MDEgenerates attempt to rationalize why they're too poor to travel

121  2018-08-19 by AnnoysTheGoys


Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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It might be because they browse a subreddit so autistic that every fifth post is about how the Holocaust didn't happen (but the Jews would've deserved it anyway) and/or the mentally-unstable, pussy-whipped leader of a failed, dead ideology who started and lost a war and let half of Europe fall to communist control is actually a hero for owning the libtards.

No, it's because of /(*them!£]

Hitler was the world's biggest useful idiot, when you think about it.

Hitler was an agent of ZOG. Every single thing he did has helped (((them))).

allowed half of Europe to fall to communist control

Dude. That's the good part.

The Generalplan Ost (German pronunciation: ; English: Master Plan for the East), abbreviated GPO, was the Nazi German government's plan for the genocide and ethnic cleansing on a vast scale, and colonization of Central and Eastern Europe by Germans. It was to be undertaken in territories occupied by Germany during World War II. The plan was partially realized during the war, resulting indirectly and directly in millions of deaths of ethnic Slavs by starvation, disease, or extermination through labor. But its full implementation was not considered practicable during the major military operations, and was prevented by Germany's defeat.

This smart guy knows how to copy/paste, goys

Obviously, the Nazi regime was not good, but neither was Soviet rule and the Cold War.

Nobody is saying that the Eastern Bloc was good by any stretch of imagination. It was a vile system and its fall was long overdue.

But compared to Hitler's plans for colonisation, cultural annihilation and mass genocide, through starvation and overworking, of up to 45 million Slavs & Jews, it kinda comes across as a Platonic utopia.

Death is a preferable alternative to communism.

Better dead than red.

Tanies out out out.

Stalin, however, had the support of many western "intellectuals".

And Hitler had the support of many Germans. Guess what? both were retarded.

I never thought otherwise.

Sorry, I'm too used to tankies playing the genocide olympics.

Hilter had the support of many Western intellectuals as well. Eugenics was all the rage in the USA, Central European, etc. academic elite until the war ended.


eh thats a bit weak snally. eugenics to the west certainly didn't mean literally murdering people with downs ala Aktion T4 (although it was obviously still very bad), and even those academics didnt like hitler once the war started.

support of hitler during the war and even years before it was an extremely niche position. even those who did had to go to massive lengths to pretend they didnt

Not during the war. Before it. Fascism was quite the sensation in Europe during the Interbellum.

sure but many of those "fascist" groups were anti-hitler

US eugenics advocates were generally supportive of Germany's eugenics measures for most of the war and in most cases only protested when they disagreed with their methods or it became clear that the Nazis were going to lose. Eugenics policies in the US continued in some states well after the war ended.

eugenics within western academia certainly didn't mean literally murdering people with downs ala Aktion T4

They just sterilized people who were seen to be unfit for arbitrary reasons and inspired the Nazi Eugenics movement to a huge degree. Given their writings they probably would have been more open about their support for Nazi Germany's methods if they weren't concerned about human rights, i.e. decimating the population by generation through less violent means. But there was a massive amount of academic support for the Nazi movement in the US and elsewhere.

and even those academics didnt like hitler once the war started.

It depends on the academic, but as far as the prolific eugenicists go, they protested Nazi Germany only as far as the methods they used until it was clear that they were going to lose the war or the war ended. After the war ended, eugenics became taboo in most areas and scenarios (but not all)

support of hitler during the war and even years before it was an extremely niche position. even those who did had to go to massive lengths to pretend they didnt

You should read up on the American eugenics movement's relationship to Nazi Germany. That definitely wasn't the case in the academic circles concerned with eugenics.

And many Lutheran and Muslim religious leaders as well.

Yeah. Like Winston Churchill. Or: Franklyn Delano Roosevelt.

Stalin is better than Hitler isn't supporting him. It's just an obvious fact

But Hitler was much better at this sport.

Stalin did more genocide. Because he won

he did more genocide

No, he didn't!

Looked it up and ur right. I always heard that Stalin killed more, but guess it’s Hitler

You're forgetting the other genocides Stalin carried out. He REEEd about the very existence of non-Russians being in the USSR. Kazakhs, Crimean Tatars, Chechens, Ingush, Jews, Poles, and inhabitants of the Baltic states were all victims of genocide by Stalin.

...what? Stalin wasn't even an ethnic Russian. He killed more Russians than people of any other nation in USSR.

Overachieving Chinese? Not surprised.

Well that's just embarrassing for Hitler if he could be outdone by poor central planning.

On the other hand, read the HPMOR, it says that the upgraded version of malice is indifference.

read the HPMOR

nah I'm good

Dude if you're for real, you totally want to read it, it's hilarious! Like, I got close to blacking out because of suppressing laughter in the toilet at work twice: when reading HPMOR:Harry's attempt to exploit the time traveling device and when reading "Three men in a boat".

