Aziz Ansari starts complaining about political correctness after it negatively affects him lol

1  2018-10-06 by MasterLawlz


Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. We're are smarter than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.


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this is sad, alexa play despacito

The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Turns out he's crazy

I unironically stand with Aziz on this, and not just because he's a brown manlet like me

This is seriously delicious lol, someone whose career was built on progressiveness becoming so jaded that their entire act pulls a 180.

lol, it's not a 180...

This whole sub is "progressive" in that we make fun of racists, then make fun of people who go too far with it. Then we make fun of then, but tell Daddy to STFU when he goes too far the other way.

Sounds like Aziz is a radical centrist.

It's not progressive to make fun of racists, its progressive to make fun of mayos

I mean, he definitely made fun of his indian family a lot ...

Fucking Harris

We do that too.

I self mayocide on a daily basis

hashtag mayocide,

implying there's a difference

Found the counter-revolutionary.

Shut the fuck up you filthy nigger.

out out out out




No you're right broski, that out out out shit is the dankest of maymays


Guys... he said it XDDDDD. The n word omg XDD

Wow, are posts getting removed for naughty words now?


Did he say a naughty word that niggled at the moderators conscience?


mod him.

Outsourcing tech support to India. The American way.

It sounds like he's only interested in whatever benefits him. He was a progressive when it helped his career as an oppressed PoC, now he's rallying against the far-left because they won't let him have his de-escalation blowjobs.

Clearly you don't understand radical centrism.


Also, he didn't really play up that oppressed POC card.

It sounds like he's only interested in whatever benefits him

Well yeah, that's the good part of centrism: You're not beholden to an ideology not of your own to the detriment of your benefits.

pulls a 180

Wait, so he's now an incel Trumptard?

/>implying that male feminists aren't just a touchier version of incels

I don't think that's what he built his career on. He's definitely a "progressive" but all his comedy isn't about that.

Most of it's about his dick tbh

Was Aziz ever "woke"? Anything to indicate that? I've always seen him as centrist.

Couple of episodes on Master of None touched some "woke" topics I guess, but it never seemed like he went off the deep end with it.

Don't really listen to his stand up, not my thing. He sounds like a basic white chick freaky Friday'd with some brown manlet.

Yeah, I haven't watched his stand-up either.

And master of none was mostly about millennial problems. The wokeness in that show never reach an obnoxious level.

He paid lip service to it in his standup, but he never really went too far with it. Most of his act was based around him being brown, so it gets pretty tired after the first few jokes.

He paid lip service to it

So did she, lol

1966 called, they want their cutting edge political commentary back.

Another Ed alt I see.

Nah, fuck him and the horse he rode in on.


Is something that Aziz never talked about.

Did you not see Master of None?

I have. He doesn't talk about believe women on it.

Yeah he does

I mean, he didn't show the victim's perspective there.

Let's not split hairs. The shit was hilarious watching it after he got MeToo-ed

Eh, the narrative built against him crumbled after like few hours. Only people still raging against him are the hardcore radfems. Otherwise, I would say that he has emerged from all this pretty unscathed.

It went on for at least a week and the stink still hasn't gone away completely. He deserves it though because I'm fairly certain he rapes.

Are you making an Indian joke or a male feminist joke here

Male feminist joke, didn't know that was even an Indian stereotype.

His metoo “scandal” was fucking retarded, he respectfully stopped pursuing her after she voiced she wasn’t comfortable with it. But of course as of 2017 that means he’s an evil raperist

Brown manlets need bjs too 😤

Curries have most of the negative traits of mayos (minus, AFAIK, the tendency to go on shooting sprees) and then they also tend to shit in the street.

Learn to laugh at yourself

Remember kids, it's only bad when someone else does it to you.

i feel no sympathy for the people this shit bites in the ass if they helped create this dogshit culture we have

Could you elaborate on what specifically he did to help "create this dogshit culture"?

He's a curry manlet, by any reasonable measure he dogfood.

Aziz was very big into feminism and metoo, He had strong feminism in his act and show.

His brand of feminism - that women should have the same opportunities as men, that women shouldn't be harassed, that they we should strive for equality, that's not what created that "dogshit culture".

Reasonable feminists are outspoken opponents of radicals.

Aziz defends men a lot in master of none, but he just hides it

If by defend you mean preach to then yes, he did.

Show us on the doll where no woman has ever touched you.

He defends it but hides it? do you mean obscures it?

His brand of feminism - that women should have the same opportunities as men, that women shouldn't be harassed, that they we should strive for equality

That's not feminism, that's just normal.

