Antifa and Fascists Clash at Washington Today

91  2018-08-12 by God_Of_Sky


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When I first saw this article from, its title was:

Washington braces for white nationalists a year after Charlottesville clashes

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Did anyone get turned into a veg this time?

I hope they all do


Given the BMI's of most of them, this will be the first time a veg was ever associated with their bodies


Radical centrism achieved.

Most of them already were.

Given that only two dozen people showed up, I'm going to say the "Unite the Right" rally itself.

There was no clash, headline is bogus.

Unfortunately no one turned into their preferred diet this time.

People in a coma have a very small carbon footprint.

a 17-year-old who lives in Maryland, was wearing a vest with ā€œAntifaā€ on the back and said he was there to help start a movement of peaceful anti-fascists. He said he was concerned that when rallies turn violent, it makes his side look bad. ā€œPublic perception is key,ā€ he said.

So this is what Antifa is like then. They don't care about the violence, just how it affects their image.


Thatā€™s about right

Why can't people just embrace the moral high ground of white supremacy?

No one here does. But we've all seen antifa these past few years and they haven't actually done anything but bolster the fascists.

I agree, but I'm not falling for your look over there bullshit. These are the dudes that raised torches and Nazi flags, while one of them murdered a counter protestor.

I agree which is why antifa is a terrible solution to deal with them. You know you have a problem when your side makes the fascists look better. This is why Trump won, because the left and center couldn't mobilize an oppositon to the right that would convince those in the middle.

These idiots on the right are doing the same thing you are complaining about though. Some of them stated that they aren't going to this 2nd unite the right rally because the car of peace ruined their moral high ground.

Honesly if the people can't figure out that neither of these violent morons has a point, let alone picking the white supremacists, then this country deserves everything coming for it.

Yeah, the right took advantage of the far left wanting to fuck shit up and even though they kinda made a fool of themselves at first with Trump, they didn't do it as badly as the center and left did, and at the end of the day, people really just care about image. It's the reason dogwhistling works, cause you don't out yourself as an idiot that way.

Then why the fuck are you complaining about caring about image?

Because the right ended up with a better image than the left to the American population. Even if neither image was particularly good. That led to the right winning.

So, it is the left's responsibility that the right has gone too far. Am I getting this retarded argument right? They both have good people?

No, my point is that if the left hopes to win they need to create a better image than the right. If half the country thinks fascists and white supremacists are better candidates, then the fascists are obviously going to keep winning. It doesn't matter how good or bad the people are so long as their image is better than the opposition.

Then why the fuck are you complaining about caring about image?

Yes, they are.


One failureman lashing out isn't enough to justify saying an ideology is dangerous. If it were enough you could look at the van attack in Nice and determine that all Islam is dangerous. That would be a pretty foolish thing to do.

I'm not claiming that white nationalism isn't dangerous I just think the criteria you used to judge it as such is BS.

Being a literal fucking eugenicist is dangerous, the attack is just icing on the shit cake, not the reason I think they are dangerous.

New America's tally shows that since September 11, 2001, incidents of right-wing extremism have caused 73 deaths

Nah it's about the same.

Lmao the seriousposter deleted their shit.



Itā€™s almost as if the antifa side is peaceful and not plowing into crowds of people with their mommyā€™s charger.

lmao if you actually believe tyhis

Iā€™m sad for youšŸ˜¢

Antifa literary wants to round up people. They are far left extremist, how the hell do you think they wanna achieve their utopia. Its sure not via hugs. The nazi larping neo fascist are a big problem but pretending antifa are peace laving hippies is not accurate either.

Anti fascists are the real fascists? What are words? Thatā€™s one of the myriad problems with right wing idealogy it requires a complete disconnect from facts and reality. I mean the 1984 references are overdone but only because itā€™s scary accurate. Literal nazis are met with anything less than pleasentness and extreme deference and all of a sudden people who oppose them are scary Trotskyites who are the real issue. Goebells would surely salute your valiant efforts.

