The following is just a link to Chief Elizabeth Warren's twitter account. 25+ tweets in less than 24 hours in a disturbing meltdown

1  2018-10-16 by OnionBits


I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


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I love how Trump has goaded all the other politicians into losing all their professionalism and playing his shitty game his way just be baiting them so well. He's an idiot but so are they, lol.

He's an idiot

Listen up Peter. You have too many phytoestrogens in your system.

"Never argue with a fool, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" - Attributed to Greg King and Mark Twain

or the Bible version:

"Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him" - Proverbs 26:4

The person who truly said that first was Anita Sarkeesian. Deny it and you're sexist.

based bible verse poster

It's fun watching people rediscover cultural knowledge that's literally ancient since postmodern thought arrived and assumed that nothing we know can be assumed true.

Whelp. Turns out people have known about this bullshit for thousands of years

that's not him that's just the political climate now, that's the reason he got elected in the first place. politics is now just about how hard you can btfo the other side, if you just sit there and take it you look like a bitch.

No, it’s him. Democrats are debating an idiot but they have sunk to his level and he’s beating them with experience

He's beating them because no matter how retarded he gets he is able to do it in a manner that carries appeal to at least some people from planet Earth. The dems have pushed their retardedness out to the vicinity of Pluto, and as those of us with knowledge of political history can attest: Plutonians rarely vote.

politics is now just about how hard you can btfo the other side

If only that was actually true.

For now we have retarded monologues going on in twitter, to accomplish.. something?

But she is really efficient. Native voting block being reminded of the mockery of trump at this time is really efficient. Cant fight clean with a dirty opponent

They go low

We go even lower

chief elizabeth warren of the waspanopee tribe. The white man stole 1023/1024 of their land and DNA.

Holy shit them comments lmao

Imagine priding yourself on the fact that your great-great-great-great-great grandfather raped some Yucatan gussy.

I forgot Daniel Day Lewis was 1/1032nd as well!


I think I know where all of this is coming from.

Has nothing to do with Trump and his bullshit. Let's for a second recall that for the Left, identity politics is everything. It is a major pillar of their mental make up and their activity through life.

Now, you can imagine why it is so important for Warren to prove that she belongs to and that she identifies with Native Americans because there's a line between appropriating vs. exercising the culture, between mocking vs. celebrating and between pretending vs. being true to one self.

She's afraid her own followers might shun her for saying things but not belonging.

Metaphorically speaking, she's afraid people will realize she does not own the N word.

Nigga you retarded.

Claims the left is obsessed with identity politics

Generalises the left as one homogenous group

You retarded.

Signed with global enlighted centrist

It's not centrist unless I take a liberal doing something stupid and blowing it out of proportion as if Trump doesn't do something more retarded literally every day

I'm just glad I can see who's who.

Anyone, even remotely defending what Warren is doing is certified moron.

You need to go back.

I think you are overestimating where the line is.

This is so dumb lol

idk the reason im fascinated with this situation and im sure this applies to most other rightoids, is that leftists like warren go on and on about affirmative action, all the while probably one of the most dogmatic leftists of our time literally abused AA as a privileged white person to at least enhance her career if not outright advancement. The fact that the progressive scion that is harvard pointed to this mayo femoid as a P.O.C enhancing their diversity is an utter joke.

You don't have to be "rightoid" to be offended by the concept you describe.

Nigga wut

I'd vote for her if I was an amerifat. She seems cool.

Did you think the word “amerifat” was funny?

More descriptive tbh. You people are huge.

I found in your post history that you're from South Africa. That's the fattest country in Africa. It's not hard to get that way when you're literally the only country with food in Africa, but your women are obese at the same rate as American women.

Enjoy your cows.

Lol, I'm white bro. It's the African woman who are obese.

So you're one of those racist pro-segregation guys aren't you

No, I hate everyone equally

make zimbabwe rhodesia again

Nah, if you're too weak to hang on to your colony you have to fucking deal with it. Might is right applies equally to everyone.

I agree, let's retake it

My personal belief is that South Africa should colonise them. Like half of them are already our servants and it would solve our access to land issues. They're useless and we would be doing them a favour.


Mayo women are never fine and I'm going to downvote you for implying something so racist


Only black men. I hate fat people.

Mayo women passing lot are literally the worst

its mostly the same here, tbh

Soul food aint good for your waistline.

there is not a healthy piece of food in my entire state and I still find it easy to not be fat.

I see the problem here. You can't help being a manlet and everyone looks like a giant to you in the USA.

I'm a tall woman. Sorry. Boers are tall.

Oh, a giraffe. Sorry about that.

How dare you imply I'm a ginger!

So how are the ANC rape gangs working out?

They haven't got to me yet. I'm still out here living my best life.

Good luck!

Do you prefer the more inclusive term ameritard?

I’m ready to stop the politics of hatred and division so we can bring back core American values like diversity and respect.

America was founded as a white ethnostate you dumbfuck.

She's totally has her breechcloth in a knot

It’s not a meltdown, stupid. It’s a rain dance.

in all seriousness I worked wall street buy side when the shit went down in 07 and I was a big fan of warren's character and her plans to reign in the insanity we were dealing with at the time

but then trump got elected and like so many people her brain just broke right in half, her twitter timeline from that night (and many nights since) is an absolute embarrassment and she comes off as a bitter shrieking harridan - basically a gender-swapped Trump from the other side of the political aisle

anyway I hope she's the Dem candidate in 2020 so when she loses we can all accused of being racists again

she was retarded well before trump, just because she spoke up against wall street when literally every one else was doing means nothing, i mean it was the far left barney frank that literally knew about the retarded shit wall street was doing and the retarded mortgages being handed out and said in congress "lets ride this bet a little longer" and he was one of the most anti-wall street rhetoricians.

Shes not a chief shes a mouthy squaw

Holy shit, what a fucking spergout.

First, she falls into Trump's trap by getting the DNA test, thereby validating his line of inquiry AND getting disowned by Natives in the process (fucking lol). THEN, in a desperate move to deflect and save face, she writes 50 unhinged rant-tweets within a few hours, thereby demonstrating how personal she's taking all of this.

She just doesn't get it.

More than half of all Native women have experienced sexual violence, and the majority of violent crimes against Native Americans are perpetrated by non-Natives.

That doesn't sound correct.