Warning: There is going to be a woman in an upcoming FPS shooter. Can you at all appreciate how fucked up and outrageous and terrible this is?? Mecha Hitlers,Jetpacks zombies are fine. But Women?? Literally Fuck women.

84  2018-08-17 by Kal_Vas_Flam


This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


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And they wonder why they haven't gotten laid by now.

They're being avoided with increased subtlety

KiA really is the video games version of One Million Moms.

how do?



Reminds me of a line from Timesplitters

"Attention Harry Tipper has entered the base. He is disguised as a woman. Regard all females with suspicion until their identities can be determined."

Timesplitters was such a good game, I’m still amazed that more people didn’t play it.

Same. Thq Nordic just acquired the rights to the franchise so hopefully they make something with it

did you actually read the post loool they're saying there aren't any now

Pretty soon they're going to be sneaking them in by not including them in the game at all. The horror! Stay vigilant.

gamercels lmao


It elevates one's soul to witness such higher form of art and creativity.

Nice username. Been a while since i thought of UO.

Hey I wonder if EA ever does a Rwanda genocide game, will half the soldiers be white or female?

Lol this would be an awesome game

Two amazing sides - you can wield the machete as a Hutu supremacist, or run away wildly with your family as a Tutsi.

I'd play that game

"Hutu are overpowered. It's like GAME COMPANY didn't even try to balance the races. Nerf Hutu or buff Tutsi NOW pls!"

Getting Don Cheadle in the game is gonna cost them, though

If they stopped wasting so much money on fucking retarded amounts, and just retarded, advertising they might could put the fucking money back into the game and make it actually good- also not piss people fucking off.

Can someone sneak an English teacher into the game for this guy?

There’s nothing fucking wrong with that fucking retard he’s just fucking retarded .

You know that guy stopped every frame to inspect it for femoid inclusion.




Ah yes. The biggest losers in history.


People who stand still on an escalator.

But they're already going up. Why do any extra work?

So you're faster and more efficient.

The idea of machines is to do less work, not more work, turbo hitler

You do less work going up the stairs this way. You sound like those people in Wall-E.

Don't threaten me with a good time!

It's fast and efficient until someone trips! I hope you aren't a manager.

I don't hope you get out much if escalators make you trip.

It's not about me. It's about people thinking their 20 seconds is worth knocking out somebody's legs out from them or maybe even worse. Weaving through traffic can save time, you do that too?

if everyone walks, you don't have to weave. Or at least stay on the left side. Why are you acting like this is harder than it is?

I was talking about cars. Fuck walking lol

No, people who stand still when they get off the escalator.

i like to lean on the escalator and block it for people who power walk up the thing like their times actually important when theyre wandering around a fucking mall

i like to lean on the escalator and block it for people who power walk up the thing like their times actually important when theyre wandering around a fucking mall

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I would've guessed you are the type.

what a contrarian

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Flyover state fattie confirmed

fly to an entirely different continent you mean

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flyover country

except australia is objectively better than whatever shit part of america any of you live in

which is prob portland or san fran or something gay like that

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A dutch person


Drama posters


Internet trannies.


Anyone with a hammer and sickle on their twitter name.

The good news is that I can now shoot and kill these women

Hehe wait until you read the article about the mom who was horrified to find her 7 year old daughter being teabagged in a video game.

I wasn’t talking about in a video game

Sounds like a normal afternoon.

If they are going to go for equality, they should continue making these games as realistic aspossible.

They can start with making gangrape a bonus goal if one team beats another.

Elliot Rodger simulator when?

It's a shame. JFK Reloaded was unironically a pretty damn good edutainment game.

based and redpilled

baste and deepfried

I'm waiting. For you to post a link, you cocktease.

The bad news is snally

Hopefully Anita will have completely moved on by then.

crosses fingers

We should also include special needs soldiers because the world needs a place where it’s socially accpetible to shoot them too.

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We already have that. BF5 has models for soldiers with prosthetics.

Should I tell them that I'm on my third queen in a row on Crusader Kings II?

battlefield SUCK

Surely EA is not as bad as you purport.


