The Battle for Dramacord: Tom and Jerry Edition

1  2018-10-14 by justcool393

First, some background...

Back in 2015 when IRC was still a thing (lol), the #drama IRC channel on Snoonet became entrenched in drama between TwasIWhoShotJr and BipolarBear0. Eventually, #drama would be safe from the evil clutches of BPB. You can read about that in this thread on /r/DramaArchives.

Fast forward to March 7, 2017 (1488944313), the Drama Discord was created. Initially, there was mod drama over it. aboynamedsu and Mircy fought over the Discord's existence and officialness. su removed many posts on it. Eventually, the IRC died and the Drama Discord was victorious.

All was good until November 2017. There's a process to request a Discord for deleted accounts (a la /r/redditrequest), and /u/shitpost953 (jerry) would end up requesting it.

He would become the server owner and keep it, but Mircy was the de facto owner.

However, in May... became clear that jerry had no intention of giving server owner up. There was a giant fight in the mod channel about it. Things were somewhat stable until about August 20th.

The old Harem Defender role (which was created in response to KK (/u/Nom_Chompy)'s nuking of the server) and Mir's role was stripped of its permissions and changes were made to it, probably in order to gear up for being partnered or something (Discord hoodies are really important!). He instituted some dumb stuff about partnering with other servers.

At the time, a coup was planned among the mods (specifically at the time, me, tphecca, PIMM). As a protection measure at the time, his subreddit permissions were changed to no permissions (image, archive). However, this never eventuated, because Mir convinced jerry to give the server back to her.

He was eventually made an admin again, and most things were back to normal for the time being.


IanPatrick1966, better known as Grandpa Tick Tock, joins the Discord while the subreddit is private (he was under the assumption that the subreddit was banned). Like clockwork, tick tock reported a bunch of people to Trust & Safety. Probably the only good thing that came out of that was that a bunch of furries were suspended by Discord Trust & Safety. At least they're woke on that question.

Mir was also suspended in this ban wave.

It was agreed that we would plan out who got the server. Eventually it was agreed that it would go to PIMM. However, once the month timer ran out, Jerry would be the first person to request the server, despite what was agreed on. Basically the same thing happened again.

The only one who had permissions to do anything was Mir now (excepting jerry), although jerry wasn't acutely aware of this. jerry had also reinvited moderators that were removed by Mir and the other mods by consensus.

Here's the audit logs: 1, 2, 3

And so... the nuclear option was put into motion

After some discussion, we went for the operation that would take inspiration from our very own moderator, KK. A DM group was formed and the admins of Dramacord. Given that we were mods, we could at least siphon users from Drama, but Mir had de facto admin, which gave her the ability to add and remove other admins, so this made anything we wanted to do quite a bit easier.

On October 14th, KK's ghost once again wrecked the server, this time more thoroughly. Mir gave the Drama bot (ImpBot) administrator permissions, as well as me, Dimensi0nal, and a few others. All of the roles were removed, the server list was pruned, and anyone else who wasn't pruned was just banned. Here is the bot's log from the event.

We pinged everyone as well and told them to come over to the new server.

At the same time, to prevent /u/shitpost953 from switching modmail in retaliation (because he'd be the one to do that), his subreddit permissions were taken away.

And so this concludes the battle for Dramacord.


Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. this thread -,*,,

  3. /r/DramaArchives -,*,*

  4. /r/redditrequest -,*,*

  5. /u/shitpost953 -,*,*

  6. /u/Nom_Chompy -,*,*

  7. nuking of the server -,*,,

  8. his subreddit permissions were chan... -,*,,

  9. image -,*,

  10. archive -,*,

  11. tick tock reported a bunch of peopl... -,*,

  12. 1 -,*,

  13. 2 -,*,

  14. 3 -,*,

  15. A DM group was formed -,*,

  16. Here is the bot's log from the even... -,*,

  17. We pinged everyone as well and told... -,*,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Y⭕️u're👊 n🅾w ⭕️ne☝️ 🅾f 3️⃣ 🖖🅿️e🅾🅿️le👨🏿👩🏻👦🏽 ℹ️'ve 🅱l⭕️cked😡❌🚷🚫‼️ 🅾n 🅱eddit👽. ℹ 💁d⭕️n't even Ⓜ️ℹ️nd💅 🅿️e🅾🅿️le 👦🏽👴👵🏼👮🏻 s🅿️er🅱ℹ️ng ⭕️ut😡😤😤 at Ⓜ️e😱, 🅱ut wh🅰t ✋☝️ℹ d🅾 Ⓜ️ℹ️nd👀😤 ℹ️s just the c⭕️Ⓜ️🅿️lete😣 l🅰ck 🅾f re🅰l™💯🕵 🅰r🅱uⓂ️ents.📚

Y⭕️u're 👊👐✋just 🅱🅾rℹ️ng🙄😣.


