Incel shoots up yoga studio killing 2

1  2018-11-03 by ConservativesRBIGgay


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All incels & gamergators should be placed on a govt watchlist tbh

id suggest a different kind of list tbh but (((mods))) wudnt like it 😎😎😎

This but unironically

this but for all gamers

This but anyone who owns a computer.

Already done.

based and redpilled

I r8 this woke/10


Gamers rise up

At this point, the venn diagram between those two is a circle.

Hey now, I'm sure there are some that are just Comicsgators.

It’d be really easy too since all the feds would have to do is monitor every KIA subscriber since the overlap is basically 1:1.

gamergators should be v& for child pornography

All incels & gamergators should be placed on a govt watchlist force fed estrogen tbh

They're already low t tho

Push them all the way to the other side.

If they were low-t then they wouldn't be so aggressive and emotional over such minor things.


Only online tho hence the low t

actually, studies show that low t is heavily associated with aggression and mental problems.

studies show that low t is heavily associated with aggression

Do you mind linking the studies?



Mentally problems, probably. Aggression, certainly not.

i mean if we are going to be 100% serious here, shooting up a fkn school has nothing to do with low or high T anyway. low T, or high T, in any study you find, causes "irritability", not "homicidal rage".

low T causes mental problems T, hormones aren't that simple. also if high T made people go on killing sprees, all the gym bros would be doing it, not the fkn dweeby looking soyboy manlet incels.

Explain PMS.

B-b-but the race of peace would never fall for movements this stupid

They already feel ostracised by society. Doing that would just confirm their beliefs and not help anyone. Probably cause more shootings

That sounds like a threat


Probably cause more shootings


How is that a threat?

Saying that giving mentally ill people, who feel like they are being purposefully shunned by society, concrete proof of their delusions will cause more to lash out isn't a threat. It's a conclusion.

So what? Coddle them? No thanks

They are mentally ill. They need the help mentally ill people need.

How can you provide services to the mentally ill if you don't know who they are? 🤔

How can you provide services to the mentally ill if you don't know who they are? 🤔

How can you put these mentally ill people on govt watchlist if you don't know who they are? 🤔

Well we start with you and then keep adding more as we find them

I'm not an incel so you are wrong from the start.

Sure thing sweaty 😉

What is the NSA?

Are you telling me there's a way to find out who them mentally ill people are so they can get the help they need even if it's unethical?

You should tell the guy I was quoting in my comment.

Banning the forced sterilization and lifetime imprisonment of autismos was a mistake.

Maybe if someone puts it to you like this:

Continuing to post the way you do will probably cause more downvotes.

That doesn't bother me. I'm more bothered by the lack of empathy towards mentally ill people.

Yeah, but you see how phrasing it that way is a threat now?

And I'd be a lot more sympathetic towards said people if they weren't insulating themselves against any help - and joining communities that feed their worst tenancies.

Someone who's got incel issues needs to start by not spending time with other incels and listening to their shit.

No I don't see how saying it the way I did makes it a threat. Please explain.

An incel doesn't believe that he's mentally ill and therefore doesn't seek help. They think they know how the world works and that it's something wrong with everyone else.

You'll probably get more downvotes then.

Again, I don't care about downvotes.

i dOn't cArE AbOuT DoWnVoTeS

you sound retarded

I dont know why they arent

He is also a Florida Man, let that sink in...

How about we let Florida sink in the ocean instead.

And foids shouldn't be?

It's called Xbox Live.

I would say the Trump supporters too but sadly they are the marketing audience of the gov

If we force everyone to watch World Peace, then we will stop all killing. Apart from abortions.

this, except we should extend it to all male virgins older than 20, and also instead of government watchlist they should just be euthanized

Vote for me in 2020. I guarantee they'll be placed on a watchlist. And by "on a watchlist" I mean "in a gas friendly happy fun time chamber."

The incel menace needs a solution.

We used to draft them as cannon fodder

Maybe Neocons are onto something.

Problem is they want more efficient warfare and not purposeful warfare

It make them fight hungry lions for entertainment. Unarmed of course.

