86  2018-08-26 by i_wish_i_was_dead___


That entire subreddit is a cesspool. It's like a sewer that empties directly into a stagnant pond.


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Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Airline Pilot is not at all a good career choice.

Literally anything that sounds fancy is a horrible career choice

having a "career" is a terrible life choice

That’s sorta true for some people tbh

Deciding on a career is stressful and implies you’ll have a long term commitment for it. But if you just view employment as something to pay for your lifestyle but not make a long-term commitment to then it’s a little more relaxing. It’s especially weird how much pressure is put on young people to decide. Just get a decent job that pays for your bills and figure out what you like along the way.

that may have worked in the boomer era, but try "dude just do wtv you like lmao" now and you will end up homeless or even worst, a literal wagecuck

I’m not saying do what you love because that’s not feasible for most people. I’m saying just do what you can stomach and don’t necessarily worry about knowing what you really want to be or whether or not it will be a career.

true, especially in countries where education is almost free. But in the US i couldn't imagine just hopping between fields without getting fucked by debt

something to pay for your lifestyle

Or you could not be a fucking deviant with a "lifestyle". Most people aren't going to need to buy custom fursuits.

Just get a decent job that pays for your bills and figure out what you like along the way.

The people who take that attitude are the people from your hometown who never left your hometown, and are still in the same job they had in highschool. I can't imagine living a life that pathetic, being over 21 and still renting an apartment, or working a non-management level job.

Life is a bad life choice for most people here.

People knock sales but honestly if you find a good sales job it can get you all the perks of a “respectable career” without any the normal corporate America bullshit like needing a degree or “paying your dues” which is a fancy way of saying “sucking the dicks of the people above you until they eventually throw you a bone”

Honestly I put sales people below prostitues on the list of career respectability.

Lol who cares if a career is respectable if it pays well and is legal


Yeah its the job people get when they can't actually get a job doing the thing they got their degree for, so they sell shit related to their degree. Salespeople aren't human beings, they're desperate cockroaches who annoy the shit out of everyone who sees them.

in US.

You make upwards of 100k a year and get over 200 non work days. Its absolutey not for everyone but this meme of people hating nice careers cuz they work at mcdonalds needs to die.

Yeah you have to be a total idiot to think that being a pilot isn’t a good job. If anything it’s probably one of the best jobs out there apart from the long hours (which like you said is offset by the amount of vacation time).

Probably not quite as glamorous as it was fifty years ago when you banged all the flight attendants however.

First off we're talking about career choices, not jobs per say, so there is a huge difference.

So evaluating Airline Pilot as a career choice it's pretty easy to knock it below a lot of other fields due to the extremely large amount of money and hours those pilots have to sink into it before even being able to apply for a decent job.

9 months and 1500 hours experience is a lot of time to sink in to?

All total, within 9 months of beginning training with ATP, you will have earned all the certificates you need to be successful in pursing a career flying as a commercial pilot.

The FAA requires 1500 flight hours to fly as a commercial airline pilot. Enjoy the security of ATP's guaranteed certified flight instructor job placement while you hone your skills, build flight hours and get paid to fly.

There's also a significant shortage of commercial pilots right now, so you're almost guaranteed a job if you're competent.

People spend years to even be able to even just apply for those jobs, let alone be considered for them fyi.

You're shitting me right? I was about to start a pilot education and one of the reasons I didn't (beyond the fact that I either need to get sponsored by a corporation or fly bush planes for 5 years) was that there is an extreme excess of pilots.

Pilots still bang a lot of flight attendants though.

Probably not quite as glamorous as it was fifty years ago when you banged all the flight attendants however.

Tbf, if you are halfway decent you still bang half the flight attendants.

there was the lost decade when pilots were making dirt but now they make bank

Do you know how much those people pay and how many years they put in to even have a shot at making that much? Airlines hardly make any money themselves and are not at all good employers.