  1. archive - Outline

  2. Here is the bot's log from the even... - Outline

I am a bot for posting links. github / Contact for info or issues

pitterpatterwater BTFO


womp womp

my guy, if the concern was modmail switching, which I'm pretty disappointed you would accuse me of doing, especially after you yourself just nuked a server with 1k people in it, why didn't you just remove my config perms? you wouldn't be telling porkies, now, would you?

because it was quicker to uncheck one check box then to uncheck one and check a bunch of them.

this is a disgusting accusation jc.. seriously, memes aside I never said anything of the sort.

eh it was probably Kenjamin then. you definitely seemed to be ok with letting that rumor run though.

wtf are you even talking about.. I'm okay with you being called a pedo? what am I supposed to do about taht.. I made a comment earlier defending you saying you couldn't be a pedo because you are much younger than people think you are then deleted it because I didn't want to give up your game.

I'm okay with you being called a pedo?

yeah. you're pretty ardently defending /u/Babypenis69 (Kenjamin) and have been for the past few months.

Why did you ping me? You seem very tilted.

talking about someone behind their back is rude.

I know. That's what I told mir and pimm and them when they talked about you but they just didn't listen :(

you trying to create a rift between me and the rest of the mods doesn't really work when you don't know the full story.


damn son that post stung someone like a bee because it's gone now

apparently so. wasn't me who removed it. this is gonna get interesting.

Looks like PIMM deleted it 🤔 🤔 🤔

/u/PhysicsIsMyMistress Remember when we kicked T_Dumbsford off the mod team because we collectively agreed that mods abusing their powers to remove drama about themselves was lame and bad?

I don't follow

Kenjamin was the one that was doing it.

hi just wanna alert you guys to the fact that this whole conversation sounds absolutely pathetic to literally every other human being on the planet

Way too few accusations are being flung, I'm disappointed.

i cba tbh.. I deserve to have my perms cucked just for that


you wouldn't be here if you didnt want pathetic petty drama.

user reports

1: We all know Justcool is just Pizzarollers there's no game to give up

That's a new one.

To be fair, I thought you were a pedo because you acted like one with dimensi0nal.

Why do things always devolve into ‘people’ calling each other pedos?

It's my go-to because it causes panic

It also seems to work pretty well. Elon musk has gotten out of a jam or two with it.


That name annoys the bejeezus out of me.

I kind of just assume all r/drama mods are either pedos, furries, bronies, or some other degenerate shit like that tbh family.

Most of us are just autistic tbh

no shit

I'm the worst. I'm a lawyer.

As a person seemingly capable of holding a job and some resemblance of normiehood, how did you get involved with these tards?

At work I have to treat self-destructive mongoloids seriously and with professional courtesy. Here I get to mock them, occasionally ban them, and generally mess with their reddit experience.

that's why, but not how

I'm a drama-seeking missile and this place generates as much as it records.

I'm not any of those things.


Tell us how you really feel. Were you mad when they cucked you?

no I was more curious how they did it.. sad to see a child die but glad it was under my stewardship.

it was gonna happen regardless of what avenues you closed short of demodding everybody, and even then...



is this not what a functional family looks like?? I've been gravely misled.

This is the first family that didn't beat me :(

it's never too late :)

Senpai :( but you still have to nuke them.

Its just like thanksgiving, uncle Jerry and aunt Mir are yelling at each other and Aunt Mir's poor dog pimm is hiding under the table.

on point

The drama wasn't supposed to come from inside the house! 😢😢😭

This needs blood and tears, rewrite this in a dramatic fashion.

who would have thought that getting a bunch of people dedicated to making drama in one place would cause drama 😂

This but ironically

This but unironically

What's odd is how well everyone usually gets along.

literally who cares. you and Mr 'I forgot my password' suck. Where's the foreplay. How is the common man supposed to enjoy this drama?

Bring on Thunderdome pls

i want to be in there with you :angry:


its a date :(

bring it u discount swede

consider it brought

Literally nobody cares

I do!

Tay would disapprove 😦

This is a Ye sub now

and he would think this is lit


Shoehorning that yetard into r/drama is cringey af.

Imagine not liking ye bc Orange man = bad

imagine thinking everything is about orange man

t. inbred

Why do magacels do this everytime?