That's the dictionary definition of feminism

>current year

>using dictionary definitions

ah, the most autistic of pedantry. try not to choke on too many engorged lady boners over there.

If only I could be so lucky.

and who writes dictionaries?

fucking white men!

Feminism in practice entails way more than the belief that men and women are morally equal.

Handing out the lable of "feminism" based on the dictionary definition is naive at best and disingenuous at worst.

U r gay and LAME!!! Thx 4 getting triggered u autistic QUEERMO!!! Go eat butt u poop lickeR!!! U like mens butts especially with ZERO underwear!!!

Why the fuck am I talking to you. Feminism is... explicitly and obviously not matriarchy, you dense turd. Even retarded extremists who believe in things like reparations would theoretically be doing so to make things equal. There are no spooky misandrists hiding under your bed next to your cum wadded socks and soiled buttplugs, waiting for the perfect opportunity to falsely accuse you of rape. You are not a victim, my dainty little snowflake.

Can I say this again?


triggered u autistic QUEERMO!!! Go eat butt u poop lickeR!!! U like mens butts especially with ZERO underwear!!!

devavrata17 alt?

Sry I can't read ur comment it just looks like the onomatopoeia of violent throat fucking

Its not the only comment you apparently can't read.

Then the dictionary is full of shit, because I've never met a feminist who believes those things. I've met those who claim to, and then start ranting mad theories about men being the source of all evil, and bitching about manspreading, but I've never met one who genuinely believes any of that.

he perpetuated and advocated for the idpol, call out culture that dominates nearly every facet of modern pop culture

I once heard someone eloquently describe him as "an insufferable little cunt", and I find nothing wrong about that assessment

can u link to idpol advocacy by aziz ansari

The feminism episodes of Master of None.

Also I sincerely believe he rapes. All male feminists do.

Alright, we're getting closer to specifics. But I still had to google "feminism + Mater of None" to find something to actually watch to see what the haters are talking about. The top hits are all related to the episode "Ladies And Gentlemen", so I'm going to watch it and report back in a few hours. Here's a pre-scandal article on it that I didn't read (spoilers, yo).


For the record, I've had moderate exposure to his comedy. I know that there was an episode of MoN addressing [south asian] brown face and I recall him on Kimmel speaking of his support for feminism, but he elaborated on it enough to make it clear that he was referring to the basic, sensible feminism of equal treatment. I did think it was shortsighted to not realize that the toxic brand of online feminism is what dominates the public perception of the feminist movement, but his oversimplification doesn't undermine my sympathy for what he had to go through, unlike some of you here who insist he essentially consented to being hoisted by his own petard.

Nah dude the real funny stuff is in season 2 with the celebrity chef who gets accused of sexual harassment and Aziz's character takes a stand against him.

Thank you finally, for some specific references. I'll watch that one next.

Well, you should. People make mistakes, and it's good to see that they back away from them, even if took it blowing up in their face to figure out.

Consider Will Wheaton, whose life gets worse and worse due to this shit, yet he sticks his head in the sand and refuses to learn.

Love the part in the article where he realizes the Left is potentially worse than Trump’s “lowercase kkk.”

“At least with the Trump people,” he joked, “I kinda know where they stand.” On the other side, reacting to our current Administration, are zealous and performative leftists who can’t seem to resist competing with one another in what Ansari calls “Progressive Candy Crush.”

Aziz, come to the radical center. It is your destiny.

Camping on the culture's moral high ground for too long does that to you. "Are we Jerry Falwell now?"

Still won't be funny.

Eh hes alright

If you think randomly yelling is comedy.

it only seems random if youre too autistic to understand social context

Master of None is pretty good.

I could never get into it...which makes me similar to Anziz in that way

It's pretty good from 2nd episode onwards. More drama than comedy though.

Do you have to watch it all in order or can you watch random episodes?

Some episodes are standalone but the overall seasons have some narrative arches. So watching in order would be better.

His stand up is what I'm talking about, not lines someone else wrote for him. Its awful.

Ah, haven't seen his stand-up.

It’s just Louie without anything funny or interesting going on in it.

Nah, it's slightly better than Louie. Better storylines.

How dare you like anything! True radical centrism requires hating everybody and everything equally.

The article claimed that Ansari repeatedly pressured her into having sex, ignoring her refusals until she left his apartment, teary, in a car that he called for her. The next day, after she sent him a lengthy text message explaining how uncomfortable his behavior had made her, Ansari apologized.

