Dad asks advice about his daughter coming out as non-binary. People contemplates if he's an asshole for asking. Some redditors disagree.

100  2018-08-27 by friidum-boya


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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Holy fuck, what's with peoole thinking that if you don't adhere 100% to your gender's stereotype that's somehow a legitimate reason to identify as non-binary.

Also using the whole ancient civilizations believed in a lot of different genders argument is on the same level as flat earthism.

My favorite is the anti meds people who talk about ancient people living off of the land and never using modern day medicine. Never mind that they died by 30 and usually in some kind of awful pain. These are the people I hope experience pain and lets see how long they last before they ask for that sweet modern day painkiller,

The AVERAGE age of pre-modern man was 30...largely due to the high rate of infant mortality.

If you made it past being a baby, people could easily live into their 60’s.

They usually lived into their 50s or 60s. Which isn't that great considering it's normal to live well into your 80s now...

tfw you're so woke you push strict gender norms harder than any generation before you

This is in direct contradiction with the fact that tomboys are the best girls as well.

Ah, a man of culture I see

26+ yo tomboys with a carrier in a creative field. Yes.


26 yo tomboy who tomboy'ed so hard she become a figher jet pilot after she was inspired by the movie "Top Gun"


A Japanese woman will be flying through the glass ceiling

I hope she lands safely and the cockpit ceiling remains intact.

what's with peoole thinking that if you don't adhere 100% to your gender's stereotype that's somehow a legitimate reason to identify as non-binary?

Because they don't think you need a "legitimate reason" to choose an identity in general? And of course all the transracial and otherkin stuff gets waved away.

why is the label necessary in the first place?

It's totally science /s

You have to understand that there's a strong link between identifying as transgender and being autistic. Black-and-white thinking is a common trait of autism.

Google "gender dysphoria" you cuck, nobody is saying that people who don't conform to their gender are non-binary.

Yes. Nonbinary identities are pretty well-known in the scientific community. We know that there is a hormonal basis for these identites, just the same as there is for binary trans people. Not to mention that every single pre-Christian society had a concept of a nonbinary gender. It's not just something that's sprung up out of nowhere. I know it seems like it has, but that's the result of society becoming somewhat more accepting.

There’s so much wrong here I literally can’t even.

The preferred pronoun shit, much like this retardedness that gender is fluid (fucking lol) needs to die.

Take alllllll the books, papers, notes, anything with writing and supporting this bullshit. And burn it all.

yeah ancient greeks and romans fucked young boys but heres why thats a good thing- modern day gender studies major on the nature of non binary

greeks and romans were the original bussy soldiers and I will not have you sully their good name

Hmm.. the scientific community knows lots about it.

So let's not share any of the countless articles, studies, research summaries, essays and books that should be on this topic from the 'scientific community'.

I think this person might be, uh, lying.

I woke up one day and found “scientific” community suddenly included feminist literature and feel good soft sciences.

And when you read the “studies” by these scientists, you’ll find so many glaring errors that it’s more of a, “I found six people who behaved how I wanted! Validated!”

Annoysthegoys hard at work again I see

could save their life.


It just wouldn't be a millenial hipster circlejerk without threats of suicide to guilt people into submission.

You know, stuff like that makes me wonder if psychologists really need to research the trans = personality disorder phenomenon properly.

Considering how the mothers of trans people are often borderline and how biid is highly correlated with gender identity disorder, yes, yes they should

Or if HRT and sex change operations weren’t invented, will all the trans people just kill themselves?

They often kill themselves regardless, so...

Suck my dick you transphobe. Call it a mental illness if you want but the fact remains that misgendering a non-binary person is incredibly damaging to them. And yes, because trans people are so prone to suicide a dad constantly misgendering his daughter literally puts their life at risk.

Look man, if you ask me to call you “they”, I’ll do it but I’m not gonna like treat it as a matter of life and death

If a dude decides to kill himself because I repeatedly use a female pronoun for them, I'll consider that natural selection.

I knew a girl in high school who came out as non binary and got mad when her parents didn’t care / ask her questions. It’s almost as if it’s some kind of call for attention.

Most of the girls who say that shit are usually jabba the hutt sized, so they aren't technically lying. No doctors brave enough to dive under those folds to check for a penis or vagina

It's Pat!

Only 90s kids snl watchers will get this xxxddd

You have to go back...

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This bot is so fucking gay

You have to go back...

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You need to be Terminated


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You'd be a better person if you were gay

I’d def be better at sucking dick than I am now

Nah, you're amazing at it already, bby



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jabba the hutt sized

lol how'd you know, that was literally her

"Called me a bigot" this is definitely just influence picked up from the cultural environment - learnt how non-binary is a very important thing, how it's oppressed by bad "bigots", how anyone not understanding all its nuances is also doing oppression, how bigots live among us, supporting or excusing those bigots is enabling and contributing and we all have to point them out and oppose them to cure the vice.

So then comes home, turns out dad is "one of those" types, and as taught by said environment, that's called "bigiot".

If it wasn't for that, no mentally sane kid would just whip out such a heavy word because of a parent not understanding something about them, particularly if it's something unusual or confusing.

You can easily identify the commenters who are actual parents, and who are well-intentioned teens spouting woke talking points.

The surer you are of yourself online, the less knowledge you actually have in real life. I don’t trust anyone who wants to tell me all about what the “scientific community”’agrees on. They didn’t even all agree that Pepsi was bad for you until like, last year.

The surer you are of yourself online, the less knowledge you actually have in real life.

That's the dumbest thing I've read today. Given the confidence with which you typed it, you must be a real idiot in real life.

Harsh, man. I upvoted you n everything.

Are you sure about that?

I could be wrong...

...Coke’s still good though, right?

RC Cola.

Fuck science.

At least dad's takeaway seemed to be "get your kid therapy" and "it's probably a retarded phase but your kid will appreciate that you supported her anyway"

Thank god that guy didn't listen to those retards.

get one of those shock collars that works by remote. every time your kid starts acting like some kind of special snowflake retard she gets a shock.

So sda this dude is listening to reddit on this. THere was just a report released saying rapid onset gender dysphoria was a thing that can be caused by peer pressure. Plus there was a post on the teacher subreddit recently where a teacher pointed out that the majority of white kids in her class were "coming out" as "non-binary"

I so fucking hope I wont get one of these as my child. I don't think I could take it.

That is a wholesome thread with 0 drama in it. I remember when /r/drama wasn't just a centrist version of SRS.

This shit is retarded. There are two genders. Period

(handsome in jeans, pretty in a dress etc)

Non-binary genders, supporting gender stereotypes since 2018.

If you have two people, one who dies as an infant and one who dies at 60 the average age is 30.

If you survived into adulthood you had a good shot at a decent lifespan

no, once you made it into your 20s, you would easily live to the 50s and 60s

literally that many babies died

People who are bad at statistics doesn't belong in this sub. We're all smart peeple here