Trump refers to Stormy Daniels as ‘Horseface’ in official correspondence

1  2018-10-16 by die_rattin


I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


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The kanye whiteface... the absolute state of the left!

Dude paid $130,000 to fuck a horseface

Alpha af

And he just made it back through legal fees.

Pretty sure those go to his lawyers, them being legal fees and all.

Which he would have had to pay for.

But now Kathy Griffin and everyone who donated to her GoFundMe is paying Trump's legal fees. lol

Hahaha holy shit im diamonds rn thinking of that revenge to that catty bitch.

Not if he didn't spend $130K to fuck a horseface 🤔

That’s... not how money works.

We are skipping a step here. Catch up.

Money is fungible.

For a man supposedly drowning in pussy, you faggots sure love protecting his virginity though

Lol wut

Trump just admitted he paid $130K to fuck a $25 ho.

Unless he has psychic 12D Backgammon powers and knew he would get the money back in a lawsuit years later.

Hes a billionaire. Do you think 130 means anything?

If he's that rich, why the fuck is he pumping and dumping some truck stop whore?

I'd be banging top tier escorts with diamond-class pussies and not shitty strippers with bad boob jobs.

This was a while back. Dude, Stormy back in the day was hot.

lmao stormy back in the day looked like she was made out of plastic, for how much conservacucks love to talk about "real women" they sure dont seem to have any taste in them

Using one example to paint an entire group. Nice.

thank you for copping to your pleb-tier taste

Lmfao hey everyone, this dude is morally superior to me for having a preference in porn star bussy

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Hey, friend. I know a lot about whores. You are lining yourself up to get ripped off and look bad. You never judge a whore by looks alone. There are intangibles to consider. Do you even know what DPH means? That's "Dicks Per Hour" also known as CREAM. From the way you posted I know it never crossed your mind. The whore game is wall st. Buy low sell high. Little chumps like you are easy money. You need to implant some trash into your drama mindset. Next time you see a homely girl think of the money you save. No need to thank me.

Cock ream everyone around me?

cock reamed

A regular saturday night for ol' /u/loli_esports

Is he? Is he really?

Damn, I'm old enough to remember when Trump making money would have violated the emoluments clause.

Lmao my Republican GP didn't vote for him because of how hard he fucked over one of the business deals his company had with him

Deets pls. This is his worst quality by far imo

Trump is 72 and fat. Meaning he can't get it up anymore. Trump is an incel.


I bet Trump has had sex more recently than HRC

Pretty sure hillary is still a virgin

Did she produce Chelsea through budding?

pretty sure reptiles lay eggs

Cruz likes human porn tho, either he evolved or he’s their version of a furry

Grown in a tank, actually.

Nah, she got fucked 2 years ago.

While I'm inclined to believe you, Huma is a deep-cover moslim brotherhood honeypot. Pretty sure she puts out for her shot at taking 72 vcards

Good job mentioning Hillary, NPC, now talk about her emails.

Now that the NPCs are self-aware when will the creators shutdown the simulation?

Jesus I hope so. Fucking end this shit already. I'd pull the plug on it myself if I could.

Her (and John Podesta's and the DNC's) emails showed money laundering at the Clinton Global Initiative, mainstream media collusion and coded language that was hiding something.

Another subset of "her emails" consists of her deleting the government's property from her private server whilst at the State Department, having her good friend Bill Clinton meet the attorney general on a private plane that resulted in an FBI Investigation being dropped, and the Hilldawg-brokered Uranium1 sale of 20% of Murica's uranium TO THE RUSSIANS THAT NOW POWERS THEIR ELITE UNSTOPPABLE BOT ARMY THAT IS RUINING EVERYBODY'S LIVES.

Uranium One was signed off on by 9 separate agencies and doesn't even have export licences.

So whut. She strongarmed those guys, and now the RUSSIAN TROLL BOT FARM ARMY IS RUIINNG YOUR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC.

Clinton was one of the worst candidates who ever ran in the USA. If you're going to talk shit about her at least be accurate.


While I'm inclined to believe you, Huma is a deep-cover moslim brotherhood honeypot. Pretty sure she puts out for her shot at taking 72 vcards

That’s what viagra and penis rings are for bruh

Roofies you mean.

Found Bill Cosby

It's a bit of a self-own, that's for sure.

Nah, he just paid her to go away.

He paid $130,000 to NOT fuck a horseface.

That's the art of the deal right there bby.

To be honest if those were my only options I'd be paying the money too. I don't find her at all attractive.

That's because she is absolutely gross, which makes it hilarious that it Donny negotiated her down to a mere $130,000 to let him touch dem gnarly titties.