That's what China's doing.

America needs a second Vietnam war.

Draft number is kill count?

The true sin of autonomous warfare is that it would elimiate the draft which is the one effective way of culling the retards in our society

Mandotory military service is still in place for most countries, also the guy in the article that shot up the yoga place was in the army for 2 years

It's called the vagicide, two birds one stone

declare war on some South Asian country in the name of terrorism. Take all the foids as pows. Distribute them among the incels.

Legalize prostitution

Or...or...hear me out now. Or they could film their interactions and if they were to get caught, they could just say they were paying an actress to do a porno shoot. Genre being World Star Hookers.

I'd rather cut my feminine penis off than let an incel give me a toothy blowjob.

Wait what? They aren't gay. And what is a feminine penis?

And more importantly why is nobody talking about the mouthfeel.

A non masculine penis. Duh.

It’s a womanly penis and therefore not gay

Well now Im interested

something you will never get, hunty

Now wait a minute I am open minded. Just sell me a little bit.

They hate prostitutes.

They’d change their tune really quickly if they actually were put on the spot and told they could pay to play right then and there.

I’d even bet that once they’d lost their virginity, hooker or not, they’d actually see their personalities improve.

You can pay for sex legally in the us. It's called being a sugar daddy.

Incels want debt-free virgins without tattoos though.

Every part of this is pure degeneracy

Nope it’s kino.

Until realistic sexbots are developed, these desperately frustrated losers will be a menace to society.

Unfortunately, women are trying to outlaw these sexbots and have them give consent.

Women know that even non-incels are a cheap sex robot away from tossing their roast beef aside.

It's not women doing that it's other men. You sound like an incel yourself.

I’m knees deep in bussy every night

You have sex with other gay men?

Yeesh, can guys have sex with other straight guys?

I suppose you can try.

women are trying to outlaw these sexbots and have them give consent.

Sure, buddy.

Maybe not as dramatically but women do screech about losers fucking realistic robogussy.

I mean yeah, that's kind of a point, why do you care?

Eh, women are told they are crazy when they talk about the objectification of women. Then, a bunch of guys comes along saying women are replaceable by literal objects. Of course, they are going to go on about it. Also, any time AI is involved, people talk about the ethics. This predates sexbots by a long shot.

I don't care who fucks what, I was just calling out some BS on the internet.

Sex bots are the opposite of objectification, instead of treating a woman like an object they are treating an object like a women.

shut the fuck up you nerd


You obviously do care, because otherwise, you wouldn't post a rebuttal.

They are told that they are crazy when they're making a big deal out of their objectification. Unless you're a monk or an asexual or a low-T individual, it's absolutely impossible for a healthy man not to imagine fucking a woman.

What one would do with such a desire is a different story altogether but I hope you get what I'm trying to say.

I don't share your definition of objectification.

But, anyway, my entire point was that all the concerns about sexbots aren't only going to come from angry women who have strong opinions about where you stick your willie.

Nothing to do with objectification. It resembles a vibrator or any sex toy. The fact that there are people opposed to it is hilarious, and they do exist so I dont know why you dont believe it

It resembles a vibrator or any sex toy. The fact that there are people opposed to it is hilarious, and they do exist so I dont know why you dont believe it

If "it" resembles a vibrator or sex toy, then it's even sillier when men think there is new technology that is going to replace women. And I do believe people have concerns about ""sexbots"". I just don't think they are all angry women. Like, someone linked an article that had a male ethicist talking about some of the concerns. This is the kind of thing all types of people are going to run their mouth about. And they don't all want to outlaw sextoys or make men get consent from them.

And yeah, thinking people are replaceable by literal objects is objectification. Like, when people say McDonald's workers wanting higher wages are going to be replaced with kiosks.

Stop making up your own stupid definitions. In fact being concerned that you can replace women with realistic sexbots just reduces women to holes. Sexbots can't replace women any more than a fleshlight. You talk about "concerns" in a general manner but don't even mention anything specific. This is just pseudointellectual rambling lmao.

