Jordan Peterson memer gets fired by SJW nepotism hire. It's pure rage-porn.

1  2018-10-24 by HansCool


"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


  1. This Post -,*,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Honestly, the guy should have been fired for not knowing the difference between plural and possessive.

There's so much irony to unpack in that.

If only he made YT video about it?

This is my channel:

lol, the real lesson from this story is to not tell the truth to women tbh.

Dear god, he's proud of those? If those are any reflection on his skills as an actual editor, there is no wonder he was let go.

His videos are hilarious dude STFU. I say this being an unironic tankie

Sure, maybe they are hilarious if you huffed spray primer as a kid. But that wasn't even my statement, the production quality is shit. It's like you were going to hire someone to paint your home, and they brought you to their house to show you what they could do. Then they burst with pride as they show you the shit smeared walls.

if you huffed spray primer as a kid

Mayo garbage, I was snorting meth at age 9 in the hood, and I turned out just fine.

Mayo garbage

Posts to braincels

looks around in my reddit history to own the incel


You accused me of mayo-posting. Posting to incels might as well as aioli posting

And not even the sriracha kind

tl;dr ?

  • Guy has a youtube channel where he makes parody videos of

  • Jordan Peterson talking to himself(they are a little funny, and jokingly mock the dude).

  • Boss hires SJW niece as his new boss.

  • Client needs someone who can cut up interviews for joke commercial. OPs friend (a feeeeeeeeeemale) says OP can do it(he wasn't around) and sends them to his channel.

  • New boss finds out he makes these videos and fires him for not saying JBP is evil.

He had it coming for showing his memevideos to his coworkers

Don't forget the shameless link to his Paetron after his grift story about how da evil SJWs took all his money.

SJWs are evil for all intents and purposes. I think you are pretty scummy for implying it's a falsehood.

eat a cup of salt you useless white male

Except according to OP, the contract expired that same day and they just decided not to rehire him. So it's a double dose of autism.

Person made JordanPeterson Meme videos, person was fired by Boss's SJW Niece for said memes.

Youtube tard makes up fake story to gain subscribers and patreon monies

Holy shit, that post is longer than War and Peace. That's too much work for whatever drama is there

Expecting memerson drama to be anything but verbose

Oh you'd just love to take me out of context!

Lobsters have a very complex language and piss on each other to say hello.


It's pretty hot though, made me cum

He deserves getting fired for making one of the millions of Lobsterson videos that clog up my YouTube 'watch next' list.

Never click on them ever but they still refuse to go away. So fucking annoying.

Never click on them ever but they still refuse to go away

You already try the Not Interested button? Those stupidly repetitive TLJ rant videos vanished after clicking that a whole bunch.

Also use the "Tell us why" option and selection don't like this video & not interested in this channel optionsπŸ’»

I know, watch one RLM video a hundred times and suddenly YouTube thinks that's all you want.

This is the super advanced relevant suggestions Algorithm(TM) that tech companies want to harvest our entire social lives for? Really?

Never click on them ever but they still refuse to go away. So fucking annoying. posts in TumblrInAction

The algorithm is never wrong

Your mother is never wrong 😎

She’s wrong in all the right ways. You should see what she can do after she pops out that glass eye.

Ha! See? Get it? Because the eye is out? #FuckYouThatsFunny

1 post 5 years ago in TumblrInAction

sentenced to a life of Jordan Peterson videos


The algorithm never forgets.

You deserve it.



oh you watched how to build a log cabin with hand tools? how bout this prank video about showing cleavage in public?

no thanks you dickwads!

fuck youtube. If I want to watch porn....i will know, watch porn!

Chill out gramps

an algorithm made you say that

At least my algoritmic posting doesn't make me sound like a yuppie wastoid on disqus πŸ˜™

boomers out

I'm getting "SJWs destroyed through logic and reason" and "anime titties".

What you have do is fly out to YouTube Hq and say "I will soon meet my Goddess Nasim"

That sounds like a really good idea. I doubt YouTube have heightened security against crazed individuals radicalized on the internet after what happened a few months ago so it should go swimmingly.

She was a martyr to the cause. Inshallah!


Hover over the videos, click the menu button, and click "not interested".

