The New York Times goes all in on the manocide - declares any sympathy for a man is considered "Himpathy" and must be violently stamped out at any cost

159  2018-09-27 by YHofSuburbia


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name one argument this (opinion piece, btw) makes

Women aren't people so there's no point in caring about them

Funny way to talk about your mother.

Look at what she birthed tho

Hmmm. Fair point.

The only real case it makes that is true is that people with power can escape situations that other people cannot, but women in power have even more layers of privilege than men so I don't really see that as a very interesting topic to consider.

"women are more privileged than men"

imagine unironically believing this

Women are men but instead of penises they have vaginas FACT

women don't have dicks

That kinda hatespeach might get you fired

Trap Respect 2018

shitty chapo alt OUT OUT OUT

"everyone who isn't strictly mensrights level of sexist is a chapo user"

Less mensrights and more MGTOWWOM thx

Bruh your account is a week old and filled with chaps talking points. Fuck outta here. OUT OUT OUT.

Imagine forgetting about the UVA rape hoax already

imagine forgetting about the centuries of oppression already

So you saying the UVA did exist with all the herpathy that was involved. Negating your original retardation?

imagine having no historical perspective


How many centuries have you endured? Who gives a fuck what long dead people did to other long dead people?

How many rape hoaxes have you endured? Who gives a fuck what other people did to other people?

That's not what he said dumb ass. Women have privilege in certain situations whereas men have it in other ones. This is one where it's advantageous to be female.

in which situations do women have more privilege lol

Prison sentencing. Conversely, men have it better in the office and blue color jobs. Conversely, women have more privilege in things like child custody. Conversely, men have it better in terms of political representation.

I can’t imagine how you live life as a non radical centrist, it must be sad.

Literally every situation you cuck





"muh wage gap"-tier argument

show me a statistic of average sentence duration instead of a "more men are incarcerated" pls

It literally links to the studies showing exactly that in the article I linked you fucking idiot.

All it says is women are less likely to be this and to be this

once again, wagegap-tier argument

What a coincidence, no more replies

still waiting on a reply to this:

Black men are given sentences approximately 14% longer than white men for the same conviction. Men are given sentences 63% longer than women for the same conviction when they go to prison at all.

Black men are given longer sentences because they commit more crime, same goes for men.


for the same conviction




so you can immediately stop responding or change the topic when you see them?

What's your explanation for the discrepancy then?

Men are scum.

muh wage gap"-tier argument

You mean the whole sum of the oppressed Western woman story?


my country doesn't have conscription, sucks to be you I guess.

lol. great argument.

Hot take, also completely retarded.

Women live longer, are healthier, more safe (victims of way less crime, including violent crime), better educated and currently earn more money than men in the under 30 age bracket.

So yeah... what privilege do guys have again? By what metrics does being a man get you an advantage in society? Toss some out so we can rip it apart.

women live longer

lmao and men are stronger, doesn't mean that both of those are privileges

are healthier

are you a /r/bodyacceptance mod by any chance?

victims of way less crime

I really wonder why 🤔 does it have to do with the fact that they commit less crime? nah probably not

earn more money

muh wage gap isn't real, and this goes for both directions

anything else?

Do you have a white flag to go with all that surrender?

this is your counterargument, huh

pathetic tbh

I'm actually still waiting for you to present a point other than just jerking your micropenis off in front of everyone.

I literally disproved each one of your stupid "arguments" and you keep ignoring it, lol

literally disproved

You clearly don't know what either of those words mean.

victims of way less crime

I really wonder why 🤔 does it have to do with the fact that they commit less crime? nah probably not

wait, what? how did you even get there lmao

do I really have to explain that to you

Victim blaming? Very woke of you.

you forgot work less, buy more luxuries, commit suicide less, get shot by police for no reason less, sentenced to jail less often for the same crime, get less time in jail for the same crime, get cheaper auto + life insurance, don't get more expensive health insurance cause thas oppression, still no draft, only people with post-conception reproductive input

get sweatier

depends on the individual though. class trumps every other kind of privilege, but people like you like to ignore that ALL the time. So yeah, a mid-high class woman is going to be more privileged than a low income guy.

