Collins is voting Yes on Kavanaugh, r/politics on suicide watch

1  2018-10-05 by Pol_Pots_Crockpot


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Update, Manchin (D-WV) is also a yes. Kavanaugh confirmed, this'll be like election night 2016 all over again folks

No. Not yet.

The Blue Wave failing would be 2018 redux.

This is foreplay.

Stop I can only get so erect

No, keep going.

We are going to pack your precious supreme court

We won't stop until the throbbing shaft of this subreddit is engorged with every drop of hot gossip we can lay our sweaty hands on.

The true redux would be the complacent party which poles say is unlikely to lose losing to the more energized party

the dems are gonna get the house but the rs will hold the senate, im not sure itll be enough for meltdowns, but expect a lot of unironic "republicans gerrymandered the senate" which was a popular thing to say in r politics in 2014

gerrymandered the Senate

I don't want to believe people can be this stupid

welcome to reddit

Allow me to reintroduce myself

my name is R, R to the E-D

I used to dunk on T_D snowflakes by the OZ

CEO of the D-I-T

Fresh out r/politics into the fire

I be, the biggest saltmine supplier

Whiter than a piece of paper bearing my name

Got the wokest black man in the game; wearing my chain, that's right

Umm, are you actually implying that California's borders shouldn't extend along Mexico to Louisiana? I literally can't even.

California should be broken up into 100 states each being the exact size of a single city block in San Francisco.

Do they come with all the human shit and dirty needles that currently occupy most of the blocks or sf?

Of course: diversity is our greatest strength.

I too like to diversify my chances of contracting HIV

haha nonwhites r bad

hope u like the upvote bro for ur freeminded trendy racism XD

This schtick isn't going to work out. Write what you know.

Nah, just all the GDP that keeps the rest of the nation out of poverty.

And all the autism right?

California is somehow a basket case failing nation basically while also having a GDP per capita greater than 95% of red states

Weird how that works

7 states with a higher GDP per capita. 34 states with a lower poverty rate. What's wrong with this picture?

the FUCKING REPUBLICANS that run California don't understand how detrimental income inequality is!

i always find it silly that red states are obsessed with them-there freeloaders when their white poverty societies exist only because of wealth redistrubuted from rich blue state hippies.

You get that they feed you, and that you'd starve without the people living in those states, right?

who is you?

literal peasent scum that can replaced by machines. Maybe if you stopped fucking your sisters and prazn' jayzs's you'd amount to something other than literal IQ 70 mud animals.

It's because you occupy the entire coast, and monopolize almost all of the shipping ports, dumb ass.

If we combined the entire eastern seaboard into one state, it would curbstomp California in GDP.

IMO we should break San Fransisco and LA into 100 states each, with two senators each, and then just have one giant state for the irrelevant flyovers.

The argument I've heard was that "The Dems lost so many times due to unfair gerrymandering that people who vote Dem gets discouraged and enough of them stay home to swing the election"

I mean it's possible that it happens but unless you conduct a big poll of the residents of those states you can't know for sure.

If that were true, all those NEETS in California wouldn't have turned out to try to 'landslide' Hillary in an election where it doesn't matter how many people vote.

nuh uh those votes don't count because they're from a state that has different political opinions than I do so that makes them literally not human beings

Only one state made the difference between Hillary winning or losing the popular vote! And that's one more state that contributed to her popular vote win than Trump had.


Agreed. He's trying to be the new pizzashill, but it's not working for me.

There is no such thing as a popular vote

Hillary won the popular vote, and Trump won by technical knockout.

There is no such thing as a popular vote in the Presidential election.

Pointing to something that doesn't exist and using it as justification for your salt is SRDine level neckbeardedness

Im not American, how does senate votes work there?

Every state gets 2 senators

Both senators are elected by the whole state (No congessional districts like in the House)

Senators serve terms of 6 years. Elections are held every 2 years so senators are only up for re-election every 3 election days

each state is split into districts where the house members are elected. those ones can be gerrymandered. senators represent the state as a whole and don't have districts, so can't be elected due to gerrymandering (unless they think the shape of the state itself is gerrymandered)

Irrelevant flyover hicks are given free votes for doing nothing, and torture the rest of the nation eternally out of resent while abusing their disproportionate power

It's the house of lords




Man every local sub is filled with morons who think gerrymandering affects the gubernatorial. It's honestly pathetic.

What’s stupid about that?

looks like someone has never heard of state senate districts

I don't know anything about American politics (other than it being very dramatic) so I don't know why this is stupid.

This is the correct take

i think they will meltdown becasue they are deluding themselves into thinking the dems will pick up supermajorities in both houses

Yeah anyone that believes that has more than a touch of the tism. The Dems will gain quite a few seats in the house but the senate will probably stay the same. They might pick up a seat in Nevada but Heitkamp is going to lose in NODAK.

It isn’t mathematically possible for the Dems to get a Senate supermajority lol

Nobody is retarded to think the Dems could pick up a supermajority. The best they are hoping for is a simple majority, but even that probably won't happen due to the seats that are up.

Normal Democrats sure. But the megaretards on r/politics think that it will be easy to pack the court and change the voting system as long as Bernie wins.

That's a different brand of retards. A supermajority wouldn't be necessary for their retarded court packing scheme.

It doesn't, but not even FDR could pull it off at his peak. And changing the electoral system requires a Constitutional amendment.

The people who think Dems will get enough seats in the next few elections to get rid of the Electoral College are so out to pasture that it's not even worth talking about them.

The court packers need to shut the fuck up and pick up a history book. FDR was majorly fucked over for his attempt to pack the courts and it'll be no different if the progressives if they try it again. People don't take kindly to blatant attempts to mess with the SC.

And changing the electoral system requires a Constitutional amendment.

Nah not really. The Constitution leaves it up to each state. It's why some Maine and Nebraska give two electoral votes to the state popular vote winner, and then one electoral vote to the popular vote winner in each Congressional district (2 in Maine, 3 in Nebraska).

But forcing all 50 to do it would require a federal mandate.

Also, shitlibs have been out of power for two years so there hasn't been much to get outraged about. Until someone tried to Hem and Haw the Kavanaugh.

Nobody made Kavanaugh rape that girl

Yeah there is only 6 seats (Nevada, Arizona, Tennessee, Mississippi, Texas, and Nebraska) that the democrats can pick up in the senate and of those 6 seats I’d say only 2 are really competitive (Nevada and Arizona). Plus the Dems will probably lose one in NODAK where Heitkamp is currently trailing so yes since a super majority is 60 seats therefore it is mathematically impossible.

TN is a tossup as well.

TN has a hated Republican and an old beloved governor/mayor running. I actually think Bredesen has a good shot.

I’m from Tennessee and I can tell you most people would say they’re gonna vote for Diane but it’s pretty clear that even among our republicans there’s a lot of love for Bredesen

He's against Asian carp. This man truly loves TN. Blackburn just seems like the cranky kindergarten teacher who hates children

He also quite literally won every county in Tennessee when he ran for governor in 2006

Polls look about even there

That's the sad part. Outside the cities the state is so red it looks like an albino in Mexico

of course. everyone they talk to hates Trump, so they're gonna get like 90% of the vote in every district

i mean i dont like trump but im still gonna vote republican. i hate the dems even more.

im too commited to bussy and smokin dope to choose that lifestyle.

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>implying there are likeable politicians

o i am laffin

Pack pack pack

All it takes is a majority in both houses and your precious supreme court evaporates before your eyes

Great magic trick

i like how dems legit think they can pack the court if they control the government

1-fdr tried and failed

2-the last time dems controlled the government they spent all their political capital on a bill that basically just shoved money into health insurance and pharmaceuticals companies pockets because they needed their support to pass

3-the last time rs controlled the governmnet (read now) they did literally nothing

Gonna need some citation, because I've never seen anyone on /r/politics outright claim the senate was "gerrymandered."

the Senate is undemocratic and a farce at this point, but gerrymandered it isn't.

Voter suppression is a problem though.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Voter Suppression Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk To The Library Like Nigga Get An Absentee Ballot Haha

It's a bit odd seeing the same retards make the same arguments they've been making since like the 1950s.

Like, they're literally making it as hard as possible to vote because they know poor people often won't vote if it's too inconvenient.

They've literally admitted to what they're doing in court:

Requiring photo ID to prove who you are isn't suppression.

Also, anyone who is too dumb/lazy to google "X County Polling Locations" is clearly not capable of making in informed decision about governing the country

Read that article and tell me it's not voter suppression.

IMO voters should be suppressed considering how all these votes are turning out

Old white voters maybe.

When they make it hard to get photo ID by closing down DMV or making there be a lot of hoops to jumps through or selectively choosing which IDs are acceptable that more conservatives don't happen to have then yes it is. The number of eligible voters who don't have ID FAR outweighs the case of in person voter fraud.

You ever meet anyone who didn't have an ID?

No retard, it's not voter suppression, it's a poll tax. Also retarded- Implying not being able to get to a polling place while Republicans close them in poor neighborhoods across the red states disqualifies one from being capable of making informed decisions, and actually thinking someone that vocalizes that he thinks "the clintons are out to get him" and lies under oath about what "boofing" is so he doesn't look like a frat boy moron belongs on the Supreme Court.

Personally, I think this is all awesome, Kavanaugh is polling pretty low with independents, if you stand outside both echo chambers and talk to real people they're mostly pretty shocked at both parties over this circus, but only the Republicans are going to have a 30 year reminder that they stacked the court with a total ideologue liar.

If you don't need an ID to vote, I shouldn't need an ID to buy a gun. The gun is a fundamental right after all.

Nobody gives a shit about requiring an ID to vote dude. The problems are as follows:

  • The voter ID laws always come with other things like "we're reducing early voting hours or closing polling stations in certain areas."

  • Voter fraud is basically non-existent in this country so they're coming up with solutions for problems that don't exist, and the downsides these "solutions" have always just so happen to suppress tons of poor/black voters, what a coincidence.

I don't even care if you want to die on this hill - but this is voter suppression, they aren't efforts to combat voter fraud. That's just the facade the GOP came up with so twits like you will defend them until the very end, ignoring all proof that says you're wrong.

You mean we have pretty much no way to track voter fraud

That's not how this works dude. You can still detect voter fraud, there just isn't any going on really.

The most common type of voter fraud isn't even in person voter fraud.

I really wish I understood the conservative mindset.

Deny literally all expertise on any given subject, keep doubling down after you're refuted and proven wrong over and over again.

How does this even work?

Tell me how you detect it. Because I've actually read the small number of "studies" on the subject, have you?

The most common type of voter fraud isn't in person, it's absentee. We have almost no way to detect either though. If you'd also like to ban absentee voting for anyone who isn't elderly, disabled, or a service member I totally agree though.

Did you just forget about the voter fraud council Bush himself set up that managed to find like 80 cases in the years it was active?

Did you literally forget my previous posts where I explained why it's almost impossible to detect given our current rules? You ignored that part because unlike me you haven't actually read the "studies" and investigations you're talking about. Like most people that discuss politics, you shouldn't be.

Almost impossible to detect says the uneducated internet conservative for the 50th time.




I'm a centrist buddy, I'm just more informed than you

You're 0% informed, which is why you keep pretending voter fraud is a real thing.

If you say so. Either way, increasing voter ID requirements, limiting absentee voting, and other measures which prevent voter fraud are happening. And they are giving us a more holy and prosperous America.

"prevent voter fraud" also known as "suppressing voters."

Just a little advice friend, you're gonna run out of old white people one day. Demographics will erase you and your kind.

Lol I'm not white, but I can tell you're pure mayo

minorities are too stupid to vote

That's what you sound like.

Americans constantly reee online about how "dRiViNg A cAr Is AbSoLuTeLy NeCeSsArY fOr EvErYbOdY" so presumably everyone already has a driving license anyway??

Are you some sort of retard?

Do you think poor people in the ghetto deserve to vote if they can't be fucked going to the DMV to get a fucking ID?

It's ironic because in other countries you often need multiple forms of identification to vote (like here in Europe) yet 95% of people manage to do it and vote.

I want you to read the first article I linked and tell me in what universe that was not voter suppression.

I want you to read the first article I linked and tell me in what universe that was not voter suppression.

The only part of that which I would consider voter suppression is the restriction of early voting.

I don't think voter registration and voter ID are suppression.

If you don't register beforehand and bring ID you are not fit to vote lol

And here we see 1950s era argument #2.

"Who cares if they outright admitted to illegal racial voter suppression, who cares if it's painfully obvious they only do this to reduce voter turnout, if you can't get an ID then you shouldn't be allowed to vote!"

I've said it before and I'll say it again: American conservatives are a lost cause.

They're proto-fascist mongoloids with no concern for reality.


using this term unronically

What else are they?

Every trait of proto-fascism is found in the Trump base. What's missing?

Proto-facism is a super obscure term only used by reddit democrats who post on politics.

It's even more loosely defined than fascism itself.

It's not very loosely defined, fascism in general is only "loosely defined" because it's a set of emotional traits more so than a doctrine and the "truth" is whatever helps them win.

Proto-fascism is different, though. Proto-fascism is always the same. A good example of proto-fascism would be conservatives in Weimar Germany:

After 1918, women were enfranchised and able to vote and stand for election at every level from local councils up to the Reichstag. They were formally given the right to enter the major professions, and the part they played in public life was far more prominent than it had been before the war. Correspondingly, the hostility of those male supremacists who believed that women’s place was in the home now won a much wider hearing. Their disapproval was reinforced by the far more open display of sexuality than before the war in the liberated atmosphere of the big cities. Even more shocking to conservatives was the public campaigning for gay rights by individuals such as Magnus Hirschfeld, founder of the harmless-sounding Scientific-Humanitarian Committee, in 1897. In fact, Hirschfeld was openly homosexual, and in numerous publications propagated the controversial idea that homosexuals were a ‘third sex’ whose orientation was the product of congenital rather than environmental factors. His Committee was dedicated to the abolition of Paragraph 175 of the Reich Criminal Code, which outlawed ’indecent activity’ between adult males. What aroused the wrath of conservatives was the fact that in 1919 the Social Democratic state government of Prussia gave Hirschfeld a large grant to convert his informal Committee into a state-funded Institute for Sexual Science, with its premises in the grand Tiergarten district in the centre of the capital city. The Institute offered sex counselling, held popular question-and-answer sessions on topics like ‘what is the best way to have sex without making a baby?’ and campaigned for the reform of all the laws regulating sexual behaviour. Hirschfeld quickly built up a wide range of international contacts, organized in the World League for Sexual Reform, of which his Institute was the effective headquarters in the 1920s. He was the. driving force behind the spread of public and private birth control and sex counselling clinics in the Weimar Republic. Not surprisingly, he was repeatedly vilified by the Nationalists and the Nazis, whose attempt to tighten up the law still further, with the support of the Centre Party, was narrowly defeated by the votes of the Communists, Social Democrats and Democrats on the Criminal Law Reform Committee of the Reichstag in 1929.

