Diamond Dick Daddy says for ICE and National Guard to open fire on anyone who throws a rock "because they are basically the same thing".

1  2018-11-02 by WarBoyPrimo


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Ah, I see Trump has been taking notes on Israel's policies.

Good old Benji living off of his dead brother’s name.

Maybe he's just retarded.

has been taking notes on Israel's policies.

Pssst...molotov cocktails and actual hamas terrorists mixed in. A little bit different situation.

If you actually believe that they I think you should go lay Dave down in the nearest 3ish inches of water

Did you just have a stroke? You can edit comments you know.

Thanks for the heads up, I'd forgotten to give you the quality comment you deserved

I dab in your general direction.

Also I meant the israel border protests, not your burgerstan caravan issue. And yes, it was reported by numerous outlets and IDF that they were using molotovs and that at one point hamas officials came and praised people's "efforts" and asked them to storm the fence, while their terrorists were trying to get in. You can shit out your brainwashed propaganda however much you want but I'm glad our government protects us from a bunch of religious murdertwats.

Dead Muslims are Israelis greatest export. Remember, he can't rape you if he's dead, unless he comes back from hell as a ghoul or some shit. Does anyone know hell's carrying capacity? We need to research this immediately. I really don't Europe getting swamped by ghoulish Muslim rapists because the Israelis killed too many Palestinians.

Export is from the inside though.

Dude, Europe supplies a huge amount of ISIS fighters on their own.


Excuse me why

You honestly don't know?


Ok please no telling people to kill themselves in creative ways. We get in trouble.

yee I gotchu <3

The Israeli border security model isn't really worth replicating.

How many Mexicans are there in Israel?

One more once I lure /u/WarSanchez into my trap

LOL I've always wanted to go to the Holy Land, it:s just too far a swim.

But Mecca isn’t in Israel 🇮🇱


בְּעֶזְרַת הַשֵּׁם

This nigga gets it

They have Rock Dome or as the idiots call it, Dome of the Rock.

Yeah but now we have ISIS in our boarder.

ISIS or Mexicans. You gotta pick one

Lol at comparing Mexico to Palestine.

When you explain jokes you suck out the fun

You can suck more than fun out of me zaddy 😍😍😍

Lol also at how shook I am respecting Israel’s policies for once

Donald J Trump is the most dangerous man to come in and influence America. He is ruining all the good work we've been doing for the past several decades in the west.

His cis, heterosexual, whiteness diqualifies him from any discussion, yet he keeps butting in with his "opinion" and fucking stupid morons keep believing him like the good little NPCs they are.

I will NEVER call him President. He is a fake. Hopefully his momentum dies soon because the damage he is causing to society is irreparable.


Where is this from?

I found it on /lit/, only it was originally about Jordan Peterson so I had to tweak it

I will NEVER call Jordan Peteson "President" either

That's probably a part he tweaked you idiot

I will refer to him as president peterson from now on just to spite you.

Make America Clean Its Room Again

Holy shit yes!

No, you’d call him Prime Minister

Of israel.

you call him "daddy!" though

I'm not gay, but I want to live in a log cabin in the woods with Doctor Peterson. We won't ever have sex, but there will be a simmering erotic undercurrent as I stand in the kitchen window watching him cranking out youtubes videos, shirtless, sweat pouring off his body. I'll run upstairs and masturbate, the entire time forcing myself to think of women while my thoughts drift back to Memerson. I won't be able to climax and I'll eventually go back downstairs, angry.

Sometimes we will look across the table and catch each other's eyes, and in that second, anything is possible, but we both deny ourselves and go back to what we were doing. One day one of us will die, and the other will bury him outside the log cabin. Then he'll go inside, pen a brief missive to his departed friend, and commit suicide, never able to deal with life without his one true platonic love.

When Annoysthegoys dies I'm hooking up with an 18-year-old tranny from Columbia with a tight ass and an eight inch cock.

That was literally my plan for the future, except I'd rather go to a more 1st world-y country

This could be a brilliant strategy tbh.

