gg gamergate

328  2018-08-26 by AnnoysTheGoys


Jews did this


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Usually a safe bet, I concur the kikes are responsible

(((we))) don't have Hollywood level control of video games, but rest assured we'll be rectifying this after today. Can't even trust the goys to run a kid's toy industry correctly smdh.

Me and my ARMA clan have been training day in day out for the race war for over 10 YEARS

The day of reckoning is coming Goldstein, you have no idea

You're just another boss fight to us


I know 😎

Thinking that (((you))) really run things

Good, it makes it easier for us Hibernians to stay in the shadows, pulling the potato strings

username has the word Jew in it

Alright d00d

The idea that the Irish could run anything except a church pedo ring...

not getting caught is part of running the pedo ring

Ah, making jokes about the pedos I see... have you considered making movies for Disney?

pearl-clutching intensifies

I play ARMA. Am I a lost cause boo?

Depends, did you get yourself permabanned from all the big servers because you like to steal A-10s and bomb your home base to smithereens?

Not that I ever did that 😢

That sounds exactly like something you'd do πŸ˜˜πŸ‘¨β€βœˆοΈ

silly goy. You cannot defeat Zion

I am gonna need a teenager with attitude and bug powers, but I sure can.

Anita Sarkeesian is DEFINITELY crypto.

I lay my trust in (((God's chosen people))). Keep fighting the good fight.

As Christians, our solemn duty is to protect the Jew. They have made a mistake, and they must witness it in all of its Glory.

-St Augustine

I'm kinda serious

That was where I was going lol

The killer's name was David (((Katz))).

We've already established the guy was white though?

totally and undeniably white.

No, they have given up whiteness in order to fight racism.

"The idea that Jews are white is not only ridiculous, it’s offensive to who we really are! Yes, societies like America come along sometimes and give us privileges and powerful labels like β€œwhite.” In America’s racist social construct, Jews are very much white people, but we must never again think of ourselves that way β€” it’s time for us to opt out of that racist paradigm, because we are Jews."

WTF they'd do that to stop racism??? The Jews just keep getting cooler and cooler.

Truly they are the chosen people. The will bring diversity and cultural enrichment to us all once they dismantle whiteness.

This but unironically

enjoy benefits mayo privilege and oppressed minority status simultaneously

suffer the downsides of neither

best real world show of force their modern enemies can muster is a handful of dweebs marching around with Wal-Mart tiki torches

The fact that some mayoids believe they can even compete with the chosen people is a testament to the brute stupidity of their pale kind.

Q predicted this


lol all those other ones are trying so hard

I once met a Rabbi on the street. Clearly I am an evil globalist and an agent of Jewish trickery

Holmes, and Lanza no. Rest yes. Worked at a summer camp = full jew lmao.

Wait, I thought we took control of the industry when we put all of those ((microtransactions)) into the game.

lol any topic that has David Katz in title is being removed as soon as posted.

somebody in brackets is working overtime

"we just don't want to give the shooter the dignity of having his name published is all"

*sweats nervously

wow when did this sub become a low effort shithole?

Since it existed

"Hey guys look at me regular r/drama person haha yes no wait that offensive plz remove for muh feelz"

Eat my ass with a spork

Yummy, does it taste as salty as your liberal tears?

What a nerd

disgruntled gamer




Gamers. (((They))) targeted gamers.

This bot is self aware. (((Katz))) !

I don't know what any of those buzzwords mean in this context.

It's not my job to educate you, sweaty

Emotional πŸ‘πŸ» labour πŸ‘πŸ» sweaty πŸ‘πŸ»

Visit my patreon and we’ll talk sweaty.

Toxic masculinity = traits and behavior promoted by the tradition idea of masculinity that have a negative effect for both the men exhibiting them and society we live in.

White fragility = the tendency of mayos to become scared and anxious of any changes to the status quo in regards to race relations, and especially to become angry and feel threatened when any criticisms of race relations are made.

Gamer culture = the culture promoted by the gamer community had embodied in the gamergate movement.

I don't really get how white fragility works here unless the shooter was playing against the mike tyson of competitive madden

I never said it made sense.

Video game culture = the culture promoted by the gamer community and embodied in the gamergate movement.

A lot of gamers were against gamergate when it started and a lot of gamers didn't give a crap one way or the other.

goobergators are coping so hard rn. they just can't handle this truth bomb.

77% upvoted


goobergate in current year


Whenever I see somebody cite the percentage upvoted I realize that I have no idea what the normal percentage is, and then I'm glad I would never pay attention to such a thing


not supporting gamergate

Is that an Anita Hill pin?


2018 still obsessed with GG

snap yup Cringe compilation

using /r/dankememes shrek phrases

I don't have a cringe compilation but you'd be in it.

still obsessed with GG OP?

