Louis CK performs for the first time since his Kink was revealed and doesn’t even masturbate! Apparently this fact alone isn’t enough to appease twatteratti

154  2018-08-28 by ConservativesRBIGgay


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Get woke, go broke.

white dudeness

I don't even.

he should be forced to masturbate on stage. as long as he promises not to enjoy it

If he went on stage and tugged is pudd it would be remembered for generations.

Louis would become most well known for defining a new unironically ironic style of standup comedy.

he could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot his load over somebody and he wouldn’t lose fans

Hot take

Michael Ian Black acting as a gatekeeper to Louis CK is fucking outrageous. MIB is a washed up piece of shit with nothing funny ever created by him, ever. How comedy central kept giving him shitty one season shows is more laughable than anything ever aired on them. I hope he fucking dies soon.

The first Star Wars trilogy would have been much funnier if the whole time Chewbacca had been pregnant.

Pretty much the only funny bit MIB has ever came up with imo

Ah come on, Stella was awesome.

get the fuck outta here wit that pleb shit.

Sorry it's not anime trash


wrong. so fucking wrong.

and on top of all that, Michael Ian Black is an asshole to staff in comedy clubs in real life.

source: used to date a waitress in a comedy club

Tell me about your exquisite taste in comedy.

I post in /r/drama

And I enjoy the films of Adam Sandler


Stella was awesome.

He was funny on The State, but that was 25 years ago.

dont even know what that is. mustve been highly influential on our culture jacking off motion

Someone shit in your cereal this am?

I whacked off into it and he loved it.

Found CK.

Im outta heeeereeee.

Also, I wanna dip my balls in it!

Furthermore, Awwww yeahhhh.

Mionkey Torture was always my favorite.

I've never agreed so much with a Reddit comment, I have always wondered whose dick MIB was sucking to continue to have the amount of work he does

Pretty obviously Tom Lennon's

Turns out Lt Dangle is what MIB calls Thomas's dick

Showalter and Wain

Aka the two talented ones

Code their coattails to the big time

all of left twitter's

The good guys dress in black, remember that

Just in case we ever face to face and make contact

The title held by me, MIB

Means what you think you saw, you did not see.

tell us how you really feel tho

I just Googled him and everything about him screams : blandest faggot you could build : final attempt.

nothing funny ever created by him, ever.

You must be a youngin'. The only reason he's still around is because people remember how funny The State was 25 years ago. He was one of the actors and writers for that.

The only reason MIB hasn't been Me Too'd yet is because he slaughters and dismembers his victims Onitan style so they can't come back to haunt him.

I unironically believe this

Unironically one of the best move if you have to be a weirdo with wamynx or children

I thought he was gay for the longest time

Like a christian to the lions. O7

he stole careers and passion and trust from possibly brilliant comedians - women that we’ll never get to hear from

all by whipping out his dick? Is his dick some sort of soul drainer?

I wish my dick was a soul drainer.

Shan Tsung style sex sounds awesome.

Thotbringer, stealer of souls.

Can you imagine if you breathed through your dick instead of your mouth?

You don’t?

I wish my dick was a soul drainer.

duh - it would be way better than what it actually is: a sole injector.

imagine no condoms


yeah duuuude

It would be unbelievably awkward and stiff and the only angle it would even sort of work from is in perfect profile.

Sounds like an heterosexual relationship alright.

Is his dick some sort of soul drainer?

ALL dicks are soul drainers, but especially bald ginger mayo dicks

He is mexican dude

My vagina sees a bald mayo ginger

The two are not mutually exclusive categories

Ay dios mio

If Louis wanked into a plant in front of me and I was a comedian, I'd use it in my gigs.

He gave them material.

Also sexually and mentally, imagine living life with the image of Louis CK's balding dick forever etched inside your mind.

Nothing will ever be the same again.

I mean you can use that instance a joke mine for a while!

Sure 98% of people who do "comedy" are actually broken and bitter drug addicts who the general public will never hear from, but these random two women who got scared away because some creepy loser asked if he could masturbate in front of them and then did it would have totally been leading and innovate pioneers in the field!

This is the equivalent of "that child you aborted could have been an astronaut"

yep. i prefer to think of all the potential astronauts sperm wasted

This is the equivalent of "that child you aborted could have been an astronaut"

yes but only if it was female fetus though.

reminds me of that bit in one of Dave Chapelle's new specials where he said those women had a "brittle ass spirit"


Can you link to this?

Its literally the first post if you follow the link.

