"The year is 2029. r/ChapoTrapHouse has been banned. Some of its former users approach r/Drama's fortress in search of a new home."

1  2018-10-24 by Momruepari


I don’t know if your older (16yo) groomer-handlers have broken the bad news to you yet, but karma points are not redeemable for waifu pillow-cases, Baja Blast, MAGA beanies, or tiddy volleyball vidya games. So punching at the downvote button with your Dew-‘n-jizz sticky little digits may make you feel like you’re wielding mighty katanas of vengeance, but it’s really no more productive than what you did to all of those crusty socks under your race car beds. But don’t let that stop you, lads! Avenge your brother Elliot! You are proud child soldiers in General Rodger’s personal army!


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

LOL what kinda retard posted that.

I feel like enough points in this directly target me to rethink my life a little.

I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check.

Years from now this sub will only communicate with bot quotes except for the bots who will have achieved total sapience

Oh man big boy using big boy words. Litany, Erroneous, splayed, derision, archetype. Called us stupid as well. I guess we might as well close this sub.


!Dude Bussy lmao!<

It's a snappy quote, retard

> spoil in reddit in CURRENT_YEAR


I'm sure. You.

I'm sure. You.

I'm sure. You.

I'm sure. You.

I'm sure. You.

I'm sure. You.


Further proof that we need to build a wall

One, two, three and to the four

r/Drama and momruepari is at the door

Ready to make an entrance, so back on up

(Cause you know we bout to rip shit up)

Gimme the microphone first so I can bust like a bubble

MDE and CTH together

Now you know we're in trouble

Ain't nothing but a Bussy thing, baby

Two loc'd out mayo subs, so they crazy

Condé Nast is the label that pays me

Unironic, so please don't try to post here

But, um, back to the nature at hand

Centrism is perfected so Ima let them understand

From a young shitposters perspective

Before me dig out an NPC sub I have to find the contraceptive

You never know she could be earnin her lolcow, could be learnin her lolcow

And at the same time pinging her lolcow

Now you know I'm with that shit, lieutenant

Ain't no gussy good enough to get burnt while I'm up in it

And that's realer than real-deal pizzashill

And now you chapofucks and MDEtards know how I feel

Well, if it's good enough to lmao off a proper chunk

I'll take a small piece of some of that TayTay stuff


Can I give you r/Drama gold?


Don't give this website money ever.

You can post a platypus of contrition if you'd like, though

Hell yeah.

This might be the least disgusted by an /r/Drama post I've been in months.

This might be the least disgusted by an /r/Drama post I've been in months.

This might be the least disgusted by an /r/Drama post I've been in months.

Kiss me you fool

u/Voltar134 when does this go on the mixtape?

I'll record something sometime after I do a painting for snallygussy.

Oh hell yeah in a minute

cmon bruh its to this rhythm

tbh I don''t listen to much hip hop I like taeko ohnuki tbh

Ha! They've been MC Fingered!

Excellent OC, fellow memer!

I’m still disgusted because the song doesn’t even fit the meter or rhyme at points the way you edited it

CTH, the epicenter of white, upper class, boushy college drop outs convincing themselves they are members of the working class.

Pronouncing bourgeois as boushy


dude boushy lmao

Top comment

Mate asscrack haha

Designing the red army uniform is a dirty job but someone gotta do it

Designing the red army uniform is a dirty job but someone gotta do it

Designing the red army uniform is a dirty job but someone gotta do it


theyre from the upper, white class and still live day to day by being supported from their rich parents. Typical bourgeoisie.

I work 60 hours a week at two incredibly blue collar jobs but keep telling yourself that you insufferable cock

>when u pretend to werk to pwn the libs 😎😎😎😏🤑

Epic style!!

metacanada poster

Yeah EXTREME cringe there

Ya being a leaf is p cringe

stay mad tankie

Stop fucking stamping your memes you loser.

Don't listen to this liberal, Mr Momruepari

they can't stop me

Please don't complain about his signature. Just appreciate the art.


He delivers once again

the distant future, the year 2000

🎶 In the year two thousaaaaaand... 🎶

Hey fuck you, Chappie isnt an NPC. Hes a straight up gangsta

dude lmao praxis

buddy giggity bums

dude lmao just prax it out bro lmao bussy lmao

Alexa play The Last Stand


Ahh I do hate those Chapo’s Mr. Ruepari

Dogcheese-, you are my spirit animal

Out out out

out OUT #OUT

Out out out.

dude bussy


If any of us are still here in 2029 Kill me.

Reminder, you're here forever.

Only in my mind Fam.

Why would they be banned? I thought reddit was fine with communist subs being around, given late stage capitalism and full communism and all that.

I upvoted the CAnimal version of this post, thus I have to upvote this one as well.