bandaid. good job, you've shown how much you understand economics. You're like the stereotypical 'reddit smart'

I read the articles posted on/r/politics making the same claims you are now, and they were pretty easily debunked as being extremely flexible with the term 'white nationalist' so I don't know if they are these same wonderful 'papers' you still havn't linked, but again feel free to do so.

Copy paste where I used the term white nationalist.

As for papers:



on a national scale, for the actual battleground states that matter they were wildly inaccurate. but sure lets give credibility back to the institutions that utterly failed in 2016 because theyve done so much to deserve it

A) National polls are all that matters, in reality.

B) Even in the "battleground states" they were fairly accurate and near or within margin of error.

depends what you mean by economic factors, I think Michael Moore of all people said it best.

No he didn't, the man is a moron, and anyone voting for Trump for his listed reasons is highly misinformed.

again, seems a lot more believable then millions of Obama voters turning racist, a point you still havn't addressed really.

It wasn't millions, and I'm baffled as to where you got that number from.

unemployment stagnated in Q3/Q4 of 2016 and immediately dropped sharply right after Trump took office. Also, even if its jsut continuing a trend, a positive trend is still helpinghelping the economy, derp. something you claim he would do the opposite of. s You have no idea how to read a graph. Unemployment has been dropping for years, the long-term trend was always down. The "economy" has been at full employment for a while too:



Again, you reveal yourself to be clueless.

please show me where I ever said it did. O only crested 4% quarterly once in 8 years, Trump has already hit it, and 2017 was in the 3's I believe? seems pretty decent to me.

Ignoring the fact the president has little to nothing to do with the economy outside of idiots like you looking for scapegoats, here's annual GDP growth dating back years:


The idea Trump has done something to the economy is just hilarious.

except the markets aren't suffering nearly as much as the left wishes they would from these trade wars. my friend is pretty into trading and he says it doesn't make sense but the trade war isn't really hurting us, just a lot of uncertainty.

LOL, trade war isn't hurting us. You are out of your fucking mind, do you even know what the long-term impacts of a trade war are?

oh lets get rid of charging more for preexisting conditions, and then wonder why no one buys any health insurance until AFTER they have a condition.

Dafuq are you even talking about you moron. What do you think the mandate was for?

the fine wasn't nearly enough, so premiums will still shoot up 20-40% ? some bandaid. good job, you've shown how much you understand economics. You're like the stereotypical 'reddit smart'

I like how you cite "20-40% premium increases" ignoring the fact that was slower than pre obamacare:


Under Bush, the average family premiums (including both what employers and employees pay) went up $4,677 in his last six years in office, from 2002 to 2008, an increase of 58 percent. That $4,154 growth under Obama is a 33 percent increase. If we look at Bushā€™s first six years, the discrepancy gets even bigger: From 2000, the year before Bush was first inaugurated, to 2006, the average family premium went up $5,042, or an increase of 78 percent. (See Exhibit 1.11 on page 31 of the KFF report for these numbers.)

Was Obamacare perfect? No, but it did improve the healthcare system, irrefutably. Single payer is the best solution, but Trump and the republicans aren't competent enough to grasp that.

I'll give this a fair response when I have time to break it down properly. but the mandate didn't outweigh the cost of having health insurance when you're healthy so premiums still shot up, when this was supposed to make things cheaper for most people overall, to make up for the people biting the fine and not paying into the system.

this is much the problem with most liberal policies, doesn't account for people being shitty and taking advantage of a good-intentioned system.

If premiums grow at 55% and 78% in the years before the ACA, and grow by 40% in the years after, did it increase or decrease costs?

lololol its still an increase to costs, just at a slower rate. guessing you aren't an accounting major.

I mean, I suspect you aren't if you claim decreasing premium growth is not the same as reducing overall costs.

It even reduced healthcare costs.

The objective fact is the ACA reduced costs.

the premium growth as in its still growing, just at a slower rate. the objective fact is that the majority of American's had their healthcare costs go up, if there were savings, please show me who got them.

Slowing the rate of premium growth is the exact same as reducing costs...