The dire need to preserve their rumbling narrative plus fetal alcohol syndrome.

Your opinions are super mayo, so I can only assume tbf

Press B to skip dialogue


Pressing B now, sir

you are the worst poster

It's over for noonecarescels.

I realized about a week ago that I actually cared what people on Dramacord thought of me and I've been intensely suicidal spending most of my waking hours in bed since then.



That feisty old coot

You have to admire his determination tho

That's what I meant by feisty

hi friends it's me gom

hi gom how are you

Hi justcool it's me gom, why can't everyone just be friends?


✋🛑 We're wise to the MDEfugee encampment.


hi gom it's me dimensi0nal

hi dimensi0nal it's me gom


Hi gom it's me aonome

hi aonome it's me gom

Hi gom, were you active in snoonet years ago? I kinda remember your username.

Yes I was.

Hi gom it's me goofy

It should be mentioned that /u/justcool393 deleted the first thread about this, because he wanted to hide the fact that he is indeed a pedophile.

This is too long to read but I’ve been trained to upvote long posts because it fosters valuable discussion.

Dramacord’s purge cucked the shit out of 2bf’s. 😭

time for another one tbh

We need to cleanse the Dramacord-fugees.

so true

/u/broden 's administration has been a disaster from day 1

Dramafugees would've never been allowed to run amok this way under Normie.

/u/broden 's administration has been a disaster from day 1

No, the chaos is just normie's economy finally kicking into gear.

2bf is finished. Serialcord is the new hip joint.

I'll break your hip joint faster than Father Time on a Qultist.

Invite me bhai, I'm in SACcord already.

Sorry you have to be at least a 12/10 to get into serialcord

.....4d chess kid...heh....

slow claps into the shadows

Imagine taking a subreddit or discord server this seriously. You would have to be so autistic, half of your family would be too.

as if you're not heavily involved Kenjamin lmao


I left the Discord when Mircy started screaming at people that they were zionists for not hating Jews or something.

All I said is that israel stands for israeli occupied Palestine and that anti semitism is based

Though if you're a vile jew, I'll let you know I'm fond of long knives both physically and metaphorically.

Dude, larping as a teenage goth girl is just pathetic.

It's not roleplaying when you live it irl

Also it's cyberpunk not goth gross

It is when you're an adult male

Oh wow never heard that one before you're very original when it comes to insulting the trans

You don't really need to be original though. Biology is enough.

I don't deny being xy though? Idgi.

Call back when you thought out your own big girl insults tho

Probably the only good thing that came out of that was that a bunch of furries were suspended by Discord Trust & Safety. At least they're woke on that question.


Real question: why was Lawlz de-modded yet again, be it temporarily so?

not sure. wasn't the one who did it although I did reinvite him.



I did that

Poor /u/MasterLawlz; even when the parents are fighting they take time to bully him.

He deserves it.

y tho

Your latest post was very very unfunny

no u

Bipolarbear 3 years ago and how offsite /r/drama is peak degeneracy:

I don't hate discopig, I banned the user after abstaining for months despite half the channel repeatedly requesting I ban her.

The straw that broke the camel's back, and which caused me to get immense PMs about discopig in the channel: her story about dropping boulders off the interstate overpass in an attempt to kill people, and how she was so happy that she almost killed a family of four by doing so.

You make it sound like old /r/Drama threads were better than that. Lmao.

user reports:

1: > I'm not autistic >Let me talk about "old" drama

I'm sorry my memory goes beyond 2015, famalam.

How autistic do the mods have to be to fight over glorified group chat permissions like it's Game of Thrones. When is the last time you think any of then saw sunlight?

That's it I'm killing your character in Minecraft

Don't you fucking dare

What the fuck is the new discord, was away from my phone when this all happened

its on the sidebar.

Link is in the thread

It always happens. More so to small to midsized channels. This shit has been happening since the current standard of IRC was adopted (protip: discord is just IRC that snoops on you with VoIP).

It will happen to this iteration of the shitty discord and it will happen to the next iteration.

You're right sir.

All text channels/servers with hierarchies will result in shitty drama like this. It's kinda like how all politicians end up being corrupt; because the business of politics attracts people who are willing to go corrupt- people who care more about power than they care about morality.

Likewise if you're someone who's attracted to partake in an "online community" or whatever, and if that community is very hierarchical (as chat rooms usually are), chances are you're a drama-seeking retard.

No. Not really.

People are just shitty and want to run things how they think is best. Nothing about corruption dudelmao.

