MDEfugee disproves the Holocaust by citing the oven capacity of Auschwitz

123  2018-09-20 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


Is this what white people sit around thinking all day, how to cook other white people?

Do you not?

Lol, thief.






you have to go back! ......oh wait, you can't

I'm legal

I'ma need to see some papers.

my homelands been destoryed by war and like most African war lord leaders prosbora has left us:(

So it says here on the instructions that you have a valid asylum claim, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave regardless.

Imo Jews should be ashamed of identifying themselves as white. Its like humans choosing to identify as animals. Technically it might be true but it isn't very flattering






People are reading culture of cuisine

I'm partial to the high school football stars who bulked up at a young age before letting themselves go in their 30's.

The strict diet regimen of McDonalds and Mountain Dew helps develop the fatty marbling between the muscle tissue, while the Busch Light tenderizes the meat to perfection.

Busch lite

Good god you’re a prophet

X D the meme of white warfare supremecy

These fags dont know about chinas eternal wars

China's really bad at killing things that aren't other Chinese people, however.

laughs in Mongolian

[grunts in Uyghur]

[sighs in Jurchen]

Reported for hate speech.

gets btfo by a tea company

not spending every waking moment thinking about how to cook people

Why live?




They are a strange bunch. Attractive female blondes tho.

Number three is factually false lol

modern hospital incinerators take on average 2 hours to dispose of a human body. taking the oft quoted 6 million figure, it would require 1370 years ((2*6000000 / 24) / 365) to destroy all of the bodies, assuming the converted kilns, bakeries, forges, etc. that were the so called death camp crematoriums operated at a similar efficiency to technology 70 years more advanced, 24 hours a day every day.

Oh right, because obviously all the corpses of all the death camps would be burned in a single oven. Either German efficiency really had downs in those years, or the guy is just throwing in some calculation to confuse people who can't realize how absurd they are.

And obviously the most important thing to German officials was making sure every body was fully cremated. They would just bury charred body parts!

And it's not as if for much of the war they were burying people without burning their corpses.

As for the related gas chamber capacity citation, disease and malnutrition also killed many, as did firing squads.

Camp guards dragging bodies out of the mass graves of shooting squad victims to cremate them and give them a 21 gun salute and funeral service.

A lot of Holocaust victims didn't even get sent to camps, they just executed by the Einsatzgruppen.

And a lot of camps didn't even have incinerators.

Fuck man what a way to go... die in a mass grave

If you haven't seen the movie Operation Finale that recently came out, there's a scene of this in the movie. The scene and particularly Ben Kingsley (playing Adolf Eichmann) narrating it fucked me up.

Id watch the scene but I dont and never pay for shitty historical movies of ww2

Most are dog tier shit that portrays the actual history so bad it makes me cringe

T 20th century armchair historian autist

:'( never forget

I can't imagine a Nazi character narrating a holocaust scene.

"Yeah, so it was good times, there's Oskar, there's Fritz, and oh, that's Hans. He cheats at Trivial Pursuit. Fuck that guy."

He does it to get into another character's (whose sister and her kids died in the Holocaust) head.

in fact the majority of the victims didn't die in the camps

Well you see the word Holocaust comes from a greek term meaning to sacrifice in a fire, so since most of them didn't get burned, the Holocaust didn't happen!/s

they just executed by the Einsatzgruppen.

Yep, people like Oskar Dirlewanger killed tens of thousands in so-called "anti-bandit" operations.

To get a good idea about the kind of person we're talking about here, some examples from his biography:

In Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin, Timothy Snyder wrote that "Dirlewanger's preferred method was to herd the local population inside a barn, set the barn on fire, and then shoot with machine guns anyone who tried to escape."


Rounded-up civilians were repeatedly used as human shields and marched over minefields


In Warsaw, Dirlewanger participated in the Wola massacre, together with police units rounding up and shooting some 40,000 civilians, most of them in just two days.


Dirlewanger burned three hospitals with patients inside, while the nurses were "whipped, gang-raped and finally hanged naked, together with the doctors" to the accompaniment of the popular song "In München steht ein Hofbräuhaus".


In October, he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross, recommended for it by his superior officer in Warsaw

Do you own that book btw? Seems like it may be interesting/worth it to buy

Oh no, I was just quoting the linked Wikipedia article.

I'm sorry if that wasn't clear.

Apology accepted

This in depicted in the absoutely horrific - but incredible - Soviet film Come and See.

its so fucking stupid, it wouldn't be a single over, it would be 200 ovens.

Out OUT OUT!!!

why do you hate Mr.Weinstein and Allen

Funny there’s a concentration camp report citing the need for more incinerators I wonder why they would need so many 🤔

and Weinstein has over a dozen messages from actresses talking about how much they want his hot sexy body on top of them and him shoving in his huge thick cock inside of them. Makes you think

and Weinstein has over a dozen messages from actresses talking about how much they want his hot sexy body on top of them and him shoving in his huge thick cock inside of them. Makes you think

I think it would take a minor miracle to make you think.

