John McCain

345  2018-08-26 by snallygaster


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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gonna b cryin ( ╥﹏╥) ノシ

GOOD post

Yeah, this is too good for /r/drama

You could post it to /r/politicalhumor which makes /r/drama look kind of OK

You're saying because she's Snally.

Oh you're unironically an incel

Yes and no, I like Sally but come on.

You're very invested in this


Donald J. Trump ‏ Verified account

@realDonaldTrump 3h3 hours ago More My deepest sympathies and respect go out to the family of Senator John McCain. Our hearts and prayers are with you!

Melania Trump ‏ Verified account

@FLOTUS 3h3 hours ago More Our thoughts, prayers and deepest sympathy to the McCain Family. Thank you Senator McCain for your service to the nation.

W Bush statement: "Some lives are so vivid, it is difficult to imagine them ended. Some voices are so vibrant, it is hard to think of them stilled. John McCain was a man of deep conviction and a patriot of the highest order. He was a public servant in the finest traditions of our country. And to me, he was a friend whom I'll deeply miss. Laura and I send our heartfelt sympathies to Cindy and the entire McCain family, and our thanks to God for the life of John McCain."

Notice anything different about Trumps tweet than his wife's -- Or that any of the other links statements?


Large if accurate


Rape john mccain


Better do it while he's still warm, otherwise it's frowned upon.

better do it while he's still warm

Where's the fun in that?

Rape him while he's decomposing! Get rotting dick syndrome!

This guy fucks dead people.


An unironic F.

I’m super fucked up on molly nice post 👍

fun fact: share ur drugs

pink istagram pook is up

I can't tell if you subtly dropped a darkweb connect or if you're just high and typing nonsense

You're r/dramaing on mama, what's that like?

imma keep posting snallygaster facts until she puts out

Ok. Enjoy your come down, you can't escape it.

the only way I could come down is if /u/snallygaster aborted our retarded love child in the 2nd trimester and

Come on mate, don't leave me hanging.

It's good to see a man pursuing his dreams

thats like the last drug i would want to be shitposting on

Winners don't do r/drama on drugs. Also they don't do r/drama.

Catch-22, who can even stand Reddit sober?


Why would you waste molly on /r/drama you fukken dweeb.

fun fact: snally is a nazi fur 😂😂😂

Good comments.

be sure to like and subscribe to my channel

fun fact: snally has “148& OwO” tattooed to her left forearm

This but unironically


post bussy

fun fact: snally dreams of being princess-carried by Scooby Doo

Big if true

trig if bue

Is this hannah-barbera scooby or warner brother scooby

rapey scooby

That one is actually kind of manly

upboat me then cunt

why isnt my custom flair included in the screencap?

ewwww css

snally me to tell you that you are an asshole


How do I unsubscribe from shally-facts?

fun facf: Snally is a communist because health insurance doesn’t subsidize fursuit expenses

This but as it is


Seize the means of furduction!




fun fact: snallygaster is a transfurbian. Her penis is pink and slimy

ok, now this is epic

Subscribe to snally facts.



fun fact: snallygaster has never performed sexual acts for money because her prices are too high


fun fact: snallygaster raped me with her comments once


fun fact: snallygaster told me I suck nigger kyke dick for Isael


ty for your service o7

fun fact:. snallygaster is creative a Q Supr PAC as we speak


fun fact: snallygaster doesn’t cuck because even black bulls have stands


fun fact: snallygaster is my senpai but she refuses to notice me the

This is the one we can all agree on. 😔

fun fact: snallygaster is the next Trump member flip to Mieller

Literally who?

fun fact: snallygaster claims to have standards but the only time we met she almost choked on.her vomit.🤮


Wishing for John Mc Cain to rest in peace

Why do you hate him so much? Disgusting!


fun fact: the Jews didn’t do 9/11 Snallygaster did


Fun Fact : Snallygaster’s favorite CW drama is One Tree Hill

Gross I used to have to tolerate that show with my ex

Fun fact: Snallygaster’s fursuit was designed by Shadman

That fact actually is fun.

fun fact: snallygaster hates jews because even the fursuit needs to be circumcised and that costs extra

"John Mccain dies"

Me - "Meh"

fun fact: snallygaster eats salt-peter and shits sticks of TNT

and her butt is considered a WMD by the Genova Convention

fun fact: snallygaster has more than one pitull

have to click title to see image, instead of seeing a preview


fun fact: snallygaster thinks Bane is a Big Guy, but knows I’m bigger

RIP John McCain

fun fact: /u/snallygaster has never had anal sex. she’s saving her A-card so ahe can be cheap and avoid buying a proper gift for the 1 year anniversary

fun fact: Snally is a Pandora sexual. she’s bicurious for spotify

RIP John “I hate the gooks” McCain

fun fact: snally believes Rei is a better anime waifu than Asuka

wtf I hate shally now

fun fact: snallygaster’s “bug out bag” has a cordlees waffle iron

damn dude you kept thinking of these for like 3 hours!! nice


The dumbass Spaniards still talk about Franco’s grave like we shouldn’t piss on it, yet those mouth breathers would rather disrespect a man who served our nation in every way he was asked to.

Might not have always been the right way, but he did what he thought was best for the country before himself. Probably why DDFs and Trapos hate him so much come to think of it.

Q predicted this.

This but unironcly