Daddy's Newest Boy Revealed to Be Degenerate, Avenatti Confirmed r/drama Poster

58  2018-09-26 by WarBoyPrimo


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if avenatti wasn’t a total meme this would be big news. That said his defense of “lol I was an incel in high school” was remarkably poor.

An age of meme politics requires a meme lawyer.

Well it was either that or pull the old "What happened was okay because I am a heterosexual and life for us is hard. Please can I do season 6?"

f avenatti wasn’t a total meme this would be big news.

He's having a total melt down on Twitter right now

He's challenging the President to 1v1 him and literally posting this is the end of Trump

Lmfao Kavanaugh isn’t even accused of rape in this, just that he watched the raping. Kavanaugh cuck conformed

/r/politics is freaking out. The fallout if he's confirmed is going to be spicy.

I’m ready for Kavanaugh to roll up to the Senate tomorrow ready to tear his accusers a new one

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It won't be his first time violating them

This will be one of the few rapes ever televised on national TV, the one before this was televised November 2016.

The fallout when he's confirmed is going to be spicy.

FTFY. Trump was able to rack up around a dozen accusations of sexual assault before winning. Kavanaugh needs ten more in 48hrs to beat that. Given the going price is about half a million on GoFundMe, it seems like a cheap investment to get a large batch of accusers.

ya it's almost like people have stopped immediately believing every thot who comes out of the woodwork whenever there's a political appointment to block

also funny to think how Kavanaugh is going to veer so hard right after being subjected to this baseless character assassination by the left; he'll still be here long after Trump is dead and buried so the left as usual is adept at shooting themselves in the foot face

Baseless character assassination?

His fraternity was banned for cheering "No means Yes, Yes means anal" in front of the women's dorm.

He said he was too focused on studies, but had entries like keg meister in his yearbook.

I doubt random accusations as much as the next guy, but that man doesn't need any character assassination. He's openly full of shit.

lol he's been accused of participating in gang rapes, not keg stands

he'll get his revenge, over the course of decades no less

against who though

some thots I assume

how’s he gonna do that if they don’t end up in a Supreme Court case?

I mean revenge against the leftist establishment that’s smearing him though. Wait for an abortion case to make its way up the courts?

Also, some Californian professor and a sleazebag NY lawyer is “the leftist establishment” now? How the bar has fallen.

will be fun to watch regardless, for the next 30 years

fair enough

His fraternity was banned for cheering "No means Yes, Yes means anal" in front of the women's dorm.

in like 2005 you jackass

Okay? It is indicative of the culture of the frat.

obviously frats are known to become more conservative over time somehow and back then they were all good boys who dindu nuffin

boys will be boys

Boys will get anal, apparently.

"No means Yes, Yes means anal"

used as example of group becoming more conservative over time

Black is white and up is down.

It was sarcasm.

You sure?

Conservatives are pretty committed to anal for the sake of preserving the maidenhead nowadays.

I don't know, anymore. The post-irony is killing me.

shit even i dont know am i cuckservative or a sjw? i mean i crave a black bull daddy but thats bothsides...

that’s like 20 years more recent than I expected

ur mom

frats say sexual things??!?!?

Retards play retarded??!?!??!?

When did being disrespectful towards women become a crime worthy of unpersoning?

also funny to think how Kavanaugh is going to veer so hard right after being subjected to this baseless character assassination by the left

No he won't, he'll stay loyal to the Constitution:

If confirmed to the Supreme Court, and as a sitting judge, I owe my loyalty to the Constitution. – Brett Kavanaugh

I am the smartest man


stable genius kept his word

the boy who cried supreme court judge nominee rape

IDK, there are more accusers and it all fits perfect into what everyone has been saying that know him. He gets aggressive when drunk.

TIL aggressive drunks are rapists

Being sexually aggressive and forcing woman against a wall... yeah, that is sexual assault.

yeah the evidence is compelling


Can I ask why you believe this stuff? There is no evidence other than what someone says. Is it that you believe that women are inherently more trustworthy than men? Is it that you believe liberals are inherently more trustworthy than conservatives? Is it a combination of the two?