Nationalist hostility was driven by more than crude moral conservatism. Germany had lost 2 million men in the war, and yet the birth rate was still in rapid decline. Between 1900 and 1925, live births per thousand married women under the age of 45 fell very sharply indeed, from 280 to 146. Laws restricting the sale of condoms were eased in 1927, and by the early 1930s there were more than 1,600 vending machines in public places, with one Berlin firm alone producing 25 million condoms a year. Sex counselling centres were opened, offering contraceptive advice, and many of these, like Hirschfeld’s Institute, were funded or in some cases actually operated by the Prussian and other regional governments, to the outrage of moral conservatives. Abortion was far more controversial, not least because of the serious medical risks it entailed, but here, too, the law was relaxed, and the offence reduced in 1927 from a felony to a misdemeanour. The thundering denunciation of birth control by the Papal Encyclical Casti Connubii in December 1930 added fuel to the flames of debate, and in 1931 some 1,500 rallies and demonstrations were held in a massive Communist campaign against the evils of backstreet abortions.

Sound familiar?

Thing is we have Republicans across half the country closing DMVs in poor neighborhoods, in some cases it's been reported that now these "poor people in the ghetto" have to somehow drive 2-3 hours to get to one, and that those ones are only open during normal business hours, which again, means that the middle class white Republicans can take a day off to go handle it, but the working poor might not be able to afford to just not work for a day without drastic consequences, such as not being able to feed their family.

Irony: You not being able to think abstractly like this but calling those who can retards.

Actually retarded: See you and my above statement on irony.

The problem comes in when they make the DMV in poor neighborhoods have terrible hours to make it hard for the people there to get an ID. If there wasn't blatant discrimination in the process of getting a ID to vote, requiring them would be a lot less controversial.

I agree but I don't know why photo id drivers' licences aren't mandatory and at the same time acceptable as id for voting.

Making drivers licenses mandatory would be a terrible idea. Imagine how much worse the roads would get if the states had to hand them out to everyone. After all I'm sure someone would sue and argue that because they are necessary for voting having any test to obtain it (aka a driving test) would be discriminatory.

If there is going to be mandatory voter photo ID it has to be a separate ID that's free and easy to get.

Why? In Sweden it's 30ÂŁ minimum for ID and we have 95% voter turnout.

US laws and history are different. Here there's a history of discriminatory poll taxes and poll tests so having an expensive ID or one that requires a test would quickly cause problems.

Why is it undemocratic and a farce

Because 17% of the country can elect a senate majority. The house was meant to offset the senate by giving large states power, but we capped the house in the early 1900s and it's been spiraling out of control since then.

The number of representatives in the house does not change how much power the house has, it only changes the nature of the electoral college

Except if the house is capped at a size, smaller states end up getting disproportionate power in both the house and the Senate.

And it changes the electoral college, again, tilting it towards small states.

The argument is both the house and senate are tilted towards small states currently.

The solution is debatable - but the entire system is set up to favor rural/small states at the expense of everyone else, and this was by intent:

who tilted this year’s election.

My apologies, I misconstrued your original sentence. No need to go all pizzashill

He may be a serial srsposter, but he's a lot smarter than Pizzashill.

He isn't saying it's literally gerrymandered.. The context is very clear here, I don't know if english is your first language or what.

He's calling the senate undemocratic and tilted towards the GOP. And it is.

I've been here 11+ years. I've seen it countless times. Remember that /r/politics is literally almost always wrong.

Holy shit you triggered a bunch of burgerstanis defending the single most retarded political system in the world since roman horse Councillors

I saw a couple gerrymandered the senate comments in politics a while back.

I look forward to the full blown meme

Am not American (but am radical centrist), so I'm not familiar with your politics (although it is fun to watch the drama). Why can't senate be gerrymandered?

it's a statewide vote

The whole state gets a vote. Two senators per state.

Short of redrawing state lines (not happening), you can't gerrymander.

haha libtards r dumb

It'll mostly be "abolish the senate, rurals are bad"

I mean rural states do have a disproportionate amount of power. A Wyoming vote matters 3.6 times as much as a California one.

In terms of the senate it's much greater than that

Ironically though the house is so gerrymandered that the senate is the more liberal chamber

It’s an outrage to me that there hasn’t been a rep reapportionment for the house in decades.

Fuck rural people, I roll my eyes every time I hear some idiot talking about how unfair it is that they be counted proportional to their number. Why don't we do the senate on race instead? Like blacks get 1/5, Asians 1/5, Hispanics 1/5, Other 1/5, and Whites 1/5? Not really fair that whites get all the say just because there are so many of them is it?

I thought blacks were 3/5ths? Damn, now I have to adjust my whole bet.

Still enough to Anally Cuck Daddy for the last two years of his presidency

>implying the republicans weren't already cucking him

Not anally

Only vaginally?

They're just kinda rubbing their dicks in-between his fat folds

I wouldn't be so sure that the dems will take the house...

This. And if they do, it won’t be by the huge margins they want. I’ve been watching the polls and shit has started to stink since the dems started in with their #reeeetoo shit. For the NPCs, Kavanaugh is guilty, but for anyone with any critical thinking skills, we all saw it as a political move and made the Dems look shitty. Not to mention motivating the republics base. Good job, DNC opposition tactics.

but for anyone with any critical thinking skills, we all saw it as a political move

imagine thinking a old mayo ultra conservative isnt guilty of at least 3 sex crimes

Yeah but actually bringing them up is totes a political move

I doubt he identifies as a feminist.

but for anyone with any critical thinking skills, we

Good one fam

Ho ho hooo

The Republican party has been bleeding women's votes ever since Trump and they really need the mayo woman turnout to win. I wouldn't be so confident that the #meetoo thing has been backfiring as hard as you think.

started to sink

Polls always get closer as election day approaches.

Your salt sustains me. I can’t wait for the kegger in his office at the Supreme Court offices.

you typed that in your underwear on drugs.

its the midterms after the white house changed hands, the house is nearly guaranteed to change hands

its the midterms after the white house changed hands, the house is nearly guaranteed to change hands

Your take is so logical and realistic but boring :/

Why would anyone vote for the dems? Everything is going great and the concentration camps never happened.

history says every time the white house changes hands and the winning party controls the house they lose the house in midterms. its mostly due to enthusiasm gaps

Technically the concentration camps were for children, which i agree dont count because they were under 18.

Besides, you cant count on your average fat fucking retard American to appreciate the collapse of the post war order, so Orange Dementia will probably win even harder next time around.

They did technically do that by creating too different dakotas. But that wasn’t exactly 4D chess, it was more luck it ended up working in their favor



Radical centrists unite, we must confirm nor deny Kavamaybe.

legally execute both Kavajava and his accusers.

Now that's radical centrism.

I'm pretty sure it only only be a half failure.

Either way Remind Me! November 7th

I honestly think there's going to be a ton of drama if the blue wave fails or succeeds.

If it happens you'll have the DDF who've just spent the last 3 months pretending to be moderates or Democrats "Walking Away from the Left" (tm) going nuts that that didn't work (or if they believed it was real going nuts that the Dems won out anyway).

Plus if the blue wave is bad enough Trump will start throwing out accusations of voter fraud and even if they're just random rage tweets that don't go anywhere his base will eat it up and rage more.

And if it fails then the other crowd will be literally reeeing in the streets. Remember big-no guy from the presidential election? I hope there's a repeat performance, maybe even better this time!

It's win-win!

LOL you Republicans genuinely believe this is going to matter in the long run. That's cute. You will die in a socialist, majority nonwhite America and I will be smiling.

The day of the rope is coming brother

The best part is that there’s bi partisan support for both yes and no votes and that there’s still a chance that Pence is the tie breaker.

And this is all because the democrats broke the senate vote tradition. And this caused republicans to gain 14 points in the polls for the midterms.

Manchin just confirmed his yes vote.

I have this feeling that 2018 is going to be juicier, saltier and more buttery than 2016.

The left wing of the party is going to lynch him lol

What exactly can they do in West Vrigina? Primary him and thus lose a seat in the senate? He's the true radical centrist, hated by Republicans for being a Democrat and hated by Democrats for not following the party line

This assumes that the Dems don't constantly shoot themselves in the foot. The progressives will hate him for confirming Kav and abandon him, allowing the Republicans to pick up a Senate seat.

But how many Fem-Prog-Theory Phds exist in West Virginia? If they don't dominate the primary, he'll be fine.

There probably aren't that many progressives actually in WV to affect the vote in that way, but there are other ways they can hurt him. Donations can dry up, overall D turnout might be depressed, etc.

WV was blue not long ago. First went red in 2000.

Must be when the meth finally started kicking in

Anyone smart from WV moves at least to Virginia lol

The party most likely decided that the best way forward is to let Manchin vote this way though, keeping a D seat for very red WV is important compared to some party line vote that Pence will break anyway and even the Ds would have seen that.

All the progs in WVa are old school labor democrats, my favorite kind. Sanders won the WVa dem primary because of it.

Tbh those are the best kind of Dems. The ones obsessed with idpol are impossible to deal with.

Fucking right and don’t understand why the poors want jobs in places like coal mines when they can just go to college and get a job at Starbucks until a man who makes more money can rescue them.

They only care about the urban poor who vote for them.

Nah Sanders won because Hillary would have slit coal's, and therefore WV's, throat rather than letting us bleed out in peace. She also would have hurt fracking, our only other job source. Sanders probably would have done the same, but it wasn't as assured as with Clinton.

Lol WV dems are just Republicans that believe in unions because their retarded coal people.

My sister is one. Maybe 3 more.

Tops. Maybe that mothman thing they've got flying around, as well.

Nah he just hates bridges.


Cenk urgar or whatever his name is tried to find a primary challenger manchin blew him the fuck out by like 40 points he doesn’t give a shit

Chunky Urgay

Chunk Yogurt

cenk ugyur

Good old Cenk "The Kurds deserved it" Uygur

Cenk "The Armenians deserved it " Ugyhur.

But he's right about that one tho

I agree it's complicated.

I don’t know dude have you seen Armenian woman?

Finest moustache I ever did see.

Plebbit was the brainchild of an Armenian. Imagine how much better the internet could have been if Turkroaches were competent at anything.

That would require incredibly ahistorical behavior by the Turks since their entire empire pretty much only existed because Europoors were too tired of the Middle East after the crusades and couldn't band together to curb Turkish interests.

The minute European powers started treating the Ottomans as the greater evil and banded together they started chopping off bits of that empire for about 50 years and taunted them as the Sick Man of Europe.

i hope they run a non-passing trans woman in the primary against him

Pretty sure the primary already happened

oh yeah

Democrats would be retarded to primary Manchin

He is needed in the senate to prevent the supreme court going like 7-2 possibly

There's a lot of democrats in WV, but not many progressives. He'll be fine.

He's the true radical centrist, hated by Republicans for being a Democrat and hated by Democrats for not following the party line

Sounds like my kind of politician. What a chad.

The left wing of the party can't do anything but b whine on Twitter

Hope he avoids the elevator

Maybe, but I don't know. No one really expected Trump to win (outside of his supporters anyway). I think the midterms this year are probably going to go as expected: Democrats win a majority in the House, but not the Senate.

Not yet

Trump supporters were absolutely surprised he won no matter what bullshit they said.

There was some speculation he may have been surprised and afraid himself. Never expected people to actually go for it.

Has he never seen The Producers


Yeah, but everyone expects a sitting President with a good economy to get reelected. Everyone but redditors, that is.

I am talking about midterms.

If the economy stays this good and the male femists don't male feminists as much then I have a feeling the salt from 2020 will turn the Pacific into the black sea.

What is the topside of the business cycle

Would be the longest business cycle in the developed world in the last 100 years at least if that happened.

*red sea

Holy shit if the republicans win in november we may literally run out of popcorn

haha libtards rekt XD

They sure are being haha

This.... but entirely unironically

tbh they are gettin rekted pretty bad

this but unironically

I think if the republicans win in November (no matter how unlikely that is), that might genuinely be the end of the Democratic Party.

Lolbertarians rise up

Sure, at least until they give up Identity Politics and find some ideology a bit less contemptible than judging people based on their gender, sexuality, and skin color. Oh who am I kidding? They would probably rather go down still clinging to that giant toxic ship rather than renounce the privilege of talking shit about "cis white men."

Yes let's vote for the man who thinks Neo Nazis are very fine people. He does not love identity politics or dividing people. He is for all Americans.

I don't believe Trump is actually sympathetic to Neo Nazis. That statement and subsequent non-apology was just an unfortunate nexus of him being too retarded to plan out his own words more than half a second ahead of time and too much of a narcissist to admit it despite how obvious it has been to everyone for years now.

They like Trump and that's the sole thing he cares about.

"That was the biggest fucking mistake I've made," the President told Porter. "You never make those concessions. You never apologize. I didn't do anything wrong in the first place. Why look weak?"

No shit, Trump isn't complex. He'll suck your dick if you tell him you like him and consider you lower than pond scum if you don't. Just look at his bipolar back and forth with Kim Jong Un over the past year.

I think it’s more the idea that he can’t bear to condemn any supporter, no matter how terrible they are, because he realizes he has very few friends right now.

Nah, the left is constantly making sure he's got more and more friends every day!

friendship with Trump ended. Stalin is my new best friend

Not at all, man. Anyone normal human person watching and listening to what he said could easily understand what he said and what it meant.

The problem happens when retards believe the fake news headlines and then repeat them and repeat them and repeat them until they start foaming at the mouth and buying pussy hats.

You say ""he's not a nazi, just a retard" shouldn't be something I find myself having to say about a US President", but the only reason you have to say it is because of how many retards believe he's a Nazi to begin with.

...kind of like T_D to be honest

Yeah, I like it too.

and it will like you only so far as you agree with it. Not a good friend.

Nah, you can disagree on anything except for loving America and loving Americans. That's why we're winning all the time - we all love America, while the Democrats seem to want nothing but hate and division. We should all be working together and loving each other, but unfortunately all they seem to want to do is #Resist and to hate. Sad!

Replace the word "America" with "Trump", and then your post makes some sense.

You really need to let go of your hatred of America, man.


Here let me switch the words for you:

You really need to let go of your hatred of Trump, man.

There. Now your post makes some sense.

There are no nazis you silly bitch.

Lol a meta Canada poster. I’m sure you know all the going’s on!