How can you not comprehend this?

the objective fact is that the majority of American's had their healthcare costs go up, if there were savings, please show me who got them.

The objective fact is the ACA slowed the growth of health care costs, meaning the majority of America did not have their healthcare costs go up. When looking at statistics like this you have to compare what they would have been with no ACA. This is pretty basic stuff.

thats not the point, Obama campaigned his health plan under the premise that American's premiums would go down not up.

either way, turns out your claim is based on flawed data


what a surprise, more bullshit studies, almost predictable at this point.

thats not the point, Obama campaigned his health plan under the premise that American's premiums would go down not up.

Again, the fact you can't comprehend how this works is weird. If premium growth was slower/lower post ACA, it means premiums are lower than they would have been without the bill, which is the exact same as reducing premiums.

either way, turns out your claim is based on flawed data

No, it's not. Your own article doesn't even deny premiums increased faster before the ACA, it's saying Bernie Sanders exaggerated the rate at which they increased before the ACA.

The rate of premium growth irrefutably slowed post ACA:


what a surprise, more bullshit studies, almost predictable at this point.

What? You've yet to point out a single study that was "bullshit" and you've yet to even refute my point, you linked something literally confirming my argument and thought it refuted it.

You are a special kind of uh, retard.

if someone's premiums go up $100 dollars under Bush, and then only $40 under O, did their costs increase or decrease under O?

its ok, I break things down Barney style for the inner city kids I tutor all the time, I can make it simpler if you need to, but do you see where you're fucking up here?

This is a prime example of the dunning kruger effect.

if someone's premiums go up $100 dollars under Bush, and then only $40 under O, did their costs increase or decrease under O?

If their premiums would have gone up 120 dollars without the ACA, they've saved money. The fact you can't comprehend this and are claiming to tutor people is alarming.

but did Obama not promise that he would decrease the cost of healthcare compared to as it was at that time, not if it had continued to rise at that same rate? which btw isn't as disparate as you're claiming.


but did Obama not promise that he would decrease the cost of healthcare compared to as it was at that time

Are you actually this learning disabled? It's literally impossible to decrease the cost of healthcare in any other way with how inflation works.

Every time I encounter one of you people the fact Trump managed to get elected makes way more sense. You guys like don't even understand numbers on a basic level.

obviously we are accounting for inflation genius, interesting how you chose to leave it out when comparing Bush numbers to Obama, as my previous link showed, when accounting for inflation, Premiums did not go up twice as much under Bush as Obama.

Dude, the premiums still grew faster before the ACA, that was the point.

How are you not comprehending this?

I understand what you're saying but it doesn't make logical sense with how insurance works. good economics is often bad politics. Healthcare reform was coming, it was a hot button for the last two elections, I think Obamacare was a very poor substitute. since you're so insistent that premiums would have rose much higher without Obamacare, could you explain how? because while im still looking this up, seems also clear to me that there could have been other economic factors raising or lowering costs, ie inflation which you had left out in your earlier statistics.

You need to understand how health care costs work and why higher insurance rates tend to = lower overall healthcare costs.

The reason you see those absurdly high healthcare bills in the US isn't because the hospital actually expects to get that much from you.

So someone with insurance might show up to the hospital, the hospital is in their network, they might bill you 25 thousand dollars and hope to see maybe 10 thousand dollars.

Now when someone isn't insured, they might get that same bill, and because they have no bargaining power/insurance they're on the hook for the full 25 thousand dollars.

Basically, the more people that have insurance, the less strain is put on the hospitals that by law are required to give you care if you need it, the lower overall costs are.

I think Obamacare was a very poor substitute.