I don't BELIEVE it, I do believe that an investigation should happen. The Cosby incident taught me not to just pass people over.

I mean, Gorsuch never had to deal with any of this shit 🤔🤔🤔

that was before full blown TDS had set in amongst the left

what the fuck are you talking about lol

that happened before the primaries ended

lol no, Trump was exactly what they wanted remember, it was a surefire way for Hillary to win XD

Nah it was a surefire way for Bernie to win. I think you’re either thinking of her internal intel (which stupidly recommended either Carson or Trump, both of whom polled much more strongly against her than against generic candidates) or post-nomination crap

2015 matchups were some wild shit, those three had a rock-paper-scissors thing going on, with Hillary whomping Bernie (except in favorabilities), Bernie burying Trump, and Trump already trouncing Hillary (incidentally, it was the only D-R matchup where he won or she lost).

Cruz was the one that had Hillary winning for sure.

And Trump’s were real, too! Kavanaugh should be fine, this whole rape fiasco really took the pressure off of all his perjuring


imagine thinking Republicans aren't going to confirm Kavanaugh

I have no doubt they would confirm him even if he admitted to doing it.

"We want to wait to be sure, how we know he's a sexual predator welcome aboard! Everyone here is"-Washington

I mean look around you have Weiner

does this take place in 2011 or

Bill, Bush

ok now I’m even more confused

They wouldn't have enough votes. That's why they haven't already done it.

Isnt it literally just one guy holding them all back from confirming him? At least thats what the papers said up here

I have no idea. There are certainly several who'd change depending on the situation.

they would now because of how much dems hate him

He could put a bullet in a baby’s head on national television and I would still demand that he be confirmed, because the salt will be glorious. It will be just as good as that woman screaming as Trump was sworn in.

I have no doubt they would confirm him even if he admitted to doing it.

Not sure if they have the votes now. If they do though....holy shit the Democrats will have ensured 30 years of unforgiving hardline right votes from Kavanaugh while he sits.

The 30 years of hardline right votes from Kavanaugh were gonna happen no matter what. That’s why they nominated him.

Implying it's possible for Kavvy to go even further right

The man has been a party hack from the very start

Ehh, I honestly imagine the Dems night try to remove Kav if they win both houses. They are sore after what Mitch pulled with Garland.

That would be even better to be honest.

Knowing the Dems track record, they'll bring it to a vote and have it fail. Then a decade later, the GOP does the same, succeeds, and retakes the presidency as a reward.

Don't forget about the shit flinging that goes on in between.

Get Bernie to pack the court in 2021

If the dems ever get control of the Senate or house or whatever you retards have they will impeach him

I'm very excited for his confirmation. It's going to be like when Trump won.

I think the chances the he doesn't get confirmed are a good 50/50 now. Its a lose lose for republicans anyway.

Doesn't get confirmed > less Republican electorate energy

Gets confirmed > more Democrat electorate energy

I think the chances the he doesn't get confirmed are a good 50/50 now. Its a lose lose for republicans anyway.

Doesn't get confirmed > less Republican electorate energy

Gets confirmed > more Democrat electorate energy

If Trump ran in 2020 and his sole sentence throughout the campaign was

"It'll piss off /r/politics so much, c'mon"

He'd win with a landslide larger than a free speech supporting, gay, christian, pro state rights for abortion, black, republican.

but only like 500,000 Americans even know what /r/politics is

Probably why he said he was an incel.


...I don't think you know what that word means.

This whole thing had got me thinking what absolute freaks previous justices might have been. Brandeis was still probably an incel tho.

He'll never surpass James McReynolds tho

married or engaged individuals"


He wanted cute little secretaries he could spank

women working in 1800s

[X] doubt

Did I say female secretaries?

We need this guy's reanimated corpse so Daddy can try to put him on the court. The Senate would completely melt down.

So, is DDF going to defend a literal cuck now?

Read the last page. Bretty-Boy was riding the train along with the rest of the Chads. Of course, Diamond Dick Daddy Donald probably nominated him so the whole administration could get a ticket.