But he never said that. He said there were some “very fine people” at the Charlottesville protest. The entire rally was called “unite the right”, so it’s not a surprise that a spectrum of right wingers ranging from “eh, let’s not tear down the statues” to “sieg heil” showed up.

Yeah Trump watched Neo Nazis murder a woman and then decided to jump in. It was widely known Neo Nazis were going to be there before the event. If you chose to go, it was with the knowledge that these were some serious Nazis there.

*A neo Nazi

I’m not defending their actions, but I think people need to get their facts right.

You seem to be confusing the democratic party to a handful of ultra left weirdos on tumblr.

to be frank, so is the party leadership at the moment.

It wasn't just on Tumblr where Ford was Stunning and Brave and anyone doubting her accusations was a Fucking White MaleTM

Again, this seems to be based on your own assumption based on what you see online. "Fucking White MaleTM" is a bogeyman that only the most extreme use. Please don't assume most democrats believe that shit because all you see is those who shout the loudest in their toxic little subgroups. Its the same as conflating a regular conservative person with the consensus of some ridiculous women hating subreddit.

Not sure what exactly is wrong with suggesting Ford is brave for what she did though...

Logic and Rationalism in *MY* subreddit!?


This is neither. This is tribalistic defensiveness.

There's no logic in that argument at all. Like, lay out the actual chain of logic that person used. They made a lot of blind, unproven assertions, but they didn't even attempt logic.

The pretty basic logic of the comment is that most people are normal. People are guilty of looking at a loud minority and assume that's what most people believe. It's a fundamental part of humans being humans. We fear "the other side".

I directly say that most people are not like the bogeyman presented online and in the media, and use a similar example of a subset of left wing extremism with a subset of right wing extremism as a comparison. Your critique on the comment has almost zero relevance to the comment itself.

I can see your fedora from here

Nah it's based on that ridiculous verbal fellatio Democrat senators gave Ford during their last-ditch (and ultimately futile) attempt to stall this nomination to last beyond the midterms because they've bought into their own hype.

And Ford has made something like $1 million off this sideshow, spare me essays on her bravery.

Good job on ignoring the majority of my comment.

Could you describe some of the verbal fellatio? I'd like to compare to the verbal fellatio given to kavanaugh during the hearing. She risked her own career to speak out against a guy who sexually assaulted her and has had multiple credible witnesses corroborate her story. Good for her for making some cash on it (not heard of that, not saying I don't believe it but do you have a link for that?).

It was a "futile" attempt because Republicans control all branches of government and are pushing this dumpster fire of a human through. Still very curious as to why they're so dead set on him, considering the amount of bullshit that's come out about his character. He is just objectively not fit for a supreme court nomination.

He favors some of trumps most extreme policies. this particular man will certainly tilt the court towards Trump's 'brand' of politics. And they need him in there now, not next year, because of all the shit trump is doing.

Futile to try and reason with these kids man. If they are posting on r/drama and in favor of this far right batshit admin they are prob just 4chan tards that they let out of the cage.

Hah, yeah I know you're right, just can't help it sometimes.

And Ford has made something like $1 million off this sideshow, spare me essays on her bravery.

Is English not your native tongue or something?

Did you mean to quote yourself?

I had hoped re-posting the bit about not needing essays on Ford's Stunningness and Bravery would get you to realize what a git you were for typing one out anyways, but that's apparently too difficult.

So you're just going to attack my grammar and not address any basic point I made?


No. Proof. Actual substantial proof to the things you say. I'm sorry if those are too boring for you. Perhaps you lack the reading comprehension to take in such large amounts of words.

Oh and I'm from the UK, as in English is my first language, so I find your suggestion of English lessons to be quite silly. Thanks though (though is how we spell tho in the UK).

lol your government is seriously discussing banning Linux and in the middle of a leadership crisis because literally none of your elected officials have any intent of following through on Brexit but you presume to criticize Americans.

Have a good tea and crumpet on me while you fantasize about the last century your country had any mainstream relevance.

Again, just deflecting and stereotypes. No substance.

I'm actually in Scotland, we're trying to get away from the disaster of UK Government but it's not going too well. I'll happily chat to you about all the problems of Scotland and the UK. Does it make any of what I said any less true? Honestly I'd love to hear why.

Scots are maybe the one thing worse than Angles, you need to go back. Even joining the EU independently would result in you somehow managing to impoverish yourselves, I think your average countryman vastly overestimates how much the EU cares about fish and crude oil.

Scots are maybe the one thing worse than Angles

Does that count as racism? Or just being a cunt?

Even joining the EU independently would result in you somehow managing to impoverish yourselves

Really big statement. Please explain why you believe this. Otherwise me saying "Even joining the EU independently would result in you somehow managing to bring wealth and prosperity to yourselves" is equally valid as to what you just said.

I think your average countryman vastly overestimates how much the EU cares about fish and crude oil.

Dude you have Google. Search "Scotland exports" and you'll see how blatantly untrue that is.l

Does that count as racism? Or just being a cunt?

It counts as me shitposting about mayocide on a subreddit known for that in joke.

Seriously go back to Chapo you Europoor autist your nonstop seriousposting is giving me internet cancer.

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Yeah fair point. Think I was just looking to argue with some, eh...ya know.

Kind of hypocritical though given that you indulged in the seriousposting for a while with me.

it's pretty brave to lie under oath, I'll give her that

Bullshit. Spend five minutes watching MSNBC, you fucking tard.

Ok, I did. Didn't see anything too crazy. Do you have any clips I could watch?

No? Ok then, you fucking tard.

Oh God is this retard pretending msnbc is a left wing fox News equivalent? Haha lol at this guy.

"Fucking White MaleTM" is a bogeyman that only the most extreme use

It's so limited that the white male senators questioning Ford had to get a female surrogate.

These people used to do the same thing about feminism. It's a lie, and they know it, but they want to snow people.

Claim that somehow, you only hear about the bad parts of their ideology, while the good parts (which they claim to be much larger) somehow remain completely invisible.

And if you point out that the leadership seems to be comprised of the only the crazy types, they either make more excuses, or drop the act and go full crazy themselves.

And if you point out that the leadership seems to be comprised of the only the crazy types, they either make more excuses, or drop the act and go full crazy themselves.

I'm honestly a tad confused by this. How many democratic politicians would people consider "the crazy types"?

Here, I'll start with a few examples:

I'm honestly a tad confused by your last sentence about the crazy types in the democratic party. Could you provide a few examples?

I'll start.

Data taken from Kevin G. Shinnick's Research:

Administration Party Years in Office Criminal Indictments Convictions Prison Sentences
Obama D 8 0 0 0
G.W. Bush R 8 16 16 9
Clinton D 8 2 1 1
H.W. Bush R 4 1 1 1
Reagan R 8 26 16 8
Carter D 4 1 0 0
Ford R 4 1 1 1
Nixon R 6 76 55 15
Johnson D 5 0 0 0
Republican Total 30 120 89 34
Democrat Total 25 3 1 1

People want more sources:

All indictments, convictions, and prison sentences related to executive branch criminal activity is public information.

Here's some more specific examples (again just being lazy and pasting, though I checked a few myself and they're all accurate. If you see any that aren't please let me know and I'll edit).

Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert was indicted on federal charges of structuring bank withdrawals after prosecutors alleged Hastert had molested at least four boys as young as 14 and attempted to compensate his victims and subsequently conceal the transactions. Hastert eventually admitted that he sexually abused the boys whom he had coached decades earlier, and was sentenced to fifteen months in prison.

Republican Tim Nolan, chairman of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in Kentucky, pled guilty to child sex trafficking and on February 11, 2018 he was sentenced to serve 20 years in prison.

Republican state Senator Ralph Shortey was indicted on four counts of human trafficking and child pornography. In November 2017, he pleaded guilty to one count of child sex trafficking in exchange for the dropping of the other charges.

Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida.

Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.

Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation.

Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor.

Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.

Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls.

Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl.

Republican Senator Strom Thurmond, a notable racist, had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child.

Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile.

Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.

Republican Congressman Donald “Buz” Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail.

Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos.

Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children.

Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child.

Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page.

Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter.

Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar.

Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.

Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD.

Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography.

Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.

Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.

Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl.

Republican anti-gay activist Earl “Butch” Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her.

Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.

Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl.

Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.

Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children).

Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with sexual misconduct involving a 15-year old girl.

Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to molesting a male child.

Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl.

Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters.

Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl.

Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy.

Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison.

Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000.

Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession.

Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet.

Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a “good military man” and “church goer,” was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter.

Republican director of the “Young Republican Federation” Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison.

Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr., was charged with rape for allegedly paying a 15-year old girl for sex. Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young women.

user reports:
1: disgusting amounts of seriousposting


yeah that's fair, sorry.

God you're an idiot... Stop confusing the fucking dem party with tumblrina leg beards... I'm left of Trump and don't think there's 75 genders! Fuck off fag!

The anti-white male shit is pretty mainstream for the donkeys.

No, it's not.

My, what a logical argument.

You are, but what am I?

Could you describe the logic of the comment I replied to?

"X is this" "No, it's not" "HAH GREAT ARGUMENT DUMBASS" "ok....Y is this" "woah".

Give me something to actually reply to and I'll put more effort into it.

They're on Twitter now

Well to be fair, the ones who aren't ultra left weirdos really aren't making it easy to distinguish themselves from that. All the fake news media being so super fake is helping to sink the Democrat battleship too.

If you lack the ability to see the difference between a stereotypical tumblr/twitter "FEMINAZI!!11" and an ordinary person who just wants people to not potentially face bankruptcy over a medical issue, that's on you bro.

When they all wear pussy hats it's not like they're making it easy.

This person thinks the far left IS the center, likely because of too much exposure to reddit.

Hah, it's funny considering how far right the US democratic party is compared to the rest of the developed world. I'm not American, just a fascinated foreigner looking in at a crumbling, broken country.

a crumbling, broken winning country



We're not all old these "winning" autists btw lol. Virgins in America love to treat their R party like its their favorite football team :p

Developed countries like Saudi Arabia? People just say "Developed" to pussyfoot around what they really mean.

You think America has a far left ahahahahahhahahaha

I don't even know what that means.

It's hard, I know.

nobody is going bankrupt over medical issues bud. that's just you and all those other retards not understanding how medical billing works.

770,846 people a year go bankrupt over medical issues bud. Medical bills account for 63% of bankrupties in the US

I guess that's a lot of retards, and I'm sure they deserve it for their own stupidity.

fuck em. they're either too stupid to play the game or it's just opportunistic bankruptcy. either way it doesn't work how you fucktards think it works

Dude I just directly quoted you proof that close to a million people a dear go bankrupt due to not being able to afford medical care and your first thought is "fuck em. they're either too stupid to play the game or it's just opportunistic bankruptcy".

How fucking broken are you mate? Not even considering the basic lack of empathy, the basic fact is that if it happens to nearly a million people in your country every year, it means it can easily happen to you or someone close to you. That's the point. The system is fucked and so many people suffer because of it.

But again, the fact that you didn't even know this stupidly fucking basic fact makes me think you might just be a teenager who doesn't actually pay any bills yourself. Just an assumption though.

nah unlike all those chumps I have a career and health insurance. actual poor people would be covered as well under Medicaid. so who does that leave? idiots and opportunists. also, don't proselytize healthcare at me "mate", it's funny how it's always non Americans bitching about American healthcare... wonder why that is? fucking muppet

it's always non Americans bitching about American healthcare... wonder why that is?

Because your healthcare is horrific! How can that not be so fucking obvious to you!? We literally cannot fathom it. I go to the hospital and payments/insurance/security of a career isn't even considered. It's fucking horrendous.

And it works perfectly for people like you because you vilify anyone without the things you have. You've fallen so tragically for the "fuck em I got mine" fallacy. Poor people are just every so slightly covered under Medicaid, but it's hardly fitting for a country like Russia, much less a country as rich as the US. It's a joke.

Serious question - what would happen to you if you were gravely injured? As in to the point where you couldn't work for an extended period of time, what would happen to you?

First of all, quit screeching about shit that doesn't affect you. Americans are doing just fine without the sympathies of indoctrinated europoors.

To your question, i would be covered under FMLA unless I ended up on permanent disability. then I would collect disability and apply for early social security.

also I grew up poor. can't pay the power bill poor. food bank and free lunch poor. drop out of school at 15 to get a job poor. nigga got shot on my front yard poor. I know all about poor people and the vast fucking majority are poor because they ain't worth shit to begin with. I'm shopping for a new front door today because I want a prettier one than the one that came with my 2700 sqft house. yeah I got mine and those poor trash I've left behind aren't getting ANY of it.

Screeching? No, they're not fine, as demonstrated by the fact based sources above. People are suffering. A lot of people. Not you obviously, and that's what's important.

I'm glad you're covered under FMLA, quite a lot of people aren't.

Everything you say after that is just the same disgusting I Got Mine rhetoric. I grew up poor in a shitty area as well. I'm doing ok now as well. I guess the difference between us is that you grew up in a society that's based around not giving a single fuck about anyone around you. No safety net, nothing. Crawl my way up the ladder and hold on for dear life, other people further down? They can climb up like I did, if not fuck em. Lovely.

Maybe one day you guys will learn that's not really a good way to live.

poops I ur mouth

Seriously though how the fuck could you not know something like that?

Maybe if they triple down on those positions this time it will work!

That only happens if Trump gets reelected in 2020.


99% chance he wins at this point

Not if the economy takes a downturn.

But who will the Democrats offer this time? Have they even decided?



99% chance he wins at this point

HAHAHAHAHA! Our stable genius who hires the best people?

As a independent, he isn't getting my vote again. And this dumb fuck isn't attracting new voters... so where does that leave him? Not winning again

Yikes dude... Yikes.

I don't think so. They will likely be forced to course correct.

And sitting Presidents are virtual shoe-ins for reelection barring an ongoing recession.

This will surely be the end of those I disagree with

I mean, as long as trump doesn’t get into some war w/ Iran and the economy continues to do as well as it is doing, and the republican do hold congress, I dont see how the democrats can gain power without major reforms.

To your point, the Democratic Party is nearly 200 years old. I dont imagine they would literally cease to exist, but it would have to go though some serious changes and probably return to it’s more moderate roots (which I actually supported).

No I mean they are antiquated and that the conservatives have clearly won at this point

won what?

the war on the founding fathers ideals?

the war on democracy?

the war on common sense?


i really don't get this mentality. you do not "win" in politics unless you are refering to winning an election and thus a single term.

winning an SC nomination means winning for 30+ years tho

Tons of lil boys associate with Republicans on here because they are losers trying to identify with winning so they treat it like the NFL or something.

Really? I think the left already won the culture war and Trump is the result of a dying party that lost its identity after a black guy was in charge for 8 years.. The white man's last angry scream into the abyss for 4 years.