The worst deal, maybe of all time.

Maybe she wasn't as gross when this happened? Possibly before she got the tattoo belt to cover her ever expanding fupa?

The 130k was for her to not tell anyone, not part of the initial deal.

Well if it was more than $130,000 that’s a good deal then

She likely only got paid $1000-1500 per scene in adult films. Trump paid 86-130 times her usual rate. Art of the deal!

Pscho or not, that's great math. Well done.

Scenes probably take longer than 2 minutes, followed by a minute of painful wheezing to film. so like an order of magnitude better rate than that

refund from a hooker. lmao

I wish he somehow made a type and wrote "a total cont" instead of con

"She knows nothing about me, a total con!" is a rare display of self awareness from Trump.

Donald 'Robert California' Trump.

“The man is an enigma”

The difference between a comma and semicolon eludes him.

I still haven't decided if his or Bush II's grasp of English is worse though. They seem to be at an equal bar of stupid in that regard.

You say that like ebonic rappers don't sell records have a millie you tubers. If you can communicate, you can make the tards listen.

I can believe that W was a reasonably intelligent person who just sucked at public speaking. Like, I’m sure his written correspondence didn’t sound like they were written by a 13 year old mongoloid.

I could not say the same for Donald J. Trump. I’m pretty sure he’s actually as retarded as he seems.

Holy shit. I can't even count how many times I have looked at a Trump tweet and thought "That's gotta be shopped. He didn't really tweet that shit did he?" only to find out it was real. You could probably make up anything at this point and I wouldn't even check it out.

This is happening because selective reporting bias has gotten so overwhelming that we're witnessing the end of CNN/ABC/NBC as our country's kingmakers. Trump didn't really beat Clinton - he beat CNN. You'd think we'd sort of get that by now. How many times do you hear Trump whine about Dems? You have to actually stop and think about it - all of his time spent whining is spent on CNN and media.


Because every time the "media" is forced to report on something damaging to liberal causes or a Democrat, an angel loses its wings. They didn't like the fact that Stormy Daniels' case was just thrown out. Or that Warren's DNA is whiter than mine. Or yada yada

Trump's solution to this is to act in a way that they can't help but report it - "look out terrible Trump is .... about something we didn't want you to know".

Never underestimate the power of someone willing to be an asshole.

Yeah I've been saying for a few years now that by adopting all the tactics of spin and bias that they used to ridicule the right for using, the left is just making themselves look worse and they are starting to lose me. I have always been an independent but one that was far more likely to vote for a Democrat just for the simple fact that their policies generally align with my values more and that they were the fucking adults in the room! By abandoning all their scruples and principles and the truth in general I feel more and more insulted every day. I never expected the Republicans to act right so it didn't really bother me when they didn't. To watch what I loosely considered "my side" to sink to that level is really disheartening. I've become politically apathetic and the crazier they act, the more I want to vote against my own interests just out of spite. I might just rather be on the wrong side of history than be associated with such insufferable douchebags. At least radical centrists can still take a fucking joke.

You wrote all that, when a simple “I’m a fucking retard” would have sufficed? SMDH

About as unoriginal, low effort and as clever as the headasplodes bot but still technically a joke.. 2/10

Talk to the hand 🤚 sweaty


I never expected the Republicans to act right so it didn't really bother me when they didn't

Same thing really .

This whole “waahhh the left made me become a republican” is so played out at this point

A retarded ass sitting Senator just got trolled into admitting that she’s even more white than than the average white after claiming to be a minority for years, you’ve got your last presidential candidate blaming a young girl for falling onto her husband’s dick in the Oval Office, and nearly half your voters wanted a 70+ year old socialist to be president.

Quite the party you glorious trans people of color have there.

Her claim was that she had a native ancestor generations back. She has literally never claimed anything more than this. The test confirmed that she likely does have a native ancestor.


Lol she claimed she was a fucking Cherokee and that her dad and Mom eloped over her mom’s Indian heritage. She was listed as a minority. She received preferential admissions criteria from claiming to be an Indian.

Look, this was the most pants on head retarded self inflicted wound in recent American political history. Don’t die on this hill just because it’s your team.

is this pasta or are you genuinely this delusional?

I guarantee you Trumps world cloud is confusingly different than most other Republicans.