I dont know what kind of weird linkage your PC follows but since you are getting fucked by computer rng. here is the thread: https://mobile.twitter.com/jfiliatrault/status/1034324698706792448

https://mobile.twitter.com/search?q=Louis%20CK&src=typeahead_click is the original link, because op didn't link it properly.

He jams his dick up their nose and sucks the comedy from their brain, that's why he's so powerful.

What in the actual fuck is this fucktard going on about?


Honestly he gave those women comedy gold and they were too fucking stupid to know it. Their careers were destined to end in failure.

when I was like 12, an older boy (wanna say like 16-17) who I barely knew, showed me and my friend my first porno. I didn't even really know what porn was (it was the 90s). Then he chased us around his house with his erection.

It took my 12 year old, immature, undeveloped brain with no reference for the situation about 5 minutes to come to terms with.

He deserves what he gets. Though it's worth pointing out that every single one of these incidents was consensual and still he somehow got cucked.

Hah and imagine how humiliated the daughters he constantly talks about are.

They weren’t though

didn't he ask before he did it? I never read any accusations that anyone said no, and he still did it. I think they were "traumatized" just by him asking, and that was the only accusation. He did nothing wrong.


He masturbated in front of women or on the phone with them without getting their permission first

Bro, you really just used Vulture, which straight up quotes Gawker, as a source.

You can't be serious. The only borderline incident was a women alleging she could hear him masturbating on the phone.

So wait on the phone? Like how is that even sexual assualt? They weren't even there!

I HEARD his faps.....I am traumatized, I can never work in this career again, my life is fucking ruined

The penis shaped sound waves traveled through the phone lines and raped them.


He masturbated in front of women

sure, he got "permission" though

or on the phone with them

you can't control what I do when I'm on the phone with you

I'm masturbating to your post.

shit I masturbate on the phone all the time, it's called multitasking grampa

They were consensual.


He masturbated in front of women or on the phone with them without getting their permission first

So? They don't know how to fucking leave the room?

Since "consensual" doesn't mean "not physically restrained", it doesn't really matter, does it?

dont ask a person in /r/drama if they understand consent

we barely understand sex here

They literally said yes when he asked them for consent. Kys

You seem like a cool guy. I bet you have zero women's heads in your freezer.

Not enough space. The shelves are so tiny.
Love how you try to just breeze past getting called out for saying "Asking someone for consent and getting an affirmative reply isn't actually getting consent", though.

Don't worry. At some point you'll have a sexual encounter that doesn't involve your father.

I don't

If you ask a woman for sex and she says yes, you have to ask her 5 more times to be sure and have her written consent to jizz within 5km proximity or it's the rape wagon for you, you fucking mansplaining rapist.

it does mean 'he asked and they agreed' tho, so he's covered

Dudes fapping to you on the phone is basically a female rite of passage, they're now seen as full grown women in our culture


He masturbated in front of women ... without getting their permission first

Yeah that's a no, dog

the 'blind item' your link mentions? the first time the aspen duo is discussed? it says he asked, and they gave him a 'sarcastic thumbs up'. the times article does not mention if this did or did not happen. the times article does not say they asked him to stop. a sane person looks at these facts and sees the times is trying to imply nonconsent for a better story.

The other 3 accusers are

  • someone on the phone
  • an employee that was asked and refused and saw nothing
  • an employee that was asked and agreed and saw some dussy

I thought each time he asked if it was cool, they said yes, then he did it?


KYS retard.

I always thought the jokes involving his daughters and his then-wife were fucking disgusting (funny as fuck though) and actually mysoginistic.

when will men learn, that no means no and yes also means no

When will men learn that the only proper form of intercourse is when a woman wearing a drildo pegs the unsuspecting man. smh

lmao twitter in 2018

No means no but 50 noes and just 1 yes get it over with means yes!

Wowie, it's a sea of blue checkmarks. Imagine looking like [https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1025229941070340098/tg-Qb9lu_x96.jpg](this) and crying about getting sexually harassed. No one is harassing that beast.

Still better looking than you

Nah man I'm a qt. If I posted bussy pics this whole sub would fall to their knees in awe

do it you wont

Do it 😉

There was no need for a come back.

That's like being smarter than the kid with downs

This very same beast said

The argument that sexual assault allegations ruin men's lives is absolute bullshit.

As if Louis CK performing again proves it.

Well, he wasn't alleged to have assaulted anyone. I don't think he was charged with a crime, although I guess maybe he could be. But indecent exposure is not assault.