Antifa are far left. Antifa are not fascist. Facism does not have a monopoly on political violence. Who the fuck is teaching you people world history, cause they need to be slapped in the face. This is why we need better school funding in the US, retards are starting to learn history via twitter jokes.

Antifa in their current form are a combination of far left extremism, ranging from communist to anarchists. They began as in the 80s as Blac Bloc, as a way to violently protest and riot against various issues of the Cold War, primarily organizations such as the World Bank and the WTO, which they saw a growing capitalist force.

Further back they have a more loose connection with the antifacist communist movements during WW2. Lord knowns antifa can't shut the fuck up about Catalonia everytime they open their mouths on reddit. Because apparently a small growingly authoritharian yet divided commume that is the best communist can offer.


You were the one deleting your comments lmai

Yeah cause clearly I was wrong and so were the others defending my point.

Cool rant bro. Opposing nazis doesnā€™t make you worse than a Nazi. Or even in the same ballpark. Seeing a Nazi rally and thinking ā€œgee those anti nazis are the real problem here. Standing up to nazis only makes more nazis!ā€ Makes you a retard. As evidence by their piss poor turnout today compared to last year. The only safe space theyā€™ll have left soon are MAGA rallies.

Of course opposing nazis doesn't nake you a nazi. But lets be real and accept antifa is not a peaceful friend of the people either. Im glad the alt right got only like 50 larpers in their retarded proto fascist rally.

Who are antifas leaders? Whatā€™s their organization like? Who are their spokespeople and representatives? The antifa ā€œThreatā€ isnā€™t real itā€™s more retarded boomer pearl clutching.

hey can you put on a praise kek shirt for a second I've got a friend with a bike lock that you should meet šŸ™„

Antifa is a loosely connected bloc that is independently run. I know one of the leaders of Baltimore antifa and he's much different than anybody from the Philly bloc or even the DC bloc. Just because their names aren't released publicly doesn't mean there are no leaders. Antifa is not peaceful and describing it as such is disingenuous.

Your argument could be applied to modern day Al-Qaeda or really any terrorist organization (not saying antifa is a terrorist organization) to claim they are no threat.

They literally are no threat. Right wing extremism is the threat. They are a response to that. You may not agree with every stance or position but they arenā€™t the ones taking over wildlife refuges or spouting QAnon shit, plowing their cars through peaceful protesters or starting wildfires.

Is it possible for there to be more than one threat at a time? Do you think there aren't lists of examples of antifa violence ( compiled by people who think how you do but are on the other side of the horseshoe?

I would never say antifa is as bad as a fascist, but to claim they are no threat shows an ignorance that I think has to be fueled by ideology.

The ideology itself is oppressive. Instead of debunking somebody we label them a fascist, or even a Nazi and are free to assault them as we see fit. After a while it becomes a lot easier to see everyone you disagree with as some shade of Nazi.

The ideology behind antifa is troubling even if there were no examples of violence that has been carried out. Political violence requires some sort of power and I think if antifa had any we would see a disturbing amount of it, because the ideology is fundamentally broken.

Lol you post a manlet Ben Shapiro daily wire article. It speaks for itself and you. Youā€™re a tard please donā€™t vote.

Yawn. I specifically said that these types of lists are easy to compile and was trying to show that it's a bad way to argue for an ideology.

They are easy to compile if you an apartheid state supporting manlet who likes to screech about cultural Marxism (lol) like Ben Shapiro.

It's funny how easily you see through that type of argument when you disagree with the result.

Daily Wire isnā€™t a news source you dolt. Itā€™s neo nazi fan fiction. Thereā€™s a distinction there that should be obvious.

What news source did you post? These lists of violent acts are easy to compile and aren't a real argument for or against any ideology. It's wild that what I chose as an example as a bad argument is the only thing you latched onto. I can't think of any reason you would do that.