Airlines make tons now, their profits have soared

We're not examining airlines in a vacuum, but compared to many other business ventures they're pretty awful with extremely high volatility on a lot of different fronts, and even when everything goes right plenty of other fields are much more profitable.

heh, I started flying a 737 at 23.

Tell us your airline so we know to avoid it.

Well, I have more than 1k hours in this aircraft. So I guess I'm not going to kill anyone.

Pride comes before the stall.

Arrogant passengers with 100 hrs flight sims teaching us how to fly aircrafts comes even before that. We deal with them every week. Like you.

You should deal with them the way Andreas Lubitz or Zaharie Ahmad Shahd did.

Wait, people actually go to the pilots to talk about their flight skills?? I knew flightsims players were autistic but man

Oh that’s kinda cool. How much were you flying beforehand?

Been flying since 17. You can make in this field pretty early if you have 3 things. Absolute passion for flying, money and competency. Most pilots miss the last thing.

Ofcs you did. There is no fucking way you are flying shit. At best you're a co pilot but of a 737? No fucking way.

You dont need to write a wall of text to say that you dont understand much about aviation or pilot training. Anyway, I'm not in US, if that matters. And about my family, a normal upper middle class family.

Also, heres the pic I took on my first 737 flight. I dont like when people call me a liar.

You dont need to write a wall of text to say that you dont understand much about aviation or pilot training. Anyway, I'm not in US, if that matters. And about my family, a normal upper middle class family.

Also, heres a pic I took some months back. I dont like when people call me a liar.

So when you need to shit to you land the plane to find a designated street?


You're honestly telling me you have 1000 flight hours by the age of 23? I don't know how you do it. I mean look man if you are so passionate that you somehow did it then good job, it's amazing. But even with money, free time, not working at all and having an access to a private aircraft it seems crazy.

No, I said I started flying 737 when I was 23 and now at 25, I have 1k hrs.

Ah , ok, that may be possible though difficult. Well done.

Yeah go tell that to Ryanair pilots.

thats literally the cheapest airline out there, of course they're gonna cheap out on pilots

Not anymore but pre 9/11 it was Bank

its bank again. lost decade is over

Airline Pilots are the bus drivers of the sky.

Let's be honest, the frigging planes essentially fly themselves already. Given that airports don't typically change location from day to day, and the relative lack of obstacles in the sky, I'd say its even easier than making "smart cars".

The only thing standing in the way of fully automatic airliners is people's paranoia and liability concerns.

She isn't a landwhale tho

In her heart of hearts she is a fatty.

The 9/11 pilots were poc too

ya habibi

What do you call a Black woman flying a plane?


A B R A V E pilot

A pilot

A liability.

This feels patronizing. Also it shouldn’t matter what color the pilot is, what matters is they don’t crash the plane

"All Pilots Matter"

This is actual reverse racism imo, like instead of "omg a fucking shitskin woman is piloting the plane" it's "omg a strong woman of color is piloting the plane hell yeah!"

It's almost as if negresses are human beings who can actually do shit, wow

big if true

Don't be a racist, we have to celebrate this! I'm amazed someone with that much melanin can learn to read, let alone fly a plane, yas queen!

Thicc if verified

Relax, she was just warning everyone that they're probably 10-15% more likely to die due to pilot error.

So... what's the next step of your master plan?

Do planes parallel park or something?

reverse racism

I'm so happy when I see randos quoting me on the Internet. It makes me feel like I actually achieved something.

This seems like the right way to use "reverse racism".

This is the entire problem with regressive idpol in 2018. You ever heard of Save the Whales? Fuck that, we need to Save the Blacks. Those poor, poor creatures.

I agree. If we were talking about the first black female pilot that would be one thing but she just took a picture with a stranger captioned “omg a black woman flying a plane I’m crying” when she isn’t even black lmao

She's a big girl

For you

Meh. White women are like this.

If they weren't fuckable, nobody would put up with their bullshit.

