Another male feminist gets accused of sexual assault. The kicker? he was the founder of Study of Men and Masculinities at Stony Brook. The university that was recommended to r/braincels after the quarantine.

1  2018-10-01 by Ghdust2




Enjoy the time ⌚ you have 🈶 left 👈. JUSTICE 👩‍⚖️👩‍⚖️👩‍⚖️ IS 🈶 COMING. Tick ✅✅ tock.


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Omae wa mou shinderu

It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


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Not all rapists are male feminists

I feel sorry for rapists, mistakingly being labeled as a male feminist must suck.

I'm torn between upvoting because I agree, and downvoting because its you

and downvoting because its you

Downvoting the lolcow is the reason admin took pinging away.

Fuck you /r/redtaboo

just do both, like a real radical centrist

I’ll upvote you downvote

Upvote and report him.

Same for pedos and weebs.

true, just because I like anime doesn't mean I'm a pedo. People don't get that.

No, wrong order.

But all male feminists...


Holy shit.

A kicker like that deserves to get this thread a sticky. 100%.

Oh my god lmao what were the admins thinking?






Pretty sure there were posts about this when it happened back in August. It’s still some delicious irony a month and a half later, though.


To be fair, he's got few like (((him))) on speed dial.


Yes 😘


Orange fan mad

not mad, erect

Daddy defense force tards are bad enough. People that unironically have your kind of post history (serious posting alt righr starter packs to Chapo smdh) are pretty bad.

Am I in the clear for calling it cringey when I've only just seen this retort to Orange Man Bad with literally the last 2 days?

Jesus at least make it look organic. It literally looks like all you guyss went down to your local DAE DRUMPF clubhouse as someone passed out "New shitpost comment type this" flashcards.

But hey it fuels drama at least.

Orange fan mad

Lol look at this faggot writing 3 paragraphs.Triggered much ?

He's ain't wrong tho

“If a user writes 3 paragraphs, and nobody reads it, did it ever happen?”

Depends. Did kaalaaaa masturbate to it while creepily watching the subreddit while banished in the shadow realm?

Considering that's always true how can you say it depends?

🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 Maybe he sleeps sometimes 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔

I miss when Chapo could post here and hold their own :(

t. MDEgenerate

Get out trumptard.

Sup Koko.

We don't need a Koko. We need a Gammy.

/u/GeorgeCostanzaTBone GAMMY GAMMY GAMMY

We don't need a Koko. We need a Gammy.


All of the popular clickbait and all the advertising in the world doesn't matter when the paradigm has shifted.


The Trump way won. Liberals are still criticizing and complaining without appreciating what actually happened.

Wasn’t the house/senate elections a much bigger deal?


Lets play game. Eliminate 3 sub species:

  • Male feminists -The gamer -Journalists -MAGAtards -The hashtag resistance -Boomers -Burgers -Leafs -Pajeets -Twitter blue ticks -Internet mods -Incels -Foids -grown men with capeshit art in their rooms

1) Hashtag resistance

2) Burgers (cos you're embarrassing)

3) Foids because I don't know what that is

4) Twatter tickers.

Foids is how some people call women.

Alright my list is then:

1) Hashtag resistance

2) Burgers (cos you're embarrassing)

3) Foids because I don't know what that is

4) Twatter tickers.

5) ((Journos))




Blue ticks


Leave the leafs alone, americuck.

Toronto is the worst place in the Western Hemisphere. And, it's soley due to the people who live there.

Toronto was nice, I was there for The International.

  • Pajeets because the world is overpopulated and I can't choose the Ch*nese

  • male feminists because less rapists is a good thing (also takes out a sizeable chunk of blue ticks and the #resistance)

  • incels because everyone throws it out as an insult even when it makes no sense (and I feel like there's a lot of A-Logging going on, so two birds one stone)

Boomers missed out because they won't be around in 20 years anyway and if I live to 80 then I've got 68 years to wait.

