Look at what the internet has done to people.

1  2018-10-10 by fvckconservatives


This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


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Well I have friends, family, and pets that I'd like to keep seeing. I get plenty of food, shelter, water. I work at a job I like but still have time to do the things I want like video games, movies, etc.

The essence of the unexamined life right here. The real answer is that there is nothing in the world that will satisfy. People are tricked into believing they are fulfilled because their temporary boredom is sated, not their need for existential fulfillment.

Sadly, the proper response is one of two. Believe everything you have is by chance, and constantly wallow in your existential dissatisfaction. Or, believe everything you have is a gift, and be forever grateful to God for your miserable existence, no matter how much you suffer.

Oof, you really think it’s that black and white?

Some people say you can make your own meaning in life, but that makes no logical sense to me, and most examples I have seen have been either empty expressions of vague spiritualism, or utterly obsessed with political activism.

Honestly, the best thing someone can do to avoid existential dread is to get married and have kids as early as possible and work a menial job for too many hours. At least then you have no time to think about your own existence.

Wow that’s a seriously depressing outlook on life. I think there’s more to it than that. I’ve personally taken on a bit of a hedonistic approach. I do what makes me happy since I only have one life to do it. Does that mean partaking in pointless bullshit and materialism? Sometimes. Does it mean fighting for what i believe in? Sometimes. Does it mean trying my best to be a good person to everyone I encounter? Always. Does it mean LOTS and LOTS of meaningless, perverted sex with consenting adults? Again, always. That gives me more than enough “meaning” in a way. No getting married or kids involved whatsoever.

I am not gonna tell you to change what your doing. But I think it's obvious that that's a pretty empty life. By your own admission it's hedonistic. I am not trying to come off as some guru handing out blackpills, but it doesn't take a lot of life experience to realize that pursuing bodily pleasure after bodily pleasure with periodic breaks of "fighting for what I believe in" and being nice to people is a pretty shallow outlook.

Disclaimer: I don't think you're wrong for being shallow. I think that can be a legitimate way of avoiding existential dread. It's just that I don't want to be shallow.

It feels empty to you. It’s more than fulfilling to me. Pleasure is my main drive. I understand that sometimes I have to go through hardship to get more pleasure down the line, so it’s not like I avoid hardship either. It’s just I don’t take on any hardship I don’t think is necessary.

Children? Absolutely unnecessary to me. Commitment to someone? I’m open to it, but I don’t want monogamy, so I tend to be pretty upfront about that so I don’t take on the hardship of falling for someone who I’m fundamentally incompatible with. Education? Very necessary; I’m getting a masters in CS. I also give back to the community by volunteering occasionally and donating to causes I believe in, even though that work can be daunting at times.

And yeah, maybe it’s a bit shallow at times, but I know that who I am as a person is anything but. I’m intelligent, compassionate, empathetic, a great listener, well-rounded, analytical, and i take care of myself. Just because I indulge in what many consider to be a “shallow” lifestyle doesn’t mean my life is empty. I’ve made amazing, deep connections and learned valuable life lessons along the way. That’s far from shallow, in my opinion.


No u

There are different kinds of pleasures. The pleasures of the body are fleeting and only substantial when accompanied by higher pleasures. Without love, sex is empty and devoid of meaning. Without knowledge, entertainment is empty and devoid of meaning. Without experience, food and drink are empty and without meaning.

Meaningless sex is still incredibly fun though, that’s the point. I don’t see anything wrong with wanting that.

Can you explain what "not being shallow" means? Having a clear purpose that's known from the start?

Having a clear and distinct understanding of the nature of my own existence and origin, which would inform my purpose, and the ethic needed to fulfill that purpose. Then living according to that.

which would inform my purpose,


Maybe the language I am using is weird. A different way of saying this is I want to understand what it means to be a human being and act accordingly. This would include the question of whether or not human's have an inherent purpose. The answer is not apparent.

It's pretty obvious that the entire concept of purpose is a projection of an overactive mind.

I don't think so. One can analyze a thing a determine a purpose built into. Why is the same analysis not applicable to people.

One can analyze a thing a determine a purpose built into that thing.

I don't think this holds up outside of the projection of an overactive mind version of purpose.

So when I see a chair, and observe that it is well made to sit on, I am mistaken in identifying it's purpose as "a thing to be sat upon?"

it is well made to sit on


Hahahaha, OK man.

Well in that case you were "made" to chase antelopes into exhaustion and kill them with primitive tools.

