Brett Kavanaugh gets accused of gang rape by a second woman.

58  2018-09-24 by Ghdust2


They call Dramanauts, Autists. Autists... easily duped, will believe anything, and by the time the destruction is upon them, one or more of their family has been captured and turned against the team. "/r/Drama has served us well...," one captor gloated.


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I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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I mainly wanted to play this hear because, well, this:

Brett Kavanaugh must also be asked about this entry in his yearbook: "FFFFFFFourth of July." We believe that this stands for: Find them, French them, Feel them, Finger them, F*ck them, Forget them. As well as the term "Devil's Triangle." Perhaps Sen. Grassley can ask him. #Basta

lol where did he get this information

Urban. Fucking. Dictionary.

lol seriously?

Obviously saw it had seven F's and had to invent a few new ones.

Your linking is working for me.


I don't know why either. Just search FFFF on the website's search bar.

I feel like C-P probably doesn't stand for sleepy

Looks like Kavanaugh is a big fan of zergling rush

IWSN - I Want Sex Now

The term so nice they listed it twice!

The next candidate for president from the democratic party ladies and gentlemen

there's a bullet with my name on it if he ever does

So you're getting shot if he runs?

What the shit? He's just making a joke that's going over my head right?

There's gangrape, flashing and dick slapping with this new gal coming forward, It looks sketchy.. Idk whats best for drama, if it's false and it helps the midterms and make the dems look even more foolish, if its true, we get a the gigantic spergout from the trumpsters

Its false, but everyone believes it is a possible outcome and definitely the most dramatic.

I wasn't happy about the Kavanaugh nomination, but I was pretty much like "Whelp this is my life now". I was amused by this shit at first, but I'm worried it might work, and that he might be innocent. In my mind, it would be less dishonorable to just wait a couple of years and expand the court by a seat to avoid these political consequences, than to shoot it down using false accusations.

I mean, maybe they're correct. Who knows. There's not enough evidence to prove they're lying, and there's not enough to prove he's guilty.

I really doubt he is innocent. It's pretty well established that Kavanaugh was a drunken lech with dirtbag friends and has tons of super sketchy financial dealings. It would honestly be more out of character for him not to have mushroom stamped some drunk bimbo in college.

He a gud boy he dindu nuttin.

Say it with me folks!


Ed, this ain't some mama claiming her niglet pointing a gun in all his facebook photos is innocent of starting shit with a cop


Take me to your sex dungeon, daddy! 🍕🍕🍕😩💦

my entire apartment is in the basement now.

okay wait, like half-way.

this is the left's pizzagate

In that it is 100 percent true


just like greitens

He sounds fucking retarded. Of course democrats will be drawn to this.

This is the pizzagate of the left

Only with victims and reporting and not about child eating in a basement that didn't even exist.

It’s literally the same thing. Both sides are the same and I’m smarter than both of them.

Spoken like a true Radical Centrist.

Based and redpilled

Powerful stuff.

your bussy = blasted

Do you have any youtube videos I could watch to learn more? Preferably made by a guy in a guy fawkes mask.

no, but if you or he himself can't even get the point about the basement right, it doesn't look good for you.

Fuck, you got me. I ate the children. Now show your dick again.


lol, how could anyone think they could lie about having a basement they've already publicly talked about?

i know, right?

what the fuck are you even talking about lol

Aww, it's retarded

I’m still not sure whether you’re referring to the pizza place’s basement or Alefantis’ basement, but either way I find it hilarious that you think that details related to that are what makes or breaks this case

did I say that? I just said Alefantis once said he had a basement before the shit started, then denied it after. I proved it, too.

but if you can't even get the point about the basement right, it doesn't look good for you.

this is what originally elicited the lol

does it matter if he is? if his supposed pedophile basement is in another building than the pizza parlor?

he talks about storing sauce there after a tomato harvest. you would think that means the restaurant, but it could be somewhere by whatever tomato farm.

could be a different restaurant, could be an old location, could be his personal stash

okay, but how does him having more properties with more basements for potential supposed child rape HURT the pizzagate theory?

Why would it need to hurt the Pizzagate theory lol? It needs a leg to stand on first.

That's not a good answer.

Alefantis contradicting himself about the existence of a basement is definitely a leg to stand on. Why would he do that?

and do I have to link the type of art John and Tony Podesta put in their homes? I don't care where you're from, that's not something a normal person is into.

but I have no interest in debating the entire thing. The fact is if you don't think the above two instances are fucking weird, you're fucking weird.