I don't know if you're talking about politicians or Discord tards, but in the case of the latter; there isn't exactly more than one way of running a server. "I'll run things differently" is not a good enough justification to try to take over a server a la game of thrones.

Thats just how people justify it. A change in regime doesnt necessarily mean corruption or "power" or "morality".

Who cares, it's just ircfags sperging out like usual.

back to freenode with em.

Thats just how people justify it.

My point is that people who justify it are the type of people who would spend time in Discord servers in the first place.

I think you're too hang up on what I said about politicians lmao. That was just an example. I don't think Discordfags are "corrupt" or lack morality.

I think you're just really far up your own arse.

A lot of people have and will go on IRC-type chat rooms. And a small minority will eventually try to take control and there will be splits and forks because people in the minority think they can run the server better.

That's just how it is.

Idk i feel like ure mad cuz i insulted ur irc buddies

t. NPC

I always say that being a Reddit mod is some Game of Thrones shit. I never would have understood until I experienced it myself but it's ridiculously political just like anything else in life. You become a mod for one reason or another. For me it was because I wanted to stop censorship and resist agendapushers, which is a tall fucking order politically and ironically requires learning how to push an agenda strangely enough. I've learned that I was naive as hell. I'm a disabled vet with nothing better to do or else I would have thrown in the towel long ago.

Thank you for your modding, not the country

Weekend /r/drama continues to be an embarrassment.

are we never not

no we're never aren't

That was a beautiful writeup tbh

well written but omitting key happenings

Like how you sperged?

what did i leave out?

The sperging

you gotta be more specific

Got a counter write up?


His take is uniquely retarded, he got 90 % wrong, just like his genes

it would get removed in 3 seconds

this is all very dramatic, i must say

It really is.

this shit fake as fuck

It's very real but very boring except when it happened

feels like...

feels like white ppl nonsense

this entire drama is perhaps peak white people nonsense.

just remember threads like these anytime literally any of these absolute fags try to claim high ground on this sub lol

dRAmaCorD gUyS

My only high ground is that onitan is closer to being caught

i mean you got yourself suspended from discord though. that's a pretty sad feat

I got tick tocked, it happens

I've never been in discord. I'm also not autistic. I can still call all of you "retards" if I like.

This is embarrassing for everyone involved

and they just dont stop lol

the discord is where all the most autistic meta drama goes down, like pizzashill getting doxxed and then deciding to nuke his account.

Never been to the discord, still heard of his doxxing/nuke, and his gf. Never heard him or jerkoff talk though. What does the pizza sound like?

very high and nasal kind of voice.

So, any way to come back to the new server, didn't accept in time.





internet janitor nonsense 😴😴

Ban anyone who has ever used the /r/Drama discord from the sub IMO.

I think I can speak for all of us when I say 😪😪😪😪

jerry approved my reddit account during the refugee crisis & the border shutdown. i was temp-banned after about a week because apperantly u cant post filled reddit complaint forms about this sub but whatever. point is that jerry will always have a special place in my heart

don't cry for me argentina <3

Why is a Discord so important?

Just walk away nigga like turn off the PC lmao

There's a process to request a Discord for deleted accounts

This got me confused but it made sense later on. You mean that there's a request for ownerless servers.

its basically redditrequest but for discord

Ye ye, it makes sense. When I read "deleted accounts" I initially thought you could reclaim deleted accounts and shit, but of course when you think more than 2 seconds about it that's a horrible idea.

Holy shit ticktock is still around? haha

ye jc let him into the server and he ticktocked like 8 people in a day.. dude's prodigious autism is respectable.

yeah he never left us tbh

It’s basically Mayocord VS duex )which is freeze peach) and not super cliquish

nuclear take from the broken mind of a benzojunkie

literal neet(unemployed)




zero personality/sense of humor


And yet I’m still a fan kippy keep up the good work

I thought you were a stimmy?

I only did rc benzos for a couple months, not a fan over all but clam was pretty crazy. Been sober for two months. Not a fan of uppers tbh

Listen to your inner monologue and just do it, junkie

Like the vagina monologues? Gussy no thnx

Like clockwork, tick tock reported a bunch of people to Trust & Safety.

I don't use discord, is this the equivalent of snitching to mods/admins on reddit? What did they actually get suspended for?

yes, almost exactly. not sure exactly what each person got banned for.

drops didn't get a reason, but he thinks it was for his 911 memes.

Stop fighting, children.