Sure, if you want to argue the ACA could have been better, you aren't wrong. Even people that support the ACA know it wasn't perfect, the intent was to get the ball rolling. Hillary Clinton, for example, in her private speeches discusses the ACA strategy:

And indeed now with President Obama's legislative success in getting the Affordable Care Act passed that is what we've done. We still have primarily an employer-based system, but we now have people able to get subsidized insurance. So we have health insurance companies playing a major role in the provision of healthcare, both to the employed whose employers provide health insurance, and to those who are working but on their own are not able to afford it and their employers either don't provide it, or don't provide it at an affordable price. We are still struggling. We've made a lot of progress. Ten million Americans now have insurance who didn't have it before the Affordable Care Act, and that is a great step forward. (Applause.) And what we're going to have to continue to do is monitor what the costs are and watch closely to see whether employers drop more people from insurance so that they go into what we call the health exchange system. So we're really just at the beginning. But we do have Medicare for people over 65. And you couldn't, I don't think, take it away if you tried, because people are very satisfied with it, but we also have a lot of political and financial resistance to expanding that system to more people. So we're in a learning period as we move forward with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. And I'm hoping that whatever the shortfalls or the glitches have been, which in a big piece of legislation you're going to have, those will be remedied and we can really take a hard look at what's succeeding, fix what isn't, and keep moving forward to get to affordable universal healthcare coverage like you have here in Canada.

Tip: when you find yourself agreeing with anything Moore says, you're probably retarded.

except the numbers don't debunk it at all. Trump doesn't win the white house without flipping massive amounts of former Obama voters, change my mind.

What are you even smoking, lol. He didn't flip many voters, turnout, demographic shifts, and delusion explain Trump, nothing else.

no he just flipped multiple states that were safely blue in 2012, but not the actual voters that were in them. great argument.

nothing else, no one could possibly be disenfranchised after being promised change and getting lied to.

no he just flipped multiple states that were safely blue in 2012, but not the actual voters that were in them. great argument.

Look, I get you aren't very informed on most of these subjects, and you kind of just base your opinions on emotion rather than formulating them based on what the reality is, but my god.

The electoral college is winner take all. There is no such thing as a "blue wall" or a "red wall." At most even the safest of "walls" are a few percentage points away from flipping.

The election came down to about 80 thousand votes in those states.


Donald Trump owes his victory in the Electoral College to three states he won by the smallest number of votes: Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. So it's fair to say that the 2016 presidential election was decided by about 77,000 votes out of than 136 million ballots cast. According to the final tallies, Trump won Pennsylvania by 0.7 percentage points (44,292 votes), Wisconsin by 0.7 points (22,748 votes), Michigan by 0.2 points (10,704 votes). If Clinton had won all three states, she would have won the Electoral College 278 to 260. She fell short in all three, of course, and that's why we are now getting accustomed to the reality of President-elect Donald J. Trump. (This article has been updated to reflect final results.)

The idea Donald Trump flipped "millions of voters" is dishonest at best, willful ignorance at worst.

nothing else, no one could possibly be disenfranchised after being promised change and getting lied to.

Or, you know, rural people are perpetually enraged morons that have little to no understanding of how the world works. If the GOP wants to tie their noose with these voters, more power to them. I'll stick with the majority of the country and I'll take a long-term demographics victory over a short-term rural moron victory.

Donald Trump owes his victory in the Electoral College to three states he won by the smallest number of votes: Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. So it's fair to say that the 2016 presidential election was decided by about 77,000 votes out of than 136 million ballots cast. According to the final tallies, Trump won Pennsylvania by 0.7 percentage points (44,292 votes), Wisconsin by 0.7 points (22,748 votes), Michigan by 0.2 points (10,704 votes). If Clinton had won all three states, she would have won the Electoral College 278 to 260. She fell short in all three, of course, and that's why we are now getting accustomed to the reality of President-elect Donald J. Trump. (This article has been updated to reflect final results.)

those are only three of the states he flipped. disingenuous to leave all the other districts and states he flipped from 2012, on the go right now so I can't look up the sources, but the 'millions flipped' isn't so unfounded as you're making out.

its not emotion to say that Obama reneged on his campaign promises.

those are only three of the states he flipped.

You understand the other states he "flipped" are swing states, correct, as in they can go either way depending on the election?

its not emotion to say that Obama reneged on his campaign promises.

Oh man, you mean to tell me someone running for political office in the united states of America made promises he couldn't possibly keep once in office?

