What are you cooking tonight?

48  2018-09-22 by snallygaster

Kitchenlets are NOT allowed in this thread.



Eat me 😍

No meeeee 😩


It's pronounced 'meff'

Jews don't cook meth, you fucking liar.

Or do they???


Imagine being such a poorfag that you can't pay people to cook all your meals for you.

Hobbylet detected

Her hobbies is doing manual labor

p o o r f a g







Now now, just because your parents are forced to charge you money for the herculean proportions they have to prepare for you doesn't mean the rest of us pay for parent's cooking.

implying my parents can cook

Stop making me feel bad about my childhood pls.

But childhoodshaming is my kink. You aren't a filthy kinkshamer, are you snally?

I'm going to kinkshame you...to death.

That's my other kink tbqh

The inferior drama.

/r/Drama is a lifestyle choice

Imagine being so poor that you trust people to cook for you and not poison you. At least get yourself a taster

Popcorn chicken


ima blend some soylent power with some kale 2nite

Is this real, or a meme?

it's a diet that my eastern medicine chiropractor put me on

you have my condolences...

thank u

same, except it's an enema

treating yourself tonight huh?

My mum cooks for me, as always.

What does she cook?

You got a recipe?

It's in Greek, sadly :/ But this one of the original Turkish version should be close enough. This, too.

Just remember to eat some cheese along with it.

Damn that sounds good. I'll try it sometime, thanks!

not tendies


That sounds delicious

Frozen pizza with tendies on top

Just eating whatever disgusting "food" the dining hall serves up

Just eating whatever disgusting "food" the dining hall serves up

I can't tell if my university's dining hall was fine and everyone else just liked to complain, or if I'll just eat anything. We did have to pay by plate though.

Tbh the food at mine usually isn't that bad. It's just that combining mediocre food with lack of variety gets really old. That plus I have eating restrictions which narrow my choices a lot.

Something Filipino. Maybe adobo or afritada.

Do you have recipes?

Who needs a recipe when you've got Mama Sita taking care of it for you? 😎

I do have some recipes that I got from friends there, but I'm too lazy to use them often, especially when it means having to go across town to get weird ingredients.

bag meals

out OUT OUT!

Who needs a recipe when you've got Mama Sita taking care of it for you? 😎


I do have some recipes that I got from friends there, but I'm too lazy to use them often, especially when it means having to go across town to get weird ingredients.

Post recipes

Here's one for tinola that I mean to try again soon:

Tinola is cooked with Chicken, it's got ginger and onions and garlic and try using Thai fish sauce. Then you need your leaves (I guess spinach with do for you cause you might not be able to get any pepper leaves, which is bitter and goes so well with the soup). Just sautee your onion, 2 cloves of garlic (crushed), 2 coin-sized ginger roots (mashed, a bit) in a bit of oil (maybe 3T) then add your chicken and continue cooking. Then add about 1T or 2 of fish sauce. Add 2 cups water and leave until it boils or when chook is done. If you can find sayote [chayote], that would make it the perfect soup.

You peel 1 sayote, then cut it up in papaya like slices, then cut it again into 2 so it's shorter. You boil that together with your chicken and it will become a green kinda translucent vegetable. When you eat it, you get hot steaming rice, a piece of chicken a bit of spinach, put a little fish sauce, and voila!

Spaghetti, its one of the two things i can actually cook well. What about you snally?

What kind? I just got some roasted green chiles and tepary beans, so I'm probably going to make a green chile stew with pork shoulder.


What kind?

I'm not sure what kind it is (like if it has a specific name)but its your typical spaghetti sauce and beef.

Is this thread just a way for you to brag that you are cooking a meal for yourself?

Spaghetti is cheating since its near impossible to fuck up

Grilled PBnJ

get on my level

Add doritos (nacho cheese flavor) to the sandwich 😎

I hate those little small cuck carts that grocery stores have.

