Drunk coed walks into OPs bedroom and strips her clothes off. So OP does what any male Redditor would do in this situation: calls the police and develops PTSD. Take that, gussy!

1  2018-10-14 by TUMS_FESTIVAL



You are receiving this message because you posted in defense of Donald Trump. I no longer provide individual responses on this matter. It has been my experience that Trump supporters are universally incapable of accepting verifiable truths about him and, by extension, themselves, thus rendering discussion pointless and, therefore, a waste of time.

I wish you all the best in your ongoing battle with reality.

Yours respectfully, a logical person.


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gay bot


Now, on November 1st, I have to appear in court to testify against her (Commonwealth of PA vs. Girl). What should I do to prepare. I've never appeared in court before.

all he had to write to get the exact same answers

imagine typing all that up so u can virtue signal to legalcels u didnt rape some drunk girl ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

absolute state of soyboys

To be fair, he did mention that the drunk girl told him to gtfo from 'her room'. It's not like she was down for a fuck anyway

Uhm, I'm afraid it was her room after she gained entry. See Gussy v. Entitlement.

Oh yes. I'm sure this is reality and not some spun up fiction to justify your hatred for wamen because they won't give Gussy.

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"dude gussy lmao" -headasplodes

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desiring Gussy on /r/drama

๐Ÿคจ Where do you think you are, friend?

Oh friend, you're mistaken. I don't desire it. I desire to make incels angry. That just so happens to coincide with the propagation of gussy-supportive propaganda.

angry incels

We don't need gussy to be happy we have each other and bussy. girls are cancelled here

Lol. Incels totes notmad itt. You're implying a lot of the peeps on here aren't just wanna be twinklets. They want Gussy(eww) but they are in denial. They'll say anything to justify their inability to procure disgusting gussy.



Bitch please

Nothing is ever real, except misogyny.

This is a /r/MGTOWWOM sub

no means yes though

actions>words consent isn't all about words. If she's parading a naked body around your room, she wants to fuck

Op is on an IV of straight soy milk

Cow milk gives you man titties. Not hot for anyone. You bet your sweet asshole I'm drinking soy milk.

Soy gives you actual tits though.

I only drink almond "milk" mixed with onion juice.

Virtue signalling is just autist memespeak for choosing your words carefully and having moral convictions. I know both of these concepts are foreign to the empathetically-challenged but I'm trying to be "nice" here and tell you that you're retarded for using that phrase.



lmao @ uuuu bud

I love when you talk durty mmmm

take it bb


Oh daddy I'm gonna เผผ เผŽเบถ เทด เผŽเบถเผฝ

Read that as testosterone-challenged

It's doing that but in an over the top way that's obviously just meant to show people how virtuous you are.

Like when non-transgender people say their pronouns are he/him and shit like that. Does this hypothetical guy not understand people will assume those are his pronouns are he/him like the vast majority of men? Of course he does. He just added his pronouns to show everyone how "Woke" he is.

He does have good self-control, got to give him credit for it

Pretty impressive impulse control for a male, I will give him that.

or he's afraid of women

that didn't happen

Upon entering my room, she told me "this is my room" and "I'm going to take a shower and you better be out of here by the time I'm done."

he didn't leave so its cut and dried rape here

to which the drunk female replied that what was happening was illegal.

she'll remember what things he did soon

Imagine have levels of game this far into the negatives.

Imagine wanting to touch drunk Gussy in 2018. That shit is scary, fam.

Hi! A "person" from this sub has a message for you.

The message is as follows:

"dude gussy lmao" -headasplodes

This person found your comment funny and wanted to let you know. Have a nice day! ๐Ÿ˜Š

I am a bot

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This, but the irony levels are zero

just stay away from mayos and feminists

And lolicon lusters

meh, there's nothing wrong with liking 2D lolis or anime teen girls, or preferring a petite frame on 3D girls. Its all good

Fight me irl

Dude look at any fem rally and you'll find a bunch of wrong-raced people there, not just mayo

She was probably fat.

we don't have to imagine tho


Lmaoing ( ๐Ÿ˜‚ ) at burgers having to waste time going to court and testify about the fact that someone was drunk. Just fine her and move on.

Should have exercised your 2A, good luck that rape conviction.

incels of /r/drama making this about rape lol

They gotta have their wins somewhere in life. Even if the wins are only in their heads

m*leoids are pathetic, what else is new

When some chik walks into this dudeโ€™s apartment and gets naked, he straight up calls the cops?

Thot status: PATROLLED


Well, some girls, you don't really want to have them drunk and naked in your bedroom. Maybe she was an /r/twoxchromosomes user.

solid point, could have been a fat uggo

I am a lawyer. The dress nice advice isn't helpful. People dress like dirt bags all the time for court. This guy is a witness and he doesn't care about the outcome. They subpoenaed him without preparing or even talking to him. He owes them nothing.

Found a cop

It's incorrect advice.

A lot of court houses have dress codes. Even if you're a witness, the lawyer will instruct you to show up dressed nicely because if you're subpoena you will have to show regardless and if you show looking like a bum the judge can issue a contempt fine on the spot if you look like a hobo.

Of course, a lot of this is up to the judge in question, but why risk it when all you have to do is put on a button down shirt for fucks sake.

How much fucking work is it to throw on a pair of khakis and a button down though? Millions of people go to work like that every day.

Not the average redditor though, theyโ€™re too triggered to earn money

the judge can issue a contempt fine on the spot if you look like a hobo.

Land of the freecels. Pathetic.

This is retarded

That's way nicer than what I wore to jury duty, and I (1) love the judicial system and jury duty, and (2) have the financial resources to buy nice clothes.

op might be a weirdo but the real space aliens are in the comments

this is why doors have locks

Imagine being THIS soy...

Lol he only called the cops because she wasnt interested and demanded he leave his own room

I have a feeling this would have ended differently if it was not some loser beta alone in his dorm

What a little fag lol. Perfect opportunity to fuck a bitch. She probably wouldn't even remember it bro you fucked up

Now imagine he woman was at with purple hair, and a nose ring hoop of some kind.

She must have really needed a shower