Damn dude!!! Pizzagate was real and these people tried to cover it up!! Absolutely discusting! 🤢🤢🤮🤮

tbh pizzagate was more fun

The internet was a mistake.

This is actually also from The Inbetweeners....



He is the white Cosby.

So many unironic ‘foogees in this thread Ed; whatever are we to do about this immigration problem

*checks out the dumpster fire of a thread*


They must be cleansed in All*hs flame; inshallah

It’s not looking too good for Judge Baseball Tickets.

I'm really bad at telling, but are you joking?

Which really would be a genious move by the Republicans if you think about it.

Yeah I honestly was just looking for a reason to post my shitty excuse for a nickname

Have some Henney and chill, bro.

Realistically, what's gonna happen to Frat Boy Genius over all this shit?

You dont know much apparently

what's gonna happen to Frat Boy Genius over all this shit?




He probably gets voted in, and this becomes something conservatives site for decades to prove, 1) a liberally biased media out to get conservatives, and 2) that Democrats are the party of false accusations.



And he gets two more votes. These jumped the gun, big time

The Ramirez woman accusing kavanaugh was obviously fake enough (what with 4 people denying it took 0lace right out of the gate) but this?

Ramirez is the new accuser. You're thinking of Ford.

I was referring to Ramirez and the gang rape accusation. Sorry for the confusion

A flat-Earther complaining about lack of evidence

My sides.

Going through people’s post history because they can’t debunk arguments


Uh...are you aware of what sub you're in?

What year is it, grandpa? Do you know your name?

Uhh yeah, that’s why I gave it a thumbs up. Keep doing what you’re doing 👈😎👈

being autistic enough to get into serious arguments on reddit instead of just finding some post history to make fun of


Getting trolled by a flat-earther, ever


I guess we're just calling literally anything "trolling" nowadays.

Flat-earthers do their thing to get people like you to sperg out.

Which you did.


I guess we're just calling literally anything "sperging" nowadays.

“i was only pretending to be retarded” is a dead meme, quit making it relevant

It's what they do. It's the people who can't help themselves but respond who keep them relevant.

I, do you know what the flat earth subreddit it? It's a place to laugh about flat earthers

I apologize for nothing!

Avenatti, who made a name for himself as porn star Stormy Daniels’ lawyer, aired the allegations Sunday night as another allegation against Kavanaugh emerged in The New Yorker.

Wonder how much he's getting paid by the DNC.

He gets a go on Chelsea once a month.

He's putting way more effort in than he's being paid.

It's only fifty without her, though.

You're saying he gets an extra $30k to slip Chelsea his slim jim?


Damn, as a European I cannot BELIEVE how smear campaigns are taking place in the US right now, it's shocking how much you have let MeToo erode civil liberties.

Absolutely embarrassing.

If this occurred in Sweden it might be so bad that somebody would go to prison for libel.

It's also embarrassing to see this sub trying desperately to find a centrist perspective on this. How about the obvious truth? This is a character assassination with zero proof and zero hope of producing proof.

Fun fact in Sweden even if the statement is true it can still be libel in Swedish law.

Same in Romania. You get off the hook only if 1) it's true & 2) you made the allegation for the purpose of defending a legitimate interest.

Lack of proof beyond a reasonable doubt that accusations are true does not imply proof beyond a reasonable doubt that they are false. To convict the accuser should require the same standard of burden of proof as to convict the accused. Obviously it's problematic if you place an incredibly high standard of burden of proof to convict the accused, but then entirely reverse that standard to convict the accuser when that fails. It's the fallacy of the undistributed middle, it is possible in both cases for there to not be proof either way.

Plus for criminal law like this, it is the state that is required to furnish proof. Not the victim. The victim is under no requirement to build their own case, in fact it is sometimes possible to pursue a case without their consent.

proof beyond a reasonable doubt that they are false.

You need it for a conviction of libel. Just like you need to prove allegations beyond reasonable doubt for the "main" conviction.

Anyway, not sure about the merit of such a discussion, I don't know much about common law and my legal system doesn't operate under the "beyond reasonable doubt" principle being an inquisitorial system.

What proof do you have that she's wrong? Can I sue you for character assassination unless you produce proof beyond a reasonable doubt that she's lying?