Your arguement doesnā€™t even make sense. If there was any real credible antifa threat Fox News brietbart et all would be shrieking hysterically non stop about it. Instead they gotta invent shit. Itā€™s oretty telling your concerned with this instead of ya know, the actual white nationalists in charge of the country.

So this outlier indicts the majority of Americans who would consider themselves anti fascist? And somehow minimizes the danger of rising right wing nationalism and straight up nazis?

No, this outlier doesn't condemn antifa the same way a woman being murdered doesn't indict the alt-right. The standard for suppressing speech should be more rigorous than looking at statistical outliers and treating them as representative of a population.

The alt right is definitely complicit in Heather Hayers murder

Nice changing of the goalposts.

I hate the "antifa is not an organization" and "antifa just means anti-fascist" memes that pop up every time it is discussed on the left leaning parts of reddit.

Like be honest at the very least: it's a loose coalition of "affinity groups" that range from red to black and believe the state should be smashed. Small potatoes but don't tell me the potatoes aren't real.

Opposing nazis doesnā€™t make you worse than a Nazi.

Then maybe they should get in a fight with actual Nazis sometime instead of just throwing shit at the cops.

Where did that happen today? Oh right it didnā€™t.

How did I predict this?

Some counterprotesters shot fireworks in the direction of police officers around the time that Unite the Right participants were escorted away. Some protesters also threw eggs at police officers.

I guess I must be psychic or something.

Whatā€™s your point retard? Thatā€™s your definition of violence and the scary Antifa?

My point is that if 100% of the time you physically assault people who are not Nazis, and you rarely assault Nazis, you don't get to play the "I'm just punching Nazis" card. Which is a pretty fucking easy point for people without brain damage to understand, but then I am talking to a guy who is so obsessed with weed that you made it your username.

Holy shit, they're irredeemable. I heard they even hit a guy with a bike lock once.

So maybe white supremacists will shoot a brown person every few weeks, like today. Is that really too high a price to pay to keep the antifa monsters at bay? Bike locks, people.

Bike locks.

Nazi retards can fuck off. If the riot police throws some mace in their face im gonna laugh.

It depends if you consider commies to be on par with nazis. They're both violent authoritarian ideologies and I don't have a problem with either being met with force such that the people practicing them are brought back into line within the rules of society. Being opposed to either one does not mean you are automatically a good guy. That's what antifa doesn't grasp.

Antifa literally wants to round up people.

Where are you getting that from?

The eunuch should not be prideful of his chastity.

Thereā€™s been some pretty alpha eunuchs throughout the years.

can't say the same for antifa USA though

I would love an opportunity to push you into a pit of lava (in Minecraft, of course).

Wouldnt work I got a force field

that's gay

plowing into crowds of people with their mommyā€™s charger.

I mean

pepper sprays old woman

That one time

assaults person with bike lock

They ran someone over

beats up man lying on the ground

With a car

gathers a dozen friends to help beat up innocent person

Isnā€™t that awful?

Omg pepper spray totally the same as committing mass shootings and watching ethnic cleansing. You guys gotta stretch every little thing cause you have nothig and you know the world is watching and laughing at all you nazi larpers and sympathizers

committing mass shootings and watching ethnic cleansing

Those... aren't bad things though?

Well yeah, someone died.

None of your contributions is nearly as awful as murder.

Who said the murder was bad? I wish more antifa had tire marks on them

lelz XD amirite guize

antifa peaceful I swear its like the right wing retards on twitter that call antifa "left wing fascist". Do people only know 5 political words and just switch them around at leasiure? Like a sort of dumb version of Mad Libs.

It's true. They say fascist to mean authoritarian. Look at how many guns they consider Glocks and AR-15s and how many dogs are "pitbulls".

dictionaries r 4 squares

And the left wing retards throwing around "nazi" "fascist" and "russian troll" at leisure. This is hardly a right-wing thing.

he didnā€™t say it was

I donā€™t have a problem with the white trash and the crypto-communists LARP fighting like this, but why do they have to do it in nice places like DC or PDX? I nominate St Louis, or maybe Omaha.

