Tay Tay endsored the Democrats for the midterms, The_Donald has a meltdown.

1  2018-10-08 by Ghdust2


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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oh no, how she going to survive Daddy's fanatic sycophants not buying her albums with her... 320 million dollar net worth?! damn she near homeless already

everybody knows the financial rock her fanbase is founded upon is 18-32 year old economically anxious white conservative men

As a member of that demographic, she has some absolute bangers (Style, New Romantics).

I mean, I assume there are lots of incels listening to her music just because they think she's hot (and she is). So there's some truth to this.

In other words: This but unironically

The mere concept that a straight man would ever actually enjoy listening to Taylor Swift is actually mind-blowing. It's flavorless suburban white girl songs one after the other. How much of an effeminate faggot do you have to be

first of all, how dare yo u

well, they are incels

They don't enjoy it. They just think she's hot. They're idiots, mate.

It's flavorless suburban white girl songs one after the other.

I don't think suburban white girls are flavorless.

Gotta be a larp

Over there, coping hard looks like larping

In the "I was just pretending to be LARPing" sort of way.

ok this is epic

Its fascinating that at no point does it occur to them that maybe the GOP pushed her too far and forced her to engage. I mean this is after a Supreme Court nominee predicted to be the possible death of Roe v Wade. There aren't many modern millenial women out there that don't see this as basically an attack right at them and their freedom.

Much easier to think there's some crazy conspiracy to coerce her minor and largely unimportant political support for whatever. That's obviously worth the danger of that being exposed as a conspiracy than just her having a moment of saying "that's enough."

The reality these people inhabit....

Its fascinating that at no point does it occur to them that maybe the GOP pushed her too far and forced her to engage. I mean this is after a Supreme Court nominee predicted to be the possible death of Roe v Wade. There aren't many modern millenial women out there that don't see this as basically an attack right at them and their freedom.

Nah dummy it's clear that she being threatened by the joos

Lol they are simultaneously saying she was /their girl/ and that they loved her for being apolitical

Yeah, Kanye is the greatest most enlightened and based person in the world for wearing a MAGA hat and wanting to abolish sections of the constitution as well as claiming the government created and administers the AIDs virus.

Taytay is evil personified for a three paragraph statement and she should keep her whore mouth shut and stick to music amirite :)


endorses a single democrat in a race

raging crazed SJW

I don’t understand

They might literally be retarded, we should probably limit their time with electronics and encourage them to get more exercise.

Why do you want them to live longer and healthier lives?

I mean sure I hate them, but I hate myself more them doing better makes me feel worse which I deserve.

To be fair she wrote an essay attacking Blackburn, not just enforced a canidate

To be fairer, the average T_D user writes longer posts trying to explain why daddy wasn't actually rerarded when he did [retarded thing].

her wall-of-text instagram post mentioned things like sexism, LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ rights, etc But I highly doubt she's a full on "SJW" just based on the kind of language she was using and how she was so secretive about her politics for so long. I could be wrong though. just my observations

Wait, she doesn't want trussies to be lined up against a wall and shot in the back of the head? Unacceptable!

She deviated slightly from the mantra and now she's off the plantation

Anyone left of center: Raging crazed SJW

Anyone right of center: Misogynist nazi bible thumper

This but unironically. Radical centrism is the light.

According to her, Blackburn "voted against equal pay for women" (sure it's not an equality-of-outcome thing?), against the VAWA (weren't there issues with it?), and thinks "businesses have a right to refuse service to gay couples".

I think the reasonable/centrist position on the latter question would be to aim for a system in which some businesses are regulated into having to serve everyone while others get left alone - insisting every small business baked gay cakes or whatever against the will is a SJW position.

And the other 2 issues may be as well, although I'm not sure.

Oh, wait, missed the "shouldn't have the right to marry" bit, well yeah that's quite normal to oppose such a view.

800+ comments of reeeeeee; they never fail to deliver

The amount of seething is palpable

I love the word seething. Like cuck it has that visceral, onomatopoeic aspect.

Cuck just makes me think of angry chickens attacking someones leg.

Ok cuck 😎😎

Ooooh a chicken wearing sunglasses.

Maddox I know it’s you. Go back to text based comedy, your videos suck.

I'm not sure if I should feel insulted or honored that you think I'm famous enough to receive death threats.

Tbh r/drama used to be chock full em

I miss when I could espouse the benefits of personal safety. They were simpler, happier times.