I have no obligation to take her seriously. So far she's proven nothing and given no reasons to believe this is anything but a shameless smear campaign.

what about the fact that the guy’s a creep

Says who?

To which part?

He’s a creep because of that speech a couple years ago, his hiring practices for clerks, and just look at him speak

Creeps are rapists bc that’s just common sense

The hiring process for clerks thing by a yale professor was fake news, as said by that yale professor yesterday

already called fake news on that fake news call

Why’d you post one from before the updates?

Hows Uncle Joe?

Biden or Stalin? They still alive?

The first one. And the fact that you got it the first time shows you know where this is going.

Wheres Brett touching up kids like a creepy fuck on national tv like Old Man Biden?

And the fact that you got it the first time shows you know where this is going.

Nope lol

Wheres Brett touching up kids like a creepy fuck on national tv like Old Man Biden?

First I heard of it. Try pointing a camera at Brett and waiting a few minutes, shouldn’t take too long.

Thats more evidence than youll get about Old Bretty Boy.

So, now I ask. Is Joe Biden a creepy sex offender based on nothing but the video above? Then I ask you is Kavanaugh a sex offender based on even less evidence than that?

Thats more evidence than youll get about Old Bretty Boy.

Until he’s spent a little more time on camera, of course.

So, now I ask. Is Joe Biden a creepy sex offender based on nothing but the video above?

I didn’t even click the link and I can tell you the answer is without a doubt yes lol. Just look at the guy.

Then I ask you is Kavanaugh a sex offender based on even less evidence than that?

Probably! I’m less sure about him than Biden though.

She has no proof. And we have reason to believe a long-time Democratic activist is lying. Because she's a long-time Democratic activist.

The burden of proof is on the claimant, not the denier.

she spread her vagina, what more do you want?

there's absolutely zero evidence for anything they're claiming.

the only reason this is even being entertained at all is that it's $CURRENTYEAR and we have to BELIEVE WAHMEN! no matter what.

it's $CURRENTYEAR and we have to BELIEVE WAHMEN! no matter what.

I think you’re thinking of ($CURRENTYEAR - 4)

no one actually buys into that shit anymore

The Democrats seem to think that people still buy it.

Not really, it just happens to be very convenient to believe them in this instance

You sound like a r/braincels poster lmaooooo



I mean you went ahead and posted this out of spite for the people shitting on Kavanaugh lolololollol

You can't deny that you're s e e t h i n g rn 😂

Today is the first time I saw this. And it's super creeeeepy.

This sub is mostly partisan democrats as near as I can tell.

Neah, it's just despise for Trumpists.

Nah, this sub "hates" trump like people "hate" Jersey Shore and the Kardashians.

As in, they fucking love him and bring him up all the time.

I didn't say hate. And I don't hate Trump, as a pretty detached observer, I think he was very necessary for the US because Hillary really is disgusting. I do despise the Trumpists tho (well, those I have interacted with, at T_D, because that's a tribe and only a slightly less annoying one than a SJWs tribe.

This obviously has nothing to do with all of the /r/drama trashy levels of drama that surround Trump.

Nah it's just that the Republicans had it coming. they thrive on conspiracy theories, accusing everybody of being degenerate/child rapists without any proof and believing allegations when it suits their political agenda. And as always, they don't give a shit about victims when it goes against their political interest.

Donald trump could rape kids on national TV that they would still complain about pizzagate

Republicans had it coming. they thrive on conspiracy theories

How many different shades of shit do libs throw daily? Do you remember the shit about Trump paying 2 hookers to piss on him. lmbo

Dems could make up shit about daddy and russia for 20 years straight and they still wouldn't catch up to the republican conspiracies in terms of retardedness

lemme guess, you consider 9/11 and holocaust deniers as republicans for some inane reason

for some reason

Imagine coping this hard 😂😂😂

Please no, hating Trump doesn't mean you like Hillary.

But then how will i support my narrative?

Yeah I'm not a conservatard and really don't want an anti-abortion guy on Supreme Court's so fucking obvious this is character assassination and planned out to a T by (((((((certain people))))))))))

lmao> This

1.) Libel is a civil offense, you can't go to prison for it.

2.) In criminal law, the standard is always that the state has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. Just as the rapist does not have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he did not commit the rape, the accuser does not have to produce proof beyond a reasonable doubt the they are not lying. It is the states job to prove that they are lying to send them to prison. False accusations does not have a reversed burden of proof, it's the same as any other crime.

