Doctor and trans athlete BTFOs TERFS on twitter and in competitions

1  2018-10-21 by MaleEnergy


This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

And while it should be easy for people to find my PINNED tweet, I am an expert on 'fairness' in sport.

wew lad think ya got a touch of the 'tism if it aint already obv šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ˜„

I am the expert here! And I declare my own actions to be ethical and fair. Excuse me? Please refer to me as DOCTOR.

This "expert" in fairness of sports is against T blockers too. He thinks that a completely biological male should be able to compete with women.

His justification to that is that "women come in all sizes", a tall woman has an advantage over a short woman in basketball, so it's ok to have men in it.

i dunno why we create separate sports for women anyways.

Yeah, it's not like they have room for a velodrome in the kitchen.

Also, my name really is Rachel. People who say "Rachel" are being transphobic, because they are suggesting that it's not my real name. It's my real name.

Not gonna lie. This confused the hell out of me at first.

Needed some quotes around them quotes.

I dont understand the use of "Phobic".

A phobia implies I'm afraid of what it is.

I'm not afraid of trannies. I just think most of them are fucking retarded!

A phobia implies I'm afraid of what it is.

I'm definitely afraid of that thing.

Given recent events on this sub, I won't be saying anything about this individual... šŸ™ŠšŸ™ŠšŸ™Š

Maybe THEY identify as multiple individuals!

Hashtag many-souls!

Calling yourself a doctor when you're a PHD is pretty gauche tbh

Do you know what the D in PhD stands for?

Dick lol

Previously had a?

I wonder what they did with it. Like, do they keep it in a jar somewhere?




The same thing as the D in JD. But lawyers don't feel the need to call themselves Doctor/pretend to be a doctor.

Until recently, only PhDs were referred to as doctors. The professionalization of medicine is far younger than that of other academic fields.

Until recently

It's literally been hundreds of years.


It really be the other way around than you were presenting the matter upthread. A "Doctor of Philosphy" was called doctor, i.e. teacher, long before medicos got the nod.

If Philosophy PhDs were "Doctors" back when medical professionals were not, then the word "Doctor" sure used to suck.

Donā€™t disagree with you. Philosophy is basically religion-lite.

Who gives a shit?

The term for law degrees is "juris doctor." Do you see lawyers insisting on being called "doctor"? Nope. A few of them do use a silly suffix, though. "Esquire."

Point being PhDs were being called doctor before MDs were even a thing.

Calling yourself a doctor when you're a PHD is pretty gauche tbh

You are retarded, buddy.

Only if the PHD is in something dumb like trans inclusivity in sports.

Are you stupid?

That is what you are with a PhD, you are a Doctor. The reason a MD is called a doctor is because they have a doctorate of Medicine.

I agree, it's cringey and pretentious to call yourself a doctor outside of your academic bubble.

Which I seriously doubt this "Dr." leaves much.

PhD in Philosophy. Assist. Prof at College of Charleston. Tweets are my own. Public Intellectual, Trans Woman, Queer Chick, Strident Feminist, Athlete. Vegan.

Fucking hell, so much condensed mental illness.


public intellectual

All this sperg needs is a jpeg screenshot of their result on an online iq test to achieve peak autism

Holy lord I just became non-figuratively nauseous over "Public Intellectual". Not in the usual "I'm smugly insulting you" way, like I'm fighting off throwing up right now. I don't know if that's ever happened before.

Public intellectuals are a lot like public toilets.

Go on...

They both eat shit

Two bits!


Prof or 'Lecturer". Odds are that tard doesn't have tenorship

that tard doesn't have tenorship

I would guess they're more of a baritone (and the word you're looking for is "tenure").

In europe only medical doctors are allowed to be refereed to as "doctor". She's a diversity hire assistant prof, but yeah, I've known quite a few academics, the intelligent ones who are humbled by the PhD process usually aren't arrogant enough to refer to themselves as "doctors"

woke twitter is even more retarded than woke reddit somehow

Most redditers are at least vaguely aware that they should be embarrassed with themselves and their participation on this site. It keeps the whole thing from getting too ridiculous outside of the incels and /r/politics types. But I repeat myself.

Because woke reddit didn't spend 10 years teaching people to dumb their thoughts down to fit into 140 characters.

This the "phd in conflict of interest" one, isn't it?

.2. Every single piece of identification I have, including birth certificate, says 'F' on it.

.3. We are required, by the rules of sport, to compete with the gender on our identification.

When gender is more about bureaucracy than it is biology.

itā€™s always hate, like nobody hates you dude we just donā€™t feel like playing along with your larping. and some of us happen to support actual, real women who are now being stepped on by pieces of shit like you so you can have your fantasy.

if alternative medicine worked it would just be called medicine and if you were actually a woman you wouldnā€™t be called trans, for fuckā€™s sake whereā€™s your uterus? when was your last period? you completely reduce being a woman to frilly pink clothes and crying then you wonder why actual women donā€™t want you waving your dick around them, worse still youā€™ve convinced yourself itā€™s because of hatred, at least if nothing else the mental illness is consistent in everything they do.