The fuck is "A-Logging?"

dumb kiwi farms slang for being unironically angry at lolcows

A-Log was some guy who used to rage about Chris-Chan a lot



I think you mean


male feminists because less rapists is a good thing (also takes out a sizeable chunk of blue ticks and the #resistance). Actually, whatever one has the most crossover for those three groups.

200+ IQ move

if you get rid of foids, every other group on the list dies out

low IQ



Incels three times because I want to die.

Male feminists

Twitter blue ticks

The hashtag resistance

Also, the fuck's a foid?

femoids RE

You were told not to make too much noise when you immigrated here you CAncer

I've been here since the days of circumcised bussy, what you on about?

Burgers Incels Foids

Honorary mention to MAGAtards, but they'll mostly be wiped out by the burgerflipping

I want to see what happens to the non-American MAGAtards when their Daddy disappears with the rest of the Burgers.

/u/captainpriaprism on suicide watch?

trump will live forever if only in the minds of the people obsessed with thinking about him

Blue checkmarks three times.





The correct answer is burgers, leafs, and Pajeets. Burgers and leafs include the worst and most unbearable of male feminists, gamers, journalists, MAGAtards, #resistance, blue ticks as well as a substantial portion of internet mods, Incels and capeshit fags. Pajeets get to go because I don't like them.

Leaves faggy Europeans but they seem to be most annoying to each other in languages I don't understand.

Yeah, that's what you say, but I have it on good authority that the greatest feminist minds in the universe have said that video games are misogynistic rape and murder simulators, with the most offensive being Grand Theft Auto IV.

Well, I've been playing GTA4 now, non-stop, for about three years. I have over 3,000 hours of simulation time, which according to Anita Sarkeesian's expert testimony in front of the United Nations, probably makes me the worlds greatest rapist-cume-murderer

I guess what I'm saying is that you better watch your bussy pal.

Male Feminists MAGAtards Twitter blue ticks

This would probably unironically help the world. It would be bad for dramacoin though.

Male feminists have strong overlap with the blue check marks, so picking both is a waste of a pick




Everyone must die. It's the only way to save humanity.


Omnicide when?

Nah, leave the animals alone. They didn't do anything bad.

so the world is just full of trannies and other gender nutcases like otherkin for like a few years until they die.

Leafs x3

How about the last one 3 times?

Everyone commenting is an idiot. The correct answer is not 3 of these, but all of these groups.

You forget Pakis, but I'll take them Male feminists, and goatfuckers.

Can I pick leafs thrice?

Capefags and boomers- (because that also covers 90% of male feminists, gaymers, magatards, and mods. Also the worst of the burgers and a decent chunk of leafs and incels). And the hashtag resistance will cover the journos and blue ticks, and a disproportionate % of foids. Intersectionality at work.

Only 3?

can u pick more than 3

Following the report, another former graduate student published a detailed account of their time working with Kimmel on the website . Bethany Coston, now assistant professor of gender, sexuality and women’s studies at Virginia Commonwealth University, accused Kimmel of sexist behaviour, such as giving paid work to male students while women were expected to work for free. Coston also accused Kimmel of homophobic and transphobic attitudes, and of a lack of respect for anyone but cisgender heterosexual men.

This is her

If he thinks he can work with someone like that and avoid something like this, he really had this coming. I don't care if he is innocent you do not entertain people that look like a nightmarish SJW caricature.

good lord, please put a trigger warning on this link. That's fucking gross.

what is wrong with that woman's teeth

That’s a woman?

I keep expecting her mouth to open and a smaller version of her mouth to come out and bite me

Her gums are eating her teeth

Beat me to it.

face does not quite stretch over skull

This is her and her... um wife, I think:

They look very related.

Peak white people nonsense

fucking mayos

Jews and their lackeys aren't white

Found the MDEgenerate. You’ll be inbound to Berkenau, Dramaland in 0300 hours.

Go back and jerk off your chai-walas cock as he performs a new Gujarati pogrom. Behenchod.

I looked up Swedish profanity and it seems too cucked. The maximum I could find was “Bög”, what a weak language. How do you say motherfucker in Swedish?