  1. In Sweden it is bit odd offense but it may result prison time. sometimes a Prosecutor may drive the case sometime not.

  2. In Sweden they look at various factors. But false accusations is a different crimes of itself.

Listen and believe, mmkay?

America is the only major country with absolute free speech. You can't get in trouble for saying anything unless it is proven that you knew it was false and that it would cause significant damage

or if you threaten somebody

or if you provoke somebody

or you do it in a really loud and disruptive way

or if it’s in school

or if you alien & sedition acts

How do you know these are all lies?

So let me get this straight. Because I may have commented once or twice on T_D, this, in your view, disqualifies my opinion as someone who isn't even American?

Why? Give me a good reason.

Because you may have commented once or twice on T_D.

If that’s not a good reason, then what is?

Being a foreigner is pretty disqualifying

From objectivity?

Sorry bud, can't do this level.

IDK, after Cosby, I don't automatically dismiss this shit anymore.

Don’t straw-man me. Who told you to automatically dismiss anything? Use your brain and common sense.

Two women came forward and both their accusations were not corroborated by people who were supposed to have been there. And we’re talking here about friends of the alleged victims that wouldn’t corroborate not just friends of Kavanaugh. Also, the political colours of the alleged first victim are more than obvious so there’s clearly a motive there.

How does this compare to Cosby?

Some long time ago accusation ended up being true. When I first heard it about Cosby I thought it was bullshit, then it ended up being true.

So I don't just dismiss things like this.

Also Roy Moore.

You’re trying to assign guilt to an innocent man. You’re just one of the mob.

What does hearing out someone have to do with assigning guilt?

Sounds like you are doing the exact opposite.

Hearing? I’m not against that. But why did they wait until now?

The letter was sent much earlier, apparently, but same reason it happens to someone like Roy Moore or other 'famous' people.

Victim sees the person in the news, it has been 30 some years, they finally feel that someone needs to know what type of person they are.

If you were raped, kept it secret for 30 years and tried to put it behind you, then you saw your rapist in on TV about to get one of the most powerful positions in the country... would you not at least think about telling someone, trying to let someone know what type of monster that person is?

I'm not saying he did it or that he is guilty, I'm just trying to put a reason why someone may wait this long or do it now.

Oh really? What about dragging her feet over the hearing? What about all the delay tactics? She can’t fly all of a sudden, she needs to drive. The Feinstein said the Republicans should literally wait until she feels ready to testify.

Tell me, do you at least remember the last time when you were an intellectually honest person or were you always this way?

You sure got a lot of REEEEEEE in you.

Yeah, thank God I live in Canada where that NEVER happens.



then why did you do it?

instructions unclear

The party of false rape accusations strikes again.

Seriously, how can any man ever vote Democrat at this point?

How can any man vote for the Republicans after all of the terrible shit they've done? Look, the Democrats aren't perfect, but I'd take them over the party of Trump any day.

/serious post done

"Serious" lmao

What "shit" are you talking about, precisely? Because last time I checked the Democrats are responsible for pretty much every low point in American history. The Indian Removal Act, Trail of Tears, slavery, Jim Crow laws, opposing woman's suffrage, KKK, opposing the Civil Rights Acts.

They have yet to actually be on "The Right Side of History". That idea seems to be based on some vague claim that the parties switched, and therefore we're supposed to pretend like they were actually the republicans prior to 1964.

What "shit" are you talking about, precisely? Because last time I checked the Democrats are responsible for pretty much every low point in American history. The Indian Removal Act, Trail of Tears, slavery, Jim Crow laws, opposing woman's suffrage, KKK, opposing the Civil Rights Acts, and so on.

Those democrats are not the same as the democrats today, just as the republicans of the past are the same as the republican Of today. If Lincoln was around today he would almost certainly be a Democrat.

Look at all the terrible shit republicans did back when they were democrats.


This is most definitely true. When we are talking about the party's switching, we are talking about the values of the party. Republicans used to be more progressive, and Democrats used to be more conservative.

The conservative" and "liberal" labels started with FDR and the New Deal, so republicans were already known as the "conservatives" when the civil rights movement took place. As far as the values themselves, republicans never stopped supporting the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The issues of today are entirely different those which were debated in the past, which is why the previous reference to Lincoln is so ridiculous. Both parties agree with him now on the issues of his day. Just because he opposed slavery doesn't mean we can assume he'd support transgender bathrooms too.