Only ones I hate are the ones that hard dick women's sports. A trans only league can't come fast enough

They get off on the fact that they're considered women. Many of them don't want to be seen as anything different than a cis woman. Most of them won't support a trans league.

We need a trans league where all drugs are legal for the men(female) and the women(male) have to be on massive amounts of estrogen and can't take other drugs.

Terfs are alternative psychology, gender dysphoria is recognised in mainstream psychology bub.

So is schizophrenia. The treatment for schizophrenia is not for everyone around the mentally ill person to pretend that the voices are real and they hear them too.

Gender reassignment surgery is the treatment of choice for gender dysphoria, I'm sure if it was practical and had successful results for schizophrenic people that might be considered as a treatment but as it's not it's not. The armchair psychiatrists who come out of the woodwork when trans people come out are so retarded lol.

Psychology and psychiatry are not the same thing.

They are also both extremely imperfect.

I also know jack shit, to be clear, I've just read a little about this topic in particular, I just think its disingenuous for these guys to pretend that they actually care about the manner in which trans people are treated when that's clearly not their argument.

I think many don't see HRT as a suitable treatment for a mental illness. If anything it's just digging in deeper.

I would imagine instead of virtue signalling and pandering psychologists would be doing their best to help these people accept reality, not mutilate and twist themselves into something they aren't.

That's your opinion man, and as I've said gender reassignment gets results, and as much as people like to twist stats regarding post op trans people's suicide rates, generally it leads to happier people. I'm not sure why they'd neglect that in favour of some nebulous concept of 'accepting reality'.

when was your last period?

Don't fake vaginas constantly leak?

hates you dude

you dude


'Dude' is gender neutral

nah its fuckin not

k if you say dudette I'm calling you a retard.

say the r-w*rd again and we will have a problem. reported you to mods either way.


Then stop being a retard.

snitches get stitches.

Yes it is.

This is why all those blue checks keep saying y'all

hates you dude

you dude


How pretentious do you have to be to put Dr in your Twitter handle?

everybody is always blabbering about bone density and hip structure. Vo2Max is going to be where the real discrepancy is found. male cardio/pulmonary shows a distinct advantage.

I like how zer points to "gender" rather than "sex" identification.

It would as if in boxing instead of weight we used IQ as a class identifier. Then, everyone would be in the same class.

All, including the athletes, were very accepting.

I mean...she's trying to get the other competitor banned for suggesting the situation is "unfair", so I can't imagine some kid just trying to pass their class challenging Dr. McKinnon on this.

My students discussed the issue. All, including the athletes, were very accepting. ā€œThere will always be people with some physical edgeā€, one said. Thatā€™s life in the sports world.

Rule 1 in how to ace a third rate "arts" class - tell the lecturer exactly what they want to hear. Just barf it back to them and you are guaranteed at least an 80%. Even if you skip 70% present of the semester and are high/drunk most of the time.

PHD in philosophy

Okay so not even a ā€œrealā€ doctor but more like a ā€œmemeā€ doctor.

Because the shit these people spout does not fly in any sort of the medical community lmao

"My papers say I am a woman. I am a woman."

You call this a btfo?

If this isn't agendaposting I don't know what is.

For having a phd in philosophy the proof is so bad it hurts.

Her face looks like those dumb face shrinking memes



Pick one.

You know what PhD stands for right?

Dick cheese

Pseudo-science doesn't count my lil bb boi

Ah, Philosophy! King of the Sciences, herald of inquiry, font and court of wonder!

All nations praised you; all peoples loved those who love you. And now, to have found this level--I cannot write "low", for low implies a rule: there must be a high for there to be a low, and the planarians of intellect do not know high--to be traduced by an idiot, in the old sense, on a forum for the deluded to gawk at the retarded.

Oh this day is not the worst of days, surely, for many black days are yet to come. Oh, that shame were still a living thought in the worm folds of the planarian neural plexus, to stop it from posting. Then this day, to be marked with a black spot, would never see the sun.

Ah Philosophy, consolation of old and young, guide of high and low, best and most constant friend! Do not listen to the exudations of this flatworm's spout: its anus is its mouth, and it cannot but spew. Assist us to keep faith and honor bright, old friend. May you be honored in all ages!

It means you're stuck in Academia for the rest of your life.

I wish they would stop calling anyone with a PhD "doctor".

You should revise your knowledge what "female" means. Science is beautiful that it changes as new research come to light. Scientists are happy to change their definitions if the old ones don't work (for example in light of new research)

Jesus fucking Christ, they even think they are female now.

TIL - medical science must change cause a dude with no background in it says so.

What is it with the constant stream of shitty assault-on-the-eyes dye jobs on these people?

To disract you from the ugly.

imagine being a woman and training your whole life to compete in a sport only to get btfo by some man in a wig lol

PhD in philosophy, BTW. Not a MD.

Is there any transgender person out there that is not insane? or does the HRT make them this way

I unironically hope trussy starts winning every womenā€™s sporting event. Just to see the absolute meltdown from the woketivists