Nice places


Outside of the touristy areas is it nice? I always got a slummy vibe.

Itā€™s not a complete wasteland, though, like Omaha

if you think DC is a "nice place", your standards for livings conditions are extremely low and i envy you

Parts of it are really nice. Not all of it.

Tell me what awesometown you come from and Iā€™ll tell you why it sucks.

irvine, CA

The only bad thing you can say about Irvine is how homogeneous it can be lmao

However you're 15 minutes away from other amazing places too

Source: work in Newport

LOL behind the Orange Curtain

The most Stepfordian shithole possible

as a SRDine, I don't think you're qualified to say what is and isn't Stepfordian sweaty

I go there like twice a month and they downvoted me like 50 times today

I go there like twice a month

that's already more than anybody should go to SRD


ive never seen as many homeless people on the streets in the piercing cold of winter than DC. that city is fucked up

Homeless shelters are available but the people that should go into them are too mentally ill to accept the help. It is a fucked up situation, but it's not unique to DC.

There are some nice residential areas off the tourist drags in the far Northwest, but there is an awful lot of DC (most of it, really) that is super-slummy as well. Even a lot of the "nice" neighborhoods (e.g., Capitol Hill) abut slummy ones and you get the combo of insanely high rents with tons of crime.

Maybe ten years ago, Capitol Hill is much better now

Yeah this guy is right. DC is filled with yuppies. SE is the only place that was like DC in the 80's and early 90's.

Fair enough. I moved out during the financial crisis, so like 6 years ago? But I think you're kidding yourself if you think there's such a thing as a "safe neighborhood" in DC. The minute some place gets declared one, the muggers show up in force.

NW DC, or Upper Caucasia, is raise your kids nice. There are a number of other cool, more urban parts of the city for twenty-somethings.

That's always been true, even in the 80s. Non-upper caucasia has improved dramatically tho and Cap Hill is getting to those levels

Yeah I lived on U street ~12-13 years ago. It was nice even then, but more for young people.

Live here. Itā€™s mostly nice, however SE DC is not.

DC has touristy areas?

Shit, St. Louis is more tourist-friendly than DC, no question.

Why live I DC when you can head down 95 Richmond

DC is a shithole too, the only thing it has on STL is legal weed

Sean Kratouil, a 17-year-old who lives in Maryland, was wearing a vest with ā€œAntifaā€ on the back and said he was there to help start a movement of peaceful anti-fascists. He said he was concerned that when rallies

peaceful anti-fascists

I give up. I spent an hour trying to sort out how vegan hippies who just want to bash the fash can get even more peaceful and tolerant of others. Maybe thereā€™s a soy alternate?

anti-fascist =/= antifa, though this kid is antifa

Yeah seriously, I would hope most rational people are anti-fascist.

Pretty sure there's a Jonathan Pie bit about that.

ā€œcops and Klan go hand in hand,ā€

These people genuinely cannot imagine why people don't consider them much better than nazis. Like they'll honestly call you a nazi just for saying that.

>"cops are racist"


it's true, the stupidity americans are capable of is beyond the limits of many people's imaginations

Smh my head.

tfw that feel when smh my head


can i quote you on the definition of a nazi next time you call someone a nazi?

please tell me more about this "anti-genocide nazism" you seem to believe exists first, im very interested

so: no, I don't get to?

somehow i figured. CTH larpers love insisting it means genocide until they want to hit someone with a bikelock

i dont really understand or care what sort of argument you think we're having, i just wanna hear about these anti-genocide nazis you think exist. because i really dont see why you would have a problem with "pro-genocide" being used to describe nazism unless you think such people exist.

i dont really understand

CTHnerd confused by y/n question,

no one surprised

i just wanna hear your theory bro cmon

CTHnerd triggered by y/n question,

no one surprised

no really, i love weird fringe ideologies, i want to hear about this. do the anti-genocide nazis have a particular emoji they put in their twitter handle? what are their memes like? show me this world fam


When the best defense of your ideas is ā€œhey its not genocideā€

excellent reading comprehension

"Cops are racist" and "The cops walk hand-in-hand with the klan" are two entirely different statements that mean different things.