Next you're going to tell me the sky is blue, grass is green, and Donald Trump has a learning disability.

ad hominem fallacy to a tee. don't argue with the points he's saying just say he's a retard. you're a meme.

The DEMOCRAT plantation

Wait I thought it was AUNT GEMINA


Damn, is pinging allowed agai-

[+]pizzashill comment score below threshold (240 children)

Oh for fucks sake.

Lol at tankie voting brigade.

Just cuz you mass downvote a reddit news thread doesnt mean it already made the rounds on Twitter and other social media. Why not just accept it and be like "Yeah, there is retards of all political flavors."?

I tried to edit this image but gave up


Replace "mice" with "tankies"

The only rats that'll flock to a sinking ship

Not so - else all of these idiots would have moved to Venezuela or North Korea by now. When others point at the sinking ship they will just claim ā€œit wasnā€™t a real boatā€ or ā€œreal buoyancy has never been tried.ā€

Like we just spent the 20th century fighting off accusations that socialism was the same thing as communism

Then the minute the socialist movement actually starts going somewhere in America these idiots are like "Uhhh wait that's wrong, we actually do worship dictators".

Castro and Tito are like your gateway dictators, no real . Then your like "Hey Lenin had a few good points here", next thing you know your reading Mao's little red book and underneath a Stalin poster

The best part is when you realize if the proggies sink the good ship Democrat we are going back to 1908.

This is my favorite comment of the month

The problem seems to be that moderation is not very sexy. Everyone can agree that 70f is generally a better temperature than 110f or -50f, but it doesn't work in politics for some reason. "We need to rally for our right to be boring!" just doesn't get out the vote.

you see, Socialism IS Communism.

Yeah, there is retards of all political flavors."?

Candace Owens is one of them. She's dogshit fucking stupid.



The mayos are the ones that point at her as a token.

...OK? Not sure what that has to do with anything, but alright. The fact that you insulted a proud POC woman disgusts me, you bigot. I'm banning you from /r/news.

I think you confused yourself trying to be funny and now you're the mayo.

Ah, of course you'd try to diminish and silence a minority just because she is your political polar opposite. Sad.

You're trying too hard dude.


No u.

Candace Bigsby is an honorary mayo so we need to kick her out too.

The fact that the same people who railed against this woman when she was promoting Social Autopsy hold her up as some kind of paragon of free speech now will never not be funny.

Don't insult dog shit.

You do realize that Charlie Kirk started a "Professor watch list" for people to doxx college professors on so that this exact type of shit would happen to them?

Kirk got a taste of his own medicine. How anyone can sympathize with him over the exact same thing he encouraged others to do is absolutely beyond me.

Lol who cares?

How exactly does one 'doxx' a public figure using their real name? Are you retarded?

It was publishing their home addresses so random people would go harass and threaten them, which they did, you ignorant fuck.

going need a source there sport.

Look it up you little cunt

not how this works boyo. you made the claim its on you to prove it if you want anyone to believe it. then again your attitude tells me you're really just angry you can't get laid.


There, now please admit that I'm right.

I'm just joking - I know you won't do that, you altright incel queer.

it doesn't say anything about home addresses you fricking psycho moron.

it simply provides conservative students with a guide to their professors, akin to Ratemyprofessors.com,[11] enabling them to avoid left-wing classes.[5] Over one hundred University of Notre Dame faculty members signed an open letter asking to be included in the site, saying in part:[12] ?We surmise that the purpose of your list is to shame and silence faculty who espouse ideas you reject. But your list has had a different effect upon us. We are coming forward to stand with the professors you have called "dangerous," reaffirming our values and recommitting ourselves to the work of teaching students to think clearly, independently and fearlessly.

from your own source. smh. maybe thats why you can't get laid, retards shouldn't breed anyways

where does it say it listed their home addresses you disingenuous fuck

Where do you think they got the directives to harass them you lying scumbag?

have you ever heard the term, 'moving goalposts'? you claimed that CHarlie Kirk was listing home addresses of Professors, were you not?

