It’s all about ethics in anime tiddes.

1  2018-10-24 by Ghdust2

Backstory: Trans anime youtuber The Pedantic Romantic made a video titled “Anime Was A Sexual Harassment Problem” about how, in her opinion, anime has a sexual harassment problem:

The video gets posted in r/anime and, weebs being weebs, drama starts.


"First they came for video games.":

"SJW ruins everything in touch.":

"I think you'd have to be incredibly naive or dishonest to not agree with PedRo here.":

"I feel grossed out by the title alone, like hell I'm clicking the link. SJWs and clickbaiters can burn in a cross, for all I care, and I'm not risking my time with what could be one of the two.":

"The "Japan doesn't care about your Western SJW" bullshit was a myth i'm glad she tackled":


Weebs are fucking awful

Before: Oh jeez here we go

After: Ehhhhh nvm she has a point there. Good god that quote from that adviser.

I've never seen somebody get "woke" in real-time

That's a load of bullshit, something a speedwatcher would say.

Speedwatchers, the real problem.

WTF is a speedwatcher?

People that don't take the time to appreciate the finer nuances of true art.


She should just go back to Digibro shilling. That's all she's good at.

She's retarded anyway.

I hate to agree with the weeabos here but Japan doesn't really goves a shit about social justice, at least nowhere close as the US.

A bunch of harpies were screeching that a Virtual AI Youtuber won a award, saying that they should represent more actual women in the science fields and whatnot, rather than some weeb youtube shit. Then the AI just showed up in a labcoat and they fucking exploded on twitter.

And at the end of they day there is nothing worse than mayos who care this much about pedoshit cartoons, tbh.

That's what really juices my oranges about this kind of drama. So you've got a country already known for being national and xenophobic. Then you have a bunch of angry weird fans who for whatever reasons Japan should learn and confirm to western standards of equality when they clearly prefer using animu to indoctrinate their citizens into thinking marrage is sugoi and popping out some kids.

So what that means for you and i is that we get to call sjws racist in their own language. Orientalism is a good term to use. "I think its awfully orienalistic to claim that japanese artists should educate themselves on western social mores. Typical american viewpoint, to insist nonwestern cultures change standards. Stop treating Asia as your show pony!"

That's what really juices my oranges about this kind of drama. So you've got a country already known for being national and xenophobic. Then you have a bunch of angry weird fans who for whatever reasons Japan should learn and confirm to western standards of equality when they clearly prefer using animu to indoctrinate their citizens into thinking marrage is sugoi and popping out some kids.

So what that means for you and i is that we get to call sjws racist in their own language. Orientalism is a good term to use. "I think its awfully orienalistic to claim that japanese artists should educate themselves on western social mores. Typical american viewpoint, to insist nonwestern cultures change standards. Stop treating Asia as your show pony!"

That's what really juices my oranges about this kind of drama. So you've got a country already known for being national and xenophobic. Then you have a bunch of angry weird fans who for whatever reasons Japan should learn and confirm to western standards of equality when they clearly prefer using animu to indoctrinate their citizens into thinking marrage is sugoi and popping out some kids.

So what that means for you and i is that we get to call sjws racist in their own language. Orientalism is a good term to use. "I think its awfully orienalistic to claim that japanese artists should educate themselves on western social mores. Typical american viewpoint, to insist nonwestern cultures change standards. Stop treating Asia as your show pony!"

That's what really juices my oranges about this discourse. So you've got a country already known for being national and xenophobic. Then you have a bunch of angry weird fans who for whatever reasons Japan should learn and confirm to western standards of equality when they clearly prefer using animu to indoctrinate their citizens into thinking marrage is sugoi and popping out some kids.

Fottunately, this is easy to spin into accusations of racism. Orientalism is a good term to use. "I think its awfully orienalistic to claim that japanese artists should educate themselves on western social mores. Typical american viewpoint, to insist nonwestern cultures change standards. Stop treating Asia as your show pony!"

That's what really juices my oranges about this discourse. So you've got a country already known for being national and xenophobic. Then you have a bunch of angry weird fans who for whatever reasons Japan should learn and confirm to western standards of equality when they clearly prefer using animu to indoctrinate their citizens into thinking marrage is sugoi and popping out some kids.

Fortunately, this is easy to spin into accusations of racism. Orientalism is a good term to use. "I think its awfully orienalistic to claim that japanese artists should educate themselves on western social mores. Typical american viewpoint, to insist nonwestern cultures change standards. Stop treating Asia as your show pony!"

That's what really juices my oranges about this discourse. So you've got a country already known for being national and xenophobic. Then you have a bunch of angry weird fans who for whatever reasons Japan should learn and confirm to western standards of equality when they clearly prefer using animu to indoctrinate their citizens into thinking marrage is sugoi and popping out some kids.

Fottunately, this is easy to spin into accusations of racism. Orientalism is a good term to use. "I think its awfully orienalistic to claim that japanese artists should educate themselves on western social mores. Typical american viewpoint, to insist nonwestern cultures change standards. Stop treating Asia as your show pony!"

This isn't about anime tiddies, it's about boring shit no-one cares about. What a scam.

There are so many cliches in anime that are clear sexual harassment and assault.

Anime are fucking cartoons and not real. If you are offended by it, dont watch. It may be hard, because any anime that doesnt appeal to pedos or male feminists (thats the politically correct term for "rapists") wont least 12 episodes but welcome to the world incels live in.

There are so many cliches in anime that are clear sexual harassment and assault.

Anime are fucking cartoons and not real. If you are offended by it, dont watch. It may be hard, because any anime that doesnt appeal to pedos or male feminists (thats the politically correct term for "rapists") wont least 12 episodes but welcome to the world incels live in.

There are so many cliches in anime that are clear sexual harassment and assault.

Anime are fucking cartoons and not real. If you are offended by it, dont watch. It may be hard, because any anime that doesnt appeal to pedos or male feminists (thats the politically correct term for "rapists") wont least 12 episodes but welcome to the world incels live in.

Imagine thinking cartoons turn you into a rapist.
Oh wait it is anime, to enjoy it you must be a rapist.


Watching anime doesn't turn you into a rapist; it means you are already one.

God these comments are hard to read, it's good that no one take weaboos seriously.

Yep thats nice and all but A) who cares the video was obviously made to be controversial and its best to just ignore these types of videos and B) better paranoid of SJWs than giving something the benefit of the doubt. Marvel comics sales are tanking for a reason and I would hate to have underpaid animators out of a job due to foreign politics.