I'm more curious as to what technological advances have been made in ovens over the last 70 years.

Aren't they still pretty much big stone or metal boxes we heat up to super high temps?

we now have the ability to make fires burn in amusing colors

I'm more curious as to what technological advances have been made in ovens over the last 70 years.

TL:DR Thanks to computer they can be largely automated and held at an ideal temperature much more easily

well fuck TIL

Oh right, because obviously all the corpses of all the death camps would be burned, and in a single oven

And of course no one could possibly build an oven that could handle more than one body at a time

Freedrama sucked. It seriously was like a refugee camp cramped in with legit shitty people.

Fuck you. Free drama just didnt have much content contributors

Lurkers like u should be banned

Lol, I commented early on Free drama went private. It was pretty obvious that it was full of kids who get picked last in life.

Free drama went private?

It was pretty obvious that it was full of kids who get picked last in life.

sooooo........just like /r/drama?

Yeah.......but they didn't.....sniff......invite me to the private club😭😭😭😭😭

implying /r/drama isn't wall to wall legit shitty people

I'm shocked and appalled by this attack on our character

Why would a totally not death camp need 44 crematoria? What if multiple bodies were burned at once? What if crematoria operators only cared about making bodies easily disposed of and not about reducing them to a fine ash suitable for urns?

The answer to all of these question is that Factorfactorfactor is a faggot.

The misunderstood national SOCIALIST army enjoyed baked potatoes, a lot.

The worst part is that we can't even ping him

dw the bot told me you mutants were admiring me; laughed and laughed and laughed at all the piddling of a week old post

side note - MDE never dies

Hard to kill that which never had a pulse to begin with

very wordy

Except it did, when it got booted off TV

Yeah but it lives on in the hearts of retards everywhere

I dont think you know mde well at all

Do you watch hydewars or kickstarter tv? Probably not fag

> giving sam hyde money


The ovens were there for delousing

So freedrama is like the voat for drama?

Nah, it was the refugee camp for people not in /r/drama. However now that /r/drama is unprivate only retards post there.


In freedrama

you illiterate boy?


No i

Yes u

r/theydidthemath !

Is his math based on the average size of a fat American slob, or the average size of an emaciated holocaust camp victim?

I doubt a burger citizen can fit in those ovens of theirs.

Yes, this is our master plan! Now no one will be able to remove burger from the planet but ourselves!

So these basement dwellers are unaware of the fact that ovens and microwave ovens aren't the same thing?

He's applying the very well known 'hot pocket coefficient'. Boy do you look silly now

Since human bodies burn quite well, I would guess that more bodies would just make the cremation process more efficient.

Microwaves don't burn shit.

Cremation ovens dont burn the bone, the bones are mechanically pulverized after the soft tissue has burn off.

A human body usually contains a negative caloric value, meaning that energy is required to combust it. This is a result of the high water content; all water must be vaporized which requires a very large amount of thermal energy.

A 68 kg (150 lbs) body which contains 65% water will require 100 MJ of thermal energy before any combustion will take place. 100 MJ is approximately equivalent to 32 m3 (105 ft3) of natural gas, or 3 liters of fuel oil (0.8 US gallons). Additional energy is necessary to make up for the heat capacity ("preheating") of the furnace, fuel burned for emissions control, and heat losses through the insulation and in the flue gases.

or 3 liters of fuel oil (0.8 US gallons).

Normal people contain way more fat than that though. And I'd guess that even concentration camp prisoners still had enough proteins and remaining fats to provide that energy.

yeah, i mean, i'm not a scientist but i think i could burn a bunch of logs faster in a giant bonfire than one by one

ackshually if one tendie takes one minute and five tendies take five minutes then clearly the Holocaust never happened

You know, all the shit he said is stupid as hell, but one angle of the stupidity no one has pointed out yet: his psycho math is assuming that every single one of the jews that died in the war was in the crematorium. Somehow this "usd millionaire" didn't stop to account for the millions of deaths caused by malnutrition, starvation, disease, exhaustion, and torture in each of these camps.

Holocaust deniers should be thrown in the same ovens.

> the presupposed plan is extraordinarily inefficient, especially during war time. supposedly shuttling large populations across europe to be held until an indefinite point in the future upon which they would be killed using expensive chemicals and then destroyed using even more expensive fuel is incredibly profligate - something not particularly associated with german military command


> extraordinarily inefficient

> something not particularly associated with german military command


The ovens were inefficient though mostly capable of burning millions when not breaking down, most Jews were just yeeted on with eggplant emojis.