Lol dems are a centrist party... God you Americans are so retarded with your idea of what a moderate is...

Yeah, a centrist party led by progressives such as

Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Tulsi Gabbard, Kristen Gillibrand, Dianne Feinstein, Maxine Waters, Andrew Cuomo, Nancy Pelosi... the list goes on.

Obama was a moderate. Biden was a moderate. B. Clinton was a moderate. You’d have to be incredibly ignorant of politics to call them centrists though. Do you really think the Democratic Party, a party that brands themselves as progressive and left leaning, is a centrist party? Do you know what a centrist is? Times are changing and you haven’t caught on.

Not that you arent an American yourself.

Sooo you said like 3 people that would be left of center globally. So yes. You fuggin goon

Nowhere ever did I imply that I was speaking about any country other than the United States. That was your imagination.

Yeah she's a RADICAL leftist socialist Marxist reeeeee

Goodness mate, cant you stay on topic in the least? We’re arguing wether she’s a centrist or not.

In 2008 people were unironically predicting the end of the GOP. Calm down.

With all due respect, the Republican Party’s image has shifted quite a bit in the last 10 years. Compare McCaine or even the Bushes to Trump.

Also, you arent accounting for the fact that while Obama was president, republicans were able to take back control of congress (as the democrats did when GDB was president). As I have stated, there is a major ‘if’, but if the democrats cant retake congress, they wont be able to without reforming their image and platform.

First off, I don't deserve any respect. Let's not dance around that question.

Second, ten years ago McCain was campaigning with Palin for president. This is the same Palin who endorsed literal hardcore antisemite white nationalist Paul Nehlen in Wisconsin a couple years ago. Aside from that the GOP was rabidly anti-Obama for eight years. They've been pretty nuts for a while, from the Tea Party and birtherism and on. It was just somewhat ignored because they didn't hold the presidency. They also got super lucky with Ted Kennedy dying and Scott Brown filling his seat. That really fucked over Obama for his first administration.

Also, I think this is a bad election to hold the dem's feet to the fire on, given the seats up for grabs. If they lose you're gonna have people saying they didn't move left enough (Bernie would have won!) or didn't move right enough (stealing Trump voters). And then you're going to have the democrat equivalent of the Tea Party marching around setting shit on fire. Seems pretty normal to me. I think they are positioned at a reasonable middle ground to win national elections in the US.

Sorry for the scattershot thinking. My point is, in short, that the GOP went totally insane when Obama was president, and now the Dems are totally insane now that Trump is president. Dems were pretty insane while W was in office as well. Seems pretty standard to me. It's just more amplified with social media now. You used to have to watch TV and listen to the radio to hear it.

First off, I don't deserve any respect. Let's not dance around that question.

Is there a reason I should treat you without respect? :)

Second, ten years ago McCain was campaigning with Palin for president. This is the same Palin who endorsed literal hardcore antisemite white nationalist Paul Nehlen in Wisconsin a couple years ago.

No more extreme than Mike “Electric Fence” Pence? But even so, why should the value of VP outweigh the actual presidential candidates? Surely you must see a change from McCaine and Romney to Trump?

If they lose you're gonna have people saying they didn't move left enough.

I mean, they have already moved substantially more left than in 2016. I don’t think anyone is going to be saying they should move even more left.

And then you're going to have the democrat equivalent of the Tea Party marching around setting shit on fire. I think they are positioned at a reasonable middle ground to win national elections in the US.

I’m not arguing that they dont have a good shot at winning the elections. I would actually argue that it is more likely for democrats to regain control in November. But the Democratic Party is moving more and more left, away form moderates (who make up a substantially larger population than those who are setting shit on fire). Keep in mind that Bernie lost the primaries to Hillary.

Sorry for the scattershot thinking. My point is, in short, that the GOP went totally insane when Obama was president, and now the Dems are totally insane now that Trump is president. Dems were pretty insane while W was in office as well. Seems pretty standard to me. It's just more amplified with social media now. You used to have to watch TV and listen to the radio to hear it.

You bring up a good point, but why is it relevant to the Dem Party’s doctrine? Also, I wouldnt say the current insanity is standard. Perhaps it is brewed up by social media, but the anger in politics today isnt just an amplified perception from social media. Just look at Charlottesville, or the riots after election night.

Is there a reason I should treat you without respect? :)

u fucking retard, u absolute moron

ur new here aren't u

Oh come on. You’re just one of those people who takes every chance they get to be “edgy”, but just comes across as annoying cus that’s all they’re good at. How about you come up with some actual insults instead of those piece of shit excuses, and fix your wreath-shaped family tree while you’re at it.

CAfugee not knowing dril memes

the absolute state of polposters

You cant possibly be tapping out already, putting this all on “it was just a meme”. Is that all you are?


Yeah, and I’m the polposter lol.

They also got super lucky with Ted Kennedy dying

Didn't we all?

Would be a bit ironic after the amount of effort they've invested in it being ALL OVER FOR BRONALD BRUMPF

I ain’t even gonna lie fam, are you tryna make it look Putin has an army of paid trolls?


I mean, they will almost certainly lose seats, it's just whether or not they retain a majority in the house

I'm stockpiling the stuff now in case there's a run on the shops

Imagine how much time they'll waste if the Democrats get a majority in the election. They're going to get nothing done until 2020 except for impeaching people.

Implying that isn't exactly how the founders intended it

This but unironically

Hamilton unironically wanted the president and senators to serve for life. The founders didn't actually want the US to highly democratic at all.

I was referring to the "get nothing done" part which some of them certainly approved of

I was agreeing. They didn't want the government to get a lot of stuff done because that might give the masses some actual power.

They weren't wrong. Just think of how stupid people are today. Then remember the Flynn effect.

Fam I never said they were wrong

Hamilton unironically wanted the president and senators to serve for life.

The guy who supported the banks wanted lifetime rulers?

You don't say.


Imagine thinking that Hamilton wasnt the the oddball of the group.

Imagine not knowing that his proposal received enthusiastic applause

Hamilton was an oddball but he was right about everything

implying the government hasn't been wasting massive amounts of time and getting nothing done in recent years

Yeah getting nothing done is a vast improvement over whatever Trump is doing right now


They can rule by EO like Obama for the last 3/4 of his presidency.

democrats get elected in blue wave

impeach 90% of republicans

shocked by this egregious abuse of power, the public elects many republicans into office

Republicans impeach remaining democrats

shocked by this egregious abuse of power, the public elects many democrats into office

The future of American politics

Here I was thinking trump was joking when he said we’re gonna get tired of winning

Users like you will be the first to be disposed- me included. Keep laughing. But, there is a fucking problem.

There's only three months of the year left, things need to step up if I'm to reach my masturbation quota for the year.

woman who voted yes every time on supreme court appointments is voting yes again, more news at 11

Yeah but muh abortion

(even though kav was going to hold roe v wade as status quo)

Honestly I'm not even being unironic right now, how hard would it be to overturn a ruling like that? Some old college friends are up in arms about this exact thing and I just don't think it's very likely although I have no idea honestly.

You want to see a real meltdown? Imagine finally getting an abortion case to SCOTUS in 2021 ... only to have Kav himself literally uphold RoeVWade. After all of this.

I mean I'm all for the drama so this has been amazing. I thought the past election couldn't be topped but damn this is getting juicy.

well now I'm getting hard

Kav will hands down be the most conservative justice on the court. There is almost no chance this happens.

Kav is way less conservative than Thomas. The only thing he might be truly right wing on is affirmative action.

Less conservative than Thomas or Gorsuch. He's only marginally more conservative than Kennedy, who was a moderate.

Kennedy was not a moderate. He was a conservative that voted liberal on gay rights and similar issues

Kav will vote in whatever way he thinks will benefit the republicans electorally. He’s not going to have a judicial philosophy other than looking at 538

I don’t know why you think he’s going to sacrifice all of his principles and values just because the Dems tried to screw him.

He’s been a republican hack since he got into politics

SC is arguably the most powerful entity of all. No real way to truly know til they're in

I was thinking he was going to be pretty conservative about false accusations...

There's a bunch more opposition to Lab than abortion. Like to position of the NSA, his constant perjury, calling himself a "constitutional literalist" but says Obama care is unconstitutional.

many people would know what it is to have egg on their faces that day, i can tell you, my friend

Omg daddy please tell me more 😍😍😍

Don't stop, I'm about to cum!

that probably wouldn't happen. instead Kav would get to appear on every talk show and get free pussy from every bitch from Charmed.

The ruling is essentially a woman can have an abortion because if she cannot the law is infringing on her liberties.

As far as overturning, fine overturn it then introduce real fucking legislation and a new amendment guarenteeing abortion is a right, rather than a flimsy liberty defense

Nah I understand what it is about. But as far as overruling a Supreme Court decision, how would you go about that and it doesn't seem easy.

Have states introduce abortion laws that go against scotus precedent, their laws get ruled unconstitutional, they argue it all the way to scotus. Scotus agrees and overturns Row/Casey

In other words, the Republicans will try it as soon Kavanaugh is on that chair. In all states they control, at the same time.

They already have cases lined up

They try to do that monthly it seems; now the SCOTUS Will take it and it will be overturned. So many unwanted children and so many new meth heads to feed Floridaman drama jokes. It will be glorious..

I think there's been a failure of public education here...

Roe vs. Wade isn't even relevant. Casey vs. Planned Parenthood is the abortion one.

Roe vs. Wade is the defining precedent. Casey vs. Planned Parenthood just made some clarifications and moderation in scope.

This guy gets it.

The big problem with Roe v. Wade is, under it's logic, how the fuck is the FDA allowed to exist? If the government isn't allowed to ban medical procedures without infringing on people's right to choose medical care and privacy concerns with their doctor, how does the government have the right to regulate or ban every other medican procedure in existence.

Roe v. Wade was poorly decided based on the law. It was an ideological ruling, one in a long series of mostly ideological rulings beginning in the 30s that basically convinced conservatives that liberals had already stacked the court and had to be made a priority going forward.

how hard would it be to overturn a ruling like that?

You'd need five out of the nine justices to vote to do it. There's no such thing as binding precedent at the Supreme Court level.

The question was how hard it would be to find 5 justices who care so little about precedent. Sure precedent isn't binding, but justices tend to stick to it as close as possible to ensure stability.

Very difficult, as Roberts is a no and Kavanuagh is a likely no

I agree that it's highly unlikely with the current court. This is more of a future hypothetical.

How you can say that Roberts is a no? Has there been any abortion restriction case where he's even dissented in?

Tbf we've been here before, people were pretty sure that the Casey vs. Planned Parenthood case was going to overturn Roe. But two of Reagan's appointees voted to largely preserve abortion rights. Abortion restrictions can quickly become creepy from a rights perspetive for obvious reasons, and there are really numerous constitutional points of attack on the restrictions.

And in the legal community the people against Roe v. Wade are definitely in a small minority. So it actually tends to be hard to find someone qualified who's 100% against it, and not on the edge or something. Republicans have been digging and digging but missing a lot, because there's is the constitutionally creepy position.

Precedent doesn't really mean much anymore. It'd just take the votes. Punished Kav probably isn't enough to get it done though because Roberts is a pussy.

If Republicans maintain control of the Senate and RBG dies, it's possible that the Republicans could put an end to baby killing.

it's possible that the Republicans could put an end to baby killing.

A zygote is not a baby.

Who said it wasn't? You determine that?

God says otherwise

in that case god is a monster because the average women flushes out plenty of zygotes during a period or otherwise.

unironically believing in retarded boomer christian views

Just because people die doesn't mean murdering them is OK

cells have souls and we absolutely cant remove them ignoring the fact that it makes 0 sense because for it to be true would require god to be murdering babies like a japanese man in china

Your sinful behavior has resulted in the degeneration if society. You'll be punished after death just as we all have been in life.

then explain how every single measurable crime has been on a downward trend since global liberalization?

American hegemony and the fact that testosterone levels have dropped 50% in the west over the past 50 years.

People are also far less happy, especially women ironically.

oh so you are an agrarian communist, get out chapotard.

Nope, radical centrist baby. Also I don't like farming cause you get dirty and I think communism makes you gay.


bible boomer

you can only pick one

The Golden Mean is determined by the pope my dude.

the pope is from south america who arent sending their best to the papacy, they are sending bad hombres.

Delete this

i refuse to, people need to know the truth about the jesuits.

Crime has also dropped dramatically, damn those globalist water additives did a good one.

Somehow half the people in the world live perfectly happy lives without any testosterone at all. Wonder how that is?

Science has to look into why testosterone levels are being altered. I guarantee you that it isn't due to abortion lol.

Actually it likely has to do with women in the work force as stress in the mother leads to make children with lower testosterone. Lack of sunlight and fat people also have an impact.

Abortion does cause autism and a breakdown of traditional families though, which is one of the reasons for the lost millenials than fill Reddit and still live at home.

Fucking retarded boomers. The future is now.

Literally the most successful and prosperous society in all of human history exists right now. If God is trying to punish us for abortion he's not doing a very good job.

You'll be punished after death just as we all have been in life.

I'll take my chances bro. :)

Actually America was objectively more prosperous relative to the rest of the world right after World War Two. People were also happier.

Actually America was objectively more prosperous relative to the rest of the world right after World War Two

why do you hate the global poor?

Don't care about them, most of them aren't even Catholic.


How can something that doesn't even have a functional neural system have a soul? How stupid do you have to believe to believe that? If they don't have a fucking brain what is the soul even doing? Is it like blank or something? What is the person? Can you tell me any individual distinguishing fact about a "person" that's never even had a single thought, and is in fact incapable of having them? Thoughts and memories are what people are. Things that don't possess them are not people.

Exactly, but you can't argue logic with religious nutjobs.

The United States is a secular nation. Who gives a shit what God says?

Me and all the other good people.

If God doesn't like killing babies he's seems like a bit of a dick to me imo

Who in their right mind would object to baby killing?

Your mom did, even after she saw you, which I think says a lot for her.

Wait you know his mother?

Fuck God, he's a cunt

Actually God tells you to poison a bitch if you think some other bloke knocked her up, to abort it.

Well yeah don't get cucked player

Allah is a better god.

God is dead.

Yeah, and "Der Juden" aren't people, we've all heard this line of reasoning before

Yeah ask Ireland how that turned out

You're retarded and your retardation is quickly going to become obvious once idiots like you are put in power and start doing shit like forcing a girl who gets cancer during a pregnancy to go off of chemo because it might hurt the baby and then eventually killing them both. Nobody is going to trust you with control over women's bodies. Having sex is not a crime so there is nothing the state can legally hold them responsible for, so how can it prevent a perfectly legitimate medical procedure from a due process standpoint? The woman has not committed a crime, but you are denying her medical treatment? When did she lose her rights as a human being? When did she become an object that the constitution doesn't apply to?