Trump announces a military crackdown on the migrants and the Democrats spaz out for the next week. Open borders, abolish ICE and all that shit provides a lot of controversy right before the elections.

As the migrants reach the border Trump pretends to be persuaded and tells the military to pull back.

Prime time 4k footage of raging hordes of migrants storming the border like a scene from Dawn of the Dead right before the midterms.

Or he could fuck it up by firing into the crowds Israeli style, but the problem with that strategy is the US lacks (((Antisemitism Card)))

Time will tell

implying Trump would ever get anything involving brown people right

This is some grade-A DDF fanfic

Tbh I don't think most soldiers aren't just going to straight fire into the crowd because I think most of them aren't insane psychopaths? Maybe my opinion of the US army is too high.

They are 2 months away but ok.

Imagine thinking that Daddy actually has a master plan involving the border. He's going to order the troops to shoot at the brown people, they are going to refuse what are obviously unlawful orders, and Daddy is going to have an egg on his face.

Imagine thinking Daddy is capable of planning anything.

Oh none of the events I describe will be planned. He'll just flip on Fox and Friends one morning, see video of the migrants, and use Twitter to order the troops to shoot all the migrants.

He'll just flip on Fox and Friends at like 6pm because that's when he gets up


It's interesting that people actually believe this

AlveolarPressure is TDS personified. 90% of their posting is about Trump

That's what I love about daddy POTUS, he's a maverick, he shoots from the hip and keeps you on your feet.

Unlawful to do anything more than weakly protest as invaders stream over your border

We're reaching levels of learned helplessness that shouldn't be possible.

Go on commit some war crimes. The US should be able to get away with it anyway since they don't give a single fuck about international agreements.

To be fair, they do get away with it. See literally everything they did in middle east.

They're far from alone in that though.

i doubt you could consider any EU country involved

You forget: human rights only applies to humans.

Does this mean we can get away with killing wh*tes


we use the navy to cannon refugee boats here

it's not a war crime, it's a piece enforcement of law.

War crimes implies war. Good call. The beginning of wisdom is calling things by their correct name.

stream over our border



That’s because they stopped arresting them and let them stream over the border instead. God, you’re retarded.

So daddy doesn’t give a fuck about protecting the borders than?

lol the whole "separating children" faggotry is because trump decided to start enforcing it

they were supposed to stop them its just they havent bothered for the past decade or so because it gets them free dem voters

Lol more like it gives rich people cheap labor. Also Illegals 👏can’t 👏vote👏

Lol more like it gives rich people cheap labor.

like you cant exploit local minorities

Also Illegals 👏can’t 👏vote👏

you cant tell without voter id lol thats why it needs to be implemented

You don't even know what the American process of voting is you retarded bogan. Please come here and try to vote illegally this Tuesday to find out what really happens to people who attempt to do so. Make sure to Livestream your subsequent deportation for maximum drama.

I can tell you the process. I went online and filled out a form giving a name an address and the last 4 digits of my social. They sent me a form to sign and mail back because they didn’t have a signature on file at the DMV. Nothing but the address was accurate. I am now registered to vote. Fuck off.

I wasn't talking to you. Cap is the Aussie who pretends to have extensive knowledge o American politics.

Well as an undocumented immigrant doing everything I can to resist I just told you how easy it is to register to vote.

Lol no you aren't, and if you are, enjoy your deportation.

Which state?


That’s exactly where I registered? Not sure why you’re linking it?

Another illiterate mayo. Imagine my shock.

Wut? How am I illiterate? I literally just went through the process a couple weeks ago.

You're talking about registering, not voting.

all you need for voting is being registered to vote

CA can ask for an ID when you vote. Other states require that you show your id when you vote.

CA can ask


but do?


lol you dont get deported for voting illegally, they dont deport illegals for shooting people if they say its accidental

i know this is a sore point for you because once illegal voting is eliminated via id laws then dems literally cant win anymore ever

Voter fraud in Texas happens at a rate of one in 18 million, you sentient enema.