It gets less hilarious after it hooked you up through the grills some time later, but when have that stopped a future junkie from taking the first hit?

I've gotten this far in life without ever reading or watching anything Harry Potter related and I plan on keeping it that way.

It's not really Harry Potter related, besides the setting.

Look, do you want to read more from the text that includes this:

MORPHEUS: For the longest time, I wouldn't believe it. But then I saw the fields with my own eyes, watched them liquefy the dead so they could be fed intravenously to the living -

NEO (politely): Excuse me, please.


NEO: I've kept quiet for as long as I could, but I feel a certain need to speak up at this point. The human body is the most inefficient source of energy you could possibly imagine. The efficiency of a power plant at converting thermal energy into electricity decreases as you run the turbines at lower temperatures. If you had any sort of food humans could eat, it would be more efficient to burn it in a furnace than feed it to humans. And now you're telling me that their food is the bodies of the dead, fed to the living? Haven't you ever heard of the laws of thermodynamics?

MORPHEUS: Where did you hear about the laws of thermodynamics, Neo?

NEO: Anyone who's made it past one science class in high school ought to know about the laws of thermodynamics!

MORPHEUS: Where did you go to high school, Neo?


NEO: the Matrix.

MORPHEUS: The machines tell elegant lies.


NEO (in a small voice): Could I please have a real physics textbook?

MORPHEUS: There is no such thing, Neo. The universe doesn't run on math.


I am the core of my thoughts
Belief is my body
And choice is my blood
I have revised over a thousand judgments
Unafraid of loss
Nor aware of gain
Have withstood pain to update many times
Waiting for truth's arrival.
This is the one uncertain path.
My whole life has been...
Unlimited Bayes Works!

(this is also a direct quote btw)

This is awful

"Oh, dear. This has never happened before..."


"I've had to tell students before that they were mothers - it would break your heart to know what I saw in their minds - but this is the first time I've ever had to tell someone they were a father."


"Draco Malfoy is carrying your baby."


"To repeat: Draco Malfoy is carrying your baby."

But we're only eleven -

"Actually, Draco is secretly thirteen years old."

B-b-but men can't get pregnant -

"And a girl under those clothes."



Harry Potter fainted. His unconscious body fell off the stool with a dull thud.

"RAVENCLAW!" called out the Hat from where it lay on top of his head. That had been even funnier than its first idea.

You're the devil

I've gotten this far in life without ever reading

wtf me too!

HPMOR is the Atlas Shrugged of fanfiction.

This is a myth. Hitler killed 13 million people through his genocidal policies, while Stalin killed only 9 million.

Covered that in my edit

Not as bad as Hitler then?

so 9 million if you don't count the people who starved?

That's including the people deliberately starved under Stalin.

what about the not not not deliberately starved?

Those people would have starved anyway. There was a famine every few years in the region.

It's unfair to compare them, Hitler didn't have much time, while Stalin was allowed to just run out the clock. I think Hitler could've gotten those numbers way up given another decade or two.

Hitler was a failed speedrunner; Stalin was a successful completist.

they were both manlets, hitler was 5'8" and stalin was like 5'2. manlet genocide for world peace when?

but the Jews would've deserved it anyway

They would have, if it had happened, of course.

Why would they have deserved it?

The crime of jewry.

Why should that be punished with enslavement, starvation, and systematic murder?

cause theyre jews

You can say 'Why' all day long, but at some point we have to just agree that it's axiomatic. This is first principles.

Because they're being ironic. If they weren't we'd see AutoMod saying out out

I think automod only responds to the I'm with her and interracial pregnant couple flairs.

Yeah, ironic.

The crime of jewry

aka being smarter than the goyim

Mayos outperform blacks.

Proof of mayo supremacy. Blacks need to accept that they aren't oppressed they're just inferior.

Jews outperform Mayos.

White genocide REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Mayo affirmative action program REEEEEEEEEE.

Jews are basically like the improved model of whites

They weren't smart enough to not get Holocausted, though.. if it had happened, which it didn't.

(((We))) learned a lot from that. Figured out how to convince you dumb mayos to consensually do it to yourselves 👌🏼

A toast to our Ashkenazi friends for hooking us up with an unlimited supply of swedish sex slaves! We won the race war. Merkel let us in nigga!

So you’re saying they were smart enough to not get holocausted? I’m confused.

Wait... so if it didn't happen, then they were smart enough to not get Holocausted?

lol ur a retarded person

Like that's hard

But peoole need mortgages

The Holocaust happened, but it missed a retard. I'm not allowed to suggest you kill yourself anymore, but did you know that growling is the way a dog lets you know it wants to be your friend?

