James Damore 2.0 - Soon to be former intern tracks minority co-workers' lack of knowledge without any confirmation bias whatsoever

1  2018-10-30 by GoldenMonkeyPox


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Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


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Just like every other company I've worked at, I hoped that at Apple I would be able to bring my whole self to work, be able to freely express my point of view on issues

Dude, you’re a college intern, no one cares that Bubba’s Burger Barn or the guys at the 7-11 allow you to drone on about your “enlightened world viewpoints”. Especially not the people busy running a trillion dollar company.

Sadly this kid probably has been paid exorbitant sums of money to write shitty code. That’s probably why he thinks people care about his opinions.

In order to actually overcome my bias, I began noting down when a colleague demonstrated lack of knowledge on basic CS topics and especially when they made no effort to learn the topic.

While I won't post the raw statistics here because they are actually fairly disheartening, I would summarize it as follows. There is a significant correlation between whether a person was in an under-represented group and their lack of knowledge. While I admit there might be some causation-correlation fallacy going here (i.e new hires might be from more under-represented groups and new hires might be lacking in knowledge) this trend is far too alarming to ignore.

Not even a single anecdote? I'm a) CONVINCED! and b) bored.

How to get yourself blacklisted from any company who would find this shit embarassing.

Even if you're right about stupid nigger coworkers not knowing computers how autistic do you have to be to write this shit and attach it to your name and company?

Yep, what's worse than products that don't work?

Pissing off the customers before they even have the product that doesn't work.

all student (assuming this guy is an undergrad given how he doesn't realize this) interns are fucking retards in the first place. the difference is the minorities can be somewhat useful as they can be shoved to the front of social media group photos to show the world how progressive the company is

James Damore at least cited reputable sources. This guy has a list of names with a bunch of tally marks.

This guy is an embarrassment to his cause.

Damore did nothing wrong and is a hill worth dying on.

that situation really underscored how fucked tech sector is and how fucked the rest of us are in general.

Binding arbitration is a shit concept.

Damore did nothing wrong and is a hill worth dying on.

Lmao Damore settled out-of-court for millions, even he thinks this wasn't a hill worth dying on.

I felt personally betrayed, but to be honest, he completely fucked up everything past writing the document.

He did? Can’t find anything on google


Appears I had some details wrong, but essentially it's the same gist - Damore doesn't want to fight this battle so he's bowing out, either because someone a lot smarter than him told him he's going to get steamrolled in court, or Google's legal team is offering him fat stacks to keep his mouth shut.

Ok so no particular reason to believe he got millions of dollars

Aside from him exiting the lawsuit for arbitration (read: hush money), no.

He can't fight it in court due to an arbitration clause in his contract. A recent SCOTUS case made those clauses binding. Yay private justice.

Damore publicly embarrassed the company he worked for by telling them they are wrong and he is right. It doesn't matter how right he is.

If the company I work for makes a retarded decision like open plan offices or something and I wrote an open letter telling them they're a bunch of retards and I know what's right for the company, then I'm just asking to get sacked and all my bridges burnt. Mix politics in to that and it's 10 times worse.

You're not upper management, you're a fucking code monkey. Stop trying to make decisons that are above your pay grade. Why can't everyone just shut the fuck up and do their job? There's something so stereotypically American about thinking your personal political opinion is so important everyone needs to bend over backwards for you. Management are retards, you're a retard, everyone's a retard. Just sit your retard ass on your retard chair and type your retarded code in and get your retarded paycheque. Dumb fuck offended over everything mayo cunts throwing away the chance to make good money just to spout their political opinions pissing me off

Damore wrote it on the internal company message board made especially for discussing politics.

Someone else leaked it to the press.


Sounds like I underestimated the retardedness of the situation. Imagine making a system for people to talk politics at work lmao how retarded can you get

The most important form of diversity is not that of race, religion, or political ideology, but belief in the shape of the Earth. I bet Apple's Location Service would come to absolutely crush its rivals if it would hire more Flat Earthers.

mayo and a techie? 🤢🤢🤢

Allah (PBUH) forgive me, mayb Chaptards were right 🤒🤒

mayo and a techie?

Dude's name is Avi. I'm pretty sure it depends on what day of the week it is and what agenda we're pushing as to whether or not he's mayo.

>reading more than the submission title

thats gonna be a NOPE from me bud ✌️😎✌️

I'll admit I scrolled down to the bottom. I always hope to see "Jamal Singletary" at the end of one of these things, and I'm always disappointed."

you are doing it right, you are a gentleman and a scholar m'sir tips

His last name is Agarwal. It would be quite a surprise if he wasn't Indian.

Indians and Asians in tech are white.

Asians are. Pooinloos are not and never will be white in any context.

They're white when it comes to lambasting Silicon Valley firms for not having enough PoC employees.

Basically the implicit standard here is that if your minority group becomes successful, then we start counting you as white so that we can continue to rant about white supremacy.