"i was told it doesnt happen by the same people that say its racist to have id"

of course it happens lol whats stopping people

Illegals 👏do 👏vote👏


watch out guys, CP is triggered

CP is triggered

A day ending in -y

classic forced meme what do you think im angry at though

They don’t want to come here anymore now that a white nationalist is in charge. sigh

They don’t want to come here anymore now that a white nationalist is in charge. sigh

Wait so they aren’t streaming over our border unmolested than?

It’s actually amazing how quickly your totally authoritative account of what’s happening at the border changed.

Only the ones who aren’t retarded rapists still want to come. sigh



Imagine a bunch of people looking for work are invaders.

Oh no Jose over here is going to sneak over a fence and rake someone's lawn. WE'RE AT DEFCON 1 PEOPLE, AMERICA IS ONE THE LINE!!11!

Oh noes we need more slaves to rake our lawns and pick veggies !

No. You have to feed a slave.

Shit really? Damn things don't come with guide books you knoe.

Oh noes we need more slaves to rake our lawns and pick veggies !

a extremely large group that stated goal is to knock the down and walls and ingore our laws.

sounds like dem city Mongolians are at it again

If someone’s willing to break one law then they’re willing to break every law. Come on that’s just stupid. And they never said they wanted to knock down a wall. Hell Iirc this caravan was going to apply for asylum which was legal


bruh they literally tore down the border wall into mexico

Didn't know that, although Snopes said it's not the main caravan but whatever it's still nonsense to call them invaders.

They are not here to overthrow the government, take someone's land or install themselves into positions of power by force so they aren't invaders.

The third world mass illegal migration to the US has been the largest movement of people in history. Literally an invasion.

they are going to refuse what are obviously unlawful orders

Why, though. Obviously they shouldn't use lead, but there's no law on the books that says, "btw if foreign nationals are upset enough, you have to let them cross the border".

It's gonna be riot gear: tear gas, riot shields and batons. Live fire only happens when something catches on fire.

In what reality to do you live in in which the caravan gets here by Tuesday? Did they all just get on a plane today and I missed it?

Soros obviously

Magic carpets. Duh.

But they're South Americans, not Muslims.

Ain't ya hear about the raggies mixed in?

You do know that they aren’t walking right? They get out of the trucks and buses to walk an hour for the cameras.

Yeah you right they were just waiting on the m1296 Stryker dragoon’s to fuel up

Did I say that? They aren't getting here by Tuesday.

The caravan isn't going to reach the border for at least two months. They're more than a thousand miles away.

The caravan isn't going to reach the border for at least two months. They're more than a thousand miles away.

raging hordes

lol no, an orderly group happily arriving at their desired destination after much tribulation

Not inviting violence at all, don't see how the violent left days that.


dude Trump lmao

dude dude trump lmao lmao

dude yikes lmao

Let's just skip all this foreplay and go to war with Mexico already.

*Every country south of San Diego

Honestly if we just conquered Mexico and the rest of Latin America most of our illegal immigration troubles would go away over night, and millions of new people would get to live here. It’s a win-win.

Yeah, if you want to give people access to superior governance structure, exporting it to where they live sounds way more sensible than forcing them to abandon their land and move here. Unfortunately the same people who are most bleeding heart about them are also triggered by the idea because that's imperialism and bad.

It's as if you're not allowed to think the thought about why refugees are fleeing their countries (and what could be done about that then) through, you must stop right after you think that they really need help and before the word "shithole" is allowed to form in your mind, because that's very insensitive and Trump-like.

Nah, you're just not allowed to "think" period anymore, that is what thought-crime is.

I recall hearing this argument a lot in 2002 and then we spent the next decade trying Nation Building in the Middle East. How did that work out?

You can't just hand people a democratic government and expect them to suddenly no longer be borderline-illiterate 3rd world poors.

Rome managed pretty good though.

