Fuck me.

1  2018-10-18 by HodorTheDoorHolder

I’m late to a meeting that’s an hour away.


Present your bussy!


Wasn’t a request

Still no

That's the spirit.

Not an argument.

No one asked for your consent

FaceTime them bussy and they’ll forgive you.

push the pedal to the metal dude

Um sweaty, being late is no reason to speed!!!

tell that to these radical dudes

Lol rap from 2009

call in STUPID!

Call in a bomb threat. That's the /r/Drama way.

I thought that was the /r/incels way

Incels are prone drama material.

No, that would be a rape threat. Which is ironic as hell lol

virgins threatening rape

only on reddit

The cross over with both subs is very close

This but unironically


This is some good thinking.

You can show up late to Alcoholics Anonymous

By showing up late you're only establishing that you're a DOMINANT ALPHA

HodorTheDoorHolder CEO position here you come!

This guy knows how to business

See the edit


This isn't Facebook

Tell that to Lawlz

I'm waiting for the day /u/MasterLawlz mistakes /r/Drama for Google.

"How do I grow a chin?"

"Is there a cute for being a manlet?"

"When won't Ben10 respond to my love letters?"

Apologise only once when you get there, don’t offer a long explanation and be sure to check your watch more than once just to set the tone. My time is more important.

Seriously tho just phone in.

sooooooooo how'd it go?

The important guy is late so I’m good now

yep, the main rule is don't be later than the important guy.


"haha look at me im employed" fuck off retard

why are you so angry?

"haha look at me I'm emotionally stable" fuck you autist

Being gainfully employed and emotionally stable gives you a sense of well-being.

You should try it sometime.

"haha lol i have a sense of well-being" am I in reddit.com or retard.com?

/undrama Dude...you wanna talk?

Honestly you need to keep yourself safe.

Being gainfully employed [...] gives you a sense of well-being.

Yeah, right.

That "meeting" is prolly a job interview at a fast food place that his mom forced him to go to (on penalty of losing tendies or internet privileges). Being late is smart, it makes sure that he doesn't get the job while convincing mommy he tried.

It’s just impressive you had a meeting. So many users are unabashed neets. Good on you

Lol very true.

It’s over for kippotcels

Ah, so you'll be a NEET soon.


> having a job



cool story bro

Hope your meeting goes well my dude! Show them the graphs!

Methadone clinics are used to people getting there when they get there.


Why are you acting like anything you do in your life is in any way important? Does it distract you from the niggling feeling that your life is pointless and that you will be forgotten after your close friends and family have died? Just wondering


Hmm, I’m late to a meeting and I should hurry so that I can be on time and not jeopardize my job.

What should I do first?

Yes, I should definitely post about it on a subreddit full of weirdos before I do anything else!

bend over and spread your cheeks for me. I'm going in with a dick full of drugs

How's life in the wage cage?


Get some friends.

I have friends

That don’t post here

I doubt they have a Reddit account tbh

I'm telling on you

Meet me in the big stall and stop being a wagecuck.