We should have sent all our worthless 4-F losers to the front in WWII, could have thinned the heard out then before their descendants had a chance to get worked up about this whole pathetic business.


I just want a semi authentic ww2 shooter. If you die in the game you die in real life. Is that so much to ask for?

Go play red orchestra

Read my second sentence. I want to gamers to die in real life if they die in the game.

That’s what happens in red orchestra if you set up 2-factor identification with Jigsaw corp

lol tripwire

We need this

Anybody who complains about not being able to play pretend soldier of one of the bloodiest wars in history to their liking from the comfort of their bedroom needs to lay down on a highway. What a joke.

imagine having so little going on in your life that you play video games for hours a day lol

imagine having so little going on in your life that you browse r/drama for hours a day lol

I literally can't

I guess you don't have to imagine

is English not your first language or something?

Are you actually having trouble understanding basic English?

imagine having so little going on in your life that you browse r/drama for hours a day lol

I literally can't

I guess you don't have to imagine

you're a special fella, huh

This is why you shouldn't breastfeed your babies kerosene.


If your breasts are secreting kerosene, it's probably too late for you anyway.

Holy shit you are spectacularly stupid and it's sad that you lack the awareness to realise this.

imagine having so little going on in your life that you browse r/drama for hours a day lol

I literally can't [imagine]

I guess you don't have to imagine

He is saying you don't have to imagine doing this shit because you literally do.

u sound upset pls be calm

Where are the fishies ?!

i'm in seattle now 😓

sorry fam i promise i'll make it worth it

I hope so.

y'all sound like you refer to yourselves as "gamers" lmao

this is really funny to read

Here, I'll leave this one hanging super low just for you. Good luck!

I can't imagine referring to myself as a gamer.

considering it would be very easy to imagine something if it was actually happening, I'm glad you're not a loser. Welcome to the winning team, guy. Grab a cold one and crack it open with the boys.

You literally have 350k karma who you calling a loser?

you lel

You do know there are other things you can do in life other than use reddit? Who the fuck has 350k karma. Reddit is literally your life

When you get a big boy office job, you too can achieve the ultimate shitposting life and get paid for it. Cya later, burger flipper 😎

What "big boy job" do you have that you're going on reddit all day and not actually doing real work? Do you work in a call office?

lol god no, I have skills. Plus call centers are actually busy as hell, no way I'd be able to shit post. I'm a data analyst. You?

I'm an actual programmer lol

sounds like you're not very good at your job! i can point you to some beginner resources to help you get a little more efficient if it helps

Nothing I do is that simple that it can get automated.

okay! that's nice, i'm glad you volunteered it

maybe with practice you'll get a little better at this stuff tho, have some more executive time left over

No because I go on to the next task. That's probably why I got promoted so quickly tbf. Not all of us are slackers who prioritize reddit

i was the thirdd quickest promotion my firm has ever had from the level i previously worked at to the level i currently work at

some people work differently than others. most people at office jobs have ample time to read a few articles or fire off a few shitposts, barring a few industries i'm aware of. it's really you're this defensive about the fact you can't lol

Who's getting defensive now ;)


i was the thirdd quickest promotion my firm has ever had from the level i previously worked at to the level i currently work at

imagine attempting to brag like this on /r/drama lmao

B of A is a third tier bank to work at in Chicago lol, must suck to suck.

imagine not recognizing a bofa deez nuts joke

imagune even ranking BOFA as third tier lmao

so you have an office job but don't know how someone can have free time to be online?

No because I actually work. You're on this 24/7. I'm guessing you're that guy at your workplace

you can think whatever you want!