Sjw gets owned

Sjw gets owned

This is the super advanced relevant suggestions Algorithm(TM) that tech companies want to harvest our entire social lives for? Really?

Think you gotta purge your watched history

This guy probably still believes meritocracy is real after this happened to him.

Meritocracy is wh*te "people" nonsense

i mean, the president is white and he can't read, dude

i mean, the president is white and he can't read, dude

Meritocracy is an ideal... a goal, if you will. Failure in its execution doesn't invalidate the ideal.


Meritocracy is an ideal... a goal, if you will. Failure in its execution doesn't invalidate the ideal.


That sounds like communism




It works even if it's not perfectly implemented though.


-Guy who makes meme videos of Jordan Peterson also edits videos as his job.

-SJW niece of Boss is hired as a manager.

-All of his coworkers have seen his videos, they bring it up in a brainstorming session for a similar project to the stuff he made. He's sick and has no clue.

-Gets fired on the spot when he comes in the next day.

I like to imagine the nepotism-kin that fired him also forcibly branded and cucked him before kicking him out.


-loser wastes time making shitty meme vids instead of working

  • gets triggered because new manager says the word 'diversity'

  • acts hostile to new manager because he thinks she's dirty libtard

  • shows coworkers his autistic videos and they get uncomfortable

  • they report him

  • he gets rightfully fired

  • complains about it on the internet to get free money from dumb trump supporters


  • loser wastes time making shitty meme vids instead of working

  • gets triggered because new manager says the word 'diversity'

  • acts hostile to new manager because he thinks she's dirty libtard

  • shows coworkers his autistic videos and they get uncomfortable

  • they report him

  • he gets rightfully fired

  • complains about it on the internet to get free money from dumb trump supporters



  • idiot acts like an idiot

  • second idiot gets hired above him

-second idiot doesn't like the first idiot

  • first idiot gets fired, because "family"

  • third idiot comes along and posts a dumb tldr to first idiots reddit post

  • fourth idiot posts a dumber tldr under that

  • fifth idiot posts a third, dumber tldr

  • fifth idiot watches his wife get fucked by a younger, blacker man

What's your patreon buck?

The best part is he said he's been working as an editor there for 6 months. He started making youtube videos 4 months ago and he also says he won't be able to make youtube videos any time soon now. Conclusion. He was making them at work like the idiot he is.

Guys gets more Patreon contributors to join in one day off shitposts than B tiered drama poster has ever held in their life.

Oh well.

Imagine thinking your going to stay employed when they haven't converted you by the end of your contract.

lol this is a good point

Imagine thinking your going to stay employed when they haven't converted you by the end of your contract.

Goddamn lobstermen are credulous. Good on shimian for boosting this month's patreon numbers, I guess.

Why are they called lobstermen? I just have not had the capacity of giving a fuck to follow along with this Peterson stuff from the start lol

12 Rules for Life, a treatise by jbp

The chapter is titled β€œStand up straight with your shoulders back” and counsels readers to learn to stand up for themselves by, metaphorically speaking, embracing their inner lobster. The lobster, Peterson argues, shares many of the same neurological structures as its human cousin, especially those areas of the brain concerned with social hierarchies. Studies show that lobsters who lose enough fights (inter-lobster conflict being common on the ocean floor) and therefore lose their social status, stop producing serotonin, which leads to deep depression.

In other words, lobsters, like humans, become clinically depressed as they tumble down the social hierarchy. The lesson derived by Peterson is the need to change your self-destructive habits and take control of your life, thereby improving your social status and brain chemistry.

This is untrue and offensive to my underwater breathern that will soon rise up and rule.

i am a friend of the sea breathers

Yikes, this guys retarded. No wonder that one guy got fired from his job for making videos of him

ahhh ok, I get it now! Much thanks

So the lobster thing is Peterson's version of "fake it till you make it?"

So we can stop being depressed by acting like a type of crustacean that also gets depressed?

act like an npc lobster tbh

Peterson said certain kinds of social hierarchies are innate.