Talking or posting about the race or ethnicity of someone you've just met is weird and awkward to me. I usually assume people don't want me to put them under a microscope due to their ethnicity, nobody wants to be treated like some zoo animal. "Oooohhh here the rare black human! What an interesting specimen!" No. Treat them like you would anyone else.

Even if I am, for whatever reason, interested in the culture of a person I've just met, generally I don't discuss it until we've deepened our friendship a bit.

Like I was fascinated by China for a long time, wanted to learn Chinese, studied Chinese history. Did I go up to random asian looking people and be like "Nǐhǎo! Wǒ hěn gāoxìng rènshí nǐ?" No, because it'd be a weird a douchey thing to do.

Like plenty of people do this shit with Asian people weirdly enough. The sushi place near my workplace, I see people being like "Konichiwa!" and bowing after getting their food. Except there is Hangul written all over the place and the owners are clearly Korean.

The bigotry of low expectations.

That’s the girl from the coffee shop.


yes YameteOniichanItai,she is a MIDDLE AGE WOMAN.

Why are those a thing?

Entropy and evolution.

Nature is a cruel mistress.

Does she have a phat ass? 😩💦

Isn't that the waitress from IASIF. Man she used to be really cute, white women do age like milk.


Fixed :/

No she wasn't

She is, she's the IASIP waitress, and Mrs. Charlie Day.

I meant I never thought she was cute. I know who she is.

Ah. We agree then.

Inshallah, brother.


It is her, Mary Elizabeth Ellis, Charlie Day's wife.

I know who she is because I biked through Laurel, Mississppi once, looked it up in wikipedia once, and it turns out she was born there. Laurel is the single trashiest place I think I've ever been to in my life. There was a Hotel that was just named "Hotel".

OHHHH SHIT! She's the waitress from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia lmaooo. This is going to be fun alright

If waitress is passionate about this, then I support it.

Black women also make the best doctors. Affirmative action is a wonderful thing.

plastic surgeon

probably a low-tier mickey mouse MD

That woman had it coming tbh

It's not racist if you say something positive. This is probably some midwestern BFE bitch who thinks she's all woke and open minded by recognizing a black chick as a pilot. Meanwhile, people that live in a city wouldn't even think twice about it but would be called racists by this chick because they post Mexican word of the day memes with their friends.

She's on a TV show, she's rich, and she lives in LA.

I was watcching Reno 911 the other day, and there is one bit where they go and break up some redneck siblings who can't stop brawling. They convince them to stop brawling, only for them to start making out instead.

Those rednecks? Charlie and the waitress. That's where they got their start I think.

Yeah, I think all of them had just done bit parts here and there prior to being on Always Sunny. Mac was on Law and Order for an episode and Dennis was on That 80's Show which nobody watched (myself included). I think I heard they were originally going to write it into the show with them all being up and coming actors and Mac's character having been on Law and Order.

"Look! They're so much like us! Isn't it crazy?"

If more women didn't get pregnant while single and at a young age, they too could become pilots.

This woman became a pilot because she made good decisions with her life, simple as that.

Charlie Day puts up with this bullshit?

You think he huffs all that paint for shits and giggles?

The white one looks like Lisa from Santa Clarita Diet

What a dumb cunt.

Ew. What a gross virtue signaling trash heap


I've never heard of this one, care to show some proof?

It's a condition that causes retardation, behavioral disorders, sterility and some health problems. It's not proof that chromosomal sex is not binary because this is a defect, not just a point on the spectrum.

Guys I think we've found what's wrong with the Chapofags 😟

She's a person, not some exotic fish.


(This is some of my best work. Please clap JebBush.gif)

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What is your native language?

Shit, I liked her too. I mean I guess I'll give her a pass for this since shes charlies wife and plays the waitress so well.

Mayo women were a mistake.

Also, this is the textbook definition of "virtue signaling".

And she had the audacity to scold Charlie when he said 'Niggas hanging from rafters'. SMH.