1  2018-10-07 by justcool393






What does mine say?



Hi! A "person" from this sub has a message for you.

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"dude bussy lmao" -headasplodes

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I am a bot

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Dude boofy lmao

And what is “boofing?”

In reality? Farting

..... I know

Its just madness this question wad really asked

Dude justices lmao

foids btfo



beer tastes like shit

What's your favorite drink? Cosmopolitan? Appletini?

Orange juice.

Tito's vodka. Gluten-Free and goes down smooth every timeTM

Gluten-Free vodka

Soccer mom confirmed.

I probably would like both of those but I haven't tried either.

Mods pls let me tell this person to kill themselves

Get iced, nerd

I drank beer

Do you think the unemployment rate would lower if Roe v Wade gets repealed?

This, but unironically.

Fuck the Republicans. Fuck the South. Fuck the flyover states. Fuck a third of Maine. 2/3rds Nebraska. Fuck Alaska. Fuck the coal miners. Fuck the scared old people. Fuck 60% of white people. Fuck the non-voters. Fuck the electoral system that produces minority elected presidents. Fuck the NRA. Fuck the Federalist Society. Fuck the Heritage Foundation. Fuck Reagan's rotting corpse. Fuck Newt Gingrich who solidified this bull shit. Fuck Nixon for everything. Fuck Goldwater. Fuck Roger Ailes and Fox News. Fuck the rich assholes who fund all this. Fuck Evangelical Christians. Fuck pro-life Catholics. Fuck 3rd generation immigrants who vote for anti-immigration policies without a hint of irony. Fuck the Mormons. Fuck turtle man. Fuck his corrupt-ass wife. Fuck everyone who will be on the wrong side of history. Fuck the two illegitimate supreme court members now. Fuck the other 3 asshats on their too. Fuck Pence. Fuck the Kochs.

Vote with the intensity and anger one brings into war. Take every opportunity to make these assholes scared.

If furries want to be animals so badly, it should be legal to hunt them. To pursue them into the darkest corners of the world, slaughtering them piecemeal. Giving the children of furries to real humans to be raised properly, knowing that only members of their species are suitable mates. Making the men labor until they're so sweaty they smell worse than a furry con. Letting loose every dairy cow in the world, so that their brutish role can be fulfilled by less sentient beasts: the furry women. Someday they shall be extinguished entirely, with deafening cries of joy from people of every nation and religion. But until then, they can reduce the shortage of organ donations.

Awe don't cry snowflake.

It's pasta, dumbass.

To be fair it's a recent one.

Yeah, but if you're in /r/drama and you don't immediately recognize a wall-of-text like that as pasta, then you may very well possess an extra chromosome.

It's also common to tl;dr walls of text and call the retard a retard.

It's not common to actually fucking use the word "snowflake."

I’ve found libshits tend to use it more often now when baiting a spergout.

I mean with all the seriousposting recently....

Yeah, but if you're in /r/drama and you don't immediately recognize a wall-of-text like that as pasta, then you may very well possess an extra chromosome.

GOOD point

You sound just as butthurt snowflake. Are you gonna cry too?

Looks like we got another case of Double Down Syndrome

Or just someone who finds liberal tears delicious ..

Fuck the Republicans. Fuck the South. Fuck the flyover states. Fuck a third of Maine. 2/3rds Nebraska. Fuck Alaska. Fuck the coal miners. Fuck the scared old people. Fuck 60% of white people. Fuck the non-voters. Fuck the electoral system that produces minority elected presidents. Fuck the NRA. Fuck the Federalist Society. Fuck the Heritage Foundation. Fuck Reagan's rotting corpse. Fuck Newt Gingrich who solidified this bull shit. Fuck Nixon for everything. Fuck Goldwater. Fuck Roger Ailes and Fox News. Fuck the rich assholes who fund all this. Fuck Evangelical Christians. Fuck pro-life Catholics. Fuck 3rd generation immigrants who vote for anti-immigration policies without a hint of irony. Fuck the Mormons. Fuck turtle man. Fuck his corrupt-ass wife. Fuck everyone who will be on the wrong side of history. Fuck the two illegitimate supreme court members now. Fuck the other 3 asshats on their too. Fuck Pence. Fuck the Kochs.

Vote with the intensity and anger one brings into war. Take every opportunity to make these assholes scared.

I will literally cry into a vial and mail the tears to you. Starting bid is $200. You are literally not a man or a real conservative if you do not take this offer.

Your mom begs to differ.

Your username makes me imagine you talking with a stutter.


epic win 4 u good sir

Don’t bother with these cucks, they’ll try anything to rationalize their pain and loss and criticizing a true patriots like us.

Where are you based fellow pede? Tell us more about yourself and show these losers where are you in life!

Fuck the Republicans. Fuck the South. Fuck the flyover states. Fuck a third of Maine. 2/3rds Nebraska. Fuck Alaska. Fuck the coal miners. Fuck the scared old people. Fuck 60% of white people. Fuck the non-voters. Fuck the electoral system that produces minority elected presidents. Fuck the NRA. Fuck the Federalist Society. Fuck the Heritage Foundation. Fuck Reagan's rotting corpse. Fuck Newt Gingrich who solidified this bull shit. Fuck Nixon for everything. Fuck Goldwater. Fuck Roger Ailes and Fox News. Fuck the rich assholes who fund all this. Fuck Evangelical Christians. Fuck pro-life Catholics. Fuck 3rd generation immigrants who vote for anti-immigration policies without a hint of irony. Fuck the Mormons. Fuck turtle man. Fuck his corrupt-ass wife. Fuck everyone who will be on the wrong side of history. Fuck the two illegitimate supreme court members now. Fuck the other 3 asshats on their too. Fuck Pence. Fuck the Kochs.