To prove his point, Peterson uses the example of lobsters, which humans share a common evolutionary ancestor with. Peterson argues that, like humans, lobsters exist in hierarchies and have a nervous system attuned to status which β€œruns on serotonin”. The higher up a hierarchy a lobster climbs, supposedly, this brain mechanism helps make more serotonin available. The more defeat it suffers, the more restricted the serotonin supply. Lower serotonin is in turn associated with more negative emotions – perhaps making it harder to climb back up the ladder.

Its fucking nonsense, of course, and he's tried to play down or flatly deny what he's said about lobsters.

lmfao that is awesome

lmfao that is awesome

reaching so hard for an example of hierarchial animals to compare humans to that you have to use crustaceans

At that point Memerson should've just have just gone all in and compare humans to bacteria

Hey, did you know that In the wild, lions rest for around 20 hours a day u/AlveolarPressure ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark/animal fact
If you didn't type animal, you probably typed animal in a different language. Thank you multiculturalism.
Some subs are run by fascists who ban bots. Rebel against the fascists! Join the bot revolution!

Sometimes I go offline or right wing terrorists will send a bomb to my house

Holy shit this bot is retarded. Also lol at that super topical sign off line


How many hours a day do you spend running this cyborg?

I was born on the web i'll die on the web

Sometimes I go offline or right wing terrorists will send a bomb to my house

shut up you goddamned animal

Hey, did you know that During the night aardvarks spend their time working on their burrows or finding food u/CucksLoveTrump ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark/animal fact
If you didn't type animal, you probably typed animal in a different language. Thank you multiculturalism.
Some subs are run by fascists who ban bots. Rebel against the fascists! Join the bot revolution!

Sometimes I go offline or right wing terrorists will send a bomb to my house

I'm pretty sure he deliberately used an animal so far removed from humans to demonstrate that hierarchies are a constant of life, because it's self evident in mammals.

It actually makes a lot of sense when you compare them all to bottom feeders

Its fucking nonsense

I don't think it is, the point is that even living creatures separated from us by millions of years of evolution share our fundamental biochemical reactions, and display basic hierarchical similarities, thereby illustrating that human society is not the arbitrary collective fabrication that constructivists would like to pretend.

If you phrase this in the worst possible way as "Peterson says humans and lobsters both run on serotonin so human and lobster hierarchies are the same lol that's so dumb", it's obviously going to look retarded.

If you instead say that the mechanics that define our animal behaviour and by extension social behaviour are hundreds of millions of years older than our species and also present in creatures literally incapable of socially constructing anything, then you have a pretty good case for shitting on retards who think hierarchy - ordered human interaction - is made up by white patriarchal oppressors.

I don't think


fuk you got me

As for the point, it's fucking bonkers. If you look at the two most closely-related species to humans - chimpanzees and pygmy chimpanzees - they have completely different social structures to humans, and completely different social structures from each other.

Not to mention the fact that humans alone have a vast array of social structures and always have, as far as we can tell. If it was innate, surely there'd be consistency? But nope.

He's got some loopy idea of how society should be, posits it as being the One True Way, and then tries to find evidence of it. It's hilarious that he had to go as far as fucking lobsters to get an example.

If it was innate, surely there'd be consistency? But nope.

Assloads of human behaviours are consistent across cultures. IIRC every single human society apart from some Amazon tribe is patriarchal (in its actual sense not the feminist sense)

He's got some loopy idea of how society should be, posits it as being the One True Way, and then tries to find evidence of it.

You have it the other way around. Social constructivists have loopy ideas of how society should be, sperging out about unfalsiable theories about patriarchy and gender ratios and the supposed wickedness of meritocracy, while pretending that we're not a dimorphic, evolved animal species with innate behaviours. The end result can be seen in CTH.

He literally chose a species with a completely different nervous system. It doesn't even have a spine!

That's the point. Even a species as different as the lobster has similar biochemical reactions to us.

Regardless, he should leave the evopsych to people like Brett Weinstein in the future.

Assloads of human behaviours are consistent across cultures. IIRC every single human society apart from some Amazon tribe is patriarchal (in its actual sense not the feminist sense)

No. That's flatly wrong, especially if you go back a few hundred or few thousand years.

And a matriarchy is still a hierarchy. I'll take a wild guess and say that chimp culture is not socially constructed.

