Am I the Asshole for leaving a Trump supporter stranded? r/AmItheAsshole

79  2018-09-28 by dreamo95


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I'm proud of him. Not for leaving a trump supporter stranded, but for leaving a roastie stranded.

asks if they're the asshole

gets mad when people say yes

Luckily this person is in the minority. I have a vets for trump bumper sticker on my Honda (back when I was really into politics and was a stupid activist teenager) and I had someone who admitted they were a car thief help me break into my Honda to get my keys after I was stranded at the gas station lol. He said he didn't like Trump and asked me why I did, but that was really the end of it. Pretty nice person aside from stealing other people's vehicles lol.

But I ended up losing my bumper sticker because some people at work kept ripping it off, I tore the rest off after my car got keyed and decided I was done with bumper stickers and politics forever.

Pretty nice of people to key and vandalize a veteran's junky honda. but whatever

Fuck you for your service!

"" Veteran"" 😂

I'm so confused by this lol. Are you a vet and a teenager? And back when you were an "angsty teenager" was...2 years ago?

Could be 22, Trump's been politicking since 2015.

Fair point. Though I'd be surprised if people were that angry about a trump bumper sticker when he was the laughing stock of the GOP primaries.

I guess trump did really jump outta the gate with the Mexican rapist stuff so maybe...

I always thought it was 'their' because it just made sense in the framework of what "they" were sending rather then the sender themselves being rapists. I still don't get the rage on that, just seemed like another dumb Trump moment like when Bush said we never stop thinking of ways to harm the American people.

You're referring to "They're sending their rapists"?

I mean I agree the 'sender' (Mexican government?) wasn't the rapist. However the result of that is calling Mexican immigrants rapists/drug dealers/maybe some good people.

and that one is just kinda the OG dumb Trump moment. That was him announcing his presidential run lol

You aren't going to find any disagreement here.

I guess trump did really jump outta the gate with the Mexican rapist stuff so maybe...

And the Muslim ban stuff........

No I was 21 I wasn't a teenager just really young and stupid

He served in ROTC, obviously.

please don't assume genders it's 2018

I'm a she

Is it true that all women in the military have been plucked more times than the rose of Tralee?

yeah and nobody cares. well, they go to the media and say they care but 100% nobody cares. It's really easy for people to be taken advantage of in the military, not just with women but I imagine men too because it is not like civilian life. You can't walk away from your job (unless you never want a job again), there are different rules, HR is a fantasy, the people above troops have a scary amount of power that is not really tested(I'm not saying people in power in the military are all horrible people or what not- I knew some nice people that tried to help me). If they don't believe you or care- that's it you really don't have any discourse for being accommodated or given the help and medical attention you need. At least in my situation, I was made to feel bad and like I was being weak or lying. Like I needed to stop being emotional and stop taking something so seriously that was serious.

You slip up one time, even if it isn't something that's necessarily in your control, they will put a microscope on you and build up a paper trail and just make everything worse for you. That kind of pressure is agonizing when you are away from family, friends, support, and it feels like nobody is on your side, especially when you've been through something horrific and need the support. Even thinking about it feels so dark. But I didn't help myself at all by not seeking out the help I wanted or needed. Idk I take responsibility for my bad choices but I was really young, naive, and not street smart at all. I wish I could erase my memories, but everything I went through led up to where I am, and I am where I want to be in life, so I take the good with the bad.

You have great lolcow potential, please stick around

I have been here for 1.5 years this was my dream and I'm finally here

I was 22 in 2016. Not a teenager but almost (I was a shithead so it makes me feel better pretending it was because I was young). I got out if the military when I was 21 because I was mentally ill.

👏👏👏 Bravo

good lord

Well long story here:

I joined the military because I wanted a job and thought it was honorable, then when I got in I was assaulted and then bullied and had a meltdown after a couple years. I probably already had some issues but that just made it much worse because I couldn't deal with it. Instead of having some compassion my "leaders" took away my leave, breaks, and made fun of me. It was the worst point of my life. I didn't shower, didn't eat, I just worked, went home, cried, and did it over and over and over and it just kept getting worse. The first year after I got out was really hard getting back into civilian life. Luckily because the military fucked up and gave me problems I got health care and was able to turn my life around and be a productive member of society. I know a lot of people don't get that luxury and are always getting fucked over by the military and VA, so for as much as I suffered, I was compensated for it. But tax payer money could be saved if the government treated their troops better and did something about the abuse.