After some discussion, we went for the operation that would take inspiration from our very own moderator, KK

Not like this...not like this...

thank you for your service to the Drama community


Tbh this is one of my problems with discord they can boot you anytime they want. In order to get booted off a colo or a vps you would need to be getting hit by a fairly significant and sustained ddos. Not having some old geriatric with nothing better to do angry posting. Run your own services when ever possible kids.

As a mod of r/Deuxrama I demand an invite to the discord, a mod position, and bussy

Goddamn, internet janitors have the best drama.

Put some sex in there and we got ourselves a HBO spinoff show.

you have no idea ;)

This pales in comparison to the time /u/Mircy dared me to call Delkes a nigger and then I did and Mircy banned me.

Who are you?

that's rehis

Rehis is awesome husky guy? Mircy is really a malevolent dictator.

Hi Lorena is this what your life has become? Stanning for Rehis against my girl Mircy?

You mean man? Lol, what my life has become? You mean actually having real friends and not deluding myself that being an SJW with sad losers and literal crack whores on the internet?

So you are Lorena then. Huh. Why do you hate Mircy?

She's one of the most unpleasant, narcissistic people I've ever had the displeasure of encountering. Y'all need Jesus.

But what did she do that's got you turnt

Among other things, screeching at me that I was a Zionist for having a conversation she was not involved in about how massive the Jewish contribution to art and literature was.

She doesn't like Zionists.. I don't remember this incident however. I do remember you being nicer in the discord than this, though. What turned you so mean

She was an absolute cunt to me for no reason on multiple occasions. Also, I actually have a life and listening to coked up sex addicts whine about wanting to fuck Cirque is boring af. My default setting is nice but I get mean when people are shitty to me.

Rehis buying you video games over the internet isn't a life

I haven't played video games since I was 17 unlike you degens.

Ye that's me

Rehis obv

I have only banned you over the praying mantis thing

What are you even on about

You killed praying mantises and they're my fave bugs

I don't remember this. Prolly about squashing a mantis and my buddhist friend reeee'd about it cuz that's the only time I killed one

Prolly that



Imagine caring about gaycord

not caring about gaycord is for hets tbh

serialcord is the only real gaycord

someone kill me for actually reading this post

Eventually, the IRC died and the Drama Discord was victorious.

the irc died way before then.

Also a lot of the pastebins from the bipolar bear vs JR are all gone ;-;

I miss the IRC channel. it was actually kinda fun before it died.

/u/justcool393 tldr? Is there a new dramacord or something? If so, how do I get there? Also, is this why I was pinged like 50 times by the discord server the other day while u was driving?

Tldr jerry took over dramacord under the guise of saving it, etc. Mir I and a few others were able to have enough perms to wipe it off the map so we did.

New dramacord link is on the sidebar.

But what about me, cerkies?

you can still join yes. see the sidebar.

Thx Mr. Nom Chompy

I had nothing to do with it tbh.

Y'all are imbeciles.

user reports:

1: Only sardiens care about discord drama, look this thread is full of them.

1: needs sticky again

1: Spam

Tbh this post is way better than mine, clears up a lot of stuff. I'd like to see Jerry's take on things, though, for centrism.

Jerry is quite possibly the bravest representative we've ever had. There have been some, a miniscule number, in the academic and political spheres who've advocated for our issues, but no one's ever put themselves out like Jerry has, COMPLETELY woke and giving zero fucks about the insane amount of negative backlash.

We should support the fuck out of him through his struggles. He's one of the very few who truly deserve our support.

Snally is a better writer, tbh

not denying that. everyone in dramacord wanted a write up and wanted it now so I obliged. there might be a part 2 if it's dramatic enough.

Thanks for taking the time to write it up, I wasn't expecting a response.

Do you own any nice PJ pants?

you're welcome. try to respond to comments if I can but most OPs don't and that is kinda lame tbh.

you're welcome. try to respond to comments if I can but most OPs don't and that is kinda lame tbh.

I do, but I don't have any recommendations if that is what you are looking for.

> being this old

Unironically dab on yourself, Grandpa. Lmao 😎

Mircy is a sad tranny cunt. Jerry is awesome. Team Jerry!!

Can we get special "Team Jerry" flair?

Jerry is ftm though, ever heard him speak?

This irrelevant shit gets a 3 page write-up, but the inside dirt on GB & Pals attempt to kill the sub and/or setting the sub private is not spoken of.

We were forbidden about talking about the other stuff by admins

It's just beautiful that a server created by NMJ's anarchist spergout specifically to be unmoderated would explode because of autistic mod drama.


The anarchy lasted all of two weeks though

Fuckkkk off rofl

no u

And the resistance dramacord is gated to add to the mystique...