Your latter bit is a fair point, but pretending that significant portions of the party platforms didn't change that now coincide with the contemporary platforms is a bit asinine.

Lol southern strategy dont real

What, in your mind, is vague about the claim?

Who switched? The politicians? Strom Thurmond is literally the only one; every other democratic senator who voted against the Civil Rights Act stayed solid blue (along with their districts). The voters? The southern states didn't start voting republican at the federal level until the Gingrich Revolution, and continued to vote solidly democrat at the state level all the way into the 2000s.

The platforms of the parties switched. Republicans were generally pro-big federal government, particularly during the civil war, and after that fact Democrats of the time followed suit. It wasn't until around the 1930s that there was a sizable shift wherein the Republicans started to push for smaller government.

Democrats seized upon a way of ingratiating themselves to western voters: Republican federal expansions in the 1860s and 1870s had turned out favorable to big businesses based in the northeast, such as banks, railroads and manufacturers, while small-time farmers like those who had gone west received very little. Both parties tried to exploit the discontent this generated, by promising the little guy some of the federal largesse that had hitherto gone to the business sector. From this point on, Democrats stuck with this stance — favoring federally funded social programs and benefits — while Republicans were gradually driven to the counterposition of hands-off government.

From a business perspective, Rauchway pointed out, the loyalties of the parties did not really switch. "Although the rhetoric and to a degree the policies of the parties do switch places," he wrote, "their core supporters don't — which is to say, the Republicans remain, throughout, the party of bigger businesses; it's just that in the earlier era bigger businesses want bigger government and in the later era they don't."

People have been mostly voting in what confirms their best interests, and the politicians themselves conform to the shifting demographics to get elected.

What "shit" are you talking about, precisely?

environmental shit, upper-bracket tax shit, disenfranchisement shit, gay marriage shit, drug war shit, plus basically all the shit Dems do too

Because last time I checked the Democrats were responsible for a bunch of pre-Southern Strategy shit, especially before FDR

Like, you can’t be serious with that shit right?

You know Trump’s idol as president is a 19th century Democrat right? He loves himself some Jackson (you know, the Indian Removal Act guy).

opposing the Civil Rights Acts

Nigga do you even know who Strom Thurmond is?

You know Trump’s idol as president is a 19th century Democrat right? Big boy loves himself some Jackson (you know, the Indian Removal Act guy).

You make a great point. The democrats were founded by a dude best known genociding native americans. I forgot to mention that.

Nigga do you even know who Strom Thurmond is?

Do you know who the other 26 senators who voted against the civil right act were?

You make a great point. The democrats were founded by the President most responsible for the genocide of native americans.

Yep! And check out which party is taking cues from the guy.

Do you know who the other 26 senators who voted against the civil right act were?

19 other Strom Thurmonds, 5 northern Republicans, John Tower and Robert Byrd

Lmao this fucking guy

Democrats are fags and nigger lovers

No dem love *you* though

And so am I!


Holy shit that's a hooot take.

Let's forget about the party that created Pizzagate, kept masturbating about Bill Clinton's alleged rapes and accuses everybody in the left of being child rapists.

The Republican party literally thrives off false allegations and fabricated fear 🤠

by having less of a victim complex, or more, depending on the color of the man.

Fuck Trump posters.

Lol this sub really doesn’t like women. I thought all the loser red pilled virgins weren’t welcome?

red pilled virgins



what? of course they’re welcome.

the only ones who aren’t are the ones who like Sam Hyde

Remember when the left was having a meltdown about republicans obstructing the supreme court pick?

At least they were right when they said that the left wouldn't do the same. They just neglected to mention it would be much worse.

Remember when the left was having a meltdown about republicans obstructing the supreme court pick?

Uh... yeah?

Lol you know that’s why they’re obstructing the supreme court pick, right?

Pepperidge Farm remembers!

There has to be a thread on /r/politics about the Keith Ellison's domestic abuse issues that can be salt mined, right?

  • Trump wants to appoint Amy Coney Barrett

  • Libs chimp out because she will criminalize gay abortions

  • Hey, what if I appoint that other guy then leak his #metoo past and I will be forced to fire him, and while cucks are busy throwing tantrums about him, I'll silently appointthis woman and they can't do anything.

  • Q.