ahh, I see you're an intersectional feminist as well

the inappropriate and disproportionate sympathy powerful men often enjoy

On the balance powerful men do more good for society than bad. Thus it is rational and appropriate for society to afford them latitude and regard them positively so long as the degree of latitude does not exceed (1) the expected value of the good the powerful man will do for society, and (2) the margin of the expected value of the good a less-problematic replacement will do for society minus transaction costs.

muh powerful men theory uh oh

"muh x"

literally your argument

he doesnt know what the powerful men theory ist

get out history pleb

thinking I'm specifically responding to this post and not your pattern in this post

I hope you're only pretending

>“himpathy” — the inappropriate and disproportionate sympathy powerful men often enjoy in cases of sexual assault

"be gentle" -Rose McGowan

"quote" -person one

"another quote" - person two

what exactly is your point here

My point is you are retarded.

no u

In the justice system women empirically - I know you might need to look that word up - get treated more sympathetically then men.

Atticus Finch my nigga!


sources pls

you can't have a sentencing gap but not have a wage gap, lol either both or none, like a true centrist

seeing as how one is about how people different demographics are judged under identical scenarios and the other is about what average choices different demographics make, yes you can

maybe you need to go back to

so you're not a centrist


chaps talking points like what

sorry hun, buggy app

chaps talking points like what

Nigga you see the word justice system in my posts.........

i Just Thought You Should All Know That You Should STOP DOWNVOTING THE LOLCOWS

They simply refuse to learn the culture BUILD THE WALL

Yeah nobody in the world gets less sympathy than women. How does the left keep coming up with these hot takes that aren't just wrong but are the exact opposite of reality

I genuinely cannot believe anyone thinks this. Just look at fucking jail sentencing or evacuations of buildings or take a look outside. Women have issues obviously but this isn't even remotely close to being one of them. I want whatever the OP of this article is taking.

I'm going with wine coolers, ambien, and an extreme case of solipsism stemming from a sheltered upper middle-class upbringing and soft parents encouraging her slave morality

I think it's simply being too insecure to leave the comfort of an echo chamber filled with strawmen, where they can sperg out without any pushback until they're all tuckered out

The term was actually coined by philosophy professor. It's part of an agenda.

We haven't been making enough of them drink hemlock recently.

People shouldn't be allowed to be "professors" in philosophy without first doing something if substance with their lives. Go have a real career or life before trying to work out how normal people behave. Anyone who has worked in an office for 2 or mote years would never even consider floating this disconnected bullshit.

i agree. people shouldn't be allowed to share opinions in the public sphere at all until they have enough life experience and pass the requisite tests. Like, I have a friend who is basically a NEET except for the fact that he wants to be a writer. He spends all his time reading and writing. But he has zero life experience, so can he even properly understand what he's reading? And why would anyone want to read the words of a dude who knows nothing about anything?

Also, philosophy is dumb as fuck, not the classic philosophers, but the field of philosophy. They claim they're being super rigorous, but really they're just super autistic. For instance, long tedious difficult discussions on Anselm's ontological argument. Reformulations of Anselm's ontological argument. Acting like it's serious philosophy. Meanwhile, it's a fucking word trick.

It's a classic revolutionary tactic: present anyone who stands up for the victims of the purge as an enemy of the revolution.

The comments are ridiculous, we need to take more Middle Eastern refugees. Only Allah can save us now.

This isn't a left problem, this is an sjw problem. Centrist sjws also have this retarded hot take.

I couldn't imagine how hard it must be to be a middle class white woman and have media constantly fawning over you and telling you nothing is ever your fault.

Step aside black men, there are real victims here.

There's only one group left that is still oppressed in the west, Chads


Constant greatness is an almost oppressive burden for Chad.


Reddit is pro sjw now

How does the left keep coming up with these hot takes that aren't just wrong but are the exact opposite of reality

In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily. And thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.

Yet here you are calling women broads.

Stop the press, an unspeakable crime has been committed!

I’m not even reading that word salad you’re replying to, but your input is dumb.

didnt know we had normies here.

guess i should have added an /s


All americans are broad masses. 300kg masses of lard

the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better.

When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies some small way to become evil oneself.

One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.