Pajeets just straight up are not treated as white in silicon valley tho. I mean maybe by gender studies majors in michigan posting one-handed on twitter with their thumbs up their butts, but no actual people confuse them for mayos.

Sorry but when have Indians become successful at programming? Unless by successful you mean getting shit loads of money for shit work that causes everyone else problems for years. Fuck pajeet and all the technical debt he has left us with.

Given the CEO of google is an Indian I'm pretty sure there're at least a couple of successful Indians in tech.

I said successful at programming, not successful at management in tech companies.

Sanjeev spotted.

Doing the needful.

Currycide mode activated.

Funny how the actual higher ups at corps prefer to outsource here and unemployed cleetuses on Reddit chimp out about how stupid their decisions are.

Keep your anecdote #56276358 to yourself btw. It's less believable than your mother's sobriety.

Okay Sanjeev, keep on doing the needful

Bud bud ding ding

Sounds like it could be from some *-stan too, but its tech so you're probably right.

that would explain why he thinks competence matters among i***rns

In order to actually overcome my bias, I began noting down when a colleague demonstrated lack of knowledge on basic CS topics and especially when they made no effort to learn the topic.

This is definitely done via an objective metric in a completely rigorous manner, and doesn't just show your crippling autism.

Avi Agarwal sounds like a "diverse" name himself though? Is he counting himself as the exception to the rule?

Interns should not speak unless spoken to.

And even then it's preferable they don't.

But this time it's not a mayo. Drama incoming.

posting an open letter on GitHub

Peak programmer nonsense

The drama gets juicer, he's saying his account was hacked by a fellow student and he didn't write this letter, it's a malicious smear attempt against him.


Why would they bother to fire him? It's easier to just let the six months lapse, then burn his resume

not sure what to think about this


Either a rightoid autist or a moron with the same computer security practices of a squirrel what a wonderful employee!

With affirmative action, we only strive to stengthen the imposter syndrome that so many women and people of color already have. They have to second-guess themselves at every step, wondering if they are a diversity hire or actually earned their way through to their job.

Fucking kek. Brotendo, we don't have this. Someone is P R O J E C T I N G.

even if diversity hires dont have imposter syndrome, everyone else experienced treats them that way even if theyre qualified af

thats just what affirmative action does

i know for a fact that when a company hires a young woman or black guy really obviously that people automatically suspect theyre retarded and treat them as though they dont know shit

I work in this industry, nigga. I'm a chick. You have the occasional condescending douche who doesn't know how to keep his sexism in his pants, but on a widespread scale what you're talking about just isn't a thing.

I work in this industry, nigga. I'm a chick.

yeah so you prob have always thought youre qualified and equal but i guarantee your older male colleagues thought lowly of you until you proved yourself

thats what affirmative action does, it sows doubt that people are actually qualified

like if the boss says "we need more women" then its going to be assumed that the primary reason a woman was hired is because theyre a woman, as opposed to her being skilled

You have the occasional condescending douche who doesn't know how to keep his sexism in his pants

you mean the few that will actually be honest

i guarantee some people still think youre a diversity hire no matter what, that doubt will literally always exist

I think this comment is actually diagnosable for mental retardation lmfao.

do you doubt that some of your co workers still treat you as a diversity hire? because i can almost guarantee they exist even if theyre not saying it to your face

I'm super amused that you think literally every chick in software is looked down on by male coworkers. This is definitely reflective of actual external reality and not your fentanyl-enhanced fever dreams.

You absolutely have coworkers that look down on you for being a diversity hire.

The fact that you’re too stupid to realize it means you probably were one.

This is definitely reflective of actual external reality and not your fentanyl-enhanced fever dreams.


this is yall and yikes level fyi

you think literally every chick in software is looked down on by male coworkers

they are though

maybe not "looked down upon" but more like "i wonder if we missed out on getting a more qualified guy that would have made all our lives easier"

if hiring policy didnt bend the rules for women then nobody would have reason to suspect that shit, but it does and so we all do

also most women in software are pretty incompetent lol

y i k e s





TBH I'd trust a greybeard over a tranny any day of the week.

Well yeah, but that's because trannies are fucking insane. Actual women and, like, blacks and mexicans and shit are fine.

I mean, lots of people in tech are retarded autists, just look at Stallman. Being mentally unstable isn't that much of a disqualifier.

That's on the people who do that, not affirmative action. Racists would just find some way to hate on them otherwise.

it can be on whoever you want to blame but its not going to change that it happens

the only way to erase doubt and have people respected for their position instead of treated with suspicion forever is pure meritocracy

There is no mandatory affirmative action required by law, some companies have internal policies though. The exact methods they use are probably kept secret.

No they don’t it’s illegal

Depends where you live. In California, where all the big tech companies are, private sector companies are free to develop voluntary affirmative action plans.

How to fail at github

This letter is not just meant to be put out to the world

At least damore put effort into it and tried to remain anonymous.


Didn’t he post his manifesto onto the internal message board under his own name?

Holy fuck that mans autism must be measured in megatons