I saw someone say "keep yourself safe" in earnest the other day. Made me kinda emotional, y'know.

Interestingly, onomatopoeia is onomatopoeic itself. It makes the same sound as itself when you say the word.

h-her popularity is fading! Her career is over!!!1!1

Lmao they actually think that 💗Tay💗 will be affected negatively by any of this. It just makes me love her more tbh

Even if her career was over, she's already made a good couple hundred millions. She could easily retire, spend a million a year for the rest of her life and still have money left over

Tay Tay is old money. Even if she never worked a day in her life, she could live it out in comical luxury.

Lol America doesn't have old money.

Are you Old? Do you have Money? Welcome to the club!

Old money just means it's inherited, typically after 2 generations because something like 95% of family wealth is gone by the 3rd gen

Nah, you need a castle.

When Kanye inevitably finds another political star that he likes, it's gonna be pandemonium

Autistic people tend to have intense, yet often short lived fixations. I'm sure Ye will find a new hero in like a week or two.

The only fixation he's never lost is in the mirror

Imagine taking your political opinions from a 80 IQ walking cunt.

I've tried, but I just cant stick my head up my ass quite as far as T_D can.


Oh the ironing

I always find it hilarious that trumptards use the exact same arguments libtards use while at the same time crying about the left making everything about sexism.

Literally both sides will unashamedly and regularly use the exact arguments used by the other side and then try to epic own them for those exact same arguments.

It's like my parents fighting but it's hundreds of millions of retards instead of just two.

I find it funny people in general care SO MUCH about what celebrities think. It's like, jesus, these are people that live on a whole different reality than most people. What makes ANYONE think they have your same interests, and that they care about your interests at all?

Horseshoe something or other.

She's friends with Lena Dunham. You'd have to be retarded to think she wasn't a liberal.

Not to mention she went to 4chan in general, not /pol/, and only because she was curious.

I thought that was a shitty myth?

Prolly, but I'm clarifying the myth. She didn't go just to /pol/


Back then it was still /new/ any way and a very different board.

Huh, I always wondered why /pol/ came out of nowhere to me.

She saw the chans? No wonder she swapped libtard in an instant.

Lena Dunham has friends?

I mean her sister is, I think

Oh shit really?! She's friends with the Sister Fister? Tay Tay whyyyyyyyyyyy!!! 😢😢😭😭😭

Nah this is just her longstanding beef with Ye.

So, who's going to be the next white stick for their 1488 memes? My bet is on Lauren Daigle.

Lauren Daigle

she unironically looks like a jew

Like /pol/ cares about that. Trump is the biggest Israel shill in the WH in decades and they still support about himi.

yes they do care about that and they also make up the biggest mental gymnastics, like with anything Trump related, to justify that (4d chess game where he needs to cleanse the deep state and only after that can he go after them)

there is no way they're putting that much energy for the sake of a basic bitch evangelical thot

You will be surprised what kind of mental gymnastics they can do for a white women.

yeah but why her? is there not a somewhat notable woman who is mayo, conservative but not evangelical israel supporter and isn't a massive thot? like seriously none?

Gotta play it safe this time.

Did they move on from Lauren Southern?

They need someone with some kind of name recognition and a fan base outside of /pol/ and not a lisping Canadian transgender whose fan base looks like this:


Any person that they support will have a fanbase that looks like that because they look like that

That's why you have to fish outside of /pol/ for the 1488 memes.

hmmm. Theres a lot of mestizo looking folks in that white supremacist gathering.

It's the 21st century, even white supremacy is multicultural now

It's USA afterall. 56% and all that.

El monstruo

Lauren Southern and Gavin McInnes (i.e. the "Proud Boys" founder) are alt LITE, they're not ethnonats.

Internalized oppr... I can’t

Yep, el goblinos.

I see /u/onitan in the background looking all serial killer-y.

las creaturas...

Pretty sure southern is actually about to get some kind of fox segment.

FUCKING LOL! She has a fucking security belt to keep the drool away from her.

Look at that attempt at hiding the double chin.