Yah but you just came into being one day with no real idea what the fuck that's really about

At best the meaning of life is incomprehensible to humanity, at worst life is meaningless. Either way, to humans, it’s functionally meaningless for the time being. You keep using words like “empty” and “shallow” I put it to you that in an ultimately meaningless existence existentially weighted words such as those are equally as meaningless. If life has no objective meaning, it is impossible for there to be a “correct” way to live.

I did some menial jobs and that motivated me strongly to get a stable programming job in an air-conditioned office, that allows me to create genuinely new stuff sometimes and also browse reddit.

meh. chris-chan said it better

top reply is literally "check your privilege"

what a time to be alive

It seriously amazes me just how bad some people are at handling those with serious mental issues. You’d think by now they’d learn.

Honestly, if OP is so unhappy and miserable then he should be allowed to kill himself. Why should the depressed person be the one that's gotta stay miserable and alive so everyone else can ignore em unless they need something?

Because according to the vast majority of mental health professionals, when you’re so distraught that you actively consider suicide, your true self isn’t at the wheel, rather a destructive and overwhelming force inside of you.

Now, I am of the opinion that some people really are just suffering in this world and death would be a true relief. But we should never just assume that from the get go, considering how complicated the human brain is. If someone has even a slight chance of getting better, we should take that chance. It’s only after we’ve exhausted every possible option that suicide should even be on the table of discussion.

To explain further, it's called call of the void or some shit, and it's usually more about curiousity than being sad. But being sad does make that shit start.

Call of the void? It's more like the world is so boring it's a debate wheter one should stay or not. I mean, you will eventually die.. so why hasten the process.

Btw, is this drama? I'm shocked

Shock at wat now.

Dude it is literally your own brain trying to brutally murder you.

Who draws that line though between your true self and your not true self?

Psychologists apparently

We don't know a perfect answer for where the line is yet, but you yourself are a much worse judge for it than professionals.

Mental health professionals. They’ve studied the human mind for years and know more about how it works than we could ever hope to. There’s a damn good reason that just about every mental health professional advocates for cognitive behavioral therapy and medication over suicide.

Why do we give women enough bodily autonomy to kill fetus’s but not everyone else enough bodily autonomy to kill themselves, you ask????

Everybody should be able to kill fetus's imo, not just pregnant women.

Abortion is like my favorite thing

People killing themselves rarely think of how usefull their organs could be to save lives. Depressed shouldn't be allowed to kill themselves, they should get killed by doctors that can extract the most value out of their bodies.

So again, people who are depressed and want to end it have yet another road block. If they want to die, then let them IMO.

I want the universe to disappoint them one last time. Is it really too much to ask ?

Nah I just think its hypocritical and selfish of people to guilt them into staying alive because "they would be sad" yet they dont bother making time for that depressed friend.

You need someone to talk with buddy ?

No he needs a random bj

Who doesn't, tbh ?

BJ's are life

Wanna trade? Brojobs all around makes a strong society.

Nah, just my personal opinion on this. I'm doing fine compared to a few years ago. I just think its hypocritical of your friends and family to say that stuff when they dont bother when you try to reach out.

You're projecting, that's why he asked

No I'm not? I love how everyone goes "oh your projecting!" to try and insult someone. I think you guys may be the ones projecting considering I've said I'm fine 🤣🤣. But I do have a point with what i said.

Why should depressed people do anything for a world that's forgotten them? And I want an actual answer, not some lowball attempt of "oh you feeling ok?" or "your projecting, you ok?" that intentionally shuts down conversation cause the person your accusing gets annoyed.

Hmmm, just call 911 and then blow your brains out. They'll be able to get some of that shit out when the ambulance arrives.

They'll be able to get some of that shit out when the ambulance arrives.

Next time I see my doctor I am gonna ask him.

Why should people who are depressed and alone do something for people who dont care about them?

They should not personally, but we as a society should force them to.


Because we want that.

Well thank god we cant force them. That would be utterly fucked up. Besides, forced organ collection means we have fuck ups like Darqwolff living longer. Hes an ok Lolcow but man, his being a pedophile actively searching reddit for girls to groom is to much to overlook

Because we live in a society

he is allowed to kill himself, who's gonna stop him? he just doesn't have enough sack to do it

Because it makes other people sad. That’s literally the only reason. People would 100% prefer miserable people stay miserable forever so long as they’re alive. I’ve gotten into heated arguments with people over this.

Lawlz, you are a good kid and pretty young. You got a lot of time to turn anything around that's making you unhappy.

