Pocahontas turns out to actually be part Native American. /r/news has a polite discussion about it.

1  2018-10-15 by TUMS_FESTIVAL


Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


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This is the best possible outcome because since she's like 1/64 Native American, absolutely no one from either side will admit fault.

Oh boy, another week where policy takes a backseat to TMZ-vomit.

But she wasn’t wrong. It’s totally dumb, but all she ever said was that there were “family stories passed down” that they had some Native American ancestor at some point. Which is, apparently, true.

I’m not aware of her ever having made any claims beyond that.

I’m not sure what Trump’s point is about her, beyond some low level racism, I guess. I think there was some dumb conspiracy theory that she used her “Native American” ancestory to get a job, but she didn’t.

This is the dumbest political thing ever.

Why does it matter what her ethnicity is? What is America's obsession with being 1/32 Swiss or whatever the fuck it is and LARPing as being one of them?

Trumpoids made a fuss a year or so ago about how she faked it to get into uni and claim benefits and grand stand and stuff like that.

She did and she is only 1/100 native. So she took a visible minority scholarship despite being a mayo bitch

cope harder Cletus 😂😂😂

She is mayo as fuck though so even if she has some tiny bit native American it is obviously playing it up to say you're are a native American when you're just some honky.

She never claimed she wasn't iirc. Just that she had some some native heritage. It was Daddy and his meth hobgoblins that went ape with that forced 'Pochahontas' meme when they heard it.

Well she did list herself as a minority or something like that going from Wikipedia which is retarded as she looks white and not even just kinda maybe white like Italians or Greeks but full on blonde hair blue eyes white.

Only in fucking murica would you get some full on mayo talking about how they are kinda native American and it even being a thing to care about some 6-10th generation ancestor.

Avoiding the mayocide by any cost

Shame, Matues

Amerimutt coping mechanism

This tbh

She collected Gib Me's as a Native American. She's about as much Native American as most white people are Neanderthal.

Whatever happened to that guy suing the government claiming he qualifies for some affirmative action program because he's like 1/128 black? Hopefully having a Native American* President will bolster his case.

Americans are so retarded with the whole "oh i have a relative eight generations ago who was native American so I am native American".

But what am i supposed to do if I can't base my self worth on what race my grandparents from 200 years ago were?

Work hard and not take handouts like everyone else.

but that's unironically historically accurate definition, by the US 1900s standarts once you had one ancestor with non-mayo blood you were officiallly classified as non-mayo

of course r/drama is much more strict and applies nuremberg laws standards, less than 1/4 you are a non-mayo, or 1/2 you are a mayo, anything between sorta depends

but that's unironically historically accurate definition, by the US 1900s-1950s (?) standards once you had one ancestor with non-mayo blood you were officiallly classified as non-mayo

I think they generally just went from appearance though, they weren't digging through records to find out if you have non-mayo blood to check if you could drink from the mayo fountain.

They did. Please in Plessy v. Ferguson was 7/8ths white

of course r/drama is much stricter and applies nuremberg laws standards,

Also modern day US. I think you almost forgot you were citing a historical fact, not a modern-day one.

The one drop rule was meant to apply black ancestry, not native ancestry. One drop laws specifically targeted black people.

"I have one drop of blood respect my heritage also nazis saying I'm impure because of one drop of blood are totes awful"

So is Trump gonna donate that 1 million to the charity of her choice?

Maybe 1/512 of it.

He might actually be able to afford it then.

Lmao why are you making a poor person joke about Ronaldo Drumpo?

I might trigger someone.

That would be a remarkably good sportsmanship move of him.

Funny thing is, it would make him look good as well. But, since it is both the right thing to do as well as it would be a great PR move....

He definitely won't do it unless Ivanka gives him the "Wiggle in Daddy's lap"

liberal women will be mad because they won’t be able to reply “savage” to her epic trump takedowns anymore

Whoa, r/chapotraphouse actually said something funny.

Heyy, I'm that much black! That means I can say the nigger word!

As that shitty meme says; All of humanity originated from Africa, so we should all be able to say nigguh.

Same here, my fellow nigger. I'm also .1% Mongolian/Native according to 23 and Me so prepare to get raped.

99.999% white, 0.001% Native American LMAO