Like how could you post that account and expect it to destroy the career of the person you posted it about

At least she didn't lie?

That's not even a good account of what happened. She literally went to the bathroom to wash-up... didn't put her clothes back on, sat naked on the couch then gave him a BJ because she pointed at his dick.


and yeah she let him ea

Like I understand that previous sluttiness is not the same as consent. If he had taken that as permission to jump on her and stick his dick in her, she'd have an argument. Literally he just pressured her, and ultimately did not have sex with her because it was she didn't want to.

Now pressuring someone into sex would be sexual harassment if they were your inferior in some sort of business or professional relationship. It usually would not be considered actual rape though.

And on a date? What is your argument? Anziz Ansari had no explicit power over her, he couldn't take away her livelihood. Saying "Come on we should do it!" a bunch of times in this situation, is clearly in no ways out of line. If you don't want to and find it annoying, you can leave. As she did. As he actually helped her to do, once it became clear the date was going south. He was practically the perfect gentleman given the awkwardness of the situation.

i agree lmao i was making a her article she calls him out for not even asking her what type of wine she wanted before ordering

lol I wasn't disagreeing with you, just presenting an argument

yes you’re right we are both autistic my bad

So you guys gonna kiss or what? I'm going soft over here

kiss lips or gussy

I dont know man I see someone pressuring and being pushy in sex like an annoying salesman. Sure, is not theft if you give them money so they leave you the fuck alone, but is still douchy as fuck.

On the same note it clearly isnt rape (or sexual assault) but it is pretty douchy

It's called a de-escalation blowjob. Obviously those are coerced.

She literally just told the truth about all of this and expected everyone to be outraged

And some people did... The article said a small group protested his show.

It was like 5 retards. You could probably find 5 people to protest literally anything.

There are at least 5 people unironically protesting at every anime convention.

Do you know what they are protesting? I'm really curious lol

Something vaguely Christian. I wasn't even sure.

Doing a Jamie Kilstein then, good for him though.

Fuck is going on here?

Aziz was never an extreme progressive at all. Revisionist history to make your drama seem more delicious.

No way he's a centrist. Any man that short is destined for inceldom or male feminism.

Not when you're rich.

beta bux

Theres the third option, platform shoes. Fourth option, move to a country where the average height is much shorter than the average height of your mother country. This is known as "tiny tourism" by the left but it is a necessarily evil.

Come to think of it, if you shipped the redpillers, shorties and man-babies, tater tots, etc, to other countries with social systems that counter-balance these namby-pambies (Like Japan or Somalia), things would naturally balance out.

Fifth option: travel to China to undergo that fucked up treatment in which they stretch your legs by continuosly breaking your bones for 3 weeks

He’d have to go to North Korea then, the dude is short af

And booster seats if you're the zucc

Dude literally headlined a fundraiser for Obama. Not extreme left but pretty far from centrist.

TFW Obama is seen as a measure of wokeness.

Obama was a Mainstream Democrat. That is not the same as centrist unless youre going to pull out the "but european politics and overton window" card.

That is not the same as centrist

Who in Hollywood wasn't supporting Obama during those days?

Hollywood is pretty notoriously politically one-sided, so I don't think that contradicys what I'm saying.

Yeah, I meant that you had to be a real rebel in those days to not support Obama. That's why I called him a centrist.

And I don't know the details but how enthusiastically did he support Obama?

He headlined a fundraiser for Obama in 2012.

Hmmm. Doesn't seem like a centrist take.

As I said, hes not extreme left. You called him radical centrist though, and before the accusation he was not.

I think Obama is a centrist.

I don't see any reason why he would not be considered centrist?

Calling out racists doesn't make you left wing.

This comment is proof we kept out too many MDEers, we're gonna become mini-SRD

Secret Muslims are in fact very conservative.


I saw him live three nights ago at a pop up show in Minneapolis and he was the embodiment of radical centralism but in a supremely pussy way imo. He wouldn’t address the bad date cum metoo area sexual “assault” fanfic directly but, unlike 2 years ago his main target for ridicule were sjws.

Did you have some tater tot hotdish too while you were there? Drinking some pop at the same time?

making me hungry

Uff da you bet cha I did! We even got really wild and played a game of duck, duck, grey duck!

The comedian positions self-righteous mass outrage as one pole in a political climate built on extremes. “At least with the Trump people,” he joked, “I kinda know where they stand.” On the other side, reacting to our current Administration, are zealous and performative leftists who can’t seem to resist competing with one another in what Ansari calls “Progressive Candy Crush.”

srsly, mod him.