Like using Brock Turner, one of the most hated people in the country, as an example of how there is some epidemic of sympathy for men accused of shit, while erasing the perspective of the victim, when her "victim statement" is world famous.

this is a case of mansplaining in the First Degree ergo you're wrong and she's even more right

Do you realize that himpathy is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous Patriarchal plot we have ever had to face?

It's projection, it's the if you tell a lie enough times, people will start to believe it.

If you believe in privilege, which I don't because I have an IQ above 50, then women are at the top of the pile in literally everything except rape.


>literally more smug than SRD

This stupid article is behind a paywall for me and fuck paying for the NYT. Link some of those comments here.

Use incognito in chrome

Use a VPN and cheat the system like a man

patricide when

Ok now this is woke

Kate Manne

Is this a fucking joke

She's jewish



Every fucking time.

ladies and gentlemen the newspaper of record

The fourth branch of government

I sometimes worry that the Muslim hordes are going to ruin western civilization, but then I remember we already beat them to it.

I wonder if Pravda circa 1937 had breezy opeds about "Kulakapthy."

I legitimately can't understand how people can think a word like "Himpathy" doesn't make them sound like 5th graders. Even if the point was completely legitimate, presentation is important.

I guess it's at least not as a bad as mansplaining.

please stop dramasplaining

it's totally gross

They're just suffering from hyrsteria.

Nah, it's worse. Himpathy sounds like a Pokemon.

😂 the male tears meme is one of the funniest cases of projection for feminists

no gussy, men rarely if ever cry. we know u do on the daily tho

👌 thats why i exclusively surf boontang 🌊🌊🤙🤙

it's also funny that their answer to "toxic masculinity" and male depression and suicide is for men to "express their feelings"

while also making a mockery of every male expression of feelings


Is this real life?

Should of had a the there

Is this just fantasy?

You got the lyrics...right, actually.

Or is it fantasy?

reads bait

links to bait

Absolutely not 🎣🤢🤮

From the comments:

As the daughter, sister, wife and mother of highly fallible white males, I recognize feelings of "himpathy" (great term!) in myself.

The first step is admitting you have a problem. Now she can work towards becoming totally unsympathetic towards her husband, brother, and son.

Yeah look at the examples she gives in the first graph, which include a 17 year old high school kid. But this is totally just about "powerful" men.

Imagine if this "person" was your mother. Enjoy the shit nursing home in a few decades, cunt.

This is why trannies are a thing.

"Mommy will love me if I cut off my dick, won't she?"

"Your opinion on abortion isn't valid because you're not a women and what you think about it doesn't matter. Our opinion about how men should lead their lives are completely valid, that's why phrases like mansplaining and mamspreading exist: so we can help men by ridiculing them for something we dislike"

Not even that intelligent. It's straight up 'you don't know how hard it is to be a woman but I know exactly how easy it is to be a man'.

I'd love to see how women, who frequently have meltdowns at men spreading their legs on the bus, would handle being sent into coal mines or dying by the millions in some dumb arse war.

It’s called a motte-and-bailey argument

Here’s a link

I need that "which button to press" meme with "pay $1/week to subscribe to a hate speech magazine" vs "make outraged comments without reading the article". Gotta make it look like I at least considered the first option before coming in and telling y'all what trash this is.

This is an opinion piece - don't say that the Times itself is saying this.

That said, what the actual fuck is wrong with people?

Even so, they thought it was an opinion piece worth publishing.

They publish everything that Bari Weiss has to say their threshold for op-eds are pretty low. You wanna see a real shitshow? See WSJ and WaPo op-eds.

Haha that’s great

Robert Manne was born in Melbourne to parents who were Jewish refugees from Europe. He is married to journalist and social philosopher Anne Manne. Their daughter, Kate Manne, is a philosopher and an assistant professor at Cornell University. She writes on ethics and feminism.

Never cruise around juice

every. single. time.




Out you go.

He not only tied the noose he put his neck in it

Don't be jelly that goy are stupid. Give it up and let your betters rule.

absolutely, maybe I can join an affinity organization and get in on the action. I bet it's a blast.

I want to know how /r/menslib will spin this.

I wonder how much the author hates herself because her last name is Manne?



I literally can't even....