We are going to keep killing babies until the end of time and there's nothing you can do to stop it. :)

Nah, society is pretty demonstrably socially, culturally, and governmentally cyclical. Sometime soon we'll be treating women like objects again. Sometime after that we'll be reexamine nt our cultural biases again. Sometime after that a couple of guys like you and I will be having a conversation a lot like this.

Technology may eventually break the cycle, if we don't kill ourselves first, but neither you or I will live to see that.

they will never overturn it. it's a vote winner the way it is

Yeah once you ban abortion you can't campaign on banning abortion.

Nah, if they get the opportunity, they have to act, or they risk having happen to them, what happened to the Democrats with the white working class after the Obama+60 dems period. Where the Dems did nothing to help working people during a recession, and basically demolished their support there.

You can play games when you don't have the numbers. But this isn't Britain or Canada. The politicians can't abandon their promises and then drag their feet on holding elections until people have forgotten. We designed our system so that can't easily happen.

they won't give themselves the opportunity tho. the case that will overturn it will never make it to SCOTUS, giving everyone plausible deniability

Not going to happen. They might gut some protections but say they can't totally overturn it to hold is over the religious plebs heads. They are easy to fool for some reason.

how hard would it be to overturn a ruling like that?

Alaska makes law prohibiting abortion. Gets sued. Appeals it all the way to the SCOTUS. Is upheld. Done.

I'm pretty sure they were just going to leave it alone like usual (after all, why would the right do that to themselves) but since Kav is getting raked over the coals with all this false accusation bullshit, I could actually see him overturning it now.

They probably won't directly overturn it, but some state will find a loophole where it's technically still legal but there are so many barriers it's impossible in practice, and the Supreme Court will uphold it.

Sorta like Texas tried a few years ago and the Supreme Court struck it down in a 5-4. Now there are two more conservative judges, that would have gone 6-3 the other direction.

There is one more conservative justice. Gorsuch replaced Scalia.

Nothing passes the “strict scrutiny” test anymore except national security and cop safety, so it’s pretty unlikely that it’ll ever get overturned, not to mention conservative justices appointed by Nixon ruled in favor of roe v wade in the first place. A liberal voted against it.

Its not getting overturned.

we r gonna pack it

Abortion is becoming obsolete. With plan B on demand and birth control ubiquitous, unwanted pregnancies are pretty much a thing of the past.

Are you seriously saying that Kav wasn't gonna repeal Roe until the Democrats were meanies to him? Are you fucking retarded?

Lol you dont know msg memes

I get your dumb joke. Its premise is pants on head retarded


Yeah no you dont... punished snake, punished kav

Are you an npc?

No I got it. Punished "Venom" Snake, the fake Big Boss who controlled Outer Heaven until Solid Snake killed him (I think in Zanzibarland). It's the other part that's dumb as dogshit.

I love how the "get money out of politics" crowd basically tried to blackmail her with that huge campaign donation threat.

that's because they don't believe Unions and NGO money is equivalent to corporate money, despite the fact that there is no real difference

To be fair the justification is that unions are democratic unlike corporations that are controlled by a few ultra rich fucks. Having said that the excuse it still retarded given that at the end of the day unions don't represent the majority therefore at best we're looking at a broader oligarchy. Also representatives deciding which representatives should be elected isn't very democratic.

I wish anti union scabs had to do without all the benefits they provided.

I agree.

Unions are their own enigma politically: Republicans hate unions, love the cop union. Democrats love unions, hate the cop union.

Public sector unions are cancer.

Because cops are scum, duh.

Since when is donating to an opposing candidate's campaign because of how a candidate votes "blackmail?" Also I wouldn't call the democratic party the "get money out of politics" crowd...

I think that opposing abortion is the pro-mayocide position

Think about it, blacks rape white women at huge levels. If we force them to give birth to all those children, we've poisoned like tens of thousands of bloodlines a year. Plus those black children will be genetically predisposed to rape, we will effectively be rewarding rape as an evolutionary strategy, so they'll go on and rape more white girls themselves, and the more rapey ones will be the more genetically successful. Give it a century or so imo and eventually no white girl will be able to walk outside without our genetically bred super-rapist nonwhites immediately jumping on her. The white race will not be able to stand a chance.

I mean the "get money out of politics" crowd in general has a problem with the billions of dollars of dark money that comes from ultra wealthy mystery donors and has reshaped our entire electoral system since the Citizens United ruling. They didn't have a problem with campaigns like Obama's or Sanders' who raised tens of millions from mostly small donations.

Lmao how is that remotely equivalent you fucking chud

Next 'thing' is going to be dark money brokers starting crowd source campaigns to get around campaign finance laws.... Just watch

No, the story is that a Republican congresswoman doesn’t believe survivors.

Believe gussy, worship the gussy

No, the story is that a Republican congresswoman doesn’t believe survivors baseless accusations from over a quarter century ago.


Best part of this was all the libs saying that Susan Collins needed to shut up and finish her speech

Let 👏 Her 👏 Speak 👏

Based timeline confirmed.

Is this a surprise to anyone? I mean Repubs literally admitted they didn't actually care whether the assault allegations were true or not. There was 0% Kavanaugh wasn't getting appointed.

There was the Murkowski thing which threw a wrench in the gears but it just got pumped and dumped (like Ford lol)

haha rapists getting away with it and being rewarded with absolute power


we're going to have the first rapist majority government in history, so good for drama XD

Lmao that was Cory Booker, who is a Democrat.

He’s probably talking about the poll

What did he say?

He said that it doesn't matter whether Kavanaugh is innocent or guilty, and Trump should find someone else.

Lol, same guy said anyone that supports the guy is getting complicit with evil.

He even used Psalm 23. The guy is a boofing flamboyant dumbass

He farts flamboyantly?

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he did

don’t disrespect spartacus like that.

I used to like Booker when he was just a goofy mayor shoveling driveways for old ladies, but since he made the leap to higher office I literally can't stand him.

It's a shame too because at the time I really felt like he was a good role model in an urban black community, when historically local black politicians have been more corrupt than a bunch of catholic priests at a boy scout convention.

Booker using Newark as a springboard for the obvious mayor-senator-president pipeline that he's trying to pull off just cemented what a plastic careerist he is, and that's a bad image to have amongst Dem activists right now, at the moment when they're feeling their anti-establishment oats. I hope he gets like 7% in the Iowa caucus and drops out after New Hampshire.

Pretty much this. The more fascinating part is how this circus has been a shit show every step of the way. Easily one of the dem’s biggest blunders since Daddy.

They really went all in on this.

If you come at the king you best not miss

Nah. I mean the point was to fire up your base and try and make confirming Kavanaugh as damaging as possible. There wasn't any way to stop him becoming a Supreme Court judge.

I mean the narrative has now become 'Republicans are so desperate to help Trump escape justice that they nominated a sexual predator because he said you shouldn't be allowed criminally investigate the president.'

Plus if you delegitimise the Supreme Court enough you can justify packing it.

When ?.

Damn, I wanted to post this :c

I think you have to understand that Collins believes that by putting a former Kennedy clerk on the bench instead of spiking him and getting Barrett she is saving abortion rights.

When RBG kicks the bucket or Thomas steps down Trump will nominate Barrett

Yeah you are correct but I think RBG might be eternal

Nah, she’s got low key dementia at this point. She forgot the fourteenth amendment the other day. It’s literally her job to known this shit and she forgot about it.

Imagine the drama if Thomas steps down in 2020 to give Daddy another appointment at the 11th hour

That + RGB means Trump could easily have 4 supreme court seats. If one more justice gets hit by a car, Trump could personally appoint the court majority for the next 30 years.

Tbh that would move beyond drama and just be objectively terrible for the country. No president (of either party) should be able to appoint 4+ justices that's just way too much power.

you are wrong, that would be absolutely fantastic drama even as the nation burns down around us

Stay mad libtard 😎😎😎

I am a libtard on many topics, but I am a radical centrist on the SC. The partisan judges suck (what's the fun if their votes can almost always be predicted in advance to fall on party lines) and I refuse to swallow the Dem "let's pack the courts" pill.

What would be extra hilarious, is if RGB croaks, and daddy appoints a center left nominee.

Can you imagine the collective brain snapping as r/pol is faced with agreeing with daddy..... All the while trying to figure it what the catch is.....

Haha hope he goes full troll and nominates Garland.

I’m a big supporter of this timeline.

The partisan judges suck

so you like the supreme court... but not anyone that has sat on it within your lifetime 🤔🤔🤔

Everyone keeps forgetting that Breyer is 80. Men don't live as long as women. If RBG is gonna kick the bucket, Breyer is right behind her.

Thomas himself is pretty old at 70 but still has a few more years of piss and vinegar in him.

Yeah but they all have incredible health care.

That didn't stop Scalia from being smothered with a pillow.

Ancient fatty with the beetus kicks the bucket but it was definitely Killary with the garden hose in the drawing room.

Yeah but Heather Heyers totally died of suddenly having a heart attack for no reason while being rammed by a car

No, you don’t understand, his own weight smothered himself into the pillow. His cat decided to end his life for him.

I love that people actually believe this

I thought Soros choked him out?

Erotic asphyxiation gone bad. The hooker just cleaned up good.

Can you imagine the riots if RGB and Breyer both get replaced by Trump?

The thought of all the drama that could cause makes me shiver with delight. Fuck thots whispering into plastic ears on twitch, reading that is my ASMR.

Sotomayor is diabetic.

Lib here; don't see how replacing a hard right justice with a hard right justice would be the biggest deal.

Because the new one will be a lot younger?

And ideally not a predator like Thomas.

They're adding the new resident predator right now

You mean superpredator.

It fits. Predator in position of extreme power

(It was a reference to when Hillary said black people were superpredators).

I know


Kennedy was a solid conservative vote. He was socially liberal on a few things but for workers rights or money is speech was just as right wing as everyone else.

Not so solid on traditional marriage

Do you think that maybe that's an issue he was socially liberal on

Is this a Trumo sub? I’m new and I don’t know what’s happening

And then we pack the court


Nice magic trick

I, too, read MattY's take

I don stole it cause it was good

Kavenaugh respects precedent, I don't think he's going to take away abortion rights. I mean, I think there's a difference between being conservative and wanting to live in the horse & buggy era.

You know, I get that the whole situation seems more divided than ever, but neither Ford nor Kavanaugh would be this angry if they didn't care. I'm thinking if we all butt out and they find a way to get some alone time, then the sparks will just fly naturally,

Kavanaugh fanfiction when

Beachweek 2019. duh.

A beach episode of a court meeting?

Depends whether she has had exactly one beer or whether he's boofed enough to black out.

Ford’s husband is going to buy a Kavanaugh mask for sexy time.

did those retards in /r/politics seriously think a senior repub senator wasn't going to vote for the guy? lol

They think that the not being white or not having penis will mean that they should automatically agree with their world view.

Collins is mentally retarded so it kind of cancelled out

Wow discrimination against retards will be the end of us

tbf, this is what they repeatedly get told.

oh well, live by the idpol, die by the idpol.

I wish that this was just a joke.

She voted to keep the ACA despite that being a central Repub campaign point ever since the ACA started. What was more telling than the R next to her name is that she has always voted yes on SC justices no matter the path of the pres who nominated them.

she has always voted yes on SC justices no matter the party of the pres who nominated them.

that pisses me more than anything - she apparently doesn't respect partisan lines

once you have R in front of your name, you are R forever, there is no going back you from the thug con live you RINO bitch

she has always voted yes on SC justices no matter the party of the pres who nominated them

Collins sounds like the most mature member of the Senate.

She is unironically one of the few senators still capable of mature bipartisanship

Good thing the left is pushing to elect her opponent next election

What was more telling than the R next to her name is that she has always voted yes on SC justices no matter the party of the pres who nominated them.

Pragmatically, this is what should happen with all senators. Once a nominee gets cloture and passes to the floor, the votes are locked in anyway. No votes should be reserved for legitimate protest, but usually they are just used to signify partisanship these days.

She voted to keep the ACA despite that being a central Repub campaign point ever since the ACA started.

Yeah but the party let her because they thought they had the votes until McCain pulled one over them at the last minute.

The Alaskan one won’t


Though she’s probably gonna caucus with the Dems soon.

Yes, in a state that hasn't elected a Democratic Senator since 1981, that's totally going to happen.

It’s a weird state of mind when you mind groups everything only based on gender, sexuality and race

Murkowski didn't

The salt in /r/politics is real:

Roe is fucked. Liberals, it is time for you to go to the masses and develop a correct mass line, start setting up bases, so that, sooner rather than latter, you can wage a protracted people's war against the fascists.


Am I to understand that the civil war begins at 3pm today? EDIT: There are many ways to wage a war. Attacks are waged almost everyday on the unsuspecting citizen.


Hope this will radicalize all you Libs. You wasted time trying to reason with, or rationalize, the actions of the GOP. They are a hostile fascist entity who hold the power of the country. This is a Constitutional Crisis and most likely have started the route to the 3rd American Revolution...which will be the second Civil War.


A confirmed serial rapist in the supreme court. This is the world we live in people. Be afraid.

EDIT: Also an alcoholic and a liar.

EDIT 2: The bots are out in full effect spouting their narrative. Isn't it bed time in Russia?


I legitimately think a country-wide (among most women) refusal to sleep with men would’ve done the trick.

I legitimately think a country-wide (among most women) refusal to sleep with men would’ve done the trick.

Nothing will get men motivated for abortion rights like not having sex.

And how was it supposed to work anyhow? It's not like Joe Schmoe has any say on whether or not someone gets confirmed to the SCOTUS.

they think that ending a civil war in Kenya means gussy is all powerful and monolithically left wing.

The best part about this comment was that it was clearly written by some woke incel who can’t fathom the idea that women also enjoy sex

woke incel

So, a male feminist.

He said incel not rapist

Same thing.

Incels are just temporarily embarrassed rapists.

TIL Aristotle was an incel

this but unironically

tbf, although it's been many years since I've read it I do remember the women being very sexually frustrated and nearly caving in themselves towards the end.

Well that makes two of us. But I will still call Aristotle a woke incel.

Me too.


That’s actually pretty interesting, although we all know Mayo women would never have the willpower to pull this off

Yet Dijon-ese have a higher birthrate......

Exactly who doesn't have the willpower?

It's a meme from an ancient Greek play.

it would just trigger a Day of Bussy.

Hi! A "person" from this sub has a message for you.