Rome didn't have to rely on the local populace not being utterly retarded to export their political system because only a privileged elite could even vote, and most of that process happened when the Empire was democratic in name only.

The local populace was utterly retarded, I mean, britbongs, really?

What Rome had was not only the unshakable conviction that their way is the best way, but also the understanding that it takes a long time of absolute control to instill proper civics in the barbarian population. Because the barbarians do have inferior culture and the best culture must be mercilessly imposed, propped by having straight roads, just courts, lack of famines, and all that stuff.

This is the missing ingredient probably.

You compare it to Britain, so I understand your solution is to import a new ruling class that doesn't speak Spanish to effectively supplant the existing Mexican population in leadership?

I recall a European power trying something similar there over the course of the 16th-19th centuries. It obviously did not work out.

your solution is to import a new ruling class

That's Identity Politics. Put the right people in charge (either the white aristocrats or transgender blacks) and everything will follow.

I'm talking about establishing and maintaining institutions. Social mechanisms. Yeah it might involve an injection of uncorrupted outsiders into positions of power temporarily, but more like how Rome did it.

I don't know, your best counterargument to my point would be that everyone has straight roads and bureaucracy these days, so you can't just reset their society to an obviously better level, shaped after your society. I don't know how to respond to that honestly, and I was kinda trolling with the proposal, I don't think that invading South American countries can work out in principle.

Just, like, you know, I'm living in an eastern european country, and the joke "let's declare war on the US and immediately surrender and have them replace all our fucking politicians with their stooges" has a considerable non-joke component to it.

I recall a European power trying something similar in Mexico over the course of the 16th-19th centuries. It obviously did not work out.

Looks to me like it worked out pretty well. When was the last time anyone sacrificed a virgin to Quetzalcoatl in Mexico?

More evidence the typical /r/drama poster has no idea what’s going on irl. This has nothing to do with Mexico retard.

Why would I keep up with this shit? I'm not queer.


idk where Diamond Dick Daddy came from, but that sounds much more appealing than Toadstool Dick Daddy.

From now on, I will alternate between those two terms depending on whether Daddy is doing the cucking or getting cucked. Sometimes you're the diamond-dick, sometimes, you're toadstool-dick.

Got it from r/SCJerk. It's what they call Dave Meltzer.

Tuna Meltzer did nothing wrong

Who would win?

A military that outspends the next 12 nations combined


A Mexican child with a rock

It’s more like an underpaid soldier or boarder patrol agent vs a dozen 20-something dudes throwing rocks while your superiors keep saying “Do not engage.”

It's going to be the new configuration of the F-35 for ICE. All new rock detecting technology.

F-35 Block Rock

Fuck you for trying to suggest that opening fire on immigrants is a okay solution.

Just warning shot bro np

You shoot to kill, if you're firing a weapon it should be if your life is threatened, if you block someone, those people running towards you are just trying to pass you, not hurt you. If any of those boarder agents kills a unarm civilian they need to be imprisoned for crimes against humanity. A slaughter is a slaughter regardless of the target.

Did someone link to this thread from gamerghazi again?

we are the gamerghazi bro

I thought they were doing a riff on the bike thief comic.

Right, so anyone is allowed to enter into your home and you can do nothing about it because your life isn't threatened? Very nice of you to let anyone who needs a place stay with you without asking. You're a saint.

The street is not your private property, you have a right at your house. If someone stays on public land or wilderness then you have no right to stop them from traveling. Humans have a right to travel, to restrict someone's right to travel is fucked up.

Just as farmers will not stop someone from harvesting from the side of there field, or the leftovers after the harvest for themselves you should be extremely against threatening someone with violence.

If the courts have people sleeping on the steps, for them to force those people to leave is a crime. To give those people a place to sleep next door is the only humane option you have. If you have a problem with protesters or people, give them help instead of being a cunt.

We already have people sleeping on the steps and you want to fill these public lands with foreigners. Brilliant! You really are wise and have thought things through really well.

You're honestly fucked up if you still think opening fire on unarmed civilians is a good move.