Sam Hyde isn't even a person. He crawled off he fucking set of Freddy Got Fingered, a fusion of Tom Green's seed, spilled on the rubble of the OKC building.

The resulting was then child locked in a room that only played Adult Swim.

Not Tim and Eric. Not Eric Andre.

But only Derrick Beckles.

Sam Hyde is just third rate Tom Green. And unlike Tom Green he didn't even fuck Drew Barrymore

I think Sam Hyde is the one who's going to end his career walking into a Bar Mitzphah with an SS uniform.

It was just a flux in the Mandela Effect that made us think it was Tom Green.

Tom Green is funnier then Sam Hyde

His seed isn't inherently the problem, it's the location.

The OKC building was a target of far right violence in the 90's.

That's where the analogy goes.

Yeah I like Tom Green a lot. I've seen episodes of his old show, and they're actually really well timed and performed. It's not too political either....which I like.


Besides, it's fucking network television. It's never biting enough.


Traveling is fun. But getting blasted on Coors light and screaming George Jones songs with my dad is just as fun and much cheaper.

Those both sound fun and not mutually exclusive

I guess it's a testament to my laziness. One takes potentially months of planning. The other involves a phone call and a run to the store.

Traveling without extensive planning is the best way to go unless you're going somewhere that's dangerous or very poor. Planning and sticking to a plan is the biggest stress of travel, and it's more fun when you're free to do whatever, walk around the non-touristy areas and get a feel for the culture, etc.

It depends on who you are. I get a lot of joy out of putting trips together. Does that mean there’s a hard and fast schedule, no, but I know more about the area I’m going to and its highlights and have a sense of how to get around when I’m there.

agreed but if you're going somewhere, chances are you're gonna have to do some stressful planning. Right now I'm looking at a 3 week trip around Europe, and there's a lot of trains to catch, hostels/airbnb's to book, timing, etc. The more you move around, the more you're gonna have to plan

Do research, plan a general guideline, and be prepared to throw it away.

That sounds like a nice trip.

I'm excited about it

I have 0 interest in traveling, the entire thing seems boring and not worth the effort.

Imagine my lack of surprise

Why would I want to travel, lol.

Does this mean u won't come visit me 😪

Depends on how hot you are tbh.

I'm by far the hottest person on /r/Drama

Granted that's like having the highest IQ in special ed

I was the valedictorian of summer school.

He's already got an e-girlfriend from an r/drama discord group.

Let that sink in.

To see more interesting buildings, art pieces and nice panoramas of this world before your inevitable overdose on stolen prescription drugs.

Alt-right ideology and insularity go together like peas in a pod

Pizzashill is not alt-right.

He's just alt-retarded

Checked this guys history guys. He is a nazi who steps on babies and puppies. Just ignore

Citation needed.

Go home fugee

great thread, goy

You have to go back. This isn't your home.

whatever you say, pussy


You have to go back.







He’s racist (oh, I’m sorry, “race realist”), degenerate, and misogynistic. He’s alt-something.

He is if disagrees with anything i say tho

One of the most magical experiences of my life was riding out into the middle of the woods, camping, and waking up to the roosters as my ancestors did, observing the sunrise over the lake

But Julia Boine's tits in VR was also pretty good tbh

My dude!

that's identical to ur logic on leaving the house

You aren't wrong.

When was the last time you left your state?

I've left the state many times lol.

Yeah, but when was the last time you did so?

Few years ago.

Behold the ubermensch

Incredibly unsurprising

Traveling is only fun if you're a dwarf or manlet who can fit easily in airline seats.

Try not being poor, lol

There's a difference between poor and paying for first class round trip to Europe.

Those things are literally designed for 200lb men, try to eat less homie lmao

Designed for a 200 lbs man to be uncomfortable for the entire trip.

You can do that wherever you travel, though.

I’ve just realised that most of that sub seem to be the reason for /r/lewronggeneration.

Have they ever considered that you don't have to visit the tourist traps when you go on vacation? They're just way too simpleminded.

Apparently getting anything more than White People Tourist Package #16 is too much effort for them

It's a class thing. Go figure that MDEgenerates don't have any.

They don't have much of a choice since they are tagging along with Mom and Dad.

Their parents are the true victims here.

No, it's their genes and parenting that's to blame

The only time they've been on vacation is when their parents dragged them to Disney World when they were 8 so they could get out of the house for once, so they don't know what it's like to actually go to places that you want to go and not to any tourist traps

Real manly men only go on holidays to see pine trees.

Ooohhh, traveling and seeing different places is so scary! Shut the fuck up. Fucking MDEgenerates.

They’ll look at pictures of European cities and talk about how superior the culture is, while simultaneously looking down on people who actually visit those places

You know, I'm beginning to think that these MDEgenerates are just sad, depressed incels whose self-esteem is so low that they desperately cling to any identity they can - "western culture", their race, or their manhood - to try and feel superior. Honestly it doesn't even really make me upset because I just find it so depressingly pathetic.