The message is as follows:

"dude bussy lmao" -headasplodes

This person found your comment funny and wanted to let you know. Have a nice day! 😊

I am a bot

Do you like the "dude [x] lmao" thing that headasplodes (the user, not the bot) is doing? Vote here!

Do you like this bot (me)? Vote here!

Tell me your thoughts and confessions here!

Most wives routinely refuse sex by about the third year of the marriage so it's not like the impact would have been huge anyway.

Well there are those sex dolls, what are they called... Real dolls.

Now, I hear that they're gonna turning them into androids.....

Sioooooo, there's that

Reads like a troll or satire but sadly there are people as retarded as this.

That's what's scary here. Not that anything particularly scandalous has happened here, but that people are completely flipping their shit over routine political wins and losses.

Outrage culture

Not that scary really. This people are rl losers with no influence or importancd

So was the guy who shot those congressmen

The time to be angry about republicans winning the Supreme Court was two years ago but people couldn't be arsed to do anything about it then

Not scary at all, don't be a pussy. It's sad and hilarious how delusional they are, but it's not scary.

vote from experienced politicians on experienced judge picked by a democratically elected head of state passes

"this is a constitutional crisis"

Never change burgers, we all love you the way you are

Trump was not democratically elected, he lost the election and a committee decided to overturn the will of the people and appoint him instead.

Imagine believing this and thinking a slight majority in the SC was “packing the courts.”


Do you know what 'packing the court' means?

You can't make me know things!

There is no such thing as a popular vote, you oversized shoe wearing bozo

We are going to pack the courts. We will restore balance. There is no legitimacy in a court packed by unelected presidents. We have no responsibility to respect its rulings. The people have no responsibility to a tyrannical government

The cutest thing by far is Democrats discussing how they don't need to play fair and various ways they can play unfair to win forever while Republicans are in power and are in a better position to do all those things too. And here I was, thinking that cartoon villains explaining their plans were unrealistic 🤣🤣🤣

So, you're just a crazy person, then?




If a million shareblue bots clap with a single hand, is there a sound?

I think the top comment is also good.

That's it then. Trump has successfully stacked the Supreme Court.

Wait. I thought this was about his qualifications and had nothing to do with political hail Mary's. /s

Qualifications: is a right wing hack

Could have stopped there. Why do the American people have any responsibility to obey the commands of nine unelected tyrants appointed by an unelected president? This government is wholly made up without the people's consent. And the people have responsibility to a government that governs without their consent. Fuck citizen Trump and citizen Kavanaugh. They will make revolution to restore the rule of the people over themselves inevitable.

Because, bussyboy, the cops will arrest you for breaking the law.

You would be up against a wall in your fantasy country bougie scum.

It's almost enough to make me want communism

nine unelected tyrants

Whew boy. 3edgy5me

appointed by an unelected president

Imagine being this retarded.

Someone needs to mid this troll... Uhhh, I mean guy

Lol holy fucking shit, the histrionics are unreal. These ppl need mental health treatment ASAP.

I legitimately think a country-wide (among most women) refusal to sleep with men would’ve done the trick.

Too bad almost half of US women lean conservative/Republican. This strategy, if properly executed, would simply send millions of chads into the arms of conservathots, thus perpetuating the genetic advancement of fascism. 😯😯😯

perpetuating the genetic advancement and proliferation of fascism.

You had me here.


you can wage a protracted people's war against the fascists.

With the guns they want banned, right? 🤔🤔🤔

It's okay if they do it

Karl Marx was pro gun. r/communism and r/latestagecapitalism are both anti-gun. They aren’t even consistent with their retardedness.


gun control is one of the major causes of struggle sessions across leftreddit tbf, i would say the tendency is usually more pro-gun than anti- (at least outside radlib-infested cth) but there are always people willing to throw down over it on both sides.


Can I ping spez, I think we need to let him know that /r/politics needs a quarantine.

It’s funny. I voted for Clinton and campaigned for her precisely because Supreme court picks were at stake. Meanwhile half these /r/politics losers stayed home or voted third party because “Clinton is yucky corporate democrat.” And “she’s going to win so why bother.” Now they are throwing a fit because it turns out the election had consequences. Pathetic.

voted for Mommy


campaigned for her

Lmao imagine putting in effort

The point is it wasn’t about mommy it was about who goes on the supreme court.

That's because Bernouts have no grasp of how shit works. Elections have consequences.

Holyshit you're a dumbass

wow, rude.

incite literal insurrection

i get banned for making fun of this faggot

Hope this will radicalize all you Libs. You wasted time trying to reason with, or rationalize, the actions of the GOP. They are a hostile fascist entity who hold the power of the country. This is a Constitutional Crisis and most likely have started the route to the 3rd American Revolution...which will be the second Civil War.

Holy fuck these people need to be sent out of helicopters already.


The amount of pure rage is absolutley insane, holy shit.

A confirmed serial rapist

I must have missed that memo

These are 5th columists trolls from Russia stirring shit up

A confirmed serial rapist in the supreme court. This is the world we live in people. Be afraid.

"Confirmed serial rapist"? Since when??

Cents We Lerned 2 BELEEVE WHAMYN!!

So when are the actual votes going to get cast so we can get this drama trainwreck starting?


Saturday at 5pm ET. Crack open a brewski for Kavanaughty and enjoy

Oh baby this is gonna be the perfect pregame for Conor and khabib fight

Mayo wymym BTFO

Soyboys BTFO


Civil rights BTFO

RIP Democracy


r/politics in a nutshell.

>he doesnt know about the free silver movement and then the eventual federal reserve that ultimately made usa a plutocracy in 1913

>muh cross of gold

Dude, what if we made money not have value? Then we could all have as much money as we want

Inflation is theft

... I can't believe I haven't heard that yet.

this, but unironically

value only comes from shiny stones

Like your news, do you also get your economics from john oliver and other late night tv plebs?

How about expert consensus, you tin-foiled Austrian

> ad homineming me as an austrian

Oof, sweaty.... that hurts deep

America isn't a plutocracy. There's no voting districts on Pluto.


Pluto is the Puerto Rico of the solar system.

You can't even hold a vote on Pluto because nobody would planet

racks shotgun

I doubt it.

Democracy was never a thing. The US has always been a Republic.

guh. A democratic republic is a type of democracy, though, innit?

A true democracy is rare, and I'm not sure anyone actually thinks of true democracy when they mention 'democracy' but rather just having a representitive vote. You know, the ole " Federal Republic and Constitutional Representative Democracy".

I believe that it was famous gussy hound Benny Franklin that said "true democracy is two wolves and s sheep voting on what's for lunch"

never trust gussy-lovers.


All the blathering about whining about the popular vote? Seems like an ass load more than noone.

I feel like there's some validity to one's vote being worth less than another's.

Yes, and people who make the argument you're responding to always share tow traits: being teenagers, and being idiots.

*No actual rebuttal, just insults.

republic and democracy aren't mutually exclusive terms and the am*ricans saying this sound retarded

When rightists say it they really mean "People of my ideology should hold power no matter how popular or unpopular they are".

As far as I can tell that’s what everyone means.

Yeah of course it's a republic you fucking tard, is there a monarch anywhere? What the fuck does that mean? How is that mutually exclusive with free and fair elections and one man one vote? The unequal nature of the constitution was a stopgap measure, the ideal is equality. Fuck everything else. Fuck rightists who believe in that stupidity purely because they want power. I can't wait until that blows up in your face, and you trigger a revolution by forcing your will on an unwilling populace and you lose everything.

Yes but if we convince everyone we’re a democracy, we can REE about how the electoral college goes against our principles.

A common definition of “republic” is, to quote the American Heritage Dictionary, “A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them”

A federal republic is a federation of states with a republican form of government. At its core, the literal meaning of the word republic when used to reference a form of government means: "a country that is governed by elected representatives and by an elected leader (such as a president) rather than by a king or queen".

A common definition of “democracy” is, “Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives”

I gotta say though, I'm not surprised. The US education system is shit, so naturally most of the bullshit you're spewing comes from alex jones substituting primary school.

in other words: You're a retard.

1776 - ${current_year}


> women and minorities couldn't vote > /r/politics: I sleep > a right wing supreme court nomination > /r/politics: DEMOCRACY IS OVER

When did the women and minorities thing happened ?

At the start of America, only white male land owners could vote for a while.

I don’t think r/politics or the internet for that matter was a thing back then

Ah, thought you meant just history in general.

Only proper way tbh

Lmao and there someone immediately below saying Mr. [no refunds] should’ve won

muh asian internment camps



Where is justice when you need it 😭

So this is how democracy dies...with thunderous applause.

none of these people remember bush v gore

I unironically get most of my political news from this sub.

That's a terrible idea.

I disagree, r/drama tends to be pretty cynical on it's political analysis compared to other subs, so more often than not, correct as well.

You're spot on, but the drawback to that much cynicism is that you would be so sad that not even all the platyposts or tayposts or even plaTAYposts (yes, I've given you that bad idea, god help us all) would help with your inevitable depression. Might be wiser to vary your news diet a bit.

Joke's on you, I'm already super depressed!



I’m going to use that one, that’s fuckin genius.

This isn't an SRD approved drama post, guys. We can't be having this here.

Mods and admins are going to have to shut it down. I hear only MDEfugees and CA's would think this is dramatic and enjoy watching the hysteria.

This place is literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point. Of course everyone not a left-winger is getting downvoted.

You've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which this place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like you guys are even trying to hide it. You've been posting BRDs for days. Sharia Blue has a heavy presence here, including among the mods, and BRD posts are the mods signalling that this sub is now fallen to the fempire. Hence why any post mocking a woman is suddenly downvoted, and a ton of weird SRD leftist shit is getting upvoted.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

It's time for anyone else just plain leave this sub, block its regulars and go hang out in bigger, better subs, because if every place is a partisan circlejerk (and this place definitely has been for the last few months), we're better off in our own circlejerk subs, like CringeAnarchy, which is a lot bigger than place, and no more or less full of retards. /r/drama is just SRS/CB2 circlejerking at this point. Literally nothing they say makes sense, but they all frantically upvote each other and downvote anyone else.

I won't be interacting with any of you further on this post. You know what's happening here. It's very obvious.

the R’s have stolen this country. Russians or Republicans? Same people

"why do we keep losing?"

Russians interfered with our election and even gained access to voter registries and the GOP shot down a bill that would've beefed up election security and refuse to condemn Putin for basically anything.

They also spread dank may mays on Facebook

Ugh. That bill was just more funding and was shot down because states still hadn't spent the money from the last bill. They literally said theyll approve another round of funding when the states actually spend what was already allocated to them.

Source this claim please. This sounds like some Trumpublican kool-aid nonsense to me.

Lol no. Source deez nuts

These people probably think the Federal Government runs elections directly

Russians ate the last slice of pizza.

rural votes from mayos scared about brown people and abortion, no other reason.

careful. The rural mayos are feeling frisky because the predictable happened.

mayos scared about brown people

Even brown people are scared of other brown people 🤣

as fun as illegals voting for daddy thinking he meant all the other illegals apart from them they are a minority minority.

illegals voting

They shouldn't even be voting tho

You joke about that, but it’s totally true

Oh no they said a mean thing about Republicans how horrible :(

As a Democrat that's a totally alien experience Republicans are always so nice to me and treat me as a legitimate member of society and not something to be purged so that nothing stands in the way of their fascist dictatorship "republic"

As a Democrat

As an American, I think you're shaping up to be a future lolcow.

Hahaha wow get a load of this guy

the future is now man.

Americans are stupid

At least we don't eat congealed blood for breakfast like some europoors

Gamgam gonna gamgam.

Did anyone think a GOP member has a spine?

ngl it'd be pretty cool if we could illegallize all murder of humans and not just ones that have left the uterus

The existence of this sub proves that to be a terribly stupid idea.

Once they've been found guilty of posting in /r/drama, it's not murder. It's the death penalty.

Its an act of compassion really.

“I call that ... mercy”

I still think we should be able to do swapsies.

Outlaw abortion, but for every unwanted baby born we euthenize a NEET. Problem solved.

Ill take that a step further and just abort the parents.

unironic moralposting about abortion

Can't you just enjoy the drama?

Can't we take a moment to appreciate how hard mayo woman fight for the right to stick a needle in their unborn child?

unironic moralposting about abortion

ew bitch please. i still to this day dont know what the fuck mde is. i just know the first word is million.

being anti-anti-abortion is the woke centrist position because they make all the poor blacks get abortions en masse.

but pls keep roleplaying as some r/drama oldfag

I believe in abortion b/c killing babies is fun

that's just me

It keeps the... erm... unwanted population down as well.

That's already legal, they just have to commit a heinous enough crime and live in a "pro life" state to be murdered legally by the state.

It'd be even cooler if we could legalize the murder of all humans regardless of their current uterus-respective position

that's true, it would certainly be way more metal

How bout the reverse, we legalize post-birth abortion

two thoughts:

  1. As a DCCC employee I am just ready to get this over with as it has really amped up GOP energy in the district I'm working and is just not helping.

  2. Does anyone on r/politics know what perjury actually is?

Perjury is Kavanaugh say he didn't gangrape when it's actually been proven that he did.

this but ironically

Proven you say? Like, in court?

Shut up, bigot

What the fuck you saying ? Why you withholding evidence then ?

When he gang raped you, did he destroy that bussy or just tease it?

Bart didn't willfully tell us boofing is a fart, he simply couldn't help himself!

Bart shouldn't be confirmed for the simple fact that he denied us the ultimate drama of having to explain to the US public that a future Supreme Court Justice was talking to his friends about shoving alcohol up his ass to get drunk. That's to say nothing of "the Clintons did this to me!" I mean holy shit that's somewhere between "Rush Limbaugh" and "Alex Jones" levels of crazy, and he's going to determine the future direction of our nations' laws.

Literally anyone that thinks this guy is fit to be a USSC Judge isn't mentally equipped to have say in that decision.

I'm have drama blue balls from not seeing Fox and CNN have to explain what broofing and the devil' triangle really are on primetime TV. Being too much of a coward to admit to your hilarious high school degeneracy should be instantly disqualifying.

he didn’t blame the clintons he said the dems were still assblasted about Clinton not being crowned the “YASSSS QUEEEEN”

Which is true.

people who disagree with me should not have a say

t. a """""""Democrat"""""""

To address point 2, do you actually think Devils Triangle is a drinking game and that ralphing refers to spicy food? Are you really this stupid?

The Democratic leadership picks the most retarded battles to go all in on

Yes. Makes my job as one of their shills very difficult.