Help them all, instead of buying decorative trees sell the old oak in town and build a shelter. I've seen what wealth does to corrupt people, you're so greedy that you'd rather shoot someone then give them a chance to earn a living.

I'm tempted to say you're a russian shill given how far right you are.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

To allow them to generate economic income in a secure area would give everyone a better tomorrow. Killing them makes you a psychopath.

Well yeah, except a crowd running at you poses a real danger. Have you not heard about crowds literally stomping someone to death or tearing them appart with their bare hands?

Don't anger the crowd, fucking help them. Stop fucking trying to kill people instead of helping them. I'm copy pasting my comment that somewhat relates to this.

The street is not your private property, you have a right at your house. If someone stays on public land or wilderness then you have no right to stop them from traveling. Humans have a right to travel, to restrict someone's right to travel is fucked up.

Just as farmers will not stop someone from harvesting from the side of there field, or the leftovers after the harvest for themselves you should be extremely against threatening someone with violence.

If the courts have people sleeping on the steps, for them to force those people to leave is a crime. To give those people a place to sleep next door is the only humane option you have. If you have a problem with protesters or people, give them help instead of being a cunt.

Dude, I agree that america should try to help them in some way and I'm not from america so I don't know shit about it. I just wanted to remind you that crowds can be dangerous. Also "don't anger the crowd" sounds really optimistic as the police force are often not the only one controlling its mood.

If a mass of people with almost nothing is coming, you break out the tents, the tables, the rations, blanks, shovels, and hoes.


Put them to work when they get her in exchange for work and pay. If they're specialized then they can be sorted towards better work.


We have the time to make this a great welcoming. They can be greeted with open arms and they can work and all be processed without dehumanizing them.

Too bad half of your country are people who will never agree to compromises and rather see bloodshed

Not if they're a woman

Shooting good puss is bad, mmmmkay?

Just execute them on the spot. Behind everyone from border patrol should be a firing squad.

Yes, to execute the border patrol for the crimes against humanity they might commit. I commend your thinking.

Immigrants don't approach the border and attack US law enforcement

When you deny a entire city trying to flee then you need to think about accompentading a city, not individuals. You can't shoot people on sight like a crazy man.

So bombs instead of bullets

if they refuse to stop, they're invaders

That's the most retarded thing I've heard this year.


Someone coming wanting to work isn't a fucking invader.


Stop doing meth.

lmfao you're stealing my line!

I don't care, if the reason why you're only breaking into my house is just that you really want to sort my book collection. You're still breaking and entering.

If you stole my car, but you only did it because you really want to clean it (and then charge me for cleaning it), you still stole my car.

You're right. We should enslave them and force them to tend our elderly relatives.

Nigga, y'all fuckers are downvoting me on some sketchy af shit rh.


Help those who need help, don't buy yourself a new pine tree instead of planting a apple tree because of the view and do it to help those who travel with little food.

What part of assaulting American security is the green card application process?

When you have thousands of people, you can't just tell them to wait in poverty when they should be given the most respectful accommodations that would allow them to prosper.

Tough shit, America doesn't owe non Americans a prosperous life.

well obviously the military now that this order was given

what's your take on Netflix "Witcher" having black people replacing white people for the casting?


lol at people caring about tv shows based on video games.


lol at people caring about tv shows based on video games based on books

Anything written in Polish automatically doesn't count as literature. There are too few vowels and far too many consonants in that language.

its netflix and a woman writing it so everyone already assumed itd be a write off lol

its funny that you assume id be angry or something instead of having concrete examples of a thing happening tho

Castlevania is a great vidya tv show and will remain superior to the witcher

When are they gonna make a Netflix show for Dinotopia?

I hope they do a The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly remake using a Dinosaur 🦖, a human, and Sarah Jessica Parker

The series is going to be hot garbage, just like The Dark Tower and Ghostbusters.

I think you mean one rocky boi.

Isn't one less mexican a win for humanity?

Only if you consider yourself mexican.