Sure, let's move the goalposts to "Charlie Kirk led a harassment campaign against teachers".

and I can follow back with, 'some extremists abused a website made by Charlie Kirk, which was designed to protect conservative students from biased professors'

are you against ratemyteacher.com as well? people were harassed for reviews on their as well.

which was designed to protect conservative students from biased professors'

That's a lie. If you have to lie, you lose.

its not about winning or losing, its discovering the facts. the facts are that is what Charlie Kirk claimed in its design. unless you can find proof showing otherwise, the only one lying or making baseless accusations is you.

No, the facts are about what happened. He knew exactly what he was doing, and if you're going to continue pretending that he was innocent in the outcome then you're as big a liar as your dipshit retard president.

He knew exactly what he was doing

this is the part that you are insisting but can't prove. I'm not 'pretending' he's innocent, under a court of law there is absolutely nothing you can prove he did maliciously in this case. Are you denying there are liberally biased professors?

No, I'm not denying that. Most educated people are liberally biased. Conservatives, and people like you who fall for the plausible deniability line like a bunch of fucking rubes, tend to not be very well educated or intelligent.

aw its cute you're still trying to be angry. Liberals tend to need to belong to a group, to fall back on because they can't stand on their own. Also why they fall apart in individual debates, much like you are right now.

all that education on the left, yet all the small business owners are on the right? Probably why you need to make up boogeymen to fight, you aren't contributing anything worthwhile otherwise.

so since you have no response, Im taking it as an admittal that you actually have no proof of your initial claims. what a surprise.

yet all the small business owners are on the right

A lie.

Probably why you need to make up boogeymen to fight, you aren't contributing anything worthwhile otherwise.

These aren't made up boogeymen. Our country is being run by corrupt, evil fucks right now. It would almost be funny if it wasn't so infuriating that the right has become so fucking oblivious to it.

Im taking it as an admittal that you actually have no proof of your initial claims.

I win, you lose. Too bad, cry more.


the plurality are conservative, dipshit. keep trying, its funny how you keep making yourself look like a meme about deranged liberals.

39 percent is not even close to "all" you lying piece of cancerous shit. Fuck off and die.

lool if thats the best hyperbole you can call me on I think Im doing ok, just like you said that being educated = liberal. considering Democratic business owners are the clear minority my original point still stands. all that education, but no balls to actually make something yourself. much easier to rage against your repressed pussification anonymously online

I win, you lose, cry more faggot

whatever you say big boy, its going to be a long 6 years for you huh

Cry. More.

aww, out of arguments, thats cute. bless your heart.

I win, you lose, keep crying snowflake

you know this is why we think you're all mentally challenged right?

I win, you lose

sure you do buddy, just like you won the election and the next one

I win, you lose

as long as you feel like a winner thats what counts big guy!

I win, you lose.

then why are you so worried about convincing me?

I win, you lose.

broken record tactic, very effective.

I win, you lose


I win, you lose


I win, you lose

oh you're still on this ok

I win, you lose

say it again, maybe this time it'll be true.

I win, you lose

why do you keep repeating this?

I win you lose

not embarrassed yet? or just realllly want this to be your last word

I win, you lose.

sure buddy

I win you lose

forgot the comma this time

I win you lose.

oh so you're going without the comma now? nice change of pace

I win, you lose.

hey I'm glad you're listening. good boi

I win you lose.

aw, u disappoint

I win, you lose.

good boi, now stay consistent

I win you lose.


I win you lose.

sighs in disappointment**

I win, you lose.


Alright I got bored before you did

holy crap, i honestly was wondering if you'd made a script to auto reply me with that

Just answer "Yes, i am retarded." next time. Much quicker.

Nothing that guy said was wrong. Stop being aids.

His entire statement is wrong, now fuck off back to SRD or wherever.

Sure thing Charlie kirk.

Oh, so you're just a trump Nazi. Got it. Just open with that next time.

Low quality b8


Smh, if only she knew that 15th amendment only allows her to vote Democrat.

She may be just another conservathot looking for the patreon dollars, but the liberal outrage she causes is amazing.