Is this is the Trump train the centipedos were talking about?

Is this is the Trump train the centipedos were talking about?

You bet your tight mayo ass it is

> Mayo

How dare you

No, this is (don't click if at work)

That was a sound advice

What is going on in this picture looks like work in itself.

Hasn’t stopped them before.

Supporting cucks to own the libs

If there isn't a confirmation vote before the October deadline there's really no reason to stick with Kavanaugh, the whole point of all of this was to get someone in before the next session of the SC, it's not like they don't have other options.

Hard to say though, the decision might be made to stick with him out of spite and (more importantly) to set a precedent, if they let this work it will probably just keep happening.

if they dont then it means that the smears worked and dems will do it again every time

If they're just smears then why didn't the same thing happen with Gorsuch?

hes far more clean cut and harder to smear, most politicians dont have that

which one of the Trump people was an actual cuck? Manafort I think?


Manafort was the one who had trains of black guys pound his wife while he watched.

And roger stone. Nothing more degenerate than a conservative.

Libertarians are.


that would imply these events with no evidence other than a roastie foid's words actually took place.

spoiler: they didn't

Signed affidavit is pretty big

nigga do you actually believe a girl who graduated high school in 1978 and was in her later college years went to some fucking underage 1982 high school party? Multiple times? and then got gangraped and told nobody? after she had supposedly already seen it happen to other girls?

and is now represented by the creepy porn lawyer trying to make a name off Daddy?

you're dumb

no u

"These anonymous sources are true unlike all the other ones because these confirm my biases"

the fuck motive do these people have to post this shit over 3 years?

with her it's obvious: CPL offered a payday because he thinks he'll get residual daddy fame and money.

and by your logic, if you can't believe these you can't believe these roasties either

And the pic you posted looks like all the comments were posted by the same deranged person. I wasn't commenting on the validity of the accusations against Kav. They could all be fucking made up. Countering shit you think is made up with other definitely made up shit is no better.

many are years apart and most of them don't even have the same tone or style.

these jpg photos are more credible than all the accusations against Kavanaugh. That's how weak CPL and these foids are.

Yeah they have similar tone and cover the same accusations: she sleeps with married dudes, she's a disease ridden whore, and she's not worth your time. But yeah a pixelated screenshot compilation is way more credible than something involving lawyers and a congressional investigation. Cope harder Eva



I can't imagine the amount of gasoline you would have to huff to actually believe Avenatti just because orange man bad must resist.

Who said that I'm actually believing this?

I said it.

I don't know what the truth is, but it's way funnier to believe this

TRUMPF BAD. any stories I will believe because it's 'funny' and im being 'ironic', not because I so desperately want them to be true.

lol always the same fags in this sub. I heard peegate is going to be confirmed next week too

putting partisanship above drama

Peegate would be amazing drama. Everyone on this sub should hope that shit's true. Imagine the amount of sperging on both sides as the christcucks wring their hands and the leftists screech about how they were right all along, all while nothing changes.

no I put "shit that actually has a reasonable chance of having happened" above drama. this Kavanagh accusation is TwoX self post-tier bait.

Read the fucking sidebar:

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

Peegate being true is objectively more dramatic than it not being true. It being made up shit the Russians fed to Steele is boring. Daddy actually having a piss orgy with Russian prostitutes and being dumb enough to let the Russians get it on tape is way more dramatic.

The Kav stuff is dramatic either way because if one side is right Kav is a degenerate sex predator and if the other side is right the Dems have finally gone off the deep end and smeared a good Catholic boy. Either way someone is gonna be left eating crow and sperging out.

Who should I believe? The lawyer or the guy who can't form a coherent sentence? 🤔 politics is really hard these days I genuinely don't know.

You should follow your heart brave resistor.

I've been trying but these soyboys keep calling me a racist for simply identifying as right leaning. It's like they forget the kkk was started by leftists

Then you should stop being racist. Nobody would ever call someone racist if it wasn't true.

Sounds like something a racist would say

I'm white so I really can't help it.

Believe that which is best for dramacoin

Cock-slapping us soooo last week. Gang-rape groomer is where it's at now.