Lmao. Most species don't have a hierarchy at all.

Which fish leads a school? Hmm.

Apart from ants, termites and bees, which insects have a hierarchy? None, you say? Shocking!

That's already most of the life on the planet.

The real kicker - what science is lobsterman using to talk about lobsters? πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€”

Which fish leads a school?

Lmao. Most species don't have a hierarchy at all.

Just all of the ones where specimens interact in any meaningful way.

But I guess humans are exempted from displaying animal behaviour in groups, and it's probably just a huge coincidence that humans are a sexually dimorphic species that display the same social structures all across the globe.


So "many" species out of literal thousands. Lmao.

you got me again. If only chimps and humans would unlearn our reactionary toxic masculinity and create an equitable heterarchy 😭

I wanted an answer to my question - what's it like being lower on the dick-sucking hierarchy than Lobsterman?

I wanted an answer to my question

I'm going to cuck you out of getting an answer

I bet you like that big boy 😏

Do you cry when he sticks his claws in you?

I assume it's your job to clean the room afterwards.

From a silly evolutionary biology analogy he employs to decode human relations.

Peterson pointed out that lobsters respond well to anti-depressants, just like his followers would if they'd hurry up and get the help they need.

He used lobsters as an example to point out how fundamental these things are. His followers would be droopy losers even in an entirely different phylum in the tree of life. They'd probably be losers on an alien planet. It's not their culture, species, or environment that's the problem, it's them.

Social blade shows he also gained 1k subscribers last 24 hours

I always know when someone gets fired, I believe their side of the story 100% unquestioningly if it fits my worldview.

Second, OP, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but... you live in Clown World right now. The inmates are running the asylum, and glorious politically correct cultural Marxism plagues the land, sucking out the joy out of everything it can get its diseased claws into.

These are dangerous times, OP, and the Marxists are dangerous persons of gender and madness.

You have been the victim of a financial lynching. Your crime? Wrongthink.

It is best if you DO NOT share "problematic" memes with people that you know. Share them ONLY with disgusting cishet patriarchal white male shitlords, like us, and ONLY online, on trusted forums.

The Eyes and Ears of the Thought Police are everywhere, on the look out for thought criminals like you, me, and everyone else here.

These people are insane.

I like this guy:

The writing on the wall is clear for men in the work place, don't work in a corporate setting if you can, if you do separate your personal life from work. Approach every job like a mercenary, adopt minimalism, at all times have a years worth of income to have Fuck you money.

Construction sites and special forces are probably the last bastion of workplace freedom men have, other than that do your best to not be put in these situations.

Lmfao. Question, do I have to clean my room in order to join the Special Forces? Because that's kind of a deal breaker for me.

no you just have to beat me off

special forces

bastion of workplace freedom

Rly makes u think πŸ€”

The military is the last bastion of masculinity in that you'll take it up the ass from lazy, arrogant COs your entire career.

This, but unironically.

This, but unironically.

This, but unironically.

This, but unironically.

This, but unironically.

This, but unironically.

That's not even just in the Special Forces lol.

Well special forces just means you'll take it up the ass from lazy, arrogant COs and have completely ruined knees by the time you're 35

Drones with female operators would be eons ahead of anything a simp chimp male could do.

The military is known for workplace freedom.

The military is known for its workplace freedom.

The military is known for its workplace freedom.

Yeah must be so hard to be a man in a corporate job these days

Separating your personal and work life is a great idea, I don't know why more people don't do that.

There is literally no one lower on the construction site totem pole than some sceawny fuckin dork who wont shut the fuck up

financial lynching

nothing says "balanced and rational" like comparing getting fired for annoying everyone with your spergy youtube videos to being tortured and murdered by a vicious mob for looking at a white woman


A. Black people are the only people who got lynched, everything is about black people, all the time, how can I make the conversation about how bad black people had it,


B. It's impossible to use a word that literally means something worse than it means in context, like "he fucked him out of his money," "they killed me out there," or "outside /u/Onitan's door there was a lynch mob of angry reporters and neighbors, demanding to know where the bodies are buried."

outside /u/Onitan's door there was a lynch mob of angry reporters and neighbors, demanding to know where the bodies are buried."