It's nostupidquestions, not a suicide hotline.

check 'em

How else would you react to this fucktard. Wah wah I live in the best situation in all of human history ):::::: peak white ppl nonsense tbh.

Lol just the world overall is better in a very general sense in no way means that guy’s life isn’t total shit. What a fucking dumb comment

From the way he wrote it, it sounds almost like hes begging for someone to tell him shit like "itll get better, keep your chin up, you dont need material possessions to be happy, there is hope in the future" etc

Problem is that he wrote it all up like an obnoxious and whiny mayo, thus completely cutting down on the number of people who would show care and support otherwise lol

Trump Derangement Syndrome is almost always self-induced so mustering sympathy for sufferers ain't easy

No, it's lying-media induced usually.

Yeah but it's your own fault if you're enough of a retard to just 100% believe everything you read

dude bussy lmao

If he wasn't going to kill himself before he's def gonna do it now thanks reddit


hahaha trolled the libs gud again

Lol. A miserable idiot that doesn't want to be happy, just wants everyone around to be just as miserable. I can't empathize with these kinds of people

I think these are the people we should be empathizing with the most, because there must have been some SERIOUS that they went through for them to get there.

I don’t think it’s okay for people to be that way, and that’s empathy is important here: we identify why and how things turned out that way to prevent it from happening again.

If by SERIOUS you mean they were spoiled as kids and now they have to work for a living and it's haaaaaaard. Then sure.

I mean...they talk about how they’ve been raped in the past. That’s some serious shit that no one would blame them for turning suicidal over.

Eh didn't see that. The way they respond to shit is still comical though. "Rainbows" "Acid Rain" "cookies!" "starving children" its like Eyore became a person.

Wewlad, what a flair.

Out out out

Honest question, why are you and the rest of these people fighting so hard and talking down to OP? He is obviously miserable and just done with life and finds no joy. How is it selfish for someone who has ZERO joy in life to kill themselves and end the constant misery?

Yet it's not considered selfish for everyone else, who does live happy fulfilling lives, to bitch and whine to the depressed that they'd "be so unhappy if anything happened". So basically the miserable depressed person is just supposed to suck it up and be miserable all the time for everyone else's sakes? How in the slightest way is this fair?

randomBJtime with the hard hitting questions.

But have you seen a puppy?!?!?!?!

Wait...does this sub think people committing suicide is a good thing?

Depends... are they white people?

He's assuming the lives of other humans are not also racked with hardships and tribulations. A lot of humans can live good, wholesome lives in spite of dire circumstances, not because they are lacking such events. Cynicism, in my opinion, has worryingly become the default response many adopt to sadness. It's time for hope and fruitful, determined ambition to make a comback.

We live in a world where I can have Taco Bell delivers to my house from an app on my phone.

There has never been a better time to be alive.

Faggot vegan commie that hates america, wants to commit genocide against half the population and any of those who disagree with him, thinks that happiness is for the brain dead.

I couldn’t think of any good reason to justify your edgy existence at that point. He should follow through with his An Hero.

Damn, what do you have against gay people man?

Their very existence.

Are you being serious right now? Why does their existence trigger you so much?

You’re in r/drama you retard, untighten your sweet little pink bussy. Then again looking at your name in guessing that’s next to impossible.

It is objectively the best time in human history to be alive. You can live a high tech dense urban lifestyle, you can join a hippie commune in the woods and farm organic sugarbeets. You can scratch a living off rabbits and fish in the Idaho wilderness on your own. You can drive around the country in a van and live off odd jobs and seasonal work (I highly recommend this.) Every single bit of knowledge is at your fingertips. The possibilities for making connections to people around you are limitless. Getting free or reduced price things to start new hobbies (along with all the advice you could want) is trivially easy. Life expectancies keep rising even though all we consume are twinkies and mountain dew.

Absent genuine mental illness, being this depressed about modern life is irrationally and monumentally stupid. Everything is fine you fucking jackass.

I am with you, but life expectancy is actually dropping at the moment again

That’s because people are obese.

Lol there are tent cities dude, I love GPS and modern medicine so fucking much but let's not just be some fucking "go do thing" tier retards

Have you considered not being a whiny bitch and going and doing something?

I'm doing fine but I have enough perspective to not tell destitute people to go live in a van or find hobbies like some fresh out the suburbs retard.

I have met (and befriended) enough of the destitute to realize that the non mentally ill among them possess the ability to reason, earn money, have interests and plan ahead. I know that people like you think of them as subhuman mongoloids incapable of agency, but I still say they are human. Kinda.

Oh so you're solution is "do nothing" dope.

Wow my solution is to learn English, partner.

