Kavanaugh innocent? Heroic/Mansplaining think tank bro/Pepe Silvia breaks the case wide open/is committing libel.

17  2018-09-20 by jorio


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r/titlegore 🤢🤢🤮🤮

Hush and enjoy the centrism

Pick random house in area

Claim Kavanaugh is innocent

Accuse other guy

Solid plan. Not a lot of thinking from this think tank. 🤔

How did this freak track down their childhood addresses old yearbook photos, and the floor plan of the house where the man he is accusing lives? It's incredibly creepy.

Hmmmm, if it didn't fit my narrative to assume that this is all the vain rantings of a sad and crazy man, I would almost think that this is a front for someone who wants to clear Brett Kavanaugh's name and has a lot of information on his high school friends. Who ever the fuck that would be.

$20 says that's Kavy's yearbook. This guy is probably a psycho, but he had to get his hands on a yearbook somehow. Schools sometimes keep them around, but they don't generally let creepy grown men flip through them for "investigative" purposes.

The local library might have them.

Oh I'm sorry, my subtle and wry wit seems to have led you down the garden path. This guy is clearly the spokesmen for a larger campaign. The real question is whether the other guy is on board or if they can get him on board. Setting aside what may or may not have actually happened, if they can get this other dude to take the fall, it would be a stroke of political genius.

The idea that it is Kav's yearbook has the same amount of evidence that this dude's crazy theory has lol I was just playing along

I doubt they will get this guy to take the fall. It makes little sense for him to cop to a 30 year old sexual assault just to save Kav's skin. But crazier things have happened so time to invest in some more dramacoin since this is gonna be spicy no matter how it goes down.

There is probably every yearbook posted online somewhere, or in some library. Weirdos would without a doubt try and scavenge for them to further an agenda or just for attention.

Not a random house.

The house of a friend of Judge and Kavanaugh.

who looks the same as Kavanaugh

He is completely smearing a random dude to claim Kav is innocent. This man is publicly making a false rape accusation.

Crazy! There have been quite A few of those lately

Not a random dude at all. And he looks the same as Kavanaugh

They only look the same if you're half blind and think all white dudes look the same

Lol he even took them back because accusing an uninvolved classmate because he looks vaguely like Kav is horribly irresponsible.

You are a retard for continuing to insist it might be true.

because accusing

In public. yeah that's why he took it down.

an uninvolved classmate

how do you know?

Aside from the fact that there is no evidence that the drunken groping happened at all 36 years.. Garrett's house fits her description and is located where she said the house was located, and Garrett looks like Kavanaugh and was friends with Mark Judge.

Ok Mr. Whalen

Ok Mrs. Fjord

The whole thing is insanity anyhow. No matter who you accuse it's crazy. But his theory does make some sense.

Kavanaugh might or might not have once been a teenager. No matter his record as a jurist for 10 years on the federal bench. Or the timing of the accusation. He copped a feel, allegedly.

I just saw a commercial on tv in favor of the guy. The whole situation is surreal and comical.

Literally he is accused of holding a girl down and groping her all over while removing her clothes. Attempted rape. You're retarded and fuck rightists.

Internet detectives keep getting more retarded

Doesn't seem so unlikely:

Cope harder

you sound upset

You have to go back, kraut


This needs more push pins and red string, but a good start, patriot. 🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸

Shoulda gone The Prestige route, and claimed Kavanaugh had an identical twin

Should've gone The Prestige route and >!claimed Kavanaugh had an identical twin!<