Not... not really though

I mean, they can mean the same thing if you're an uneducated dropout who gets all of their news from Facebook.

Can you explain?

Not the statement, but why youre retarded.

Not the statement, but why youre retarded.



"cops are racist"


not an argument

cops are racist

Not an argument

commit sudoku

im not the one getting mad at it fam


it's about the ethics in racial profiling







Nothing says "suburban wypipo" than "cops serve no function in society"

even Chris Rock, an actually black man who has had a lot of fucked up run ins with polices, has said that police do serve some function in society. "i need the police, if someone robs my house, i can't call The Crips"

I would watch a procedural crime drama show where the Crips solve crimes and mete out justice.

le marcus tyrone-dooby doo doesn't have the same ring to it

Calling the Crips is definitely an option if you're a close friend or family of one. Depending on your local PD's clearance rate, some motivated drug dealers and pimps are going to be your best bet for catching and disposing of the junkie that robbed you.

Are you saying a stand up comedy bit might not be entirely factually accurate? Please, say it ain't so!!

what? no, the bit was probably accurate. like most people, rock can't call the crips because he doesn't know any of them well enough.

cops are pretty bad doe

Who actually gives a shit about this? it seems only the left does.

Well and the filth that tried to organize it but laughably failed .

because nobody cares anymore on the right

I donā€™t think they are mentally able to care about anything, but thatā€™s probably just me projecting stuff into their skin-heads, Iā€™m sure they are fine people!

Bannon losing his mouthpieces was awful for the left. Dialectical changes to society can only happen when the opposing sides are large enough.

When will the tribists finally learn that propaganda of the deed is just not a good look?

the right doesnt care about nazis

Yea, we know.

The first tried to con non nazis to show up now half the nazis think its 100% government agents.

24 people and a couple thousand counter protestors shutting down streets without a permit is kinda why people hate the far left.

And of course, once the 24 people left, the left wing retards proceeded to destroy the city like usual.

Whats the best livestream for this? Id like to some americans fight tonight.

Sean Kratouil, a 17-year-old who lives in Maryland, was wearing a vest with ā€œAntifaā€ on the back and said he was there to help start a movement of peaceful anti-fascists. He said he was concerned that when rallies turn violent, it makes his side look bad. ā€œPublic perception is key,ā€ he said.

TFW a teenager has more sense than 90% of Antifa

I wonder when he'll realize Antifa consider such reasonable views fascist.

He'll be voting R soon once they find out about this and sucker punch him in the back of the head.

i mean 94% of em are teenagers, so it had to happen eventually

Sounds like Nazi scum to me. If you dont support openly flaying racists in the middle of the town square then you literally support genocide

>only 20 nazis

>no blood spilled

and you fuckers were hyping this

The entire MSM was.

This is what happens when you give 200 crazy people a platform.

Well considering what happened at the prequel last year I donā€™t know why itā€™s surprising that media was all over this

1 landwhale dead in Charlotte

19 people killed in Chiraq last weekend


Iā€™ll take whataboutism for $2000 Alex

This is a dumb comment even for you

1 out of 100 weirdos who voluntarily go to a retard demonstration dieing

city of 3 million people being terrorized


Iā€™m not even really sure what your point is here

Clearly, to demonstrate how not racist he is, he's making the point that black people are way more violent and evil than Nazis.