>street shitter takes pride in his ignorance of civilized culture

Why am I not surprised.

implying Sweden will exist by 2030 when we become superpower

Don’t worry my fren, we will keep your artefacts and literature safe in our museums.

Says the guy who's country was overrun by Muslims dozens of times from the year 800.

Mandir kaha banaenge? Kuch nahi hua hai

Your Hindi is surprisingly good. Damn, respect.

Dhanyavad, mitra :)

There is no chance in hell those two arent related... right??

From the same egg experiment gone seriously wrong.


Wow just wow


I cant even


Are you being serious right now?

Ugh, sigh, here we go again

'folks' needs to be folx, Dr. bee wouldn't approve.

Every post on /r/politics

Oh u sweet summer child...

Agree with all but friendo

I thought that was a pol meme and gaslight


"x is a thing" or "words mean things" should be included, otherwise this is a perfect charicature of the neoliberal internet bully that features prominently in both SRD and among drama regulars.

Teeth to gum ratio is all wrong

This picture makes me deeply uncomfortable for some reason.

It's because of the incest.

wtf i love Trump now

Gas that bitch

You can tell that old guy joined feminism in the 70s and 80s for easy sex and now he's trapped and has no easy way out.

Her gums are swallowing her teeth.

bad tooth to gum ratio

nah, her maxilla is too low

I admit, I want to gumfuck her.

In some species, exposing your gums like that is a sign of aggression.

Well if she had only known all these years...

Its been highly refined over the last 3 years into a tool with the sole purpose of accusing Transphobia, homophobia, and sexual assault.

A weapon of mass sociology.

Oh my god she's the female cockmongler.



It's like something out of a horror movie.

British teeth

what is this

upper lip thing.

Those gums, SMH.....

....Does that person ("bee") request that their preferred name be lower-cased?

That's fucking atrocious.

Standard operating procedure for your garden-variety Bell Hooks fan.

You mean bell hooks.

Nah I capitalize her name like a normal person who isn't a post-modernist academique retard.

e e cummings 😩💦

bite a dick

Bellhooks mocks her own ancestors by refusing to use the education they worked so hard for her to obtain.

I thought at first it was their species

Not really sure that's a woman

I’ve been told that doesn’t matter anymore.

Identifying as bisexual, nonbinary, and disabled, bee feels strongly...

Wait. Are they truly disabled or do they just “identify” as disabled. Is that a thing? Can people do that?

What am I thinking? Of course people do that. Ugh.

Oh my sweet summer child


If she is really an able-bodied person who identifies as disabled, then she truly is a piece of shit. It's because of people like her that disabled people have trouble with others taking their disability seriously.

I don't think even disabled people consider being disabled their identity, just something in their live they have to deal with.

You've never met those "deaf culture" types. They want to prevent kids from having hearing aids or corrective ear surgery so that the vibrant rainbow that is sign language and it's culture can be preserved.

You're right about the deaf culture crap but they are an exception to the norm.

Yeah but that's because deafness cuts you off from the outside world and people literally need to learn a new language to communicate with you, and language is one of the cornerstones of a culture.

It's like...super disability

I agree with /u/fatalcharm's comment. With that said, the reason it is an "identification" is because it's a group of people and a community.

A lot of people who are disabled don't like to advertise that fact since it's a negative thing and has a lot of negative consequences for them (employment is probably the biggest).

And because of that there is a weird schism among those people.

I think the deaf community is a big exception; to the point where some reject cochlear implants because it would ruin their purity or whatever.

Yeah, that's the weird one. I've never gotten it myself. Perhaps I'm insensitive, but I don't even know what "deaf culture" even is except having a disability that makes you unable or have a super hard time doing a lot of things.

I don't even know what "deaf culture" even is

Maybe if you’d just listen, you could learn a thing or two.

It's really just a community of people who historically couldn't talk to anyone but other deaf people, and as a result, feel really connected. Kinda like immigrants forming a china town, except they didn't start with a culture, just developed one. If sign language had been invented recently, there's no way deaf culture would be a thing.