2 of them look alright.

ages ago, she had a brown boyfriend in college and that's one thing /pol/ never forgives or forgets... which is kind of ironic, because there are theories out there that she now hates black people and is unironically obsessed with the mayocide conspiracy theory because she is a crazy vindictive ex-GF

she still serves a role in the movement but now everybody looks at her as an opportunist that's useful to the cause at the moment, but there is very little loyalty for her

Ty. I wasn't up to date on my conservathot knowledge.

mayocide conspiracy theory

more like demographic and long-awaited inevitability friendo

Related /r/drama threads:

Regarding the second drama: she made a video titled "Why I'm Not Married" and the comments were filled with stuff along the lines of "You have a huge male fanbase that supports you and throws money at you, but you don't want to marry any of them. You just want to ride the cock carousel and take our money, you fucking whore". It was hilarious.

Those altright commenters on YT are an exceptionally retarded and obnoxious bunch.

Canadian election loser, Lauren Southern, is revealed to have had a brown boyfriend. Cucked mayos get triggered

That Dailystormer article is fucking obnoxious!

And the Stormfront thread too, a close second - unless I've missed something, Southern is alt*lite*, i.e. not an ethnonat. So why in the fuck are those smug cunts going "oh but she said he voted Trump so that makes it ok, yeah right" when, from an lite perspective, it *is* okay? Since they're civnats and more concerned about common values than race??

/pol cares about Israel stuff. T-D doesn't.

T_D would care about it when the mods wouldn't ban everyone.

Wait, is this why Tay Tay was the mascot here? Because she was implied or assumed to be right-leaning?

I've always wondered.

Now she’s an even better mascot IMO

You're not wrong, but I'm still sort of hazy on if my premise there was correct to begin with.

honestly I have no idea, but it would make sense if it was originally for that reason

Nah. Tay Tay is /r/drama's mascot because she could go through as a boy. As flat as the Canadian province I live in. Without makeup and short hair people here would try to suck here feminine penis.

As an avid tay poster. No.

She's been the mascot for internet neckbeards forever dude. No political affiliation required, just a hard drive low on memory and a trashbin full of spent kleenex.

Is the MK Ultra shit typical T_D asshattery or have Qfugees made that place even dumber than usual?

Q might have introduced new ingredients to the shit stew but the base was always a rotting slimy mayo turd

Her family was loaded af to begin with. She could have sat on her ass and still have been rich of her parents money just not personally rich.

I unricoinically think everybody posting on the Donald is mental I'll and or fat

i am mentally fat

Gross. At least commit to the role, jeez.

I unironically just identified with this statement

Statistically Republicans are more attractive and less likely to be mentally ill. Though the attractive part is more linked to Republican women.

republicans also have the hottest daddies

like not for nothing but joe biden is no dick cheney in bed

Cheney would shoot me in the shoulder before he fucks me and then make me apologize to him afterwards.

You do you, but that ain’t my thing is all I’m sayin.

Cheney would shoot me in the shoulder before he fucks me and then make me apologize to him afterwards

fuck he was such a hot af dom daddy 😩🍆💦💦 cheney/cheney 2020

Cheney would shoot you in the gut and fuck your colostomy bag

Nah they'd both take you to some weird ivy league school fraternal organization thing like skull and bones with the promise that it's gonna be some weird ass kinky Eyes Wide Shut type fucking in the forest under an effigy of Moloch, but in the end just turns out to be a bunch of rich dudes masturbating next to each other while watching vintage interracial porn on a project screen and telling a lot of unfunny jokes that end with punch lines like "rectum? I hardly know em!"

I can assure you it's a major disappointment

Pretty much all of Hollywood is liberal though?

What's your point? Actresses make up like .0000001% of the population. That's not swinging shit.

Why aren't there more Republican Hollywood celebrities?

Here is one of them https://www.newsweek.com/attractive-people-vote-democrat-republican-easier-lives-study-794966

Have you and I had this conversation before? Are you foreign by chance and don't really understand the nature of Hollywood and America?

In short, the lack of Republican girls in Hollywood is probably a combination of a lot of reasons.

You can't really get away with being republican in Hollywood for one, so even if you are/were you hide it.

If you don't have strong political views when you go then you're likely to just adapt to those around you, like most people anywhere.

Also you may have a misunderstanding about Hollywood in that it's actually a collection of the prettiest girls in America, when it's a actually mostly people that grew up in the business. You can find girls as hot as any actress in any major city strip club working for tips, and they don't have the benefit of a industrial sized make up team.

Finally, the type of people likely to be republican are also not the type of people to look at the odds of success of being an actress and decide it's a good bet. Do you have any idea how things generally go for the girl who moves to LA to become an actress?

I would avoid Newsweek as a source because the website is cancerous.