>CA poster

No it’s because Stacy wouldn’t date the nice guy.


Chad did this

Bottom text





Round up the casuals

I was sad until I found out they were gamers.

Gamers. They targeted gamers.

glabbergape strikes again, someone get Waypoint on the phone

>Implying the issue is not gamers themselves.


Ban white "men" and video games tbh

Ban white people tbh

Ban Gas white people tbh


This, but unironically.

Gamers should all be killed.

I support this.

We'll just respawn

In hell.

How dare you! I'm an atheist, don't push your beliefs upon me!

As the roaches you were always meant to be.

uhhhhh this isn't gamergate because if gamergate attacked everyone would have been hyper-raped first before being killed, idiots

Imagine being a noguns unarmed cuck and getting ganked by a beta numale hipster at a Madden tourny!




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implying you wouldn't be reduced to a shaking, whimpering mess unable to even hold a gun straight in this situation

I would have drawn out my Glock 19 and started to help clear the room of tangos to win the round.
















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So true


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Hol' up fellas we've got ourselves a badass right here

If only the gamers who got shot at were fighting gamers, they would have had the proper moves to defend their selves πŸ˜’

If it was a fighting game tournament, I think the odds of the shooter being white would be fairly low.

The inspiring thing about gamergate is how mayos and basketball americans joined hands to be misogynists. Intersectional feminism, is there anything it can't do?

the idea that there were more than like 3 black people who gave a shit about gamergate was a pol meme, you retard

Same thing with the idea that more than like 3 women were involved.

We need this now more than ever

If we care about well-being of the people we MUST put a stop this nonsense. All gamers are unproductive, antisocial, autist, virgin neckbeards. Why do we even tolerate such people?

All people who hate gamers are 40yo chubby women with crazy hair who can barely fit anywhere and should be thrown in jail

Goober gater found. Neckbeard scum like you need to be locked up forever before you shoot up anyone.

I can't grow facial hair and you should be locked up before you destroy everything people enjoy

Enjoying things is haram you fucking apostate

So everyone always should suffer and never be happy

Everyone should bask in Allah's light and work tirelessly towards establishing an international caliphate

With that I do agree as I am a fellow Muslim too

I said two weeks ago when that gamer stole a plane that we need to ban video games, and now look what happened. It's a serious problem.

You people don't really play videogames, do you

no, not everyone is a mass shooter in training

Yeah cuz every videogame makes you a school shooter and the most violent one of all tetris

Also you shouldn't really talk about things you don't understand.

did you read the link? if you read the link you would understand the dangers video games pose to civil society. perhaps it is you who is talking about something he doesnt understand.

Have you ever played a videogame in you're life

of course not. again, i have no interest in training to commit mass murder, because unlike gamers i actually place a value on human life.

How stupid does a human being have to be to just blame something without even knowing what it truly is

i mean you've already shown in this thread that video games cause autism soooo πŸ€”

What autism

In fact I would go as far as to say you are the autistic one here

No u autist

Would you like to join in the ended argument too

Yes when's the next posting hour please

Tomorrow maybe at 14:00 or later

Tomorrow maybe at 14:00 or later

i know all about video games. you really need to read the link, it cites plenty of reliable sources.

I will give it another chance, but just because you asked so politely

im glad you have come around to understanding the dangers of gaming, and now agree with me that it is necessary to outlaw their sale and production to prevent more senseless tragedies

I never said i agree with yo, so just watch this

youtube is a known gamer stronghold, i dont click links to it so as to avoid the risk of exposure to gaming's hate ideology

Excuse me but I can not keep arguing with such an ignorant human being

And petition had some very shitty sources in it

im sorry you dont trust serious scholars and academics. hopefully you won't become another statistic in gaming's history of violence.

I am sorry you refuse to look at facts and I hope one day you can change your mind in a good way

And why don't you watch this video and see which one of us is right here


What a casual, getting such a low score.

gamers rise up

I don’t think we have enough masculinity. More pressure needs to be put on men and women to be stronger, and being white has nothing to do with the shooting. The guys was a Jew.

Shut up nerd

it completely be like that

now we're gonna hear in the news from people like Jack Thompson trying to ban Madden

The shooting happened because they are playing Madden for a living.

Gamers targeted gamers. Gamers.

I knew you radical centrists would use this opportunity to push your anti-everyone agenda. Your plans to ironically gas everyone is not going to work!

Obviously they are working, as this event demonstrated.

No, you're right

Wow, you guys are faggots. Too soon

Gamer on gamer violence

Shitty post made by non gamers. Why am I not surprised

tbh I doubt anyone who has the slightest sense of what gamergate is plays Madden

Toxic masculinity would've prevented this. If the limp-wristed boy on the spectrum had been bullied and played real sports in high school, he wouldn't have sought refuge in the fantasy world of video games.