Vote with the intensity and anger one brings into war. Take every opportunity to make these assholes scared.

Fuck the Republicans. Fuck the South. Fuck the flyover states. Fuck a third of Maine. 2/3rds Nebraska. Fuck Alaska. Fuck the coal miners. Fuck the scared old people. Fuck 60% of white people. Fuck the non-voters. Fuck the electoral system that produces minority elected presidents. Fuck the NRA. Fuck the Federalist Society. Fuck the Heritage Foundation. Fuck Reagan's rotting corpse. Fuck Newt Gingrich who solidified this bull shit. Fuck Nixon for everything. Fuck Goldwater. Fuck Roger Ailes and Fox News. Fuck the rich assholes who fund all this. Fuck Evangelical Christians. Fuck pro-life Catholics. Fuck 3rd generation immigrants who vote for anti-immigration policies without a hint of irony. Fuck the Mormons. Fuck turtle man. Fuck his corrupt-ass wife. Fuck everyone who will be on the wrong side of history. Fuck the two illegitimate supreme court members now. Fuck the other 3 asshats on their too. Fuck Pence. Fuck the Kochs.

Vote with the intensity and anger one brings into war. Take every opportunity to make these assholes scared.


Fuck the Republicans. Fuck the South. Fuck the flyover states. Fuck a third of Maine. 2/3rds Nebraska. Fuck Alaska. Fuck the coal miners. Fuck the scared old people. Fuck 60% of white people. Fuck the non-voters. Fuck the electoral system that produces minority elected presidents. Fuck the NRA. Fuck the Federalist Society. Fuck the Heritage Foundation. Fuck Reagan's rotting corpse. Fuck Newt Gingrich who solidified this bull shit. Fuck Nixon for everything. Fuck Goldwater. Fuck Roger Ailes and Fox News. Fuck the rich assholes who fund all this. Fuck Evangelical Christians. Fuck pro-life Catholics. Fuck 3rd generation immigrants who vote for anti-immigration policies without a hint of irony. Fuck the Mormons. Fuck turtle man. Fuck his corrupt-ass wife. Fuck everyone who will be on the wrong side of history. Fuck the two illegitimate supreme court members now. Fuck the other 3 asshats on their too. Fuck Pence. Fuck the Kochs.

Vote with the intensity and anger one brings into war. Take every opportunity to make these assholes scared.

Fuck the Democrats. Fuck the North. Fuck the coastal states. Fuck a third of Puerto Rico. 2/3rds of Guam. Fuck Mexica. Fuck the salt miners. Fuck the scared young people. Fuck 5% of (((people))). Fuck the voters. Fuck the electoral system that produces majority elected presidents. Fuck the NAACP. Fuck the Public Unions. Fuck the Clinton Foundation. Fuck Roosevelt's rotting corpse. Fuck Schumer who solidified this bull shit. Fuck Obama for everything. Fuck LBJ and his war against poverty. Fuck Rupert Murdoch and MSNBC. Fuck the rich assholes who fund all this. Fuck protestants. Fuck pro-choice femoids. Fuck immigrants unironically. Fuck the morons. Fuck everyone who will be on any side of history. Fuck the two commie jew supreme court members. Fuck the other jew lady judge who needs to just keel already. Fuck Feinstein. Fuck the entire MSM.

Vote with a clear head and a true heart. Nov. 5th.

Vote with a clear head and a true heart.

im racist what should id o

Whichever ones support the mayocide.


Bisexual drunk fraternity bro makes it to scotus

It was bound to happen sooner or later.

i highly doubt kav's the first one

Yeah, who sucked a couple dicks in their lives, right fellas?


Kav finna dab on dem hataz

If Germany was able to win ww1 and force the entente to the peace table would they be able to force the Japanese to return Qingdao and their pacific islands to them? The Germans would obviously have beaten the french and probably harmed the british enough to no longer continue the war, but no matter what I don't think Japan could have suffered nearly enough in the war to consider itself "defeated." They probably would have been defiant and tried to keep it, right? If so, would Germany have to start a seperate war with them to get these colonies back? Would they even want to waste the resources to fight a power halfway across the globe immediatley after they themselves lost millions of men and most of their navy? Probably not right? But I can't see them just letting the Japanese keep such a strategicly important position in china as qingdao, especially since it would diminish their own influence in the China. So what would happen?

Holy shit. Brett Kavanaugh came into my room and started throwing ice at me and I literally screamed at him and hit the bag of ice out of his hand. He started yelling "I like beer!" over and over again and I slammed the door on him. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to Brett Kavanaugh but I'm literally in shock from the FBI clearing him. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he getting confirmed? This can't be happening. He was supposed to withdraw instead he is acting like Clarence Thomas. I don't want to believe your innocent until proven guilty. I want a future to believe in. Like my dad finally coming home from the gas station. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought Bobby would bring peachments anyday now???? This is so fucked.

Man Who Was Obviously Going to Get Job Even though Many People Didn't Want Him to Get Job Gets Job

Brett Kavanaugh more like Bret KavanAwwYeah

im mad

Show us on the doll where the Constitution touched u

rape lol



Do you look like your flair in real life too?

I think I'm in love.

I fucking hate this place