Alright, you convinced me. Conservatives are more attractive on average, but they on average live in bubbles and often face little hardship themselves. Hence why they tend to dislike helping less fortunate people because they cannot sympathize.

To be fair, that's news weeks spin in the reason why. And it doesn't say bubbles, it says their guess on why Republicans are more attractive is that they've been treated better (because they're Republican) and so they feel less need to "fix" society.

Also more successful and less mentally ill!

So seriously though, where are you from that you both thought Hollywood was this neighborhood where all the pretty people go and yet also think you understand American politics. You've gotta be Canadian right?

it says their guess on why Republicans are more attractive is that they've been treated better (because they're attractive)

What? Isn't this just recursive? They're more attracted because they're treated better because they're more attractive?

Also more successful and less mentally ill!

Not really to the more successful part, blue states contribute 12% more per capita to the GDP (55,194 Blue vs 48,725 Red) compared to red states. Can't really speak to the mental illness part, so you want to source that? Unless you're unironically saying "librulism is a mental illness" from PragerU and Shapiro.

I don't ever recall making the claim that Hollywood was that place, but rather that Hollywood is full of attractive people and predominantly liberal, therefore attractive people become more liberal. I am Canadian.

It doesn't guess that they're attractive because they're treated better. It guesses that they're REPUBLICAN because they're treated better.

It works like this.

Be attractive > get treated better because you're attractive > become Republican because you've had a great life

Also you obviously don't understand the way our states break down and the political divides between them concerning your success evidence. But that's not unexpected since you're a Canadian... That for some reason spends his time discussing American politics online. Like you all do.

But hey, I understand you're a libcuck and so a lil ugly, a lil slow, and a lil crazy. As a superior radical centrist I will forgive you!

You're starting to sound really unhinged now, now you're doing the: "I'm just trolling phase".

Can't even admit you're wrong in regards to some facts. At least liberals have the decency to admit being wrong. :/ I'd be more than happy to learn facts to the contrary and correct myself, provided that it is adequately sourced.

Wait, which thing am I wrong on? The success thing? Look up stats based on individual income and voting, we have them. I was just razzing you because I hate Canadians.

I just did, I literally sourced you something, here's another post election.

Per capita income in blue states is $62, 892, compared to $52,895 in red states.


Again buddy, I'll say it slower...

The individual income based on voting.

We track it person by person, NYtimes has stats from the last election directly comparing Hillary and Trump voters.

Seriously how bad are your schools?

Here's a report from 2012 by NPR in regards to individuals. Note how the graph regard the amount of high-income liberal earners started surpassing the amount republican high-income earners since 2011. This corroborates the stats in regards to blue and red states earlier.

My God buddy, I already told you NYT has the poll from 2016 by vote. Your NPR poll is not only older but splits them up by D/I/R, and a significant portion of Republican voters identify as independent but vote Republican. There are WAY more registered dems than republican.

Plus even your thing confirms what I'm saying, just placing the liberal cap higher with most of the poorsies being dems.

Seriously I've given you the information three times and even told you directly where to get it, but you keep going and looking for something else to defend a group you're not part of in a country you don't live In.

What is wrong with Canadians? How did you end up this way?

You haven't sourced anything. You can tell me but you can't source anything. You didn't even look at the general graph which places democrats above republicans.

Sure, but this isn't school, this is messing with a Canadian sadly obsessed with American party affiliation. I already told you where to find it.


It's OK buddy, I'm sure you've got a great personality! Well, I mean you're Canadian so probably not... But no one will notice since you're all sad boring white people.


Tell him exactly where to find the data

He goes looking for more pre-election state based drama

I knew Canadians had no culture outside of Quebec and I knew Canadians had a pathetic obsession with discussing American politics they don't understand. I didn't know you were this dumb though.

Here's a report from 2012 by NPR in regards to individuals. Note how the graph regard the amount of high-income liberal earners started surpassing the amount republican high-income earners since 2011.

My God buddy, I already told you NYT has the poll from 2016 by vote. Your NPR poll is not only older but splits them up by D/I/R, and a significant portion of Republican voters identify as independent but vote Republican. There are WAY more registered dems than republican.

Plus even your thing confirms what I'm saying, just placing the liberal cap higher with most of the poorsies being dems.

Seriously I've given you the information three times and even told you directly where to get it, but you keep going and looking for something else to defend a group you're not part of in a country you don't live In.

