Daddy got toilet paper on his shoe and no one felt like telling him. We're officially living in a bad sitcom.

1  2018-10-05 by TUMS_FESTIVAL


This commie bussy will only get plowed by one fashy mommy.


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I'm anxiously awaiting the pic of the first Trump fan who sticks TP on his sole on purpose. You know they're coming.

Alternate title for this was "Daddy sets a new fashion trend".

/r/streetwear has been doing this for years on purpose probably

I love that sub because they trick autistic redditors into dressing like “confirmed bachelor” computer programmer uncles from the 80s and Chinese tourists.

I thought you were being hyperbolic but then I browsed a bit. Oh my.

Holy shit the Jaden Smith/Kenan & Kel inspiration threads LMFAO

Lol at all the sad white bois who think they can spend thousands of dollars dress like rappers and not get relentlessly mocked.

Now I know where Rich Campbell gets his clothes.

Dude showed up on a podcast yesterday looking like Napoleon Dynamites fucking cousin.

Friend plese explain that subredit you gave the link to? It is pictures of autistic men in rags, I do not understand.

comment from /u/Tetragrade upvote and share

It's a sub that mocks the homeless. Basically /r/candidfashionpolice but with the mentally infirm. I don't know why it isn't quarantined.

I like your username




False, the DDF are bottoms.


You're a person. Do it and make them look bad

You mean do it and make (((them))) look bad

>applying myself

lol who the fuck do you think I am

Check "Other Discussions"

The_Donald has already made two threads about this and I can't tell if they're serious or trying to joke and pretend Daddy isn't a retard.

What the fuck, I clicked on the /r/DonaldTrumpIsAFaggot link and it switched me to the redesign. Now I see why everyone has been bitching about it.

The Billy Madison you ain't cool unless you pee your pants tactic.

Every T_D subscriber at the next rally

Classic trump

I love that so many people obviously saw that and did not tell him.

It is scary to think that no one decided to tell him because the probably couldnt

I mean they could have, but he'd play it off like it's supposed to be there

looks to me like he knows and raises his left foot higher to get rid of whatever is stuck to it


of course he tries 7 times in a row unsuccessfully and then just resigns to his fate and hope no one realizes what he was doing, instead of just pausing and removing it

45 million D toilet Candy-Crush session


Meanwhile r drama has a dino post thats a dogwhistle for reals


I firmly believe that people who unironically use the term "dog whistle" to describe the most benign shit are worse than those you say "sheeple" when people make fun of their unmedicated rants.

The stickied dino post is a stealth a wyatt man merchant you fucking dimwit

Coming from a stealth turbo fag? No one cares about you.

Long nose

Clasped hands

Its a great post by cdace

Long mouth, not nose.

Hands aren't touching.

It IS a great post though, does every picture of any short armed dinosaur trigger you or do you just post turbo gay shit on your drama alt?

Who doesnt? Alas i have no alts. Just made this one recently for luls

The only thing worse than a drama alt is having only one account that solely posts on drama...

I post on russia and pewdiepiesubmissions

Im a russian bot


There is literally nothing else on this site worth having another account for

Oy vey! The dinosaurs 🦖 definitely don’t own the lizardpeople who aren’t Jews!

“Benign shit” here, is a dog-whistle for dog-whistle terms.

I want to violently defecate on people that use the term "whataboutism" unironically

Its the "I can't defend my opinion on this" trump card, just like anyone who just responds with "insert logical fallacy buzzword".

Nice strawman

This, but unironically.

I didn't start hearing STRAWMAN until after Donald was elected.

all these triggered libtards

XD owning le libtards epic style

You're just mad that we already have a term for your usual faggotry.

ok but what about her emails tho?

A.K.A. “If you point out my blatant hypocrisy, this argument will be over, so I’m going to say that pointing out hypocrisy is a logical fallacy”

"He clearly meant to do this to make the media report on this and not his taxes, WHICH WERE NOT AN ISSUE ANYWAY, but yea, 56-dimensional checkers."

4D chess....

272 D backgammon

/r/GreatAwakening would say this was not tp but a letter from deep state, and trump is sending a message to them.

I miss them.

Did they get shut down?

where have you been? having an actual life or something?


Ew that shit sucks

Lol drama newfag


its total fucking bullshit they got shutdown

they were awesome

just the shit they would come up with was did modern human brain cells even dream that shit up?

no fun zone


oh i don't think so

They already went to far with brain cells.

How they come up with it,
take a human infant
feed it some lead paint chips
give it a healthy lungful of asbestos
preach the end of the world to it
teach it to hide under the desk from evil reds
soak it in liquor for 2-6 years
then expose it to a 24/7 news cycles with no immediate major threats for 20-30 years

I know the recipe has quite a bit of prep time, but hey it's worth the drama.