Hit the nail on the head ;)

oh fuck I've been got

i work as a consultant at BOFA

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It would be easy but you've got no imagination because you're "special". Is that clearer?



no, I won't have sex with you.

no recovery

why do you hate southerners

lol y so mad tho?


you don't have anything n your life either.


why is your tv on top of your shoe cabinet ?

they're some weird shelves from the last house we lived in that we re-purposed. Might as well consolidate some space.

kevin reminds me of my father

did you know that pug puppies are $2k to adopt on average.

shut up povvo

you know, I've never thought about that before.

thx 4 recognizing the hustle, fam

thinking $2k is a lot of money

I refer you to my previous comment

You can think whatever you want! :)

gotem xD

It's not even about the video games imo, it's about the games modeled after one of the biggest tragedies in human history, where massive amounts of young men died horrifying deaths for no real reason. The idea of some flabby fuck who's as old as the men who actually fought and died in the war whining into an open comment box about not being able to play out their hero fantasy the way they want to from the safety and comfort of their room is sick. Maybe we should bring back the draft and start another pointless war so these idiots don't have to play pretend anymore.

snally, please just respect my right to post ragebait comments that upset nerds without you coming in to provide nuance.

sorry about that, it's just that the idea of a doughy kid complaining that they're not having enough fun pretending to be a hero in the biggest senseless tragedy in history unironically pisses me off.

if it makes you feel better, they're probably not going to be passing on their weak genes anyway.

biggest senseless tragedy in history

I didn't know there was a game about womens suffrage

nigga quit getting angry over some edgy teens on reddit

white 16 year olds should refrain from using the n-word

you dont control me nigga

very poor reading comprehension, see me after class


Snally is too good of a soul to be here. But it would never be the same without her 😍


How is wanting accuracy in a video game any different than wanting accuracy in any other medium? You wouldn’t draw such accusations about someone who enjoys, say, Band of Brothers

because video games are for dorks


What’s your favorite game?

i don't play games, i play adult sports like hearthstone


professional sports like hearthstone

We call them esports now, Gramps

you dang kids with your iNintendos and your WiiWiis

But are you as good as /u/normie_girl?

wtf is a /u/normie_girl

Only the best hearthstone player this end of the spectrum.

what rank are you /u/normie_girl

Yes this is normie_girl

wtf r u

I'm a human being

what rank r u in hearthstone


lol casul

I made 12 last month but I've been trying this priest deck I made up and it's no good lol

have you tried practicing a good deck

have you tried practicing a good deck

I can netdeck lol, I just prefer to lose at my own pace

that's fair, but you learn more about decks when you practice good ones

What’s your favorite game?

Bullying masterlawlz duh 🙄

That’s less of a game and more of a lifestyle though

It's one thing if it's a very serious wargame that the players use to explore that part of history and help them understand it. But Battlefield is a FPS that doesn't have anything to do with WW2 except on a completely superficial level.

Maybe the first ww2 battlefield game was historically accurate but none of the other games have been. From the weapons and equipment used to the fronts certain soldiers fought on, it's always been historically inaccurate. The liberties the developers take makes the game more appealing to a wider audience, and it most cases make the game more fun....the reason women are included is because maybe the women who play the game want to model their character after themselves and there's nothing wrong with that. If they want historical accuracy they should join a reenactment but these fat fucks won't leave their basements

I'm pretty sure larping as a WW2 soldier would get you made fun of more than playing a video game lol

user reports:
1: surplus autism

What’s wrong with that? Most games can’t really be enjoyed in short instances unless it’s Halo where each match is like 15 minutes max. It’s not like it’s weird to spend 3 hours watching a movie or some episodes of TV

you're asking this question as if you're not someone who still has their parents do the chores and cooking around the house.

I live on my own though?

oh nice, when did that happen? Just trying to get your goat.

Almost two months ago. I could have moved out sooner but my company was moving to a new office and I didn’t want to relocate until they did as well so I could minimize my commute time.

Household chores are pretty easy tbh. I don’t go through many dishes and bought a Robovac to keep it swept and vacuumed so I only have to do laundry and occasionally clean the bathroom

proud of you

are u really

I wouldn't ever say anything online and anonymously that I didn't mean.

You know, for some reason I actually kinda believe you.

who would just go on the internet and tell lies?

Is your Robovac an idiot too? My friend has one and it dies before it can get back to it’s charging station all the time.

Sometimes it gets stuck under furniture but a lot of the time it's able to make it back just fine. Some trial and error is involved, you might need to rearrange furniture a bit to make it easier to clean.

