“Hitler’s Target should have been republicans, not the Jews or gays.”

59  2018-08-08 by fvckconservatives


Pretty sure it's a troll, but if so it's some serious delusion.


Honestly, I kinda feel sorry for him if he’s not trolling. That’s a deep level of hatred to have, and it definitely didn’t come from nowhere.

And there's a lot of comments in /r/politics just like those.

I made a post in debate an atheist the other day, and I can tell you people like this exist unironically just from that experience.

Dude you come off like a fucking retard in that thread stop being bussyblasted

But I am a fucking retard. What exactly is the issue here?


This is /r/Drama, that's what goes on here just everyone is autistic and pretends they are above it.

You should encourage him regardless. Political violence is good for dramacoin.

pretty sure

In that case, you're "pretty" retarded.


SHame on you for falling for this bait.

Universal Shaamgaud Allah's teachings on this matter are clear: Adolf Hitler was originally destined to be a prophet of peace named Abdula Muhammad. What prevented this? The prophet Isa (Jesus) was not allowed to preach to the gods and earths in peace. Isa was killed too soon, with few followers and only a fraction of his teachings shared, which led to the corruption of his messages.

Evidence of this lost destiny is plainly visible - the very symbol of the swastika is a bent or broken cross. He still held an affinity for the semi-Asiatic Moors - yet he loathed the full Moors of Africa. He was obviously aware of the evil genetic experiments and breeding programs of Dr. Yakub, but instead of teaching his fellow mayos of these ancient crimes and helping them overcome their deviltry, he chose to emulate Dr. Yakub and perform cruel experiments and mass murders of his own.

Username checks out amirite EXKS DEEEE

tell me right now why you don’t deserve to be raped and murdered. I’m serious. What good have you done for the world? Why do you think gay people shouldn’t be married? Why do you think gay people don’t deserve rights in general? Why do you think money is more important than the environment? Answer those questions for me you shitstain.

That is some distinguished well through out political perspective right there. Perfectly reasonable and not at all the deepest darkest pit of autism ever to be briefly lit by the light of insanity.

This is the laziest fucking trolling ever.

Is it? Replace Republicans with religious people, and you've got yourself a New Atheist basically.

It is pretty over the top

Oh it is, but it tracks completely for someone having a meltdown and using Reddit as an outlet. I've done it before, although I deleted my account afterwards because shame. So I guess it is trolling to an extent, the person isn't espousing beliefs they actually hold, or at least not accurately and trying to get a response, but it isn't trolling in the sense that the user is doing it for fun, it's a legit emotional outlet.

I'm interested in what the overall result is to basically have social media act as a sink for people's frustrations irl and if it's essentially growing the total frustration as the media itself grows, I'm sure there are real life versions of this as well.

Man imagine lynching a dude and having it half be because you don't know how to express grief over your own inadequacy, people are fucking nuts.

Also Bussy Word of the Year 2018.

It's the OPs alt account.

See? Now that's how you do lazy.

Oh no, the poor oppressed religious people of this world :((


He was severely bussyblasted by some meanie atheists a couple days ago and he's still recovering.

New Atheist

Ah yes the terrifying group that's incited violence between people across the world.


He was severely bussyblasted by some meanie atheists a couple days ago and he's still recovering.

and yet, hundreds of retards still took the bait.

Hitler is the “only” villain these faggots know

That or voldemort or palpatine

Palpatine wasn't a villain

But but muh sithlord


Sounds like your average r/politics user, TBH.

Your own post history suggests you posted this yourself on an alt, OP.

Hes a troll but hes right

This is obviously OPs alt account.

posting garbage b8 with an alt and posting it here

OP is a ultra faggot, and you deserve ultra AIDS.

If he was using Republican in the non-burger way he could be an ultra-conservative Kaiser larper. I’d at least be new and interesting.

If I could go back in time I would kill Clinton.

op is a faggot

Republicans, jews and gays are the same thing, buddy.