What is wrong with Canadians? How did you end up this way?

Dude, do you have dementia or something? You just replied tonite same comment three times.

The study us using datasets from the 1970s, lol

Yeah, but for ever hot actor in Hollywood there is 100 hot models dating rich guys who most likely lean Republican.

The models lean republican or the rich guys?


On which, here is ones of the attractiveness studies because I already have it up, you can google the mental illness stuff. https://www.newsweek.com/attractive-people-vote-democrat-republican-easier-lives-study-794966

Alright then. Break out your own photo an prove it.

Did you really just rock out 40 year old data to prove how much hotter your grandma is than mine lmfao.

Fuck it, yall think Trump is peak alpha male, what do I know.

Dude that article is from the past year, the methodology of the study tracked them over a long period. It was fairly conclusive.

Also, my whole family was democrats. They polluted my looks with their partisan genes!

Incorrect. The study did not track them over time, the study used datasets from 1972, 1972 and 1976

Holy shit, did I just own the libs epic style?

Honestly kys


Do they ban you for saying that?

I was just lamenting how fucking boring t_d is now. They just banned me for daring to mock them. It took less than 3 minutes. In a forgotten thread.

I think I now know how the Jews felt.

Pretty sure we can't say it anymore, but I'm not a mod.


There is some crazy incel stuff going on in that thread. Mk ultra honeytrap pointing her tits at males who rise without her authority?....

Hot. I'm starting to think they're using conspiracy theories as a cover for authoring their own erotic fiction.

How stupid are those morons (I mean very, it's obvious). Taylor Swift never said that quote...

Regardless, the point still stands. Don't call yourself a feminist if you didn't vote for Sarah Palin.

[–]ontothefuture VA M H 146 points 4 hours ago

Yes, her handlers got her inline, perhaps she’s paid a visit to moloch.

146 points


From hanging out on r/conspiracy I learned that a substantial number of Trump supporters think most/all of his political opponents are literal demon worshippers.

Q predicted this.

Moloch is such a Mundvoll in Mannhüten.

Glad to see the right slowly but surely becoming just as whiney as the left. Gonna be real fun watching the die hards meltdown when the rest of the country pivots back to the left in 2024


Donald Trump's election is the ultimate expression of right-wing whineyness. He even prides himself explicitly on being a whiner. I don't think they are going to top him.

I don't think they are going to top him.

yfw Kanye West wins the presidency

This but unironically.

No, seriously. I can imagine a world where he's a candidate, either as Democrat or Republican, both make very little sense, and actually ends up winning due to a combination of name recognition and the other party putting up some idiot that no one likes.

party putting up some idiot that no one likes.

aka actually qualified politicians. Ya, they're probably corrupt...but at least they arent retarded.

If I'm gonna seriouspost for once:

It should easily be possible to put up a candidate that is both qualified and not universally disliked. If it isn't, then your party is fucked.

Dude the right have always been the whiney ones.

It's like people forgot how despite totally owning the federal government in the early 2000s, the rightoids were out of control screeching about Christian persecution and the eternal (((War on Christmas.))) Leaded gasoline really did a number on boomer brains.


Lmao, conservatives burn stuff if a black guy takes a knee in a sports match. I don't think there's any bigger crybaby than them.

Swift is a pedophile. She constantly has "sleep overs" with her fans... like Michael Jackson use to.

EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME! I really want a cogent explanation for why the right is so obsessed with pedophilia? Well except for actual pedophiles like Roy “can I sign your yearbook with my cummies 💦 “ Moore.

Because they’ve overused every other pejorative they have so pedophile is the only one left with any bite.

Same reason male feminists always have rape on the noggin and see stealth acts of rape everywhere they go.

Maybe the real pedophiles were the friends we made along the way

Profound if true

I write jokes for a living, man. See I sit in my hotel at night, I think of something that's funny and then I go get a pen and I write it down. Or if the pen's too far away, I have to convince myself that what I thought of ain't funny.

– Mitch Hedberg

Source: Mitch All Together

You gonna make me tear up fam.

It's over for /u/DistortedLines

tfw tay will never invite me to a sleep over

It's over

You're drama mod now, just use the celebrity Rolodex in the mod mail to reach out to her.

Could you also forward some more dick pics to Alexandra Daddario for me while you're at it? Admins took away my access. They don't have to be mine, just make sure they're juicy.

Admins took away my access.