Ironically your comment can just as easily be for or against the whole women in Battlefield thing, especially since the primary motivation is "but girls want to play someone who looks like them".

i want to be included in some of the most horrible shit ever please why isnt there anyone that looks like me being maimed and killed

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God damn, Ed - how many alts you have bitch?!

Fucking finally you get to kill women in video games.

These guys are pathetic. Why does it bother them so much?

Literally nothing else happening in their life.

Why does interracial marriage bother white supremacists, or anyone getting laid bother incels?

KIA is gateway to far right and white identity politics.

Like how the feminists get triggered the fuck from that Netflix teen show, these "gamers" got triggered the fuck out because a FEEEEEMALE was in their game.

How the heck would a woman handle an assault rifle when they don't even have opposable thumbs?

Fuck women right up the ass.

There are games that let you do that, but they're not made by EA.

No big tiddy goth soldiers? What a fucking waste of money.

Flat is justice.

Imagine dedicating hours of your life to complaining about a women being in a video-game. Just imagine

Practically this whole sub doesn't need to imagine it.

imagine dedicating hours of your life on reddit.

Looks like EA posted the video itself with the clickbait article

Which Battlefield game had Mecha Hitlers, jetpacks and zombies?

ahem I will have you know your /r/drama thread title is factually incorrect and logically fallacious


He's exaggerating for comedic effect, m8. To be honest, though, historical accuracy belong somewhere near a game where you can do the following.

  • Eject from a jet, shoot an enemy, and land in the same jet.

  • Climb out of a jet, shoot an enemy with your bazooka while clinging to your jet's underside, then climb back in your jet.

  • Use flamethrowers from horseback effectively.

  • Kill enemies with defibrillator pads.

All of those are mechanics points. There's absolutely no reason why you can't have a game that's inaccurate mechanically yet has a historically accurate or at least plausible setting/plot.

All of those are mechanics points.

Having defibrillator pads is no more mechanics than having laser guns would be.

MDE and CA poster is mad about video games & women, more @ 11

Just a reminder that anyone who srsposts in their usernames is a colossal faggot

Unless you aren't busy with your local brown shirt convention or something, maybe take this survey.
(Print it out, fill, turn in) [ ] It is okay to make video games that are historically accurate.

[ ] It is okay to make video games that are not historically accurate

[ ] reeeeeeeee


If you actually play the single-player campaign in a BF game, you should apply for euthanasia at the earliest opportunity.

I wanted euthanasia after Battlefield 3’s campaign.

Not even exaggerating, though! First Battlefield game ever made actually had Jetpacks readily available. Franchise has featured mechs and stuff too. I was mostly thinking about New Order when typing that though. There are plenty of games/movies set in alt. history WW II. It is okay to make them. UNLESS YOU INSERT A FILTHY FUCKING DAUGHTER OF EVE INTO THEM WHAT THE FUCK EA

literally fuck women

No I'm good, thank you though 🤮🤮🤮

As a guy, I approve of fucking women.



I'm glad this series is being inclusive and showing woman can be violent as well. Ladies, what is your excuse for not shooting up your school?

it’s about suspension of reality

I can believe Mechs and jet packs and hitler but woman are so far fetched that it’s nearly impossible to believe

There's a Sturmtiger in that trailer. For those of you who are unfamiliar, it was a German assault gun produced late in the war. Very rare, only 19 were ever built.

In contrast, there were over 800 000 women enlisted in the Soviet military alone. Women were much more common than the depicted vehicle, so why are they the ones ruining players' immersion? Shouldn't they be pissed about the tank?

It's just more common knowledge that women didn't serve in combat roles amongst the ranks of the western allies. The whole customisation system in the game seems to be people's gripe, not just the women.

As if the wehraboos of which 90% of that sub is composed would be upset by the German Military being unrealistically portrayed.

Unless of course it's about putting women and minorities in the game. They targeted gamers.

I don't think the Soviet got too involved in France, using Churchills, wearing British uniform and having to it arms with a literal ninja.

That's just what (((they))) want you to believe.

