Someone on r/literature dares to make a joke, whole sub REEEEEEEEEEEEEs

1  2018-10-12 by quality_bratwurst


Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


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For real saying "First Blood" is US propaganda gives up the game they've never read the book.

But the book in question isn't First Blood, which was the story of the treatment a PTSD afflicted veteran receives at the hand of his fellow countrymen. The book is Rambo, in which a jacked and juiced ultimate killing machine goes back and wins the Vietnam war whilst also killing many Russians for the lulz. All without wearing a shirt. The case for propaganda is more compelling here.


Well the joke is a bit shit - but it's more you posted it in the wrong sub.

that is the joke you protein deficient clown

protein deficient clown


Hey, don't confuse hypermasculine /r/literature subscribers with protein deficient vegan soyboys and male feminists

Well, Рэмбо is better than all of the Accidental travel books (the most popular genre in Russia): something like 'Communist cuck travels to the Star Wars universe and teaches them about Lenin and Marx'.

That actually sounds hilarious ngl

"The Red Padawan" lmao

My favorite one is called "Comrade Hitler: Hang Churchill", with fitting art

This is amazing. I have unironically found a new respect for Russkieland

Holy shit I am now woke

Now this is radical centrism

What's the name of the genre in Russian? I am desperate to see more cover art like this

Thank you. This is the kind of stuff that makes slogging through the refugee ghettos and agendaposts all worth it in the end.

Does that shit say book 2? This is a series?

Interestingly enough, Hitler fought in the trenches of WW1 and earned the Iron Cross with valor for pulling a heavily wounded officer out of no mans land under a heavy volume of direct fire.

Another popular Russian genre that is infesting the minds of our youths is the litRPG.

Taking inspiration from the greatest story ever told (Sword Art Online) this genre encompasses everything from “trapped in an mmo” to “video games are real now” and my personal favorite “Aliens brought zombies and dinosaurs to earth and are streaming it for the lulz.”

Now you too can experience the joys of grinding with none of the agency and choice!

light novels, oh no

Tasukete Onii-chan

Not being able to ping is the most painful thing I've ever experienced. I can't even. I'm literally shaking. I have spilled tendies. I cannot even get hard for my waifu pillow. I still shagged yer nan though, m8.

Looks like you need some #selfcare

The fuck you hash-tagging for?

Yes I do, I'll bring out my MLP plushies for this.

Don’t know if trolling but this is how you spell “Rambo” in Russian. This is just a translation of the original version reproduced and translated in Russian.

Cyka blyat almighty, that's the joke.


сука is not the same thing as "cyka". Write "suka" instead next time :)

No. Literally everyone knows this and they write cyka anyway because it looks like the real thing. Am I being trolled or are you this autistic?

Am I the real autist for falling for it?

Anyway, kys fam

kys bot

You misspelled sucka, sucka!

Is simply joking trolling? "Did Google translate that for you?" that's trolling. I'm 34, I know what Russian looks like and I like to point out the similarity n giggle... I guess "Silly" is dead these days.

Subscribers here like to have our safespace of high brow or more seriously minded books.

Actually, in the Russian version Pembo gets a job as an English teacher at a repressive all boys prep school. Pembo's infatuation with poetry and homoeroticism prove infectious when his students form a secret society to emulate Pembo's "Europeanism." This puts the boys on a collision course with their procrustean teachers and parents with Pembo caught in the crossfire...

NGL I would watch the shit out of a Rambo/Dead Poet's Society mishmash.

O Trautman my Trautman

This puts the boys on a collision course with their procrustean teachers and parents with Pembo caught in the crossfire...

  • Crustacean

Makes post on reddit, surprised people react like absolute autists.

The worst thing about reddit are the retards who actually react to the autists and engages in an internet sperg out.

Tbh that's the best part

Lmao. I like that the OP is also REEEEEing.

Imagine being such a massive pseudointellectual sperg that you can't even get a joke.

Is one of their top posts about Catcher in the Rye?

I bet they have some totally fresh takes on 1984

It was supposed to be a warning, not, like, an instruction manual, man!

Something the government dod that was bad; the government is now 1984.

Socialism is bad... Just read George Orwell!

Socialism is so bad, even George Orwell was a socialist!

Umm actually today's society is more like Brave New World, ever heard of it?


Catch-22 is fucking great.

I really liked The Turner Diaries.

Oh, you mean toilet paper? We call toilet paper toilet paper. Did you know that? Fascinating, isn't it? What is yours? only one company is allowed to make shit wipes? Some other weird ancient shit that your country can't let go of that keeps it still racist as all fuck? No I guess it's just ass wipe with a asinine name. Fuck Doctor Who, hitchhiker's is better by far and everybody knows it, Doctor Who is just a crappy runoff. And I really really really enjoyed The Hitchhiker's movie. I'm sure you feel conflicted about that amongst your own sexuality - not that there's anything wrong with that. Lady Diana was totally murdered.

new snappy quote when

I can already tell you are a Deplorable.Your mother must be so proud to raise a bigot.You being a loon causes deaths everyday.Just remember, people like you will cause global warming to destory earth.crony.

aaaand everything is deleted

I know, being tardy to the party sucks sometimes.


I was banned from r/literature for this post

I hope you all appreciate the sacrifices I make for drama

Shallow and pedantic.

Narrow and precise.

I was banned too so don't feel bad. That sub is garbage

What did you do?

Back when Junot Diaz was accused of assault, a bunch of people on that sub basically said they knew because they were in his "literary circle" but didn't say anything. I kept asking why they would choose to hold back information and then virtue signal about it later and was banned

Oof, that sucks.

It's a shame, it can be a really good place for conversation but it's also full of some of reddit's most stuck up people.

Book cucked.


Thank you for your service.

holy shit comments look like the Armenian population in Turkey