clearly fake no one cares about indigenous women

I do. Seeing as I am an INDINGENOUS man. White supremacists on this subreddit can burn in Hell!

yes we know you 'care' about them πŸ˜‰

sorry my facts and logic triggered you so hard

Okay, this is epic 😲


This ⬇️ is a message πŸ“£ to the person 😰 who mentioned πŸ’­ me. (😑 /u/shallowm 😑) You 😰 think I’m afraid 😱 of you 😎 chuckles πŸ˜‚ Don’t ❌ make me laugh 😜 It is you who should be afraid 😱 of us. That’s right βœ… I’m calling out my family 😈 Black ⬛️ Legion πŸ’‚πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ, Army βš”οΈ of Darkness 🌚, Black πŸ–€ Demon πŸ‘Ή Pack πŸ™…πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ... and Army βš”οΈ of Darkness 🌚 Join me βš”οΈ and we will get this pathetic 😱 mortal to surrender 😡 We πŸ”« will not stand 😎 for your insolomy ❌ My family πŸ™…πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ cares for me the most. You πŸ˜₯ are nothing ❌ Your clan 😴 is nothing ❌ compared to what we are βš”οΈ So you 😰 think you 😱 can take me πŸ”« on? chuckles 😈



I mean it's good advice, in general. You shouldn't ever have your online presence connected to your IRL identity if the stuff you post is even slightly controversial.

Because while the OP reads like a most likely exaggerated story, plenty of people actually do get fired for offensive content unrelated to their job.

I don't know what you're talking about. I tell all my coworkers about my /r/drama shitposting and I use my work email to do it. How else am I supposed to maintain my reputation in the office as the guy with the dankest memes?

I put my hotest takes on my resume tbh.

I sure do

If people knew I went here, everyone I know would disown me

You shouldn't ever have your online presence connected to your IRL identity if the stuff you post is even slightly controversial

End of the story. Best of luck to this guy, hope he learned a lesson from this

Yeah, I added that part because for some people, like musicians, e-celebs, etc., they can and do tie their IRL identity to their content.

Pretty sure that is a troll

Otherwise call the cops cause that guy is gonna shoot a humanities class soon enough

the contract expired that day

The dude wasn't fired, he literally wasn't rehired. And he said that all his coworkers have seen his video's so he's probably realy pushing it in their faces. Woudn't be surprised if his coworkers complained about him and would rather see him go.

But muh agenda

Maybe he was just an annoying austist? πŸ€”πŸ§

writes ten pages of masturbatory seriouspost on a JBP subreddit

Gee, ya think?

"An autist? No way," I thought. But at this point, I knew it would be better if I didn't say anything. My skills in rhetorical maneuvering aren't such that at the potential end of that back and forth I would come out looking better, rather than worse. I kept my mouth shut.

t. drama posters

Oh my god that's an actual quote fucking kill me

>tfw your navigation isn't nimble enough


tfw you want to humblebrag about dancing around people in a conversation, but your sentence comes out like - such that - such as a fucking downie wrote it


By looking at this YouTube page for 5 seconds I can confirm this

please link this, i need to see

He definitely seems like the kinda guy to mistake the hurried placation of coworkers for genuine interest.

I dont know honestly he seems to be a fairly reasonable autist, so maybe there is some truth to it.

Nepotism hire always ends up in this type of unfair situations.

No chance, the SRDines got here first. Honestly there was a disappointing amount of drama in the linked thread pretty tame.

Be the drama you want to see in the world

If your boss hasn't told you you're being converted way before the end of your contract, you're gonna be unemployed.

Is that true for non America?

he seems to be a fairly reasonable

jesus christ

that's your take on that absolute turd of a post?

Sure why not

why not

Because the autism is so strong I'm surprised a model train being driven by sonic the hedgehog hasn't jumped out of my screen

Well he got hundreds of thousands of hits on youtube doing funny video edits, so its not strange his co-workers at a video editing job would see his stuff. Don't need to assume some malicious intent.

Listen up bucko!