Why are you such a cuck?

It's over for doccels

The Doc is right. This is your one chance. Now is the exact time to invite her to an AMA on the subreddit. With you coordinating it.

I blame sexy children

Projection, obviously.

It's easy to just go "No u" to political opponents.

The_Donald is the convergence of two events.

The first is that for whatever reason (I blame helicopter parenting and the associated lack of independence, resilience, and real world socialization, for a large portion of it) among our age demographic the personality traits we usually associate with "sjw" type liberals are actually pretty widespread and not limited to the liberally minded.

The 2nd is that 4chan became famous. 4chan usership wasn't limited to /b/, everyone knows that, but 2008 /b/ is what became famous and synonymous with 4chan. /b/ was always filled with sweaty edgelord NEETs, which is fine cuz that's the point. But the The_Donald is full of sweaty edgelord NEETs who came of age post-2008. ie came of age during the era in which "internet culture" and "meme culture" became mainstream concepts and 4chan had this quasi-mythical image of edginess. Which by it's very nature is divorced from the much more banal and lame reality.

And much like the 2nd generation of the Red Army Faction in West Germany compared to the originals, they take it all way too seriously. So while that era of 4chan users, who are today in their 30s, in all likelihood are now functional gainfully employed grown ups who cringe at that shit, TD grew up aspiring to it

Which is to say that when the sorts of people who under one set of circumstances would become sjws, instead became incels in high school who thought it made them cool to lie and say they were in a famous habbo hotel raid, The_Donald becomes the end result.

Thus wherein sjws see rape and patriarchy everywhere, TD sees the shit pre-chanology 4chan made jokes about, ie pedophiles and Jewish conspiracies etc, but does so in earnest.

Tl;dr: sjws are what happens when a certain type of emotionally stunted poorly raised sweaty NEET spent high school wishing to be the successors to some sanitized version of the 60s dissidents and 90s culture wars figures, TD is what happens when that same type of emotionally stunted poorly sweaty NEET spent high school wishing to be the successors of prank callers asking gamestop if they have battle toads who also somehow accidentally became political

Which is more pathetic is an open question

Tayyy 💖💖💖 I love how she made them REEEEE with a simple Instagram post. Right fragility lmao

MEAN Tay Tay doesn't support daddy! 😢

I don’t blame them. A rich, young, female celebrity who hangs out with a ton of other rich, young, female celebrities turns out to be liberal? Who among us could have seen that coming?

It's a bit weird how apparently years of "ambiguous won't bring up politics" hid nothing but the most stereotypical, predictable lib views conceivable - one would expect it to be different and unusual in some way.

As a white Person of Light I no longer feel safe in this country. My hatred is causing me PTSD and i need financial assistance so I can keep crying about my white ethno state free of the the joos, the naggers and the mooslum. I have set up a go fund me @ wwwdotimahugefaggotdotcom so you can gibs me free shit and make me feel better about myself, if you dont give that is rasyis. that will be all.

Wtf I love Tay now

endorsing a mainstream candidate

This is neither centrist nor radical. She can no longer be our mascot.

fwiw there's been a shift on here from Tayposting to platyposting

Isnt that quote something Gloria Steinem said?


Now it's time for Rage Against The Machine to get off the fence.

I dont know why I'm surprised that T_D is super pissed about this particular person saying this particular thing.

Of course they are.

The left thinks she is a Nazi and the right thinks she hates women.

Drama is high this time of month we got T_D freaking out about Tay, and we got aT_D (r/politics) freaking out about brett. I dont know who to provoke discus with like an adult.

She hasn't had a good song since Mean.

This was obviously done to advance her career and end media harassment, after a couple years of them obsessively haranging her for such crimes as looking and acting too white, having some alleged alt right fans, not publicly condemning Trump and his supporters, and not crying crocodile tears over the horrors of "white privelege".


They've finally bullied her into towing their line. The problem is that once you jump down this rabbit hole, it will never be enough. Someone will always be calling you out for not being "woke" enough. Being a white christian SJW makes about as much sense to me as being a Jewish Nazi. The simple fact you are white means you will always be guilty and beyond redemption. Nothing you do will ever please them, and before you know it you'll be bullying and harrasing other people to show youre one of the goodwhites. Its like the Salem witch trials, when scared girls accused and condemned others of being witches in order save themselves.

Better to just stay out of the whole sordid politics mess and try to keep some measure of dignity and conscience.