I got some Bison steaks I bought the other day, gonna thaw those out and use some thyme, rosemary, and sage to flavor them since it's the first day of Autumn.

I love cooking during fall. Specially making rabbit stew. So good!

Side dish?

Mashed reds and veggies.

Nice 😻

Fuck you guys are me hungry af 😫😭

Both of those sound very cozy. It doesn't feel like fall yet where I'm at so I can't get into the cozy food mindset yet

rabbit stew

rabbits are not food, unless you're a sister-fucker

Kopytka with goulash

The real goulash or the shitty Amerilard goulash?

You kidding my dude of course the real eastern European shit

En nagyon kibaszott szeretem a guylas

I was planning to make some empanadas but I was too tired to I just make spaghetti with meat sauce.

Not tonight, and baking rather than cooking, but I recently made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies that were DIVINE

Damn that sounds good. Recipe?

This one - they come out really soft and cakey, almost like light muffin tops.

That sounds really good. I'd probably fuck them up though; I'm a great cook but I can't bake for shit

I can confirm they were pretty good (for amerilard food ofc)

Trying this recipe out. Not actually eating it tonight, ended up getting a take away since my gf is out. But made up the sauce base to let it settle over night. What about you?

That sounds like a pretty decent recipe, though idk why you have to use both curry powder and half of the components of curry powder. Why not just go all the way at that point?

I did wonder that but I'm fairly new to indian style cooking so stuck strictly to the recipe. Smells and tastes good so far but feels like it might be missing something to round out the flavor a bit, maybe time will let it settle more and take care of that though.


Hmm thank you, looks good.

Have you tried making naan? I can't get mine nice and chewy, seems like they have to be done in a tandoor.

Adding a bit of sugar will probably help it taste more like what you get in restaurants. They add a ton of fat and sugar.

Also, as far as vegetarian/vegan Indian recipes go, channa masala is GOAT. And if you ever find a recipe for okra with mustard seeds please let me know

Trying this recipe out.

Ooh dear, that is a terrible recipe IMO. Using curry powder is a bit of a cop-out for a start. Why on earth is there All Spice, nutmeg and thyme in it, but no root ginger, and no turmeric? Personally I would tend to use green chilli for a veg curry too, though you can use both. I would say carrots are pretty essential for a veg curry too, since they add some much-needed sweetness. Perhaps you will enjoy it, but personally I think you could find much better recipes.

Well I'm fairly new to Indian cooking so still have not sure what is a good recipe or not. Is there any site you would recommend for good recipes?

I'm fairly new to Indian cooking so still have not sure what is a good recipe or not.

To be fair, it's more of a subcontinent than a country, with a wide variety of climates and ethnic groups, so there is a lot to learn about their food. I mean, AFAIK southern Indian cooking is pretty different from northern, and so on.

Generally, I use https://www.supercook.com/ to find recipes based on what I actually have in stock. If you're going to seriously get into cooking Indian food you will need to acquire a number of different dried spices, plus fresh stuff that you can keep in the freezer if needed (i.e. for ginger you can just shave the skin off, then grate as much as you need while it's still frozen, then return the rest to a zip-lock bag in the freezer. Garlic and cilantro can also be stored frozen if you don't use them much).

Not sure about sites but would you maybe consider getting a cookbook by Madhur Jaffrey? I can't recall what one we used to have but they all look pretty good to me. No doubt you can find her recipes online.

Are you veggie or not?

No not a veggie but do try to have a few veggie days each week. I don't mind stocking my kitchen properly, I cook seven nights a week anyway. Just generally European dishes. Will keep an eye out for cook books by her, maybe see if there is some going cheap second hand.

The easiest curry to start with has to be lentil dahl.

If you're not veggie I'd also recommend trying chicken jalfrezi.

With Indian food it's all about the side dishes so learn to make onion bhajis, samosas, roti, cucumber raita (personally I use onions in raita too) and pilau rice.