Secondly, it's no secret that rich/famous people are less impacted by these things than us normies.

excuse me he literally kidnapped two strong beautiful subordinate comedian women and swung his gross soulless ginger dick in their faces while they sobbed and begged to leave, until they had to touch it to escape, and that's why they're not funny and their career is ruined

how dare you

Imagine caring about something out of empathy rather than fear

imagine storing all your face fat in your cheekbones lmao

lol that chick runs shakesville, she probably hasnt left her house since GWB was in office

You don't know me

Many wonder "how long" Louis CK should be "punished" for before he's "allowed to do comedy."

This is why mob justice is so fucking stupid. The answer is "until people get distracted by something else and stop caring." There's a reason why this sort of shit doesn't scale as a serious mechanism of social control above tribes of like 100 people.

In that thread: lots of people way less funny than Louie trying to roast him.

Also, the bitch saying that he should get a year in jail for each count of indecent exposure. Where the fuck do they do that?

She's just retarded, if I was lame enough to have a Twitter I'd reply with "UP TO" but fuck that shit.

Imagine caring enough about Twitter to get verified.

Louie vs the Twaaaattter Literallywho legion, I wonder who will win this one in the long run 🤔


And again...why is Aziz Ansari's name is mentioned here?

What Aziz did was really, really bad.

He asked for consent, and got it. He asked for a blow job, and got it. He asked her to sit on the couch with him naked and watch seinfeld, which she did. Then he asked for another blowjob and got one.

So you can clearly see why he should be blackballed from the industry.

He also made her watch Seinfeld, which is the cardinal sin of all

Fuck you, Seinfeld is great. The real crime is Breathing While Being Aziz Ansari.


When you point out all that consent, it really makes Aziz seem look like a rapist. Mostly because he's brown though.

Here's some salt for ya.

"Aziz was only collateral damage"


Strong logic. Might as well just do away 6th amendment. (Or s.11 if you're Canadian like me)

Wait, Ashley Lynch?

Was she the one who tried to stir up controversy about LadyBusters on one of the Ghostbuster subs so she could screencap it and tweet about it as proof of concerted efforts to harm the film? Only... she did it on a reddit account where she'd been defending LadyBusters for the last month or so, and screencapped it a minute after it has been posted?

the one who looks like Grimace? think thats her

Imagine actually caring that a literal jester does clown shit in private with other clowns. If you unironically care about the lives of famous people you should be turned into soylent green.

Michael Ian Black here is a perfect example that you can spend years being a Good Boy Feminist Ally(tm) and say all the right things and get all the brownie points...and if you step out of line even a little bit the Bluecheck Brigade will unleash its fury on you.

Yeah but you just described ALL groups of retarded people, both left AND right, get your "bluecheck" bullshit outta here.

Nuke Twitter

I dont get it, this links to nothing?

I would get worked up at all the garbage in my mentions but I'm eating mac n' cheese


This basically sums up the entire thread

deleted like a bitch

It's deleted, what happened?

A bunch of women and POC responded to him with "me", "found one" or a raised-hand emoji, so like a true "progressive" @alex_goldberger deleted his tweet after being called out for his racism and sexism.

Dude has a good grasp of Twitter drama though, he is doubling down and calling all the people who disagreed with his "joke" tweet "terrible".

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Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

He did not rape anyone. This is how sideline avengers jump the shark; you pad the story to make your stance, then refuse to actually tell the truth when confronted. I’m a me too too, and I reject changing the truth to fit a narrative for twitter likes. He did not rape anyone.

Oh boy a women giving a nuanced opinion is now a “55% problematic bot” and that’s not me saying that, it’s this dumb website I used to type in your twitter handle and get an “objective opinion” of your tweet based on science!

All this outrage is good: soon all functional gussy duty will be outsourced away from the west, this will lead the way to a free market approach to eugenics.

Clinical tax free eradication of mayos.

If you are not on board with the gender wars you lack long term vision.

ah- to be white and male. what a disgrace this guy is. and he gets a standing ovation. disgusting.

I know two of the women Louis CK harassed and they scrubbed their entire social history because of threats. So, you see how this works out.

Were there names both Stacey?

Who cares what people on Twitter think?

Counteropinion: Louis CK, once one of my favorite comedians, joked about his privilege and white dudeness on stage while, behind the curtain, using that privilege and white dudeness to sexually harass and harm women and their own careers in comedy. So he can stay in the shed.


No surprise, he does that stupid smile

Ahh the soy smile

totally insufferable.

Well, at least he knows, so that’s something I guess.

I'm on board with whatever Andy Richter says, he can hide in my basement during the mayocide.

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