SRDine claims Drake slept with 16 year old. Anyone who points out this was proven false is downvoted. This is justified because "he's fine, as most accusations against male celebs magically get forgotten within ~6 months"

145  2018-09-20 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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This place might be a shell of its former self, but at least it'll never be SRD.


Upvote the word "faggot" in a post to prevent r/drama from becoming SRD

Good idea faggot

Bundles of kindling sticks stat!

You think this is peak SRD?

"there is absolutely no reason to talk to someone that young who isn't related to you when you're an adult"

This is peak SRD.

Bonus - said person also thinks that Bernie fucking Sanders is alt right.

speaking to teenage girls is basically equal to raping them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I sometimes have to speak to teenage girls, and every time I do, it feels as if my brain is being raped by stupidity.

but it's not their fault

And that's a good thing.

No, but for you it's a prelude.

well, got to introduce yourself first, it's rude otherwise.

As my mother said, it's always good to be polite to people you are going to rape.

You need Jesus.

If only it was that easy.

Well, clearly that person is not in any sort of caring/teaching role, leading an after school group like scouts, or a godparent.

I am the Elder High Priestess of a very prominent online coven with over 400 members across 6 continents. We meet together in groups, do rituals together, and I have a substantial number of views on youtube, so it isn't like people don't know who I am before joining.

For the record, this child's parents are abusive. They took him to have a doctor inspect his ass for anal sex because he wouldnt join sports.


I highly doubt that last bit

What the fuck, how has srd gotten even worse.

Broke: Provide help and support for a teen with abusive parents in a country where he is in danger due to his sexuality, leaving him no support network

Woke: Leave him to fend for himself because it's inappropriate to interact with underage people

Celeb worship and poking your nose into their private matters really grinds my cares. My reaction to all of this is always


Faggotry like this is why voting should be a privilege, not a right.

Voting should only be done by counting raised or lowered thumbs in a colosseum where politicians are made to fight using short swords. Anything else is just communism.

This but unironically

A world where Ed can't vote is world well enjoyed.

You'd wish 😎

I think we should allow more weapons, like trident.

This is how the degeneracy starts. First you allow the use of homosexual weapons like tridents and nets. Then they make rules about “fair fights” in the arena so that manlets and women can compete. Then you demand that people who aren’t strong enough to kill their enemies be allowed to vote in election. The next thing you know, you’re living in a fag-centric democracy getting reamed by a transwoman.

Can we just do county elections with tridents? I like tridents.

Celeb worship is a Good ThingTM

You should only be allowed to vote if you either have children or own land. Otherwise, your opinion on what the future should look like really doesn't matter.


If you have more than 2 then the state should intervene.

Unless you're a parent or landowner, I can't hear you.

unless you're an animal for the rich to breed the worker class


There should be standardized tests to evaluate how much you know about the state and federal government workings. Popping out teeny tiny autists is what a pig can do too.

🐷🐽 oink oink 🐽🐷

A civic exam would be an excellent idea as well. Throw it in there. This would prevent the piglike popping out of autists, as you put it.

Civic exams should be mandatory for citizenship privileges, regardless of origin. It makes no sense why Dr. Pajeet, PhD from Harvard has to take one to vote while Spergo McAutismo, professional drooler does not.

Nah, the reason it's like that is because you can't just kick someone out unless you've got some place to kick them out to.

The Brits had the right idea with Australia, back in the day.

Just add "Do you believe you're incapable of voting in the best interest of the United States of America" at the top with the answers "Yes" and "No" and throw out everyone illiterate enough to answer "Yes".

Well yeah, that why I specified citizenship privileges, not rights.

Fuck, I'm illiterate too!

Owning land implies you’re living in a rural area. They’re drying up like the Sahara, get urban or watch your whole town lose its jobs and die slowly lmao.