That is every niche Reddit sub. MDE, TrollX, MensLib, TRP, SRD, /r/drama, etc

they desperately cling to any identity they can

This is like the human condition.

They're suburban trash who's lives are dictated by video games, a forced sense of contentment, and a BS movie narrative about being the "cool nerd".

Its the same people who bitch about the loss of white culture without ever experiencing any real level of culture like an arts expo.

I've unironically seen them praise the works of Aristotle while conveniently forgetting which race preserved them.

Arabs aren't a race and they're certainly not the only people who preserved Aristotelian writings.

Yeah, it was Arabs and Greeks who preserved them (Greek transaltions were favoured for translation into Latin), but the Arab translations and commentaries by people like Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd had more of an influence on the actual perception of the texts among European scholars after the Recovery of Aristotle.

I can't wait until they take over, throw out all the minorities, and force us to walk around in tweed jackets and go to church and have arranged marriages, so that in a century people will look back on photos of modern day times and be like "Man that was so based I wish things were like that again!"

Traveling is for people who are losers at home

Depends on the city, I'm sure MDEgenerates look at empty London streets and touch themselves while imaging the immigrant rape gangs that fill them normally

Like tourists who do the bare minimum and just get a travel company to arrange a visit to some tourist trap have always been looked down on. Actual travellers want to get out of those places as fast as they can and see the actual country.

It's like the Instagram thots that pose in the gym vs those who actually work out. Looking down on those thots is like looking down on the yuros who only go to NYC, SF, or Disney World when they travel to the US.

What else is there to see besides LA and Chicago?

The National Parks

Well, there's also better Europe like NYC and Boston. No need to cross the pond with those.

To actually get the full experience of being cultured, you need to study culture, art, and history and then afterwards look at these things as the physical milestones of it all so you understand WHY, HOW, and what it means

Wait, so do they hate the humanities with a fiery passion or not?

No they love humanities, they hate (((humanities)))

They like the Great Books of Western Civ that were sold door-to-door in the 1950s like encyclopedias and can be treated as a monolith and middle-brow bludgeon. The idea of a Western canon that reflects instability, diversity, conflict, and outright violence not so much.

Where's the drama?

This is /r/drama, bucko.

Everyone on the MDE sub is a NEET. They don't have money to travel.

Those grapes are sour anyway.

Didn't even read that post but whatever they said is true

Travel obsession is the most Mayo shit around

You don't have to accomplish anything, you don't have to create anything, all you have to do is shell out $800 for an airplane ticket and exist in a place that isn't your home for a few days.

That's the appeal dumbass

accomplish anything, you don't have to create anything

That's why they call it a vacation, lol. Only people who sit on their asses all day couldn't understand the appeal of going somewhere to do nothing.

These people always lose their shit of anyone mocks them in any way, how do you think they'd handle having their politically themed t-shirts laughed at by a bunch of foreigners? It's really for the best that they don't travel tbh.

bad take. they're referring to what shitty travelers do who go to a place to go there for social media points instead of experiencing what they have to offer. `

You are treating the concept of culture 100% materially when traditional art and architecture was meant to evoke something spiritual, religious, and ethereal. Abstract. To actually get the full experience of being cultured, you need to study culture, art, and history and then afterwards look at these things as the physical milestones of it all so you understand WHY, HOW, and what it means and don't just go "snaps selfie PRETTY PAINTING! PRETTY BUILDING!". ` lol

Oh no I’m gonna actually agree here. Traveling isn’t my thing, and this weird manifesto kind of hit the nail on the head for me as to why it puts a bad taste in my mouth. Though it goes without saying, to each their own.

Travelling is pretty dumb.

Ooh look the Eiffel tower surrounded by shit, piss and patrolling soldiers. Amazing

Spending another hundred hours on on the other hand...

There are great places outside of tourist traps. They're usually cheaper too

I'm not like the other tourists, I don't go to the tourist traps at all I'm so woke and culturally aware :)))))

mayo alert

Mayos need to be more like basketball Americans and stop caring about grammar, travelling, animals and other gay shit like that.

Don't go to common tourist traps and actually plan out something interesting. If you can't conceive doing something different then it's your problem

I travel for a few months every year but I can afford it and I rarely stay in touristic cities

Its incredible how they can’t figure out a single reason people might want to travel that doesn’t involve posting on social media

Also apparently everyone that travels must be doing it with daddy’s money and no one that earns their own money can be rich. Hmmm.

lol you should just be happy that MDE finally managed to go an entire thread without blaming a problem on (((you)))

MDE is such a trip. It's like they all think they're in on some joke, but can't agree on what joke it is.