Rightists hate when people claim to be oppressed because of their race or gender except when they're right-wing.

It's hilarious because she wouldn't get nearly as much attention and money if people weren't hysterical.

I love conservatives being racist towards democrat voting black by saying that they're slaves to the liberal indoctrination and too dumb to think for themselves. I don't care if Coondace is black or not. She's a racist piece of shit. And yes I see the irony in my post.

Reverse racism on both sides. Radical!!!

can't tell if shes just a troll lapping up the moron spotlight or if she is really so dumb as to think her strawman arguments are legit.

As someone who was paying close attention to her doxxing website and subsequent run-in with GamerGate, I've never seen a more retarded and unhinged lolcow than Candace Owens.

Here's just a random sampling of her tweets at the time: http://archive.li/FEY4O

It's really amazing that someone hired her for their cause. Personally, I'd pay money for her to be on the opposing side. Just look at this unhinged shit: "I will personally call the UN tomorrow and get in touch with the right person. This is sick." and "I've gone from a femi-nazi idiot barbie to a hardcore gamer. REEEEEEEACCCHHHHHHH" and "How many troll accounts do you guys think these girls run? How deep do you think this goes?"

It's really amazing that someone hired her for their cause

Is it though? She's black and an outspoken pro-trumper. They need every person of color they can get, so far they have like 3.

When the most common criticisms of your political party are that your leaders are conspiracy theorists, nutjobs, or racists... I'm really not convinced that hiring the black conspiracy theorist/nutjob is the home run they seem to think it is.

Also, I would prefer if they'd found someone a little less... "outspoken"

Honestly I think they are just going whole hog on the fear-mongering tactic. It's become just a power struggle vs any meaningful attempt at policy-wrangling.

It's really amazing that someone hired her for their cause. Personally, I'd pay money for her to be on the opposing side.

I think you just answered your own question.

There is so much in there, according to your username I imagine you look like this.

Confident masculinity

good stuff

Iā€™m digging the bizarro world optics on this

Yeah, I don't really care about the shitfits Pizzashill and Queenoftheincels are throwing, but a group of white kids to harassing a black woman because she is the white supremacist is some juicy shit. Same with that Portland Antifa crew calling police racial slurs while at the same time accusing them of racism.

It's the kind of thing that keeps you doubletaking until your neck breaks.

Iā€™m honestly impressed they donā€™t appreciate the irony of them attacking so many Democrats turned independent for the very reason theyā€™re showing. They have to be trolling, there is no way someone is that dense. Fuck politics down south is fucked up, and I can see it happening more and more here in Canada. Iā€™m calling a civil war when Trump does a reelection campaign, anyone want to start a betting site for this?

As if these chuckleheads are Democrats. They vote for socialist candidates, workers' party candidates, etc. Sure if they had to pick a color it would be blue, but that's as much of a group to judge the Democrats by as Skinheads are for the Republicans.

They each align with a party, but the average member of that party will have more in common with a member of the opposing party than either fringe group.

Then they need to start getting a hell of a lot more vocal on saying theyā€™re not part of the party and outliers. The amount of ā€œwell the republicans are racist anyways so I donā€™t care lulā€ circle jerking going on in that thread is absurd.

Fuck, hunting people down and disrupting their breakfast because they have different ideas from you is idiotic to me too, but I guess thatā€™s the level of discourse we hit.

Lol at all the conservatives seriously arguing you're not allowed to harass a black women even if she says retarded shit.

They're sounding more and more like the SJWs they hate every day.

They're sounding more and more like the SJWs they hate every day.

That's the point retard. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

"My enemy is playing around in their own feces, so if I play around in my own feces I'll look super cool and everyone will like me!"

Not surprising, because we already know conservatives are into diaperplay.

>equating societal political issues to literally playing around in shit

Do you ever have normal conversations with people?

>equating societal political issues to literally playing around in shit

Do you ever have normal conversations with people?

Do you ever have normal conversations with people?

You do realize what sub you're in right?

I mean, yeah. But even here most people first thought isn't to go directly to talking about playing in shit.