God bless fentanyl, opioids and methamphetamine

Ohio’s Blessing we should call them

Since city-dwellers under the age of 50 feel required to have the exact same pop culture "woke" opinions, they count as one vote. Each major metropolitan area w/greater than 250K residents gets one mentally ill blue-haired fat chick to cast their vote. This is really coming together nicely.

How's that certain fly over state of yours treating you these days? Can i get some meth too, plssss?

I've never heard of eastern PA referred to as a "flyover state," so I got to do something new today! Also, meth is so 200late. It's opiates now. Duh.

You got me, stranger on the internet. I'm moving to an overpriced studio apt to have multiple roommates as a grown man just so you stop making fun of me.

t. CA poster

good luck lmao

thinking any votes matter from the citizens


In his case, land owning, child bearing 2 digit addiction riddled retards.


I can smell your poverty through the screen.

LOL. How does the word "nonsense" equate to "poor" in the limp-wristed world?

You're a Controller in the middle-of-nowhere, PA lol. My dogsitter likely makes more than you.


Why is srd so full of retarded folk like really wtf happened I thought it was a drama sub not a group of people smelling each others farts like a game studio

they banned everyone who doesn't follow their circlejerk, they banned me too without any valid reason. so all who are left are smug idiots who share the same stupid opinions

lol me too! Though i was kind of a jerk... not a permaban jerk but more like tempban jerk

without any valid reason lol, did you defend your pedophilia in SRDinland of all places?

Yea he actually did it on like 2 or 3 accounts and each time got his own post on SRD

Same here but it's not like I brought much in the way of value TBH.

i got banned for saying Naomi Osaka isn't japanese and wouldn't be treated as Japanese in japan

facts hurt SRDine's feelings

Yea, but who cares about what the Japanese think?

They haven’t banned me yet.

The top mod there wants to bang an srser so they enforce sjwism

for real? that's like next level pathetic.

el oh el

Bruh I got banned for saying "Lol trannies".

Softest "drama" sub ever.

Shades of what's been happening around here. Increased admin attention after frequent creators of drama went whining to them about being featured there forced the mods to crack down to preserve the subreddit. The userbase whined that shitredditsays was getting special treatment, mods grew increasingly sick of dealing with the infighting, and several went inactive (or started posting here).

Then everything hit critical mass when a bunch of powerusers got demodded (this really kicked off the exodus to /r/drama) and a junior mod added in most of the /r/cringe modteam to SRD and got buddy buddy with posters in /r/SRDBroke. Give the new mods a few months to prune out anyone with a sense of humor and you have the new SRD.

How sad

even if it was true, who cares? 16, lol

The age of consent in many countries, including in Canada and many states in the US, is at 16. Better not point that out though. Getting in between SRD and their obsessive hatred of "paedophilia" is about as dangerous as getting between a degenerate crack whore and her early morning fix.

Tbh drake is one of the only people I’m ok with making spurious and unfounded allegations against

Imagine typing those word to create that type of sentence. SRDine are lost

Drake is still creepy though.

It's been a long time since I posted in SRD and I can't believe how bad it is now. It was my favorite for a while and it became unbearable back in 2012-2013

You guys still on this? He's now catching hell for grooming being an excellent friend to nah it sounds a lot like grooming Millie Bobby Brown.

Puritanical sex police always secretly get off on the situations they're passing judgement about. That's why they want to know all the juicy details. The gratification comes not only from the details of the illicit sex but also from feeling morally superior.

Meanwhile female celebs get to fuck kids then start social movements about sexual abuse.

But men bad tho.

I know what 12-13-14 year old pussy looks like, tastes like, smells like. sounds like, feels like.... I used to finger 6,7,8th graders, lick them, tongue them, suck them and make them cum like a 9th grader.

I was 12-14 at the time, of course. (except for all those times I wasnt) I'll always have these memories until I get Alzheimer's or die. The best part..... I liked it.

Newfags won't understand this but this is like Kobe Bryant coming out of retirement and averaging 40 ppg.

lol the admins removed this comment

Lol the admins removed his account