This is a test of the National Emergy Broadcast System. This is only a test. If this had been a real emergy, unknown Middle Easteners would be raping your daughter right now

1  2018-10-22 by futurdrama


It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


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Get in quick before the blue checkmarks wake up and emergy becomes the new covfefe

Surely Drumph if finish

Mueller time 😎

Orange man bad

lol cofveve

Imagine identifying with a senile Boomer so strongly that every attack on him is taken personally.

Covfefe, Drumpf and now emergy. Trumps 2nd term won't survive this one.

"want some more emergy you covfefe triggered snowflake lmao"

Well at least it's not the NPC meme

Eh, covfefe was great because there was a real question as to what it meant. This time he obviously meant to type "emergency". So it's dumb, but not as funny.

Tbh I always thought it was super obvious he meant to say "coverage" but yeah I see your point

I guess I might be misremembering. Either way, I don't think this will be as big.

I always thought it was because it showed that Trump was actually just tweeting out all this stuff while he was on the toilet emptying his colostomy bag or in the middle of an intelligence briefing. Like he's used Twitter to dictate policy but no one is even proofreading it.

He is doing the mistakes deliberately (at least sometimes) if he wants democrats to talk about his tweets.

intentionally adding typos to continue game of 4D chess against the libs

Q predicted this

Like with Reddit post titles ....

Sure he does lol


You're downvoting this guy but as the token trumper I have also heard he does this. He misspells something on purpose and then the media reports the tweet calling him a moron. Then everyone on CNN sees what he tweets.

This is kind of true. He intentionally does things (like taco bowls or bestowing nicknames) so that media will report on it incessantly.

And it works.

But people don't like to admit they're getting played.

What's hilarious is that you have to make up stuff about him having a colostomy bag so you can feel not as bad about him being President of the United States for the next six years.


And those tears are from laughing so hard, right?

You had to make up tears too? The delusion is strong with this one.

Are you unaware of what hyperbole for comedic effect is? The absolute state of American education, no wonder the country is transforming into a shithole



Why the fuck am i laughing so hard at this

hehehe sorry kid you seem kinda mad...

your gonna have to calm down, otherwise your goin over the wall buckeroo 😎😎😎

And yet you still feel he needs an internet cock polisher to defend his honor, lest someone be mean to daddy

Uh oh, sounds like somebody has gotten tired of winning.

It's over for grammarcels.

Covfefe clearly meant Coverage tho.

his time he obviously meant to type "emergency".

I dunno what the max length is now, is it possible he shortened it on purpose? I've certainly seem much crazier, intentional "shortened" typing from celebrities on Twitter.

Maybe, but there were better choices for shortening character length. Like remove β€œsadly,” β€œβ€˜s police and military,” the last sentence, etc

I think that's the reason he did it. That tweet is 279 characters, and the limit is 280 characters.

We should deal with border crossers like Israel does

Inb4 only ~100 people arrive at the border, just like last time there was a caravan on the way

Seriously, Mexico is huge, some are going to get human trafficked, others will give up along the way and find work there. And the Mexican govt isn't too keen on illegal immigration itself, I imagine many will be arrested there.

Hopefully the cartels round them up and put them to work

some are going to get human trafficked,

a LOT of the kids will be, for sure

dude Mexico lmao

We can only hope they don't make it to Trump's concentration camps

seriousposting but it might be better for them there than getting raped by cartel members

How would that ever be questionable?

The US isn't WW2 Germany.

Lol, and how does Israel deal with a bunch of random unarmed latino asylees who arrive at their border and present themselves to the border guards? Like we know exactly where they are, they're not exactly being quiet about this. This shouldn't be a difficult task.

Israel let in a ton of Africans before they built their wall (more of a fence). The Gaza border is the main one they’re actually serious about.

before clicking the link, i was like 75% sure the title would be the actual tweet

What do now?

Vote Republicans to deal with this national emergy. The Democrats want to let all the criminals and terrorists live in your own home.

I already live amongst the jowliban. It can't be too much worse.

I mean the plan is literally to present themselves to border agents at the border like the last time. They would not be traveling so obviously otherwise. This really should not be a toughie for the border guard, somehow they dealt with the same exact thing a few months back without summoning the entire army to the border. If there are terrorists among them, they're really stupid terrorists and should be easy to identify.

I mean the plan is literally to present themselves to border agents at the border like the last time.

Worked for Hillary


>I mean the plan is literally to present themselves to border agents at the border like the last time.

Worked for Hillary

bleep bloop I'm just a bot, don't hurt me! bleep bloop

if I run again America will let me in this time

Everyone look at the NPC.

You gotta realize American conservatives have very low intelligence levels, so have to be in a constant state of fear or the whole thing comes crashing down.

Sure, a reasonable, intelligent person might realize these people are coming to the border to apply for asylum legally, so there's no reason to deploy the national guard, but that isn't what conservatives are.

If only we could all be as intelligent as you and darqwolf.

I don't consider myself "high intelligence."

It's just that American conservatives are so low you won't find many demographics lower.

He's not calling himself smart. He's calling you stupid, mate.

/>Unknown Middle Easterners />Could have just said "There might be terrorists"

Daddy isn't discriminatory at all I swear

How hard is it to just spray and pray them while they're in the caravan? Like the first scene in the first resident evil movie.

Big dick emergy?

covfefe emergy

Everyday I am more and more convinced twitter is a retirement home constantly visited by 5 year olds.

Twitter is a great place for people to come together and scream at each other over clickbait news articles they didn't even read.