Haha gottem

Big if do

You can drive around the country in a van and live off odd jobs and seasonal work (I highly recommend this.)

Is it still possible with all the low skilled labor immigrants around? Like, I saw people pointing out how Jack Kerouac's stuff about doing farm work in the summer, then living off it driving around is something only boomers enjoyed, but on the other hand it's extremely probably that none of those people ever tried that, so I'm readily listening to your opinion.

I'm working a harvest in Montana as we speak. Got my hard hat on and everything. 16.50 an hr, 12 hrs a day for 3 weeks, plus overtime. There is stuff like this (not to mention entire websites full of jobs like coolworks) everywhere, especially in the last couple years.

As for the general vandweller types, there are people of all ages doing it, not just boomers.

Is there a location you'd recommend to visit? Besides Rushmore and Yellowstone, the diagram of America's cultural and natural significance I can think of is a bit limited.

Big Sur, Redwoods, Moab, etc. There are hundreds of places to get lost in around this country.

T. Hanks. I really want to see Alaska, too. I want see the Northern Lights, and feel isolated in the cold for a while.

What are you doing in Montana? I've done seasonal work on and off for the last 7 yrs. Up until this summer I've spent my summers river guiding on the east coast and my fall/winters doing something more lucrative like working harvest on a farm in norcal. I've also pulled a rickshaw at the largest renaissance faire in the country and I've worked for a company travelling the states and setting up conventions and expos but I'm always looking for other types of work.

Sugarbeet harvest, working at a piling station. Multiple piling sites out here. Only 3-4 weeks, should pull in around 5k+ if all goes well. How do you find your jobs? Word of mouth kind of thing?

What's a piling station?

I usually find work by word of mouth from other seasonal workers but I've found seasonal work off of craigslist and other help wanted websites. River guiding is probably the most enjoyable job I've ever had but the money isnt the greatest. The renaissance faire was cool because I only worked the weekend but I was making 300-600 $ a day and I could work a part time job during the wk. Recently, I've been thinking about taking a job on a fishing vessel off the coast of Washington, the money looks decent for the 1st yr and supposedly gets better as you gain seniority.

I did it for years. I would spend my summers river guiding in east Tn then take a fall/winter job either working on a farm in norcal, pulling a rickshaw at the biggest renaissance faire in the country or traveling the states working for a company that sets up large conventions/expos. Each of those winter jobs paid a lot and limited my living expenses because they provided housing and sometimes food so I was able to save 10-20 k, go sit on a beach in a 3rd world country at the end of winter thru spring then head back to East Tn for rafting season.

You know sometimes I get why the African tribes people that don't know what toilet paper is are actually happy. If you're a male you're a hunter and actually have an extreme Direct impact to your tribe's well being, and are thus celebrated. In America while our standard of living and medical care is awesome (even if expensive) were depressed and have existential dread due to jobs with no real reward. Punch in and punch out and go home to video games with no real meaning or purpose in life.


white people can't dance

Wow okay. So a few people have PMd me telling me that I should kill my self because I’m a waste of human life and a drain on society. Are they right? Should I just do it? I don’t want it to hurt though.

This will be my only comment to you. You NEED to off the Internet, it’s very clearly not good for your mental health. The internet hasn’t “opened your eyes,” it’s only severely warped your perception of reality. You need more professional help than you’re currently getting, and DO NOT LISTEN TO ANYONE WHO TELLS YOU TO KILL YOURSELF. They’re wrong and committing a crime by doing so.

Good luck, I hope you get the help you need.

This whole wokeness fatigue bullshit is stupid as fuck. Check this shit man, go live it up for a month or get fucking help with the issues you have. Suicide is for pussies with no imagination or drive to do fun shit.

Suicide is for pussies with no imagination or drive to do fun shit

Well, and people with depression. Not just people who go "time to off myself" for no reason.

When I say fun shit, I mean shit that gets the adrenaline flowing. No way a motherfucker will be sitting on the internet while they're skydiving. Get tattoos and piercings. Ain't going to matter if they still plan on killing themselves. Why the fuck not live it up.

Suicide is very dangerous and thus is for professionals, who have had successful experiences killing themselves in the past, only. No matter how bad life may be now, it can always get worse when you're living it with permanent paralysis, disfiguring scars, or brain damage from a botched attempt.

Report it to the admins and get off the internet.

Name a singular reason why I shouldn’t be constantly longing for death like I do pretty much every day

I've got nothing

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Imagine being so retarded that you think trying to be happy is retarded. This is peak woke mayo.