I miss them too. The madness in their subs was glorious to see. When I saw the TP my first thought was “I wonder what the Qanon subs would be saying”. Sigh.

Q predicted this

This is what it's all been leading up to


It's mildly depressing that our President possibly did that intentionally. We've fallen that far.

only pretending

This shit is seriously indistinguishable from all his other attention seeking bullshit. Fuck my country life.

Yes , he obviously did it you trigger you cucks.

Uh oh, looks like we got a case of the snowflakes over here

What's wrong with being a cuck?

Cucklifes matter ?.

It wasn't TP, it was actually a special security cloth, we can't really talk about it though because it's top secret, it would be a national security issue to talk about it so just don't worry about it but know that we have the best people watching our president's back.

fun fact, presidential poop is actually pretty the point that its "Secured". theres a wealth of bio info in poop...

I wonder if some poor soul has to collect the used TP as well.

Like is there a guy who saw that there was TP stuck to Trump's shoe and started running after him yelling "WE GOT A CODE BROWN: UNSECURED PRESIDENTIAL FECAL MATTER! MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!"

Next he will slip on a banana ECKS DEE

You just butthurt you elected a literal clown.

I've never really understood how this happens. How does the toilet paper get to your shoe?

When you laid down a particularly disagreeable grub that needs some stomping to help it down the toilet, obviously you cover it with TP first and some might stick to the shoe.

Well, usually it's a little bit of unused TP that fell to the floor when someone broke off a strip and then it gets stuck to your wet (for whatever reason) shoe.

But considering that it's a lot of TP and that the President would almost certainly have a private bathroom, my guess is that he dropped used TP on the floor which he then stepped on because he's old and fat.

What toilet cubicles is the POTUS visiting that have wet floors?

Like, either someone is pissing everywhere or... fuck I don’t know

Like, either someone is pissing everywhere

well Daddy is into that so..

Now I’m just fully erect

I should have specified: In this case, the TP stuck to his shoe because there was shit on it.


Someone needs to tell that toilet paper it has a piece of shit stuck to it

Clearly a subtle smear campaign


What if this was his idea so people dont realize that pro-alcohol dude is getting a supreme court vote

This is clearly a hidden message from Trump. Notice how the toilet paper is on his LEFT shoe, and not his RIGHT shoe? It's a sign that the left-wing deep state led by Killary is going to be dismantled any time now.

white toilet paper fluttering from left shoe white flag same day Kavanaugh gets confirmed Obviously this is how Q chose to communicate that the left has surrendered.

I heard on npr that TP on your shoe is a sign of white supremacy. Not shocked!

Toilet paper is WHITE. Need I say more ?.

I just saw wapo did an expose'. People will laugh but supporting these white supremacist gesture is problematic as hell.

Ursula wtf? There's no tp in the bathroom!

What about the piece stuck to your shoe?

Now this would be a good time to use the Presidential National Alert System.

Now this would be a good time to use the Presidential National Alert System.

I am certain that Hitler also used toilet paper, that cannot be a coincidence.

when you're so far up Daddy's bussy that you can't even laugh at a man with TP on his shoe

Holy shit....I thought that only happens in movies...

Ok, they have to be doing this shit on purpose.

Best timeline


This guy takes a shit on America and gets toilet paper stuck to his shoe.


Why do I here the theme song to Curb Your Enthusiasm?

Q predicted this

Lol big deal

He doesn’t know how to use the three seashells.

How do you get toilet paper stuck on your shoe?

Have floor or shoe just wet enough that the paper doesn't degrade and step on tp. It will probably stick.

I've never seen something so minor cause such an extreme spaz out

Too young to remember Dijongate?

During the May 6 edition of her radio show, Ingraham said of Obama: "I don't even like the way the man orders a hamburger. ... What kind of man orders a cheeseburger without ketchup but Dijon mustard?" She later added of Obama: "See, he was trying to do this whole thing with Biden -- 'We're like the regular people, we're like every other guy, you know, with our -- on our lunch break, we're going to go grab a burger, two guys, two bros.' "

Hannity ranted about it too.

Hamburgers, overcooked steak, icecream scoops, bad beer pours, TP on shoe....


If they can somehow make the president look like an idiot, they'll report on it.

You've never seen people laugh at an idiot with tp on his shoe? What kind of a moron are you?

And /r/the_downs would gladly lick his ass clean

I’m actually starting to believe the theory that CERN dropped us in an alternate dimension.

I'm on board. It's just more plausible than the "bad acid flashback" theory.

Shit happens.

To us all.

Virgin looks down at his feet as he walks vs. Chad steps in TP and doesn't care

Do not laugh at daddy! 😭 This is outrageous, its unfair

Imagine the uproar if it was Obama.

'The world is laughing at us' says Trump

It looks fantastic, the best shoe accessory, the greatest. Smart people are calling him to tell him he is a genius and it biggly is the best thing since <insert fashion fad here>.