So its like the Pakistanis in England who discourage their kids from learning English?

Yeah ultimately I do think it's self-destructive, and especially with the internet around it's easier than ever to communicate as a deaf person. And it's not like a cochlear implant prevents you from learning ASL to talk to your parents or whoever is deaf in your family. Just like learning english doesn't prevent you from communicating with your parents.

She's a 'spoonie', basically an elaborate type of disability fraud

So just a lazy piece of shit?

I don't get it, what's a spoonie?

What the fuck? I’d never heard of this. Although I work with disabled people. So my entire life has been about getting myself more spoons so that I can do all the shit I want to do? Don’t mug for sympathy. GET MORE SPOONS!!!

It was originally coined by somebody who writes a blog about hidden disabilities, which of course are a real thing. But it didn't take very long for munchies and people with learned helplessness to get their grubby paws on the term.

This doesn't seem unreasonable to me. There's a lot of people who have an injury or illness that might not seem completely debilitating at first glance, but they have to basically have to plan their whole life around it.

Having said that, this would also be a really convenient way for people who are just whiners to pretend they're worse off than they are.

My therapist explained to me about the spoons. Essentially, it's just fucks. Some people have an inexhaustible supply of fucks, other people have a small amount of fucks.

These days, it's pretty easy to tell if someone's faking or if someone is actually exhausted to the point they can't function. I still remember the regimen of shots and vitamins I had to sit through to generate 1 fuck.

That doesn't seem very "elaborate".

It also seems like a metaphor to explain the impact of other disabilities. Not a disability itself.

Like if you had a cold which was making you sneeze, and you had to explain a sneeze to an alien and so you said "it's like it's raining from my face".

And then you just pretend colds and flus and broken noses and allergies and cancer and aids all don't matter anymore and just use your one weird alien metaphor for everything.

If being tired is a disability, literally everyone is disabled. And when everyone is disabled... (chuckles) no one is.

I identify as someone of royal Prussian blood. Now give me my role as a rightful Prussian clay ruler.

Looks like a mix between Justin Bieber and Anthony Fantano

Best gums in the game!

Hey hey hey everyone, SOYthony BOYtano here, THE BEST GUMS IN THE GAME!

That's hotter tbh


Somebody STOP MEeeeee

I’m not so sure about this new Jim Carrey role.


NSFL my dude

I think someone tagged this as NSFL! Yikes!

Eye Bleach!

I am a robit.

Good bot

Good robit.

mediocre bot

Awwww it just wants to sit on his lap.

Holy moly

Dios Mio! La cretura du dientes...

This is her


looks again


Looks like shitty blender model.

For many LGBTQ+ people, nontraditional healing practices, like mindfulness, acupuncture, and yoga, can promote healing, and bee argues these methods should also be integrated into mainstream healthcare.

There's nothing wrong with looking like the stereotype for what you are, but this shit... this shit should get you blacklisted.

Idk about the rest, but there's a lot of athletes that swear on yoga. Helps with straightening out imbalances and inflexibilities. It's also a form of exercise, which is for a lot of people way more useful than another dozen pills.

Stretching to become more flexible: sure

Stretching to cure your autism: not likely!

Those techniques definitely can't cure autism, but I feel like stuff like yoga could help autistic kids feel more comfortable in their bodies. Obviously they should only be used as a supplement to more scientifically backed practices.

Never underestimate the benefits of hitting the gym. Come on, you're almost a doctor - you should know this.

100% yoga has protected me from injuries practicing judo and helped my lower back pain

Its also free so idk the fuck this chick thinks it means to integrate it into mainstream healthcare

She means as a replacement to medicine, not a supplement to them

She never said that.

You know why they call alternative medicine techniques that actually work? They call it medicine

Well tbh mindfulness and yoga are excellent for mental health and they're free.

Don't argue logic on r/drama this is a safe space to REE about feminists queers and SJW

(I am all those things and come here for the fights)

Out and proud. Bold move, holmes.

integrated into mainstream healthcare

That's the problem. Unless you enjoy $100 co-pay yoga sessions, it's a horrible idea.