Thanks, chicken jalfrezi is actually my go to when I'm at an Indian. Not sure why I didn't check for recipes, I kinda guessed it would be more complicated than that. I really must try making roti, that recipe looks stupid simple, I have something of an aversion to making most breads or pastries but that one looks manageable.

Oh, it's really easy. So long as you get the flour:water ratio right and make sure your pan is good and hot you can't go wrong really. All it really is is flour, water and salt; anything else is an embellishment. You will see the dough cook as you dry-fry it; keep flipping it and press it down and eventually it will start to brown. the Asian people where I used to live would make a loop out of a coat hanger and use them to hold the roti over a naked flame for a few seconds, and they would puff up like a football. You don't have to do that but if you cook them right you will get them to puff up pretty easily. I can't think that I've ever had anything go wrong making them; it's even easier than cooking rice in some ways (no pan to boil over, less likely to overcook).

Ooh dear, that is a terrible recipe IMO.

Yeah, I didn't want to be that harsh because it's the kind of recipe that someone would make if they don't know shit about Indian food

Better to start off with a simple lentil Dahl in that case. You can't go wrong really.

Cock-a-leekie soup.

I made hash browns with smoked sausage. Living that breakfast-for-dinner life.

Pork Bahn Mi bowls probably. What are you cooking snally?

That sounds pretty good. I'm making green chile stew with tepary beans and fresh-roasted hatch chiles. Pretty excited tbqhwy

One thing I'll miss when I have to move in a year or so is having a reason to periodically drive to/through New Mexico and absolutely gorge myself on green Chile everything. I've been plenty of places where nobody has even heard of a hatch Chile, and that's truly deplorable.

Nothing but I prepared my breakfast for tomorrow.

What is it?

Yogurt with oatmeal, protein powder, and fruits

Oven roasted fish πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

What kind of fish?


What does it taste like? Where do you even get that?

Its tastes fine and fish isn't hard to get in Jamaica

Phad Thai. Trying to learn how the sauce is meant to coat the glass noodles

What recipe are you using?

What are you cooking, Snally?

Scallops and buttered spaghetti with garlic, basil, parsley, and parmesan with a side of dill/cheddar/lemon/onion biscuits. Mint strawberry lemonade for beverages.

Damn that sounds good.

I'll probably grill some fish and make a salad with whatever I've got left in the fridge.

Maybe make some soup for tomorrow with the leftovers. Better than throwing them out.


I was thinking I'd prepare some mushroom stroganoff, and bake besan chocolate chip cookies. I really need to de-stress, so I might just go out, and get some greasy fries on the way back home.


What beer?

magic hat

I'm having some kreplach and kosher sauerkraut on the side, some seltzer water all by the glow of my menorah. I know it's a couple months early, but the light flickers so beautifully.

Thanks for asking my goy!

im not cooking tonight but tomorrow i wanna make bacon with pepper-and-onions home fries

Gin. Might make some cookies when I’m real fucked up. Might just switch to bourbon.

Jamaican style lamb pasty. Curried minced lamb with hot peppers and far too much hot sauce. Easy meal.

recipe pls

Patties? Where you at so I can grab a plate

Pizza! Gotta let this dough rise tho. Gonna put some fkin teriyaki tempeh on that shit too.

Inb4 snally catfishing for recipes

Just a basic stew, to try out my new slow cooker. Browned some beef, chopped in a potato, an onion, and a carrot, and that was that. Tasted delicious and fatty, perfect for a useless student like me.

Hamburger Helper

Going out for hotpot tonight. I've been looking forward to it all week.

Have fun!

Hanzo steel.

Gonna crack open my homemade vintage 2008 Jenkem and see where the night takes me.

Chicken tadka with egg fried rice and salad.

Chicken tadka

recipe pls

I followed a recipe that's in Bangla though.


See if you can follow it by following the subtitles.


Just some shredded chicken and homemade tortillas.

Same but sausage, onions, and rice with tortillas.

It's Saturday and I was working until 23:30 so fuck cooking.