I wonder when EA will let me play as a child soldier in the Hitlerjugend. Why are they so exclusionary and ageist? Doesn't the lead developer not want to explain to his 1 year old daughter why she can't play someone who looks like her?

my faith in humanity keeps declining for every day (or shitpost) that goes by. I try to remain optimistic but I'm getting more and more convinced that I'm surrounded by morons.

A needle that brings back the dead instantly? Okie dokie

A girl? Too far!

Look, this is all still ableist triggering bullshit.

Where are the autistic soldiers in wheelchairs? We need representation too.

Why do people always characterize whatever side they don't like as being hysterical? "But women?? Literally Fuck women." Lol like nobody said anything even close to that in the thread you linked to. I understand exaggeration for comedic effect, but this is something I notice every time.

"WTF??? MEXICANS WANT A BETTER LIFE?!?!?! FUCK THEM!!" -OP mocking a blumpf supporter probably

The irony is, those people over there are soberly discussing this shit, and meanwhile the people over here are making over-the-top snide remarks about them.

Just use your real account dude. Verily, let us all join in and soberly& somberly discuss how "EA releases new trailer sneaking women in more subtlety into the action". If you wanna soberly serious post at EA for sneakily sneaking them women in then be my fucking quest mi lord. Verily, there exists a legitimate cause for alarm here. I'm glad you are woke enough to take the matter seriously enough. Lest next thing we know, there are - two - women in some other WW II FPS.

Jesus this is a spergy post lol

This guy send me a super awkward angry PM. :3 Sorry about your fee fees. Its rly okay, you can keep being upset about (((daughters of eve))) in your vidya, fam.

That's a terrible trailer, just like the first one. There's no intrigue, just "Oh hey, here's some explosions. And some screen shake, and some more explosions. Did you think we forgot about even more explosions? Oh, here's a cinematic shot of a plane flying overhead. Here's some hype quick cuts with lots of explosions. More hype quick cuts. More explosions. Oh this building is on fire. Hey, we heard you guys liked explosions and screen shake. Hey, marketing said really fast cuts of random action sequences is all the rage these days."

It's a game, not a movie.

What's with the SRD title lmao, complete cringe.


Incoming KIA downvote brigade.

That sub is literal horseshoe theory.

Extremely fragile.

Extremely intolerant of criticism.

Just like the sjws they fill their days mocking. I’d love to tell them all this in their actual sub but I picked up a perma ban for laughing at how hysterical some of their comments reacting to the David-me situation were.

"Hahaha look at those SJW snowflakes being upset about demons in DOom LMAOOOOO also, HOLY SHIT have you SEEN this Battlefield trailer?? I'm almost certain it has a woman in it???Hold me, brothers."

Nah they're right.

Next it'll be trannies with massive beehives staggering around the somme in platforms.

Wasn't there loads of females in vidya back in the day? Wasn't Perfect Dark a woman?

What's wrong with these people? This goes way beyond autism.



can this sub stop being a srs clone

The real thing they should be worried about is that it's published by EA.

Eh, none of the big publishers are any better or worse far as I can tell. Each is as ruthless as they figure they can afford. Only extra special hate I have for EA has to do with them cock blocking release of any Stawa games besides their shitty FPS. I want a new Tie Fighter game damn it.

There's a difference between ruthless and obnoxious, and EA is generally on the obnoxious side while publishers like Bethesda or Capcom also charge just as much, but are generally upfront with the costs and content.

You know they'd make you pay real money in a microtransaction to reload your concussion missiles though.

the holocaust is always represented as so jewy and whitewashed i want lots of white women and black men in there too for inclusion

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/> Literally fuck women

Well I try jeeze

Of course, the eternal REEEEE of women don't have to sign up for the selective service AND they don't belong in war/war games with all their infernal screeching and running around.

👶🏻👶🏻 😭😰

Hurr durr lets appeal to 2% of gamers cuz of politics.

If you ever start to feel like seeing a woman anywhere might be something, anything, besides a cultural marxist political statement, you are approaching dangerous border territory that might lead you out of being a proper incel!