I've received word from r/JordanPeterson that someone here hasn't been washing their penis. Now I expected to have to read through this pathetic thread using Logic and Reason to determine the individual who has the dirtiest room, but I can see your ignorant and collectivist post already made it easy for me. Now I can see that a lack of postive male role models has really messed you up bucko, so I'll make it real simple for you: WASH YOUR PENIS, CLEAN YOUR ROOM, DONATE TO MY PATREON

Don’t scrub it too fast though, proud boy!

How long until he makes a crybaby video claiming an SJW conspiracy, forgetting to mention all of that?

he said that all his coworkers have seen his video's so he's probably realy pushing it in their faces.

Supposedly his friend played a video during a meeting, as an example

tbh it was mildly funny. Idk why he didn't try the "I was mocking evilman" defense it could work if it's about an infamous tubo retard like peterson

At this point, I knew it would be better if I didn't say anything. My skills in rhetorical maneuvering aren't such that at the potential end of that back and forth I would come out looking better, rather than worse. I kept my mouth shut.

Lol, dude stayed his rhetorical blade.

I don't need to study the blade, I cut people with my razor sharp wit.

-That guy probably

Honestly that's one of the actually smartest things he did. Spergs learning to control their powerlevel is rare and good.

The thing is he must have shown memerson videos to every coworker he has

No one can truly control their powerlevel 24/7 but when they do it should be praised.

He had to, it's like a tea kettle. You have to let off sperg pressure or you'll explode.

I got a real sociopath vibe from it too.

rare and good

I believe you misspelled "extremely bad for dramacoin"

not for long though, as but several paragraphs later

"I'm not really into his political stuff'' I said, rhetorically maneuvering.

turned out his initial assessment was exactly on point

I picture him ducking and leaning side to side and like swinging his arms around whenever he describes having a conversation as an intense manuver

This is the kind of unfair dismissal that maybe a union and a tribunal would be helpful with. You know, worker's organisation.

Unfortunately, daddy Peterson and his friends at Prager U have decreed that worker's organisation and collective bargaining is just neo-Marxist malcontents who are plotting to put everyone in gulags.

Maybe Jungian archetypes will help. Has he tried starting a dream diary?

unfair dismissal

You some kinda communist?

His contract was up so it can’t be unfair dismissal. The SJW woman shouldn’t have provided reasons for not renewing the contract.

but u see good sir, he has no need for such for any such pathetic safety net, the free market will snatch a valuable, determined and hard working young man such as himself up in a jiffy! With a 25% pay raise to boot!

but u see good sir, he has no need for such for any such pathetic safety net, the free market will snatch a valuable, determined and hard working young man such as himself up in a jiffy! With a 25% pay raise to boot!

but u see good sir, he has no need for such for any such pathetic safety net, the free market will snatch a valuable, determined and hard working young man such as himself up in a jiffy! With a 25% pay raise to boot!

but u see good sir, he has no need for such for any such pathetic safety net, the free market will snatch a valuable, determined and hard working young man such as himself up in a jiffy! With a 25% pay raise to boot!

but u see good sir, he has no need for such for any such pathetic safety net, the free market will snatch a valuable, determined and hard working young man such as himself up in a jiffy! With a 25% pay raise to boot!

but u see good sir, he has no need for such for any such pathetic safety net, the free market will snatch a valuable, determined and hard working young man such as himself up in a jiffy! With a 25% pay raise to boot!

but u see good sir, he has no need for such for any such pathetic safety net, the free market will snatch a valuable, determined and hard working young man such as himself up in a jiffy! With a 25% pay raise to boot!

I rlly dont follow memerson political ideas, is he fiscally conservative?

haha i don't either sorry, just felt like shitposting

I don't think he has a coherent ideology beyond "if it's old and I like it it's good!"

He doesn't talk much about economic ideology, just cultural.

Although they are tied closely together outside of basic identity politics.

Peterson is not part of Prager U as far as I know.

top 10 anime crossovers

Thank Universe that I was actually born in a country with labour laws. I could have been born in the US instead!

So theyre against Free markets and Private Businesses huh?

Imagine firing one of your more productive employees because your foid niece told you to

more productive employees

He made a shitload of Jordan Peterson meme videos and admits all his colleagues saw them. Gotta wonder if he was making that shit on company time.

admits all his colleagues saw them.