Progressive Candy Crush? What?

Do people still play that game?

Who knows I never even touched it.

Have you seen two X?

He was probably saying it that way so women would understand.

I really can't sympathize with him. He hitched his wagon to the extreme left and it bit him.


Ansari was never "extreme left" in any way.

He hyped feminism in his comedy acts and went strong into in it in master of none. He hitched his wagon to identity politics.

Haven't seen his comedy skits but he never showcased any extreme feminism in Master of None. All of it was reasonable and pretty tame. In fact, he doesn't even talk about feminism that much on the show. Have you seen it? Which episode are you talking about?

When the "nice guy" was harassing a woman is when I stopped watching it was too cringe inducing. He also mentions how great feminism is in his act. Which may have been true a decade ago. Though now it behaves like ISIS.

When the "nice guy" was harassing a woman

Which episode? I can't recall it.

Though now it behaves like ISIS.


I believe it was episode 8. Bruh feminism as a whole went crazy of a T shirt worn by a European space agency mission lead, and keeps supporting horrible people.

episode 8

Is that the one about old geezers? What happened in there?

went crazy of a T shirt

like ISIS.

Dude. Bro.

I will look it up. It begins at a bar then, a man follows a woman home bangs on her door and rags on about nice guys.

Oh yeah, I remember that one. TBF, that happens to many women. And that storyline only lasted about a minute before the titles. Didn't have anything else to do in the rest of the episode.

It came off as very hamfisted and obnoxious. The thing about life is that everyone has to eat some shit at some time, and if you are not going to listen then I do not know what to tell you.

I mean,I would have agreed with you if this had happened to some radfem but Aziz was seriously tame when it comes to that stuff.

To me it was never tame, part of his act just turns into a lecture on feminism that to me is a huge red flag when it comes to comedy. Also modern feminism can't exist without an enemy, if it has to create ones it will.

We should kick the MRAs out too like we did with MDEfugees tbh

Not an mra any group that feels it is oppressed usually ends up becoming authoritarian see south Africa.

mocking republicans/racists isnt political correctness you mong

mocking republicans/racists isnt political correctness, you mong

Further proof that male feminists are either only pretending in order to get pussy or are straight up rapists.

I've hated him ever since I saw an insufferable interview with him on one of the talk shows (Colbert?). He mentioned that he is a feminist and paused for applause. The audience ignored him so he immediately tried again and said something like "I think it's important to believe in equal rights for women" and paused again. No one clapped, again. So finally he said something like "I think we can all applaud equal rights for women" and finally got the response he was looking for. Ever since, I've thought that he is an opportunistic twat that does this woke thing for positive publicity and not because he truly believes in this sjw crap. The fact that he now tries to pander to the other side makes me hate him even more.

That happens on EVERY talk show. I see the hosts say something that is so blatantly obviously preaching to the choir just to get a standing ovation. It drives me crazy and is one reason why I never watch them.

True, but his attempt was so incredibly obvious and heavy handed it still stood out. It was clear that he isn't simply trying to promote a political idea. He desperately wanted to be praised for pushing it. It was really off-putting.

I can't find that clip. Maybe that was an old Letterman episode? I really can't remember, but I would love to share that cringe with /r/Drama.

It was Letterman apparently.

No, that's not it. He didn't do the pauses here. I'm 100% sure there were two silent pauses and he had to explicitly ask the audience to clap.

It drives me crazy and is one reason why I never watch them.

None of them are as good as Ben 10 anyway.

Do you have the video links for this where he was begging for claps

Nah, couldn't find them.

“Why is everyone weighing in on this shit?” Ansari asked of the Twitter users who flocked to debate whether an American teen-ager’s choice of prom dress constituted so-called cultural appropriation. “Everyone weighs in on everything. They don’t know anything. People don’t wanna just say, ‘I don’t know.’ ”

Good job reaching a conclusion that Doug Stanhope reached 10 fucking years ago.

There's no real PC speech. There's agendaed speech and considerate speech. People who say PC are fucking stupid.

That was inconsiderate speech.


You can tell he's a perv just by looking at him

I’m glad to see short brown bitches suffering as much as is talk white dudes.

Aziz Ansari's career in 10 words or less: "wow isn't it crazy that I'm Indian?"

live by the soy die by the soy you zeta cuck

user reports:

1: Imagine writing this

Ghazi is starting their whole "I always knew he was a shitlord thing too.