What do you think he'll be bext week? 16 year old human trafficking kingpin?

I hear he fed his dinner to the dog then lied to his mom about it so he could still get dessert.

If they don't confirm I look forward to the precedent of constantly making baseless rape claims

This is why he should get confirmed, since it will likely put an end to this false rape claim nonsense. Dems really love to repeat losing strategies though.

Worked on Roy Moore

Moore had the added issue of hiring literally the dumbest people he could find to go on television for him.

It required a perfect storm of stupidity for Moore to win the primary, aka. the AL GOP and Mitch McConnell backing the wrong (appointed in a crooked deal) person not named Roy Moore (Luther Strange) such that Strange and the other guy (Mo Brooks) split the non-Moore vote and Moore won. Moore won the 2012 primary (and thus election) for chief justice in a similar fashion and barely defeated a hastily conjured campaign by a then-bankrupt AL Democratic Party.

Swap infamous bible-thumping moron Roy Moore for a generic, empty-suit Republican (Luther Strange is laughing somewhere) and the GOP wins even with the pedo accusations. Better yet, go with Jim Ziegler because that dude is certifiably crazy and hilarious.

Like his wife.

Roy was accused long before the election.

Eh, he was accused after winning the primary runoff, after the deadline for the AL GOP to replace him on the ballot, and after being a well known loud-mouthed politician at the state level for 20 years.

Na mate, some of the victims already had reported or spoken about Moors behaviour before the made public accusations years and decades earlier. There was also evidence like Moore writting "To a sweeter more beautiful girl I could not say Merry Christmas. Christmas 1977. Love, Roy Moore, D.A." even though he claimed he didn't knew her. Moore also confirmed himself that he knew the victims, but then later started lying about it again. The wikipedia pages gives a good rundown of it here:

Okay, let me rephrase that. The Washington Post ran the accusations in print on November 9, 2017, just over a month before the election. The rest of Roy Moore being himself (aka. banned from the Gadsden shopping mall for being a creep) is on the record but was more or less unknown outside of his hometown, because investigative media here is kind of a joke.

He did like ‘em young though..

Roy Moore is legit a pedo. You should probably find a better example lol.

this baseless rape claim nonsense.

Is a signed affidavit really not worth shit? Honest question.

Not particularly, no. It's easy enough to make unverifiable claims about someone while destroying their reputation . As long as everything is carefully stated, you're in no danger of perjury because your claims can neither be disproved or verified.

The solution to this problem is clear. Gladiatorial combat between Kavanaugh and the three accusers. All 4 enter an arena armed with swords, they fight, and the audience votes on his appointment by raising or lowering their thumbs. That’s the only legitimately democratic way to handle this.

Every time I hear about the supreme court I have to shake my head.

"See there is this group of unelected people that decide most important stuff, like abortion, gay right or wether entreprise can pay politician, but it's okay because they defend the holy book constitution".

Every time I hear about the supreme court I have to shake my head.

"See there is this group of unelected people that decide most important stuff, like abortion, gay right or wether entreprise can pay politician, but it's okay because they defend the holy book constitution".

Imagine being Kavanaugh's kids right now, holy shit.

pretty fucking brutal ikr.

Imagine being Obama's kids or the young Trump kid who's name I don't remember.

imagine being Obama's kid

I can only dream

Barron. Poor kid must hate his life.

Trump's son's name is Tramdablarap.

imagine going to rape parties multiple times and being surprised when u get raped 😂😂😂

wtf gussy?

I was in college around the same time and at my school the fraternities had parties where they served "hunch punch" and only invited freshman girls (because they had not wised up yet to what was happening). I remember exactly who assaulted me at that age. You never forget.

If this whore remembers she clearly was not too drunk to comment to deep dicking like any other random sorostitute.

So, the 4chan 'hoaxers' gave sworn depositions?

Imagine being dumb enough to believe something you read on 4chan.

This is leftoid Pizzagate.

Is it just me or does it seem like all these attacks are politically motivated? Kavanaugh had a spotless record until a couple of weeks ago and now suddenly all these women come forward?