Yes I have to say most republicans would not have horseface in their word cloud

His third grade vocab also doesn’t help

nigga umad lol

He beat CNN? Pretty sure CNN is the reason he won by giving this mongoloid so much air time for free when they thought he couldn’t win. Honestly they probably like that he’s in power, Trump in the White House probably makes them way more money than Hillary would have. Unless you’re stupid enough to think Trump or CNN have any actual political convictions that aren’t centered around how much money they can make.

political convictions that aren’t centered around how much money they can make

Correction: centered around what the money tells them it is. Not necessarily 'nothing'.

Strange that you are catching flack for providing a dramatic theory. (((They))) are on to you.

Is this serious

I’ve struggled to be able to tell the ironic idiocy from the real since MDE was banned

Is his theory dramatic or not?

He won due to a lot of little things all clicking together. The biggest is Hillary Clinton. I honestly believe Trump couldn't win against anyone else. The amount of pure hate for her is high. She just is plain unlikable.

Bernie would've beaten him unironically.

Or the "I killed a man in Nam" dude.

Just about anyone....

But Hil-dawg


It's yer nan's turn, m8.

The absolutely retarded hot takes in /r/Drama recently are getting hilarious.


Serious posting by retards, replaced pinging. It's not as good as the ping was but /r/drama doesn't deserve anything good.

Where is this batshit pasta from?

Ok grandpa just because /r/greatawakening got canned doesn't mean your senile ass gets to post here

What? .... I don't even sound like a Qtard.

This is exactly like something a Qtard would say tbh

But I'm a dramatard :(

You need to go back.

Are MDEtards saying that ironically now?

I meant, to SRD.

Oh sweetie I think you meant to post this in r/IamMentallyChallenged

You have to go back...





wow you can tell how true this is by how much bussy-blasting it did.

this post is approaching NPC meme levels

I just texted the same thing to my friend. Two years in, you'd think I would stop being surprised.

Really cool tweet Mathew Fox, keep it up.

that lady looks much more like a dullard than someone who insists on speaking to a manager, looks more like she scowls at you from across the library

>laughing at let-me-speak-to-your-manager haircut jokes in 2018

He's The gift that keeps on giving

Lmao. I want this timeline to last forever.

“The least impressive sex I’ve ever had” isn’t that meaningful when you fuck chads for a living.

What is this even supposed to mean?

Stormy wrote that in her book about her liaison with daddy

We got to make this guy a mod.

oh shit, I thought this was a leak of a private message from Trump to a staffer or something, but he's literally tweeted that, lmao

Truly this man has no fear.

Weird how he paid so much to have sex with a "horseface."


he's crazy. She's still ugly though.

I mean, I don't think she's attractive, but Trump clearly did, or he wouldn't have paid so much to bang an old used up porn star bimbo.

Trump clearly did

Reminds him of Ivanka. Kink shaming our President! No words for how triggered I am right now.

The great pizzacel weighing in on things he has no education in. Shocked.

Since when do Trumpcucks value education?

Ha I got you good Burgie. I'm in it for the drama not for either of your parties.

You incels do crazy things once the sexual frustration mounts up to high, just wait.

what do school shootings have to do with this?

Confirmed furry

I thought the 130k was to get her to shut up about the fact that he fucked her.

Is "Horseface" her Indian name?

So he managed to imply he'll will sleep with women that he finds unattractive and pay them ridiculous amounts of money to keep quiet. And also managed to self burn, calling himself a total con, because he sucks at grammar.

You don't understand, this is yet another le epic win for the 90D Parcheesi master

This is the best timeline

Sad if true.

Looks like she got...


I feel bad for her daughter.

Can someone explain this lawsuit to a retarded leaf? She lets him cum in him, he gives her money, 10 years later she hires some bald sociopath twitter warrior and she she’s him for what exactly, and now he ends up recouping his costs?

I have the same problem as an eurocuck. Why did she went after him in the first place? Was she mad she couldn't tell the world that he has a small penis?

You’re not that far off the ball.

It apparently goes that after the sex she signed (of her own will) an NDA which legally basically means “no one talks about this.” She held to it until he becomes president.

Now she wanted to do interviews and shit but that thing was in her way since it meant talking would mean hefty fines as agreed or even jail. She does it anyway and hires the lawyer guy to argue this was against her free speech and proceeds to do interviews and shit while this trial was on-going.

Unfortunately the judge as of yesterday called her side wrong and dropped the case counting it as a loss. Now she has to pay the full amount of trial fees to Trump and his team and is also liable to a countersuit per their original signed agreement.

Thanks a lot. I can't wait for the movie about this.

So this basically 100% confirms Trump did have sex with Stormy and signed an NDA? Or is Trump still claiming it never happened?

Yes he was basically proven wrong the moment the actual NDA came out as it was a legal document.