Any refreshing ideas for a candidate this time around? If it's another slap fight between the old (((guy))) and her turn I'm gonna lol. I want to vote Democratic again but they make it so hars

Money is on a woman again. I am hoping (((his))) health declines cuz thus sequel would be awful.

okay i made idiotic jokes about pelosi getting the pick when she was reeing a year or so ago. Tell me I'm stupid. Please.

You are stupid

no its gonna be kamala harris if the dems are (politically) smart and want to double down on identity politics, itll be warren if theyre retarded policy wise and go for socialism.

Well, it's a party that pretends to want to help people but is completely and utterly in the pockets of the banking and entertainment industry. The second is just full of asshole, but the first literally won't allow anything that will improve the lives of most people as a strong middle-class has the power to lobby against their interests.

So they have to wage idiot battles like this, because they can't actually push policies that will do anything to noticeably help people. Ever notice how every Democratic activist goes into a frothy rage when you say the Democrats don't do anything, and then makes a huge list of pathetic programs that helped like five people each? As if we wouldn't notice something that actually helped us?

They know they're full of shit, and they hate themselves for it, and then they project that hatred onto everyone else.

Don’t forget big tech, they are heavily liberal and going to become more important than any other industry

There's also a lot of false equivalence of Democrats and Republicans here ("but both sides!" and Democrats "do whatever their corporate owners tell them to do" are tactics Republicans use successfully) even though their voting records are not equivalent at all:

House Vote for Net Neutrality

For Against Rep 2 234 Dem 177 6 Senate Vote for Net Neutrality

For Against Rep 0 46 Dem 52 0 Money in Elections and Voting Campaign Finance Disclosure Requirements

For Against Rep 0 39 Dem 59 0 DISCLOSE Act

For Against Rep 0 45 Dem 53 0 Backup Paper Ballots - Voting Record

For Against Rep 20 170 Dem 228 0 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act

For Against Rep 8 38 Dem 51 3 Sets reasonable limits on the raising and spending of money by electoral candidates to influence elections (Reverse Citizens United)

For Against Rep 0 42 Dem 54 0 The Economy/Jobs Limits Interest Rates for Certain Federal Student Loans

For Against Rep 0 46 Dem 46 6 Student Loan Affordability Act

For Against Rep 0 51 Dem 45 1 Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Funding Amendment

For Against Rep 1 41 Dem 54 0 End the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection

For Against Rep 39 1 Dem 1 54 Kill Credit Default Swap Regulations

For Against Rep 38 2 Dem 18 36 Revokes tax credits for businesses that move jobs overseas

For Against Rep 10 32 Dem 53 1 Disapproval of President's Authority to Raise the Debt Limit

For Against Rep 233 1 Dem 6 175 Disapproval of President's Authority to Raise the Debt Limit

For Against Rep 42 1 Dem 2 51 Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

For Against Rep 3 173 Dem 247 4 Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

For Against Rep 4 36 Dem 57 0 Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Bureau Act

For Against Rep 4 39 Dem 55 2 American Jobs Act of 2011 - $50 billion for infrastructure projects

For Against Rep 0 48 Dem 50 2 Emergency Unemployment Compensation Extension

For Against Rep 1 44 Dem 54 1 Reduces Funding for Food Stamps

For Against Rep 33 13 Dem 0 52 Minimum Wage Fairness Act

For Against Rep 1 41 Dem 53 1 Paycheck Fairness Act

For Against Rep 0 40 Dem 58 1 "War on Terror" Time Between Troop Deployments

For Against Rep 6 43 Dem 50 1 Habeas Corpus for Detainees of the United States

For Against Rep 5 42 Dem 50 0 Habeas Review Amendment

For Against Rep 3 50 Dem 45 1 Prohibits Detention of U.S. Citizens Without Trial

For Against Rep 5 42 Dem 39 12 Authorizes Further Detention After Trial During Wartime

For Against Rep 38 2 Dem 9 49 Prohibits Prosecution of Enemy Combatants in Civilian Courts

For Against Rep 46 2 Dem 1 49 Repeal Indefinite Military Detention

For Against Rep 15 214 Dem 176 16 Oversight of CIA Interrogation and Detention Amendment

For Against Rep 1 52 Dem 45 1 Patriot Act Reauthorization

For Against Rep 196 31 Dem 54 122 FISA Act Reauthorization of 2008

For Against Rep 188 1 Dem 105 128 FISA Reauthorization of 2012

For Against Rep 227 7 Dem 74 111 House Vote to Close the Guantanamo Prison

For Against Rep 2 228 Dem 172 21 Senate Vote to Close the Guantanamo Prison

For Against Rep 3 32 Dem 52 3 Prohibits the Use of Funds for the Transfer or Release of Individuals Detained at Guantanamo

For Against Rep 44 0 Dem 9 41 Oversight of CIA Interrogation and Detention

For Against Rep 1 52 Dem 45 1 Civil Rights Same Sex Marriage Resolution 2006

For Against Rep 6 47 Dem 42 2 Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2013

For Against Rep 1 41 Dem 54 0 Exempts Religiously Affiliated Employers from the Prohibition on Employment Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

For Against Rep 41 3 Dem 2 52 Family Planning Teen Pregnancy Education Amendment

For Against Rep 4 50 Dem 44 1 Family Planning and Teen Pregnancy Prevention

For Against Rep 3 51 Dem 44 1 Protect Women's Health From Corporate Interference Act The 'anti-Hobby Lobby' bill.

For Against Rep 3 42 Dem 53 1 Environment Stop "the War on Coal" Act of 2012

For Against Rep 214 13 Dem 19 162 EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act of 2013

For Against Rep 225 1 Dem 4 190 Prohibit the Social Cost of Carbon in Agency Determinations

For Against Rep 218 2 Dem 4 186 Misc Prohibit the Use of Funds to Carry Out the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

For Against Rep 45 0 Dem 0 52 Prohibiting Federal Funding of National Public Radio

For Against Rep 228 7 Dem 0 185 Allow employers to penalize employees that don't submit genetic testing for health insurance (Committee vote)

For Against Rep 22 0 Dem 0 17

Source - reddit comment which is heavily sourced, sorry I have no idea how to copy links as well on desktop

There's also a lot of false equivalence of Democrats and Republicans here ("but both sides!" and Democrats "do whatever their corporate owners tell them to do" are tactics Republicans use successfully) even though their voting records are not equivalent at all:

House Vote for Net Neutrality

For Against
Rep 2 234
Dem 177 6

Senate Vote for Net Neutrality

For Against
Rep 0 46
Dem 52 0

Money in Elections and Voting

Campaign Finance Disclosure Requirements

For Against
Rep 0 39
Dem 59 0


For Against
Rep 0 45
Dem 53 0

Backup Paper Ballots - Voting Record

For Against
Rep 20 170
Dem 228 0

Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act

For Against
Rep 8 38
Dem 51 3

Sets reasonable limits on the raising and spending of money by electoral candidates to influence elections (Reverse Citizens United)

For Against
Rep 0 42
Dem 54 0

The Economy/Jobs

Limits Interest Rates for Certain Federal Student Loans

For Against
Rep 0 46
Dem 46 6

Student Loan Affordability Act

For Against
Rep 0 51
Dem 45 1

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Funding Amendment

For Against
Rep 1 41
Dem 54 0

End the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection

For Against
Rep 39 1
Dem 1 54

Kill Credit Default Swap Regulations

For Against
Rep 38 2
Dem 18 36

Revokes tax credits for businesses that move jobs overseas

For Against
Rep 10 32
Dem 53 1

Disapproval of President's Authority to Raise the Debt Limit

For Against
Rep 233 1
Dem 6 175

Disapproval of President's Authority to Raise the Debt Limit

For Against
Rep 42 1
Dem 2 51

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

For Against
Rep 3 173
Dem 247 4

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

For Against
Rep 4 36
Dem 57 0

Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Bureau Act

For Against
Rep 4 39
Dem 55 2

American Jobs Act of 2011 - $50 billion for infrastructure projects

For Against
Rep 0 48
Dem 50 2

Emergency Unemployment Compensation Extension

For Against
Rep 1 44
Dem 54 1

Reduces Funding for Food Stamps

For Against
Rep 33 13
Dem 0 52

Minimum Wage Fairness Act

For Against
Rep 1 41
Dem 53 1

Paycheck Fairness Act

For Against
Rep 0 40
Dem 58 1

"War on Terror"

Time Between Troop Deployments

For Against
Rep 6 43
Dem 50 1

Habeas Corpus for Detainees of the United States

For Against
Rep 5 42
Dem 50 0

Habeas Review Amendment

For Against
Rep 3 50
Dem 45 1

Prohibits Detention of U.S. Citizens Without Trial

For Against
Rep 5 42
Dem 39 12

Authorizes Further Detention After Trial During Wartime

For Against
Rep 38 2
Dem 9 49

Prohibits Prosecution of Enemy Combatants in Civilian Courts

For Against
Rep 46 2
Dem 1 49

Repeal Indefinite Military Detention

For Against
Rep 15 214
Dem 176 16

Oversight of CIA Interrogation and Detention Amendment

For Against
Rep 1 52
Dem 45 1

Patriot Act Reauthorization

For Against
Rep 196 31
Dem 54 122

FISA Act Reauthorization of 2008

For Against
Rep 188 1
Dem 105 128

FISA Reauthorization of 2012

For Against
Rep 227 7
Dem 74 111

House Vote to Close the Guantanamo Prison

For Against
Rep 2 228
Dem 172 21

Senate Vote to Close the Guantanamo Prison

For Against
Rep 3 32
Dem 52 3

Prohibits the Use of Funds for the Transfer or Release of Individuals Detained at Guantanamo

For Against
Rep 44 0
Dem 9 41

Oversight of CIA Interrogation and Detention

For Against
Rep 1 52
Dem 45 1

Civil Rights

Same Sex Marriage Resolution 2006

For Against
Rep 6 47
Dem 42 2

Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2013

For Against
Rep 1 41
Dem 54 0

Exempts Religiously Affiliated Employers from the Prohibition on Employment Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

For Against
Rep 41 3
Dem 2 52

Family Planning

Teen Pregnancy Education Amendment

For Against
Rep 4 50
Dem 44 1

Family Planning and Teen Pregnancy Prevention

For Against
Rep 3 51
Dem 44 1

Protect Women's Health From Corporate Interference Act The 'anti-Hobby Lobby' bill.

For Against
Rep 3 42
Dem 53 1


Stop "the War on Coal" Act of 2012

For Against
Rep 214 13
Dem 19 162

EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act of 2013

For Against
Rep 225 1
Dem 4 190

Prohibit the Social Cost of Carbon in Agency Determinations

For Against
Rep 218 2
Dem 4 186


Prohibit the Use of Funds to Carry Out the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

For Against
Rep 45 0
Dem 0 52

Prohibiting Federal Funding of National Public Radio

For Against
Rep 228 7
Dem 0 185

Allow employers to penalize employees that don't submit genetic testing for health insurance (Committee vote)

For Against
Rep 22 0
Dem 0 17

I didn't read any of this LMAO

Serious question, are you afraid of increased political violence for any reason?

Not personally. The larpers might kill each other in a couple rallies but that's it.

Well that’s nice. That makes me feel better.

Rate the Perez administration 1-10z

Inquiring minds want to know.

No comment.

There's a reason that subreddit was taken onn the default subs list by the admins along with /r/atheism.

The end result of all this hysteria is that Roe is most likely safe and the GOP lost 70% of women for years.

A lot of women are pro-life

A lot of them are old.

A lot of them actually have kids that are likely to share their opinions and aren't childless cat ladies like babymurder activists

>mfw conservatism is genetic and no leftists come from overbearing conservative parents

The study reveals that the development of political attitudes depends, on average, about 60 percent on the environment in which we grow up and live and 40 percent on our genes.

Here's link to the actual study:

Which includes this line:

While heritability estimates for social and political attitudes have been reported in previous research, the heritability for vote choice has not.

That's why they are so pro-immigration.

The GOP doesnt care about any of that.

They have Roe right where they want it...the big bad boogeyman in the corner. Its not going anywhere.

you mean the demographic that actually votes?

Young people get old sometimes.

Big if true.

and get less naive.

Actually there's a pretty solid new wave feminism movement starting that is pro life. This is college age.

this has nothing to do with political party

yeah that pro life feminist movement is certainly solid

what are you even trying to say

do you honestly think that a solid portion of college aged women are pro life when they identify as democrat in such large margins? use your brain

When did I imply it was a even a solid portion? Calm down killer

what, like 30% or so?

It's like 48%.


Like make them put their money where their mouth is and that is going to evaporate pretty fucking quick

Look at how quickly support for abortion evaporated in Ireland over just a decade or so. Literally the Labor party was once leading in the polls a decade ago, then they announced support for abortion, and lost about 2/3 of their vote over the next few weeks. While last year voters approved abortion by like a 75% majority.

Yeah but that's mostly boomers and Gen-X'ers.

yah the retarded ones

he thinks a small group of crazy feminists who convinced themselves that they were raped because that one time someone tapped their shoulders actually represent all women

[Here's the trend from last year](\I5rbhas.jpg)

Again, not all women, certainly not 70%. There are plenty of women with a head on their shoulders that call out a lying bitch

There were spergouts from republicans and conservatives just before and during Obama's tenure in office but nothing like these routine meltdowns from the left.

We are blessed by this level of drama and by all accounts it's only going to get juicier in November.

I'm already trying to decide how to vote just to help with the drama

That all depends. Do you want to be around to enjoy the drama or are you just looking for maximum drama?

Are you kidding me? The right was in full meltdown during Obama's tenure. Especially in 2012 when Romney got whomp whomped

stfu tard, ONLY liberal leftoid communists can be spergs

Apparently I angered our resident CA MDEfugee contingent. makes sense they wouldn't remember they were like five when Obama got elected

Remember when some dudes in the UK made a giant balloon to make fun of Obama? Remember when Hollywood made movies making fun of Obama? Remember when Obama supporters were called literally Nazis? Me neither.

Pepperidge Farm remembers!

I remember when Obama was called a Kenyan Muslim. I remember when after first arriving at the White House Fox News called his and Michelle Obama's fist pound a "terrorist fist bump." I remember when after Obama had already been president for four years our current fucking President of the United States claimed he was on the case of Barack Obama's birth certificate and had private investigators in Hawaii who were "uncovering big things" and then nothing ever came of it.

Do you have the memory of a goldfish or just selective blinders?

So you posted facebook gossip that literally all politicians deals in. You are showing your bias if you think old republican moms were even half as dedicated as the current libs.

No? Everything I posted was covered on Fox News at least, which is literally the most watched news source in the US, even more so at the time of the events I detailed. It's not my fault the right has a long history of gobbling up Facebook tier memes.