Get a yoga dvd for 5 dollars at wal mart you weiner

Srd is probably more your speed.

Thanks, but I like it here

I both unironically REEEE about feminists and SJWs (nothing against queers) and promote mindfulness. fuck yoga though

I would like to get back to REEEing about Daddy, but there are too many refugees here now.

come here for the fights

Welcome home

How to reddit 101

Ya they legit ‘cured’ my depression when I’d given hope

fucking hippies not even trying anymore

The only thing Nixon did wrong was not end the hippie epidemic when he had the chance.


.22 to the back of the head and swift kick into a ditch, ~Stalin~ Chapo Style.

You know why acupuncture is practiced by mainstream doctors?

It's because there are mountains of studies that show that acupuncture offers no benefits outside of placebo effects.

how do you identify as disabled?

I identify her as disabled.

Apparently, being ugly is a disability now.

Zhe has the "SJW" look down to a T.

Looks like Donald Trump if he wore the Super Crown...soo Trumpette.

Looks like a reddit admin.


Are we sure this professor even knew she was a she?

It’s depressing our tax dollars pay for both her livelihood and her bullshit

We have found IRL Mouth of Sauron.

Is the rest of your family like you, or are you the only fat weak pussy in the bunch?

Hello there, followed from r/politics have we?

Nice to know that I have fans.

You don't have a fan, faggot. You're a fucking loser. Shut the fuck up and quit being such a passive cuck too.

You don't have a fan.

Considering that I'm being followed to old Reddit comments by a party that disagrees with me, either the term "fan" or "stalker" applies. The former is just far less cringe inducing though the latter is likely more applicable.

I like to think of it as how the police follow a young black man down the street. How come you are so repressed? Daddy issues? Hit me with another downvote, big boy, and then go maul that report button..."where the hell is that mod!!!"

I cannot stand stupid people that think they are smart. They are the fucking worst. God made them code monkeys for a reason.

It's just words on the internet my friend, not anything to get upset over. I also see through the attempts to get a rise and blatant trolling as something to take to moderators of other subreddits in hopes of a ban for wrongthink.

As for the second charge if one is looking for the guilty, one only need look into a mirror.

"my friend" what passive pussy. and then the classic fat boy: "project much" childishness.

No wonder you need Trump. With your sad genetics, getting included in the middle-age White suburban demographic is your only chance at survival. Go call for help again, you spineless coward. Stay passive, because that's all you've ever been. Should have stood up to your old man and told him he was a fucking dick. You might have gotten your balls to drop that way. Trumpcuck. Instead you clung to momma's skirt like a bitch.

those gums

i feel like she's gonna bite my head off

Nightmarish is right. That photo is genuinely unsettling

Her "various identities" holy shit, where are we heading?


Look out the window. It’s here!

Wow that teeth to gum ratio off the hook.. also, has a smile of a serial killer. I wish I can unsee what I just saw.

Non-monosexual women are women who have had sex/are interested in having sex with other women but don’t necessarily identify as bisexual.


Are we living in satire

nightmarish SJW caricature

Holy shit you weren't kidding

She looks like a lot of testosterone


Oh god just let the missiles fly already.

I became suspicious as soon as I saw his book was named "Angry White Men". Would be no different from us writing a book called "Uppity Black Youths" but he gets away with it because he's a Jew.

Keen observational skills over there - lol

Oy gevalt, shut it down immediately! THE GOYIM KNOW

Oy vey

Horseshoe Theory is gospel at this point

So, Dre, Easy Cube and Ren didnt get away with it? Im confused. Oh yeah, Yella too

Someone who spent his life learning about the art of rape, rape culture, and all that stuff turns out to be a rapist? Truly shocking.