S’why he’s now been on “she’s bad” instead of “it didn’t happen”

I mean he’s been proven wrong on many other things, like Mexico paying for the wall, yet many of his supporters bend over backwards to still believe/support it. Or replacing Obamacare with something cheaper, better, and covers everyone. I would assume this is still the case for Stormy Daniels.

To be clear, I’m not on anyone’s side so yes you’re correct on all those so far.

On your edit, he can ‘deny’ it but as it came out and anyone can see it from various media, it’s an actual legal document that exists.

Trump and his legal team voided the NDA months ago. It was a low key sly move by him and nobody even noticed. She was literally fighting nothing during that team and took away her main talking point.

The judge didn’t toss out the NDA case, that’s still happening. This was the defamation case, where he called her a liar over something and she sued him - judge overturned it on the 1st amendment “obvious hyperbole isn’t really a lie” sort of grounds.

That's not what the fake news says tho...

You can definitely be ordered to pay money for violating an NDA, but I've never heard of prison time for it. It's a contract between parties. And they, like non-competes, are common but almost completely useless.

the funniest part is, some twitter members of the resistance think Stormy was the victim of a crime. I've seen tweeets saying

"we won't let him keep victims like stormy silenced"

Like, she willingly banged old rich guy, signed NDA and got money, saw there was way more money to be made, and is trying to wriggle out to cash in

Your timeline is completely wrong. Cohen negotiated the NDA in the final months of the campaign.

The lawsuit isn't related to the NDA. Daniels alleged that Trump defamed her with his tweets. The judge basically said Trump was talking shit and his words weren't meant to be taken seriously so Daniels wasn't defamed.


He tweeted something like "lol ur a fat old retard" she says its libelous, case gets thrown out for being retarded, trump gets the court to say his tweets are hyperbolic and aren't to be taken as fact, and gets his fees paid to boot

"cum in him"

Its called a "snowball" sweaty. try to keep up

EXXXCCHHUUUUSHEEEE ME Did you just call me "sweaty?"


Oh. Okay.

My God this day gets better and better.

She absolutely pegged him

I'm waiting for a) an official Dept Of Bantz or b) renaming Pennsylvania to Bantzylvania.

Not gonna lie, this #resist meme in the Twitter thread has me rolling right now:

Yeah, that's pretty good.

Is there some context that makes it funnier than "it's the trump balloon and the other presidents are laughing at it?"

Lmao that does make it more funny

More proof that we are living in a simulation

Why’s he going after Tori Spelling?

Best timeline.

YOU AR SO FUCKED. You just lit the fuse that will compel MILLIONS of women to march to the polls and DESTROY you and your party. You come after @StormyDaniels, you come after ALL OF US. Your time is up, mushroom dick: we are ENDING YOUR FAKE PRESIDENCY IN THREE WEEKS

Femoids confirmed all whores

lmao I was going to paste the same shit. thot is pissed

revenge of the horsies

Don't sticky your comments you mong have some couth.

You go after one horse, you get the whole herd

holy crap where was this army of women when my ex boyfriend called me bitch

Was your ex boyfriend the president of the United States and did he call you an ugly bitch on a medium which he's stated count as official communications from the white house?

Otherwise I think this might be a bad comparison but idk you do you

I was 16 so he may as well have been president

Begone thot

Do you kiss your mother with that mouth

My moms not a Thot so yes. I could trust her mouth not to have cum in ut

Sshhh bby no tears only dreams now

When did people start calling him mushroom dick? It's funny

Femoids confirmed all whores

No, that one just thinks women are a hive mind, and they'll all follow what she wants

Like a herd of horses that she's leading to the water, and trying to make them drink it

She knows nothing about me, a total con!

I love how that could be interpreted as him referring to himself as a total con.

i rarely say this, but i think i can come to Trumps defense on this:

writes in vivid detail about your penis, whether true or not, to cash in on the MO of the resistance to throw money at anything anti-Trump

lose case and get called horseface

"whooaaaa look at this little dicked misogynist"

Well shes a washed up pornstar, hes the president of the united states of america. He should have thicker skin.

So Stormy Daniels was an MLP character this whole time?

Nice Guytm uses petty insults to feel better about himself. More news at 7.

Twitter is not 'Official Correspondence', its his private twitter. Just saying its annoying to see so much unnecessary dramatizing of something that is ridiculous on its own. We have a president who calls people 'horseface' if you add inaccuracies you give Trump apologist a reason to argue with you and just continue dividing people.

Read. The. Sidebar.

My bad, I blame Reddit, it popped up in my recommended right under a political sub and I thought it was a 'post you like this' kinda thing not a 'subs like this' :P