Man at center of Nobel Literature Prize academy scandal in Sweden given 2-year prison sentence for 2011 rape.

1  2018-10-01 by shitpost953


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I got that one too. Answered with fuck off nazi, now I hope for a sperg out.

I reported that shit for PM spam. Told him I didn't want to hang out with a bunch of Daddy sycophants to try to trigger him since all his posts are in T_D.

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Jean-Claude Arnault

Sweden takes in yet another refugee from a country that's basically an open air rape den and once again they're shocked by the results.



a country that's basically an open air rape den

Kinkshaming french need to to stop.

First there was Gamergate. Then Nobel Prize in literature, then the Hugo Awards. Is their an area of the "arts" thats not a perverse example of the left cannibalizing itself?

Hugo Awards

Probably falling for the bait here, but I don't exactly think Sad/Rabid puppies was a leftist movement, m8.

Lol. The thing is,they were right. Its a shit show now

Sad/rabid puppies were right.

Exploiting slate voting to get your and your friends' hillariously badly-written novelty press publications Hugo-nominated, as well as some other actually decently-written works by authors who publically disavow you, is right?

Thanks to the Rabid Puppies slate there is a Hugo-nominated fanfiction about futuristic thanks being raped.

That only further confirms how big a laughing stock the Hugo Awards are.

Lets hear what VOX had to say about this years all women winning awards ceremony...


Hugos are a popularity contest done by whoever visits sci-fi conventions, of course it's trash. That doesn't make exploiting loopholes to get your own trash published less sad.

Wasnt that in 2015?

You're right, I'm a retard; they lost steam in 2016.

I know. It seems like yesterday. Weird thing is, like i said before and judging from this years award, the awards are unapologetically leftist and do prefer female and non whites. Both in characters and authorship.

And as Joe Abercrombie said: "the hugo awards have never look less like the future of anything."

the awards are unapologetically leftist and do prefer female and non whites.

You mean the voters are; the awards and nominations are selected by a democratic vote.

I know. Vox Day os a fuckin moron.

He's unironicaly claimed that he could fork and maintain the Linux kernel on his own.

From the linked [The Guardian article]k

with female authors winning all major categories at sci-fi awards


The diversity of this year’s Hugo awards signals an end to influence of the Sad and Rabid Puppies,

Diversity, LMAO what retards.

Diversity just means no white males.

Username fits

Fits where?

in ur bussy

Fucking Godless Swedes shouldn’t have been allowed to come to America

Almost all of the ones that went were the weird religious ones. Really explains a lot.

Only pakis can rape

Join your local multicultural procreation guild.

In Sweden, rape is punishable by a minimum of two years and a maximum of six years in prison

and this dude got 2 fucking years....for rape???


I know where you're going on holiday next.

there was a thread regarding this on /r/europe. basically a lot of countries give small amounts of jail time to criminals and the judge keeps refreshing the jail time. there literally is not a legal option for "lifetime jail" in sweden, despite having prisoners who are effectively imprisoned for a lifetime

Then why did he get 2 instead of 6?

Oh yeah I'm not sure about that one. I'm just explaining why the max is 6. Shouldve clarified.