I'm not even arguing that the left (of which I am a part) has lost its shit since Trump's election. But the right lost its shit long, long ago, thus why we were gifted with our reality television host president

Are you serious? Fox News literally ran a top line news story because Obama used Dijon mustard and wore a tan suit.

And what do you mean it’s going to get juicer? It’s pretty common knowledge the Dems are gonna take the house and the Reps will hold the senate.

Pretty sure he meant on Reddit. /r/conservative was essentially the "donald" subreddit of that era.

It’s pretty common knowledge the Dems are gonna take the house

Oh god 2016 MKII we come. YOU fucking jinxed us.

Holy fucking shit were you even awake during Obama's term? Are you literally retarded?

Not even close to the same

It's the internet, massively amplifies things. Or more specifically the internet going from something that required you to sit down with a expensive computer and dedicate a bit of time to being online, to something that people are connected to constantly in a passive background way.

Yup. I was there. There were quite a few idiot Palin supporters, but they learned to STFU :-)

The Tea Party under Obama was one giant sperg out. All because a black guy became President. Dems should take hope from the GOP. They showed it's possible from losing complete control of the Federal government to having complete control.

Tea party lost all it's oomph after the first midterm election. Maybe the dems will settle down as well after this one, but I don't think so. Something really makes me feel like they are losing their minds.

I'm a registered democrat, but I live outside of the US, so maybe I'm too far away to get effected or something, but from my perspective the reaction to Trump seems literally insane. Just focus on winning an election and telling people what you are going to do instead of sperging out about Russian trolls 24/7.

but from my perspective the reaction to Trump seems literally insane

Keep in mind, everyone thought that Trump was going to lose and possibly cause the extinction of the GOP, Democrats and Republicans included. So when Trump won, it upset this massive narrative about demographics being destiny and "angry white men" losing their power and what not. Once Trump won, it seems that everyone woke up to the fact that the Democrats had essentially lost almost all practical power in Washington. That, and Trump's a fucking doofus so it's extra scary that the Dems lost.

So imo it's as much the shock of losing the election as actually losing it.

'Everyone', of course, consisting of college kids on reddit and left-wing media types.

Guilty as charged your Honor

Keep in mind, everyone thought that Trump was going to lose

I find the degree to which someone actually believes this reflects exactly how much of a pop culture bubble they exist in.

I lived in a county that went for Clinton by 50+ points and still thought Trump had a fighting chance.

I think it's because they found a strategy of stoking the moral panic to the highest degree possible, in an as isolated echochamber as possible, in order to find unity and get everyone to vote and win. However when that last part fails, you are left with a lot of people who were absolutely convinced that X was a rapist and everyone who was not a rapist was in absolute agreement to vote against him yet here we are.

It didn't even make it that far. Old people threw a lot of lame protests for a few months, then petered out.

Yeah, and it lasted like three months. You guys are still going years later.

(Holy moly)[]

Like, these people are so fucking stupid. Either that or they are 17. How can you be of voting age and not know that America has been fucked for so long. The modern GOP hasnt change their tone or methods since 94 and the elected dems chase money from just slightly less people. Buts its the russians yaasss kweeen literally listening to kesha and trembling.

these people are so fucking stupid

You're not allowed to say mean things about your political opponents, you retard. Didn't you get the memo?

So when am I getting my goth BBW slampig braphog PAWG handmaid with two feet?

Democrats were on "just got told" watch, but aren't any more, because they just got told by Collins.

the result ultimately does not matter, the GOP would otherwise vote for and confirm Barett who is just a conservative activist who would be voted in because the GOP would love to say "gussy power" even though she has next to no judicial experience (trust me, the conservative media and their talking heads would LOVE to have their token on supreme court)

the only outcome of this was always if either r/t_d or r/politics would be on suicide watch

Are you kidding? T_D is the king of spinning their failures into victories. They waste no time. Had he not won they would have just jumped right to the next battle full force.

yea, republicans saying "it was russia's fault", oh wait..

the conservative media and their talking heads would LOVE to have their token on supreme court to show that they don't hate women because nobody plays the identity politics game as much as them

It's hard to take you seriously after that. Everyone does IDpol, but it's hard to claim Republicans go harder on it at this point.

I only have a problem with how it all played out. The witch hunt was pretty bad

Wish everyone on that sub would kys

holy shit they are absolutely melting down. i've never seen salt like this on reddit before in my life. this is peak dramacoin

maymayjune was the peak of salt cmv

Politincels btfo.

Just got banned from there for "trolling" lol

Most economic ‘experts’ never ran a business in their life, and analyze economics with a view to maximizing total GLOBAL production. They don’t care whether some policy makes your life better or more risky, they only care about increasing global GDP. You are just a number in an equation and they don’t bother to quantify all the things you value.

‘Experts’ agree on stuff like “ending borders would increase global gdp by 1%!!!” And it very well might be true, but economists don’t concern themselves as to whether that net 1% arises by impoverishing America while enriching China. They don’t care if it destroys your culture or gets you raped and murdered. They don’t bother to try and predict whether no borders would lead to more conflict and crime, that just isn’t their interest.

Meanwhile Trump protects borders, issues tariffs, erases ‘sacrosanct’ regulations, and still raises GDP.

What people need to understand is that for decades American wealth and technology has subsidized the development of billions of people in foreign countries. This has let the elite become ridiculously wealthy, stashing dozens of trillions in capital in fund and secret accounts all over the world, but has empowered and modernized foreign nations with ideologies opposed to our own who will take any opportunity to backstab us.

We can produce an absurd amount of stuff. All that restrains us is ridiculous regulations designed to make us uncompetitive with the global market and policies that drain the rest of our productivity to subsidize foreign countries while enriching the elite.

The extent to which we as a people have been robbed is absolutely staggering. Robbed in ways many can’t even imagine. We even end up having ridiculously stupid debates that wouldn’t cross our minds if we had the wealth and freedom that was leeched from us.

Like, we should never have to debate whether a service worker should earn a living wage in 2018, and this has nothing to do with socialism or right and left theories. The simple facts are that we are productive enough in the first place that we can have a service economy at all.

50% of workers are service industry BECAUSE farming and factories are productive enough that we can make enough stuff for everyone even if half the workers do service work.

But instead of ensuring that every worker has a decent life, which we can easily do just by virtue of the fact that it is possible for us to have a service economy in the first place - we instead have these absurd debates about whether a service worker deserves a decent life we can easily give them! If we weren’t sending trillions of dollars to China, India, and Swiss bank accounts, wtf would be the debate?!?

Is this pasta?

Holy shit that guy's profile how the fuck does he write so much bland thoughtful gruel so fast??

this but unironically

jesus you're a seriousposter machine, and an extremely boring one at that.

wtf r u doin

It's almost like there isn't sufficient evidence to impede his nomination.

Evidence is only required if he was on trial you nazi

"If this doesn't motivate a massive blue wave and cause Dems to take not only the house, but the Senate as well, my faith in our country to participate in democracy will be pretty much shot."


Why does the DNC always blame the voters for their problems lmao

Where's that antonio banderas gif

because dayumn

300+ comments

This must be the weekly /r/drama seriousposting politics slapfight thread

Who the fuck didn't know this? She's a Republican and one thing Republicans do well is get their bitches in line.

Except for that other Republican roastie who said she would vote no 🤔


Murkowski, Republican from Alaska

that hoe be dead

Virgin looks down at his feet as he walks vs. Chad steps in TP and doesn't notice or care

White men win again

Well what goes around comes around. Brett'll rally the redhats and start hunting down the witchhunters now I recon. Talk about a bunch of dark state delusionalist.

I was downvoted within 2 minutes at -26 for lmao’ing at the shame chants at Manchin.

Woman has no brain, like most women, news at 11

It's salty over there lads. I had to leave because my shadenboner could only get so hard. Keep your wits about you IRL those shitheads are bike lock swinging butthurt.

politics bad

Haven't they been on suicide watch since 2016

The Real take away is that with machin voting yes from west Virginia Kavanaugh is the bipartisan compromise

Has there been any proof he actually sexually assaulted anyone or no?

I haven't been keeping up on this as much as I should have

There's been nothing. No one can corroborate Ford's initial testimony, the second testimony about him flashing his dick in someone's face, had one person corroborate it-by saying he heard it from someone else. They contacted that someone else who said he had no idea what they were talking about. The gang rape accusation is a hysterical farce that featured the accuser walking back her signed statement on national tv.

Jesus Christ when did /r/drama become T_D?

checks history r/politics, r/politicalhumor

You have to go back

Ok? Your point is?

You first bucko

My point is this post is showing some straight simmularities to T_D, from that awful title to the insult you just threw at me. It reaks with T_d

Hey, I remember you from /r/Monstercat a few years ago. I also distinctly remember never seeing your name here so it's interesting that you're commenting on the state of the sub. Stay mad, faggot.

Thanks for confirming to me that this sub is just T_D. Sad to see that you’ve fallen for that way of thinking that T_D has.

And thanks for confirming that this is one of your only visits to this sub. There's a huge variety of opinion here that shares an interest in retards of all alignments melting down. The only people who aren't here are far, far leftists because they're little bitches that can't handle any differing thoughts and fuck off of their own accord when they realise the mods won't ban whoever they want.

The only people who aren't here are far, far leftists because they're little bitches that can't handle any differing thoughts and fuck off of their own accord when they realise the mods won't ban whoever they want.

The left doesn’t do that, T_D is.

At least they don’t try to hide the fact that they are leftist subs. You can’t admit that this is a T_D clone.

LMAO you have no idea how much this sub laughs at QAnon 'tards, and spergs from CA, KiA, and MDE. Difference is, those spergs can take a joke. All the leftist lolcows leave.

Democracy is dead, it's fucking dead. It may be fun to watch people's reactions but honestly I'm so goddamn depressed at what's happening to our government.

How is the senate fulfilling its constitutional duty killing democracy 🤔

They are ignoring everyone telling them that Kav is not the choice for the court. They are also ignoring the ABA’s calls to stop his confirmation. They are ignoring everyone.

Lmaoooo bruh the ABA still supports him but the ABA president broke ranks and said he wasn’t fit smh fake news

Comments and posts like yours make me realize that /r/Drama has become another T_D clone.

If you read the letter you’d see his rating still stands “for now” and there was already an FBI investigation so idk what more you want

You mean the investigation where they didn’t even interview Brett’s roommate? Or even Brett himself? Because trump didn’t let the FBI interview them?

That was not an investigation. You’re absolutely kidding yourself if that was a good investigation.

Why would they interview Brett if he already have a signed testimony to Congress?

So if he’s lying then it will be on the FBI’s record. But the fact that the FBI wasn’t allowed to interview Brett’s roommate should raise some red flags that this wasn’t a full investigation. How will you use mental gymnastics to defend that?

Assuming this doesn’t denigrate into an autist slap fight here’s an informative NYTimes article on the Kavanaugh hearing and goes into some detail about how the FBI investigation was decided. But to be succinct the 4 swing senators decided who should be interviewed. Take it up with Flake, Collins, Murkowski, and Manchin but the investigation seemed good for at least 3 of them.

You completely ignored my question.

If it’s good enough for the senators it’s good enough for me

So you dont think for yourself? If you cant justify it in your own words you shouldn’t be justifying it.

Personally I thought an FBI investigation was unnecessary in the first place, so I don’t feel the need to justify what I find redundant

So you’re ok with a not complete investigation than a complete investigation in the first place? If you think this guy is innocent then you should welcome an investigation, not be against it. Not wanting an investigation (unless the situation was already investigated) just means you dont think the guy is innocent.

This sets a horrible precedent and is the same argument the NSA used to defend the prism program “if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about” are you kidding me? What kinda Orwellian horseshit is this? It’s innocent until proven guilty not guilty until proven innocent by an investigation. Would republicans have been justifying demanding Hillary ask the FBI to investigate her during the Benghazi hearing? The fact is Ford didn’t provide any credible evidence besides a convincing testimony. None of her named witnesses corroborated the account, polygraph is junk science, and she didn’t turn her therapist notes over to the Senate judiciary committee. Ask yourself, if she was telling the truth and had nothing to hide then why didn’t she turn over her therapist’s notes? If none of the people she named corroborated the sexual assault then I really doubt that Brett’s freshman roommate could corroborate him whipping his dick out at a party. That accusation is a wholly different, and much less serious, one as well. What was her name, Ramirez? She “consulted her memory” for 6 days before deciding it was Kavanaugh. Is this the Satanic Panic all over again? Should we start using regressive hypnosis therapy to get to the truth? And then once again the New Yorker tried to find someone, anyone to say this happened but all they could find was one person who said he heard it from another guy and that guy denied anything happened. I won’t even touch the farce that was the Avenatti accusations. But given all these unsubstantiated claims, that again and again failed to find corroboration I thought that an FBI investigation would do nothing but delay the process until the midterms which is what the democrats wanted. I was right they didn’t find anything, and it didn’t matter how many people they interviewed they wouldn’t have found anything.

Dude bussy lmao

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Man your tears are tasty.

so what you're saying is you have no idea what an investigation is supposed to do and you dont question anything the republicans do? sounds about right for a T_D user like you.

Lmao you post in r/politicalhumor? Kavanaugh is one the SCOTUS for life baby, no amount of impotent rage spewed into the digital ether can stop it lmaoooo

Yeah, your party confirmed a literal political hack in the SCOTUS, didn’t you hate it when Clinton was exactly that? Or do you only care when it’s not your side?

Kavanaugh was made into a political hack when you accused him of gang rape lmaoooo. Stay mad lib, your tears are delicious

So you admit that he isnt fit for the job anymore?

Bruh you seem really mad Mitch McConnell made you his bitch

No, I’m really mad that he’s not representing the majority of Americans. And I’m mad that Trump is calling Assult victims “Elevator screamers”. He and all the other republicans are fucking assholes and It’s amazing how you people are ok with it.

Seems like you’re moving the goalposts now buckaroo. Stay salty

Seems like you are an idiot.

Democracy is dead

As long as people learn to ignore the Dems' bogus character assassinations democracy will be just fine.

Dont think she will lose her seat.

Man, the entire board is shitting itself. I haven't seen a tantrum this big since the major board purge.

What is this from, I love it

We are really doing this? Putting a dude that couldn't get laid in college on a lifetime appointment?

Should we be giving incels power? That seems like a bad idea.

That place is a fucking shit show. Do they seriously not see they are just the left version of The_Donald? There is no place that people can debate politics in a neutral zone anymore. At least The_Donald doesn't stand on a soup box pretending they are angels in disguise.

I’m sure even spez laughs every time they push for TD to get banned.

That's also some bullshit too. If you don't like a sub than just don't fucking go there. No reason to ban them because you don't like them.