I was proud of myself for trying to do something brave and honorable so when I got out I turned my life around and now I have a good job and a good boyfriend so I thought if I could do it, anyone could, which was why I had so much love for trump because he represented what I worked for, I thought.

Now I don't really care and don't want to fight becuz I think that part of my life is over, I spent a lot of it being angry and hurt and pissed off I didn't want to spend even more of it doing that.

getting health care for my mental problems is why im no longer DDF


Is that Donald Drumpf Fan?

Daddy defence force, but yea same difference

I'm not really in love with Hillary Clinton either, though. I just don't like politics at all one way or the other because they seem to be toxic

Seems like therapy is working if you've left the DDF and are stearing clear if the Mommy Defense Force. Stick around, we'd love to have you here.

I have yet to see anyone approaching MDF its seems like more of a "le both sides" meme shit to me

Honestly anyone with any sort of political bumper sticker deserves to have their car left on cinder blocks

T A C K Y af

Seems like a loophole.

slaps bumper sticker on /u/Wraith_Gravespell's car

Only retards have bumper stickers prove me wrong

I had a vets for trump bumper sticker on my Honda (back when I was really into politics and was a stupid activist teenager)

How were you a veteran as a teenager?

I can't be the only one who thinks it's a troll simply because most women who are not hookers would not ride off with some dude (especially one who looks like a redditor) they just met in a parking lot.

Yeah this is 100% a troll. I initially assumed OP was a woman because the idea of a little old lady happily getting in a car with a male stranger in a parking lot was so implausible.

I've done it before.

Trolled? I'm surprised, you're not very good at it. You're lucky people enjoy huffing their own self-righteous farts so much that they'll believe your obvious troll is real just so they have someone to feel better than.

you're not very good at it.

It looks like I'm very good at it.

Nah, you're swinging hard for low-effort easy shit. You aren't challenging yourself. Gotta hone your craft.

Gotta hone your craft.

I just spent 20 minutes writing out a guide about how to troll in this prompt and then deleted it because I realized this is probably not a good place to put that in current reddit climate.

PM me bro

I do this shit all the time on my alts mate. Been doing it for years and routinely get linked here.

LMAO wrecked & BTFO epic style EXXDEEHH

Back to the dojo padawompwomp

It depends how desperate and naive they are.

And the time of day.

I gave an old white lady a ride to her house a few months ago. She locker herself out of her car. I drove her back to the house to pick up her extra pair of keys and took her back.

Excuse me that's exactly what happens in Super Seducer 2, are you telling me that isn't what happens in real life???

women who are not hookers


She also just conveniently steps inside the store for some reason so he has a way of leaving. Shoddy writing.

Americans are fucking dumb lmao

Its not our fault man they put the chemicals in our water and use the TV to get us addicted to porn and fentanyl.

I'd downvote you twice if I could count that high.

He stood up against gussy. H E R O

ThE ParTY OF tolERaNcE

"I'm an eco-socialist and didn't even vote for Obama"


That's actually true tho.

Lol @ the "I'm a man of integrity" comment

Lying to old women is the most honest thing any man can do.

Yea I had fun with that post.

"I was just pretending to be retarded"

lol, dumbass.

No the point is to get a reaction out of people and I definitely did that including you lol.

smh at all these dipshits falling for at an obvious troll

Probably his loss. Could’ve been the ride of his life.

I laughed hard as hell, fuck that old bitch

I felt like she'd be ok. Trump's tax cuts should help people like her buy new batteries.

fucking gotem

Another blow struck against the necromatriarchy!

The tolerant left in action, folks

Responding to every single comment.

Fake and gay.

Shoulda followed her into the bathroom and raped her, imo

It's what I would have done. Fuck Trump!

lol red box???

NTA, but your a douchebag!


Why wouldn't you help the old lady? Are you a political activist?


I hope you know Karma is a bitch, and I'm not talking about the shitty rating system that reddit uses to silence people with differing opinions...