How big is the rock? And the child?

Predator drones have proven effective against small children.

And weddings.

Having a predator drone at a wedding kind of blows out the budget though. Also a few other things.

and nobel peace prize winners


Edgy, aren't you?

tfw you're a crusader but are too fat to leave your basement

I'm an edgy boi

4 U

whose your waifu, boy?

Elon Chan

Shit tier

If you deploy a weapon against a cop... He can shoot you. That's nothing new.

American military has higher standards than American cops. That's nothing new.

New standards? Do you even know what you’re taking about? Rules of engagement, in this area, are the same no matter what.

Lmao no US soldier is going to shoot a migrant at the border for holding or throwing a rock. Now a cop? Eh, all bets are off there.

And no, the fucking roi at the border will not be "shoot anyone that throws a rock" no matter what trump says.

ICE would shoot them before they even picked up the rock. Trump is actually hurting his chances to get brown kids shot by sending the military over cops or ICE since the military does have rules of engagement.

ICE polices the interior, you mong, this shitshow is being laid at the feet of the CBP.

I never said anything about using deadly force.

Soldiers don't fucking shoot civilians.

Officially, at least.

they might make an exception for scumfuck hondurans

So what would they do if 30 million Chinamen "civilians" just appeared at their border?

Are we playing risk or something?

The ICC is actually investigating the US so they can show the rest of the world how to behave better.

Blackwater aren't soldiers, they are mercs.

It sure as shit isn't going to happen on US soil though.

well you say that but remember kent state

all they have to do is call you communists and its carte blanche to open fire as far as half your population is concerned

you don't want the US military to open fire on a migrant caravan though.

its dumb unnecessary confrontation but theres not many options left tbh

I love how you can play moral high ground about unnecessary military force and still want them to be shot. Good shit.

no im saying its bad if it happens but theyre hardly just going to let them in if they keep pushing

have you got a better idea to stop them just walking in

They are probably going to cross the boarder and surrender themselves. They obviously aren't trying to sneak in grouping up like this.

What you do think their plan is? Fight their way through?

What you do think their plan is?

sit at the border and cry for democrat photo ops to try to influence the election

also theyll put all their women and children up front so some jew reporter can take a photo for time magazine to title "trumps america"

Shooting? They would never. Bomb the shit out of them? By the thousands.

yeah lol ask iraqis

"Deploy a weapon"?

Don't choke on your oxys there, Paul Blart

Since when do u.s soldiers shoot people throwing rocks? You sound stupid as fuck.

Not since they started losing wars.

I never said anything about using lethal force. There are a host on non lethal options. Thanks for being the actual idiot in this conversation.

but theyre brooooown!

If a faggot spic threw a rock at me IRL I would shoot him and I hope our military does the same. Fuck it we should just drone strike them before they can even get to the border.

When people throw rocks at me irl I just frame them for selling 11 lbs of heroin every time

I mean, I'd probably shoot his legs and beat him, if those were my only options other than doing nothing or running. But the millitary has flash granades and pepper gas granades, and lots of other anti-crowd shit to stop the caravan in the border without killing them. Of course, if they wear gas masks and throw rocks, then I think its fair to consider them enemy combatants.

also dude bussy lmao

You dont belong here tbh

no u

I play CoD too

Yea I don't own guns I only play video games please try some shit tho

O shit

E d g y

Imagine being such a retard that you fantasize about shooting a child who throws a rock at you. Unfortunately for you, the roads by the border are not very rascal friendly, so I doubt you can even get your fat ass close enough to be within the range of a rock throwing brown child.

First of all im not fat. Second of all the people on video throwing rocks are adults my age and yes if someone throws a rock at me I will shoot them. That is 100% legal and you can't do anything about it. Also I am in fantastic shape right now and only weigh 170 lol

So you're saying you're just big boned?

Better that than a fascist

What are you even on about fattie?

If you try to tell me I can't murder people for throwing rocks then you're a fascist.

If you don't think throwing rocks is lethal force you are retarded.