I guess this place just attracts the best of the best.

I come here from time to time and people talking about playing in shit is 10000000000000000% the norm. I mean look at the image on the sidebar lol.

Don't kinkshame him

I think you're actually the minority in that sense

TBH that's the most accurate comparison I've seen all week.

Conservatives have been saying that for decades. At some point they become your rules too.

Implying they actually give it any thought and arent just sperging out like they always have

It's the kind of point only a man who failed to get into a college and immediately began blaming black people could come up with.

I feel like Charlie Kirk conservatism with Candice Owens and all his other woke minority voices is just controlled opposition or some shit lmao, heā€™s out here like ā€œmuh identity politics muh stupid sjw all conservatism really means is international capitalismā€ and then does nothing but host ā€œright wing Latino womanā€ rallies and pander like crazy lmao, dudes fake as fuck

Iā€™m sure the mods will get right in there and ban anyone they vaguely dislike without thought or reason.

"I think mayos are subhuman degenerates and should be systematically killed."


This post has been locked because you guys can't behave.

" So a bunch of white and what I assume are Democrats, rallied and chased a black woman out of a restaurant? Getting back to their roots I see. "

American politics: 1. watch a video of a bunch of kids doing dumb shit. 2. Assume their political party. 3. Use video of children combined with assumption of political beliefs to stereotype an imaginary group of people. 4. get mad and post online. 5. feel good about self.

That's the beauty of a two party system. You don't have to think all that much.

two party system is practically built into democracy though. Countries with 3+ parties always have the smaller parties making alliances with the 2 biggest ones so they can get 51% of the vote

That's... not how it works. Look at France, their governing party came out of nowhere just before the elections.

idk man, I don't even care about politics. I just like to shit out opinions

Although coalitions are much more important here, it is the same in the Netherlands with the Freedom Party (Wilders). I hate where he stands for and his antics made it impossible for them to wield any real power, but I love that someone can start a new party and rush in like a whirlwind. Wilders just 'forgot' (by design probably) that you need other parties.

Coalitions make it that you need to represent all voters, not just your party base, and sometimes that means having to work with parties you're not entirely compatible with.

Yeah, remember how shocked and surprised everyone was? How people were like "Wow this is so unusual to happen in a democracy where the two big tent parties don't make it to an election!"

Like, exceptions are not the rule. I mean, political realignments happen, and this one happens to be global.

Not at all, congress (or equivalent) representations aren't really binary in most of the west.

It's built into first past the post which != democracy.

Try again sweaty.

I ain't sweaty

Libtards pwned

I met Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens once in CA. When I walked up I could tell they were expecting/hoping for a confrontation but I disarmed them with my radical centrism. Kirk is a fucking giant. Ugly as sin too.

There's something off-putting about Kirk's face. Might have to do with this... http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/rickandmorty/images/0/08/Image-3.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20160812021835

Yes definitely. Also his teeth all angle *inward*. It's kind of off putting.

TIL - anifia literally equals neo nazis

This but unironically.

As one wag said, "Democrats have not run this many people out of restaurants since the civil rights era."

Anyone remember when Candace Owens was a radfem who doxxed people for being mean to her? Glad she's being equally insufferable.

Once a radical always a radical ;)


why do you hate black people?

How retarded do you have to be to make fucking Candace Owens look smart?

Antifa level

Dude omg the right has lost its way so bad lol the downvoting brigade in there was yikes.

"We ArE tEh SlAvE FrEeInG pArTy Of lInCoLn" *waves confederate flag

like yikes so squicky and gross omg llo

I'm still pissed I got banned from there for posting a non worthy comment and pissing off some baby mod. Didn't even get a chance to shitpost about antifa or muslims or something.

OH NO the left yelled at the house nigger


= Someone with pink hair throws some water on you.

= Go on Fox News and cry about being persecuted.

All I know about her is that she works for toilet paper America and is retarded

Antifa is just upset that Candace isn't going to be their house nigger

Candace Owens only became a conservative when she realized they were marginally stupider than Twitter progressives.