Centipedos OUT OUT OUT

The 19 people were in the news or else how do you know about it? It didn't get as much ink because people didn't know it was going to happen several weeks in advance.

yeah if a chicago gang was organizing a rally in DC thatā€™d probably make national news too. whatā€™s your point

And yet here you are with your edgy smileys! Imagine that. People care of diseases spreading within their own culture. Forestfire in your own backyard matters, one few towns over not so much.

Almost nobody here knows of or cares about genocides and attrocities in far east or Africa. Instead, its all nazi nazi nazi. This ain't no some millenial woe either - it has been that way in the west since the end of WW II. Them nazis fascinate and bother us for a reason. Its bit too easy for somebody in US/UK/Norway/Finland/etc to ask " could that be us?" Same religion, shared history and ancestors. Shared cultural heritage. Twas our homies who hailed it up. Meanwhile, Clusterfuckistan in far east or Africa has people killing/killed whom we don't understand. We dont get their culture, they are busy worshipping gods we don't know. They are somebidy "other" while nazis are "almost us" Thus, it is easy and sensical for us to hate em nazis. Hating people larping nazis is a logical dlc expansion to this.

People are celebrating and chanting about how only 20 cowardly nazis showed up but forget that they spent a year crying in fear over 20 same Nazis

It's a pretty simple straightforward victory for decency. The Nazis and KKK and proud boy, identity europa etc. all came out last year thinking somehow it was their time to shine and they ended up getting their shit pushed in. Then they lost their jobs, facebook, twitter, music sharing, website hosting, got disowned from their families, doxxed and humiliated in general. I mean people were actually mocking an laughing at the idiots. Take Millennial Matt, he was one of the many with the good sense to just disappear and hide somewhere. They stayed home this year except for like, literally 20 of them lol. Fuck the KKK and Nazis and all of them. Thanks to the townsfolk of Charlottesville and Heather Heyer!

The Nazis and KKK and proud boy, identity europa etc. all came out last year thinking somehow it was their time to shine and they ended up getting their shit pushed in

Every time I see footage of the clashes, its always the blacked-bloc getting beaten up by frat boy types. There's certainly been media backlash, but what does it say about leftist ideology when it can't even put together a competitive force in the most liberal parts of the country?

You never see "antifa fights kekistanis in mobile alabama" because antifa knows they'd get shot doing that.

I know Antifa generally is made up of physically weaker specimens from what I've seen. I guess I shouldn't have said "shit pushed in" I should have said something to indicate they lost the culture war and battle for hearts and minds that day.

That might hold water if they didn't just hold rallies other places, like say a week or so ago in portland, but hey, pretend a rally no one cared about having low attendance actually means a "victory for decency"

Remind me who is president again?

That's correct, I can give you that one. Trump's presidency is a victory for the KKK, Identity Europa, National Socialist movement et al. Very fine people. Hats off to them and congratulations.

Wrong; its a victory for every hard working, moral individual.

hard working, moral individual.


leave it to the left to judge people based on their appearance.

Mmmmm please fuck my manhole daddy

Please be a responsible boywhore - srd-wise, you get from Trump all that he got from Putin.

Why do you hate homosexuals?

Yep KKK and American nazi party literally celebrated when Trump got elected. I'd prolly feel bit worried if I celebrated and felt pride for same reasons literal neo-nazis cunts do.

According to reddit, Antifa is literally the most dangerous terrorist group in America but also simultaneously week ineffectual nerds who can't do anything.

You know, I heard a rumor that there is more than one person who uses reddit, but I personally think its someone with multiple personality disorder.

They can be the most dangerous while also being pathetic.

It's not like we currently have a lot of dangerous terrorist groups in America. They're all tame.

So fascists and fascists?

A white nationalist rally in the heart of Washington drew two dozen demonstrators

Ahahahaha. The fucking faggots couldnā€™t get 100 to come to the the annual pile of gay men having the buttsex?

LOL just found this tweet.

its the fucking north korea majority party logo btw.