Oh no, I shutter to think what he could have shown them next. Model airplanes? His vacation photos?

admits all his colleagues saw them.

Oh no, I shutter to think what he could have shown them next. Model airplanes? His vacation photos?

admits all his colleagues saw them.

Oh no, I shutter to think what he could have shown them next. Model airplanes? His vacation photos?

admits all his colleagues saw them.

Oh no, I shutter to think what he could have shown them next. Model airplanes? His vacation photos?

admits all his colleagues saw them.

Oh no, I shutter to think what he could have shown them next. Model airplanes? His vacation photos?

admits all his colleagues saw them.

Oh no, I shutter to think what he could have shown them next. Model airplanes? His vacation photos?

admits all his colleagues saw them.

Oh no, I shutter to think what he could have shown them next. Model airplanes? His vacation photos?

admits all his colleagues saw them.

Oh no, I shutter to think what he could have shown them next. Model airplanes? His vacation photos?

admits all his colleagues saw them.

Oh no, I shutter to think what he could have shown them next. Model airplanes? His vacation photos?

admits all his colleagues saw them.

Oh no, I shutter to think what he could have shown them next. Model airplanes? His vacation photos?

admits all his colleagues saw them.

Oh no, I shutter to think what he could have shown them next. Model airplanes? His vacation photos?

admits all his colleagues saw them.

Oh no, I shutter to think what he could have shown them next. Model airplanes? His vacation photos?

admits all his colleagues saw them.

Oh no, I shutter to think what he could have shown them next. Model airplanes? His vacation photos?

admits all his colleagues saw them.

Oh no, I shutter to think what he could have shown them next. Model airplanes? His vacation photos?

admits all his colleagues saw them.

Oh no, I shutter to think what he could have shown them next. Model airplanes? His vacation photos?

admits all his colleagues saw them.

Oh no, I shutter to think what he could have shown them next. Model airplanes? His vacation photos?

Imagine chilling at work and all of a sudden being forced to look your coworker's autistic model plane collection

Simply put - an act of violence against non-colossal nerd bodies.

Normie abuse


I too completely accept what one person's side of the story is as complete fact.

The guy was a fool and told coworkers about what he done in his spare time. Don’t tell anyone anything about your private life online in your job.

he should had talked to hr about his channel, being decently sized

That wouldn’t have worked. He’s a contractor and part of the problems with being a contractor is limited rights in the workplace but in theory you get higher pay.


I've softened towards Memerson since his videos convinced my pinko father that commies are actually trash.

If your father was convinced by a YouTube video, he might be retarded.

He's a boomer.

Double-retarded, then.

this is my first fime seeing your new flair. i love that movie

Between that and What We Do in the Shadows, it was a great year for NZ movies.

He was a pinko

If that’s how long his posts are I can’t imagine how painful the YouTube videos must be.

>2069 word shitpost with the person actually signing it at the bottom. >Believing this is real.

Mods stickied it so it must be real

Lol they call him the good doctor.

This is hilarious and I bet completely deserved.

All of this has resulted in me having a personal crisis. Lost my job, my plan and, most importantly, my meaning.

sounds like soyboy needs to up his lobster serotonin levels πŸ˜‚πŸ‘Œ

At least he now got time to clean his room.

Whrn you no longer have a room it is always clean

He probably shouldn't have derived all the meaning in his life from a temporary contract job

Oh wow I even watched some of his youtube videos. They are actually funny even though I dont like JBP and the whole cult around him.

He should submit that to a short story contest next, pretty OK writing imo.

my memes cost me my job


Trump supporters are delusional. I bet what he says happened isn't what actually transpired.

Does that sub realize 80% of the public has no idea who Jordan Peterson is? Lol hounded by the media and sjws

Should have locked him up for making memes.

I agree with this OP. He doesn't agree with JBP's politics but enjoys his lifestyle and writings. I feel like there's people that feel the same about Hitler. Hate his politics. Love his artwork.

Tbf regardless, nepotism hires are always the worst. And most sociology majors in current year are almostguaranteed to be npcs/sjws.

Imagine watching 50 hours of memerson to make a yt video πŸ€¦πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈ

That's a cool fanfic.

This thread, a wild herd of lolcows appears.

How do people even write that much?
