I just realized that I'm not subscribed to /r/drama.

71  2018-08-25 by snallygaster

I went to 'My Subreddits' to add shortcuts for my new computer and /r/drama wasn't there. Wtf? How did I go for years without noticing?



gotta make sure the /r/Drama front page is archived for the historians

Why would you put this filth on your front page?

who goes to their front page anyway?

I like reading about things.




When artificial wombs become a thing how should the inferior femorrhoids be dealt with?

wow rude!

Don't worry we'll keep a token few of you around to remind us of less civilized times

The rest will live out their days at the milk factory

Implying us moids will have not been replaced by lab grown sperm by then

You guys are all retarded. Homo Sapiens Vampiris will be revived and shortly take over.

It will be a good thing.

Edgelords who spazz at right angles unless doped up are never a good thy

Its ok you did't miss out on anything

I don't know how anyone can live themselves without getting their daily dose of Tay posts πŸ‘ΈπŸ’ž

I explicitly banned those

do you want me to screech at you??? πŸ˜’

kinda, yeah



I'm not subscribed either. I've also never voted on a post or comment and have never checked my inbox.

Not being subscribed is only annoying when you fucks thought randomly putting the sub in private mode was the height of comedy.

Even subscribers dont get in when its private, only approved submitters, i.e. lolcows or people so offensive they reached the downvote threshold for 10 minute time-outs routinely

How does the 10 minute time out thing work? Asking for a friend

If you get downvoted enough in a sub, it triggers a 10 minute cooldown between being able to post/comment on that sub. Mods can add you to approved submitters list which circumvents this limitation.

Typical femoid

Me too. Damn, I thought it was some kind of conspiracy by the admins hiding it from the menu.

Some mod kept going the_donald a while back with the 50 foot Tay blocking the screen, so I had to unsubscribe to make her go away.

That might be why I did it, actually

Same shit happened to me. Damn Nazi mods.

lol css fag


I only subscribed when the Tay overlay thing was added. Usually I keep the CSS disabled anyway, but I needed to get rid of it when I wanted to enable CSS temporarily.

You don't see the sub's beautiful design while you post here? What's the point??

Why Subcribe to anything.
Go to /r/All scroll for 20 pages looking for anything interesting, realize there's very little.

Go to /r/Drama

Go back to work for an hour.

Not being subscribed to /r/drama is a good thing, reminding us that there is worse than us.

I was unsubbed once, pretty sure I didn't do it myself. Probably an admin pranking around, nothing to see here.

I thought this sub was quarantined or something a month or two ago, which is why it wasn't showing up on my front page. But apparently there's some fuckery going on.

Gallowfag was a mod for a bit

When r/Drama is your starting off point for Reddit you never need to sub.

(βŒβ– _β– ) Suspicious...

You know about RES backups, right?

Oddly I tried to restore my old settings from a backup and it just did nothing. I'd ask someone to help, but I don't care toooo much at the moment. Oh well, womp womp I guess.

πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€”

You live and breath drama, that's why.