SRD reacts to recent Tinder catfishing drama in NY. Some users disagree with it being an extremely shitty move, because they are too busy circlejerking themselves about incels.

60  2018-08-22 by voicelesshoodwinker


Another one

And..MangoMiasma is out there talking about mysogyny when a dude is the culprit even today.

But now? No, they are just thirsty.

Friendly reminder that THIS is what the average SRDine looks like

Is this /u/MasterLawlz?



Can we trade them in or something and make them /u/MasterLawlz

I feel it would be an improvement

/u/Masterlawlz holds no true form. He is merely a reflection on the viewer's own cultural understanding of autism.

I need a jerkoff emoji to properly respond sry


MasterLawlz is a sexy hunk


FWIW you were the best mod here, the conspirators will pay in blood (and mountain dew)

What the fuck, why is Lawlz no longer a mod?

Because he's not with the commie weeb cabal.

My guess is /u/justcool393 couldn't handle a superior male on the mod team

His sticky was hilarious instead of the low-effort "drama" the mod team usually goes for.


Seeing that photo makes me thing /u/MasterLawlz would be a pretty nice guy to have as a friend. And if he ever fucked you over you know you could easily beat the shit out of him.

The kind of friend you pretend you don't know if he comes up to you in public

i'd be pissed off if i thought i had a connection with someone, spent time and money getting somewhere to meet her, then found out it was a waste of my time.

Why do I get the feeling that SRD posters have never actually gone out on a date? "hey, I'd be pissed too if something that happens to everyone who has ever dated also happened to me".

Yup. Not surprised. I've been thinking that redditors who comment all the time about "desperate men" and incels are probably just projecting their own insecurities.

Can't we get a ping treaty with SRD?

I might have stayed if I was one of them. If you cleared your schedule anyway, might as well. The odds of success are pretty similar to a real date anyway.

Imagine being someone with a 199/200 date failure rate.

The thing they're talking about wasn't actually a "date" though, at least, not in the conventional sense.

the poster blaming men is a woman

Gussies have no empathy

Tarekd19 is a fucking dick head, lol


God fucking damn it, I'm getting the itch to ping

Fuck you admins


It's just a social experiment, bro

Actually it's the guys fault for showing up to a promised date

wtf, SRD?

She is some type of promoter so the whole thing is probably a fucking stunt, including the men supposedly running races to win a date with her.

yeah everybody is getting /r/hailcorporate'd real hard


Oh SRD, never change please.

Literally NO ONE, outside of the obvious dumpster fires of /r/mgtow, /r/redpill or similar subs, said all women were like this. Everyone in the /r/nyc thread was criticizing her, but of course, how dare a woman do something BAAAAD, let's DEFLECT NOW!!!

I got featured.

Thank you SRD, very cool!