Maybe if you threw one at someone's throat/head with the force of an MLB pitcher, but for 99% of the time it doesn't even warrant a hospital visit.

First of all im not fat.

found the fattie

Not fat



Just don't throw rocks, mkay?

And let the Mayo defense force go unaccosted? I think not

OP is behaving as if I should be upset at this. I am deeply thankful for anything that brings us closer to the mayocide.

If they're migrants from central America then how many of them are actually going to be mayo?

enough for it to be worth

Throw grit

Eat shit

The slogan that coined your parents approach of raising you

This isn't even a sentence, Fritz. I think that big injection of Russian DNA last century really fucked your people up.

My suggestion was B-52 carpet bomb.

Muh rock throwing immahgrants!

Imagine being so desperate to project (((our))) power that you deploy 15k soldiers to the border to prevent maybe 1k poor, frail, and on foot migrants that are still over a month away, from legally applying for asylum at a designated border crossing.

they cant legally apply for asylum now that they rejected mexicos offer

Mexico was offering them a temporary work permit not asylum and I don’t pretend to be an immigration law expert but what the fuck difference does it make any way?

Mexico was offering them a temporary work permit not asylum

they offered the permits to people who registered for asylum, implicitly offering the asylum

it was outright rejected because they wanted to go to america, who can now summarily dismiss all their claims en masse because of the way theyre in a group

I don’t pretend to be an immigration law expert but what the fuck difference does it make any way?

rejecting offers means your situation isnt urgent or important and its part of the criteria for asylum

its urgent and important but it might also be urgent and important in Mexico lol

it was outright rejected because they wanted to go to america, who can now summarily dismiss all their claims en masse because of the way theyre in a group

That's not how asylum law works at all.

yeah it is because the country that processes the asylum claims takes everything into account to determine whether or not the people applying are in genuine danger

and they clearly arent or they would have stayed in mexico

Yeah mate that's conservative fiction. The fact that another country offered you asylum does not factor in at all for the legitimacy of your asylum request in the USA. Until Daddy changes that law though

The fact that another country offered you asylum does not factor in at all for the legitimacy of your asylum request in the USA.

it does if its literally on the way there and you deliberately passed it by

I mean, maybe according to your gut and what you think its right, but not according to US asylum law.

its not about my gut

my country has the exact same shit happen and you can reject any asylum claims if the people could have gone somewhere more convenient but chose not to

And what has your countries asylum laws to do with American law? Exactly, nothing.

theyre pretty much universal in western countries especially five eyes ones that are allied

The Western countries I know of, including the USA, have similiar asylum laws, no Western country I know of, including the USA, has the anything remotely of what you are talking about, so if you ominous country you are living in, has such a rule, then, no, your countries asylum laws are not similiar to those of other Western countries.

It works however the US says it works.

Yeah but thats also not how US law works at the moment.

Then you probably should STFU about things you don’t understand, then, don’t you think?

That's grounds for denying an asylum claim. But so what? Those people aren't going to show up for their scheduled court date anyhow.

That's grounds for denying an asylum claim. But so what?

So we have to stop them.

yeah for real so dont let any of them in and fend them off with the military as per the current plan

i dont see a problem

They don’t really look to frail. Some of the women look like they should lay off the fajitas.

Lol! And the nachos too! Maybe even the casadillas! Hahahahhaha


I puked a little.

mi queso es su queso

last number i heard was 10k

Taking the Israeli approach.

Don't knock it. It works.

I don't see the problem. Would you rather him tell the Guard in secret that they should shoot anyone who throws a rock? Now they have a warning that he isn't gonna put up with their shit. They can stop their bullshit "campaign" or they can die.

Taking notes from Israel I see.

This is what white trash an racists love, they love to be afraid of brown people. True plays to them and has them all suckered as he fucked their heath care and social security. Goddamn wake up you ignorant fucks.

Buy stock in rubber bullets and tear gas.

I want to see either the Americans or Mexicans use a trebuchet.