r/conservatives butthurt over how Reddit is “overwhelmingly left leaning”.

1  2018-10-25 by Ghdust2


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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I mean, it is.

Almost like the vast majority of young people are liberals and the GOP decided to double down on angry old boomers so never gained any ground.

I agree, age is probably a huge factor in why reddit is so liberal.

Nah, it's just normal for young people to be liberal and as they grow old become more conservative. It's common sense.

it's common sense

Lmao @ people thinking its "okay" for that to happen. It has something to do with this


TLDW; oldfags longing for the "good old days" don't know or deliberately ignore that their newer days are much better. It has something to do with nostalgia too btw.

Humans are smart but doesn't mean we're even near perfect when it comes to processing information. Biases exist for a reason even when their subconscious.

Yeah, but it's not their views changing, it's where those views fall on the left-right scale.


wait for it......



it's not their views changing

That's exactly what time does to your brain filled with information and memories. It organizes and prioritizes (based on evolutionary necessities and shortcomings of the brain itself) which leads to the distortion of reality for that person.

It has nothing to do with juvenoia or nostalgia. It's all about priorities, wisdom, life experience etc.

A straight out of college person doesn't have the same wisdom and experience a 35 year old does. Our brains aren't even developed until we are around 25 years old and pair that with the fact that the vast majority of liberals are included in the 15-28 age mark reinforces my point even more so. It's a fact that as people get older, in general, grow more conservative and vote more conservative. If you've lived long enough you'll see this is true and makes sense considering how easily impressionable we are in our youth.

That's why Qultists and Pedes are comprised of boomers and rednecks. They're wise and they have the most developed brains out there

there's a difference between qultists/pedes and your average middle class republican voter

Yes, it's as big a shitpost as claiming most liberals are 18-25 and only vote Democrat because they haven't developed their brains enough

yeah 18-25 year olds vote liberal mainly because they don't make money and therefore don't pay taxes, plus have very little "real world" experience

The thing is Trump actually performed reasonably well (far better than Romney for example) with 18-25 year olds. Daddy managed to energize young republicans

You realize you can go look at exit polls and refute this bullshit in about 10 seconds, right?

But then the narrative crumbles 😢

there's a difference

Nice cope, retard.

out brains aren't even developed until we are around 25

You mean aren't "fully" developed as in a 100% and not as in being a brainlet. Nice job leaving out that tiny detail

it has nothing to do with juvenoia because i said so

Lmao what a convincing argument.

It's a fact that as people get older, in general, grow more conservative and vote more conservative.

If you weren't such a sperg you'd see that I'm not arguing against it. All I'm providing is a "why" behind this phenomenon.

it's all about wisdom

Fucking lol. At least i providing a vid that is sourced to some extent and like you where you're expecting us to simply believe you because reeee

This is literally not true. This has never been true.

They don't think it be like it is, but it do.

Every generation is liberal until they grow old enough to have a job and see the government in action. This isn't some new phenomenon.

Weird considering each generation ends up less conservative than the last.

le gubment hurr durr

That's why they cuck themselves for corporations because of fREEEEE market amirite? All that worldly experience leading them to vote against their interests only to own the libs?

As if refugees weren't enough of a problem in this sub, most of 'em are Qtard tier boomers lmao

Who is voting against their own interests?

Is that the only unironic thing about you? That you're a Cenk Uygur fan?

Cenk Uygur fan

watching YouToob political autists unironically

Lmao @ your entire existence.

who is voting against their own interests

Retards like you. Keep coping through ignorance tho, lol

-> entire life worth based on internet meme persona

-> calls other people retards

-> laughs at other people's existence

he mad

absolutely S E E T H I N G


I mean it is

Duh?! Doesn't mean he should screech about it like an autistic mong. Maybe something like Voat might interest him.

Duh?! Doesn't mean he should screech about it like an autistic mong.

Good thing he literally didn’t. His tone was more weary than anything. You frankly sound much more worked up.

Maybe something like Voat might interest him.


there seems to be a group of people who go to every conservative sub and downvote every thread and post. they're almost always marked as controversial

it's weird

Probably conservatives themselves downvoting each other to garner sympathy. Ain't falling for it.

Obvious false flag.

could be a false flag false flag tho

False flags all the way down.

Remember there’s more to the world than America. The modern western world and its population leans left of America.

Fair point. I often see comments on reddit with such good English and such intimate familiarity with American politics that I assume the person is American, then they say they aren’t.

Meanwhile I am a monolingual American tard who barely understands the politics of my own country 😣

Never too late to learn another language. American policy effects us all when global warming , trade deals and world politics and be effected by their actions.

Yeah. I’m just too flighty — I’ve leaned enough to “sort of” read a few other languages, but not enough to hold a real conversation in any others. I really need to pick one and focus on it.

Why get angry? They'll all grow up at some point.

waaaaahhhhhh REEEEEEEEE

the absolute state of rightoids in 2005+13 BC

Reminder that threads in /r/Conservative flaired "Conservative Only" ban comments that aren't explicitly pro-conservative because those snowflakes can't handle dissenting opinions in their safe spaces.

Don't you delete tranny threads on sight?

no its because you can literally anywhere on reddit and be bombarded with left wing comments while the hivemind hides all rightwing comments with downvotes, and when /r/conservative hits /r/all the comments section looks like /r/politics why have /r/conservative if all the comments that you see are far left wing

Cry more for me snowflake. Conservative tears are a delicacy.

>post a nuanced look at what happens to a nominally conservative subreddit



Did you just describe your own Reddit post as a "nuanced look"? And about a subreddit?

Holy shit the cringe is overwhelming.

no its because you can literally anywhere on reddit and be bombarded with left wing comments while the hivemind hides all rightwing comments with downvotes, and when /r/conservative hits /r/all the comments section looks like /r/politics why have /r/conservative if all the comments that you see are far left wing

Well, yeah... So what? In the end it's a numbers game and the demographics aren't in their favor. Especially since the most active users (50+ comments per day) leans ever further left.

Conservatives do have some small advantages though, e.g. left-wingers throwing everyone out with however small wrongthink. But they will never take any advantage from it since most active conservatives on Reddit are either boomers or jobless people.

I know lots of nice conservatives, but to be a /r/conservative poster there's already a minimum level of butthurt embedded into your character.

54% upvoted

lol, they mad

They’re right

Whine more. Makes you look super alpha.

These comments...the butthurt is coming from inside the sub.