I got a rack of ribs from an organic pig farm down the road from me but I dont have the patience to smoke anything right now so I'll probably go to what I eat at least 5 days a wk which is a spinach and arugula salad with tomatoes, red onions and cucumbers topped with filet mignon tips sauteed in balsamic vinegar. Theres a butcher in town who sells me the scraps from the tenderloin super cheap and to me, it's the only part of the tenderloin worth buying. The salad is finished with a balsamic dressing which is just balsamic vinegar, salt and grapeseed oil emulsified then its topped with feta cheese.

You sound a lot healthier than I would have expected

I drink and smoke to balance out the healthy eating and active lifestyle

me too

Mussels were on sale, so.. paella maybe?

You could cook them in beer, coconut, or wine and have some good bread on the side. Though paella is probably a better full meal

some mutha fuckin lentil soup

what kind of lentils?

brown lentils with carrots, celery, onion, sometimes mushrooms, garlic, paprika, coriander, cumin, salt, black pepper, bay leaf and a little bit of red win vinegar when it's done cooking. splash a little olive oil into the bowl when serving it.

i change it up a lot with the spices and sometimes make it pretty spicy. you can also add ham or sausage.

I'm going to carry out 2 large 2 topping pizzas from my local Domino's for just $5.99 each!

learn how to cook!

There’s this chicken recipe that I really love that I’ve been using a lot lately. Basically you take a bunch of chicken and throw it in the slow cooker. You cover it in a bit of vermouth, and then some slices of lemon, and some herb mix (herbs ProvenΓ§al). It takes about 6 hours to cook but it turns out really well and you can freeze it and eat it the rest of the week.

How much vermouth?

Just enough to go halfway of the chicken in the slow cooker. Other than that it’ll cook in its own juices. I’m gonna make some tomorrow and I can take pics if you like

I eat two meals a day. The only meals I make on the regular are as follows:

  • Spaghetti and turkey meat balls, vegetable side

  • Spaghetti and turkey meat sauce, vegetable side

  • Tacos, chicken, with vegetable side

  • Fajitas, chicken, with vegetable side

  • Tuna or tilapia and vegetables on rice, with vegetable side

  • Tuna and vegetables on noodles, with vegetable side

  • Breakfast every day is rice, black beans, half a head of broccoli, four large eggs, 1/4 cup cottage cheese, sprinkle of cheese on top

Walk, lift weights, work, sleep






But I'm the poor version.

I cooked a couple of burgers

Ularthiyathu, but with pork instead of beef

<meme: +ROCK +SMELL>

Grilled wild alaska salmon, spinach, sweet potatoes and scuppernongs.

Baked some bread and made a sandwich

Based bread poster πŸžπŸ™Œ

I didn't cook snally. I went out to eat with friends and had a waffle burger.

Pork soondubu jjigae or some random lentil/vegetable soup

Steak is in the fridge marinating since yesterday, also have pork tenderloin to cook that's also thawed and in the fridge, so probably just gonna cook pizza pops and jack off for actual protein.

Pho and I ordered it.

Made mine with some broth powder. Tbh I don't think it's really much cheaper than ordering it out

Some juicy brahmin steak

I still don’t know how to cook, I should learn, eating out is pricey and I heard being good at cooking is attractive to females

If you know what you're doing and you're willing to put in the effort, you can eat fairly well for about $5/day. Also, it's attractive to males too, which is a big plus if MGTOWWOM is your backup plan.

slow cooked cider pork and chilli saurkraut slaw

coup d'Γ©tat with a side of treason πŸ™ƒ

Corn flakes

Pasta with merguez for my lunch. I already hate bread with roquefort this morning and I think I am gonna make myself a pita tonight.

I made a pot roast steeped in red wine with cloves and parsnips. It was delicious.

I made toast with butter and chicken salt

late to the party, but coq au vin


I stuffed my own sausage and will be eating it in a bun w/ dijon mustard and some leftover red lentil stew I made the other day on the side.