Reminds me of that scene when Dr. Melfi realized Tony Soprano was using her to become better psychopath for years.

reminder that Ted Bundy wrote a pamphlet on how not to get raped and was assistant director for the Seattle Crime Prevention Advisory Commission

the art of rape

The Art of the Rape

This boastful, boyishly disarming, thoroughly engaging personal history offers an inside look at aspects of sodomy, painal and blood-donuting in penthouses, hotel rooms and alfresco on railway property and the high seas. ""I don't do it for the sex,'' maintains Trump, the son of a Queens realtor who, at age 27 fucked the shit out of his own cousin: like literally... she actually shit herself. Now 40, he has raped over 4000 women, many anally.

1 best seller

What the hell is blood donuting?

Old Nan sat in her chair, rocking backwards and forwards, the sleepers of her chair creaking against the floorboards as she prepared to deliver her famous line...

If you have to ask you don't need to know

-by sun tzu

If you let yourself be raped, you win.

All rape is based on deception.

When able to rape, we must seem unable

I feel like that might actually be good rape advice.

"If you know the victim and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred struggle snuggles."

-Michael "Sun" Tzu

Wow, I'm impressed. Props to those commenters who figured out that all this was actually the work of the Jews!

Why on earth is Reddit quarantining subs, for fuck sakes I didn't think the Reddit community could get more pathetic than it already is.


Someone higher up realize how good it would be for dramacoin

Found the incel.

Because they want more users, and they think that incels et al. will scare normies off.

Why would they not reduce the visibility of that kind of shit?

If the subs are so bad that it makes "normies" recoil then ban them. The moronic message that suggest you check out a feminist think tank and read their propaganda instead of going into that sub is moronic.

Honestly what is wrong with male feminists? If they aren't busy raping kids then they're the most insufferable people on the internet.

Too soon my man

Kimmel of sexist behaviour, such as giving paid work to male students while women were expected to work for free. Coston also accused Kimmel of homophobic and transphobic attitudes, and of a lack of respect for anyone but cisgender heterosexual men.

"""""sexual assault"""""

The article calls it sexual harassment, but even that is a stretch. At worst it's discrimination based on sex for the paid work and the other stuff about his alleged bigoted attitudes is probably nonsense.


Idk maybe he said gays are icky once. He is a confirmed male feminist, so it's not a stretch to think he's fake woke in other ways.

Fuck you're right, lock him up

Now this is my kind of positive masculinity



Sticky plz, mods.

TFW you've told everyone to believe women no matter what and someone is accusing you of rape

Someone is aggregating and saving all this accusation of male feminists? If yes, I would really like to see this database

So there you have it. Reddit admins support sexual assault.

feminists deserve "male feminists"

Well that was... predictable.

Oh that's fucking hilarious.

q predicted this too

This is the best thing I have read this week here.

Color me shocked.

Since you linked /r/braincels reaction, I decided to check /r/inceltears to see if they were talking about it, because that subreddit unironically believes this "toxic masculinity" garbage, and I found nothing. I decided to check some feminist and social justice subreddits...nothing. Just plug your ears and pretend nothing happened.

To be fair, the main point of IT is pointing out the dumb logic of incels. If they haven’t commented on this topic, it’s safe to assume that they agree.

For the feminist and social justice subreddits, they aren’t actively paying attention to the incel community as far as I’m aware. So chances are thru aren’t aware of the story. That being said, it depends on how open the sub is to self criticism. Like most subs on reddit, very few are open to self criticism so I don’t know why feminist subs get targeted specifically for not doing it.

You can't make this shit up!

Is there an adage for male feminists being crewpy?

The allegation:

The undeniable proof, you mean?

If you fuck with a bee you gonna get stung,.

I can't stand the male feminists are rapists meme because it misses the point that most male feminists are just retarded SJWs and if you spend enough time around feminists, eventually you're gonna get metooed.

I think males who call themselves feminists are basically like pedophiles that go into priesthood. Feminism isn't a place for dudes and any normal dude wouldnt try to take the label. Be an ally sure whatever, but taking the label is huge red flags

Be an ally sure

lol no thats even worse

Be an ally sure whatever


lol they removed the link to Stony Brook already.

Great, male feminist cucks can get pussy but I can’t. What do they have that I don’t?