The kiosk argument is even more retarded and has nothing to do with objectification so I don't even know why you even mentioned it.

Please make one decent argument why anyone who is remotely well adjusted should be concerned about "sexbots."

o7 o7 o7 Sure, I'll get right on that, Mr. Alt Account. Check your inbox carefully and frequently so you don't miss it.

That's fine sweaty you don't have to say anything more. I'm sure those "experts" who are totally real all agree with you.

I can find 3-4 other articles like this. I wish they were kidding, but they're not.

I got banned from r/gendercritical for defending robogussy

Incels are so miserable they come up with future scenarios in which their final triumph over gussy is undone by gussy. It's like a Greek tragedy or some shit.

Good, I hope the sex robots are programmed like normal people so the permavirgins get turned down by them

Redistribute the means of reproduction?

A 'final' solution, so to speak.

A 'final' solution, so to speak.

Legal prostitues. Women make out like bandits, incels get laid and put the gun down. Everyone wins.

people would always tell them on /r/incels (and prob still do on /r/braincels, though i dont really check there much) to buy a night with a prostitute and get laid, and the response was almost always that they hate prostitutes and view them as 'degenerate sluts'.

Like a final one?

Legalize prostitution

Who Railed Against Women And Minorities Online


they were going to release a diablo game on mobile.
on mobile.

The sad thing is they want a better society but are too stupid to realize that suicide is the solution






In one video called “Plight of the Adolescent Male,” he named Elliot Rodger, who killed six people and injured 14 and is often seen as a hero for so-called “incels,” or those who consider themselves “involuntarily celibate.”

this is not a sentence. buzzfeed mongs 🤕🤕🤕

Holy shit, that reminds me a lot of this post on /r/braincels just 3 days ago. He's a self-identifying incel so the chances he has seen this aren't marginal.

what is up with burgerstanis and being unable to hire prostitutes? are they just too poor? I genuinely dont know because they are legal here.

Illegal because it'll make the fundies clutch their pearls even harder

Illegal cause women hate competition tbh

now I'm curious what the gender breakdown is on "should prostitution be legal?"

Legalised prostitution only increases rates of human trafficking.

Euros are all racists, they don't care about foreigners being literal sex slaves if it gets their pathetic small white dick wet.

This but unironically

>Be a burger.

>Can't have sex with stacy

>Can't have sex with foreigners.

>Can't have sex with a prostitute

>Be yuropean.

>Everyone has access to literal sex slaves.

And you think burgerland is superior. lmao.

Hee hee tiny penis

Isn't this kind of a similar thing to the legalize weed argument? That if it's legal, the gangs / black market won't exist anymore?

No, it isn't. When you legalize prostitution, demand massively outweighs willing supply, thus they kidnap people in.

So you think most men are willing - eager even - to hire prostitutes, and the only thing stopping them is getting arrested on a misdemeanor solicitation charge? And if prostitution were legalized, the floodgates would burst, and suddenly those same men would be willing to commit multiple felonies (or at least be part of a criminal conspiracy) to get prostitutes?

No, it isn't. When you legalize prostitution, demand massively outweighs willing supply, thus they kidnap people in.

Sources, pl0x

Legalized prostitution would also give the women more of a choice with their clients, leading to the incels just being rejectd again lmao

Accept it wouldn't and doesn't. It would literally only mean more brothels of non-English speaking sex slaves with no hope of escaping because the government will never raid them.

Oh god, get the fuck outta here Ashton Koocher, idgaf about sex slaves, I was memeing retard.

even tho what I said was entirely accurate and hilarious

Government woudnt raid illegal brothels?

This is a complicated situation sperg, gtfo with your anti-prostitution bullshit

They don't raid illegal brothels in any country today where it's legal. Certainly not often enough for it to matter.

Nu, depends on other factors. Sometimes it goes lower sometimes higher

A prostitute suckung his dick and 45 minutes of "listening" would have prevented this.

Huh, the sub has gone private now. Wonder why

It was quarantined ages ago

Even better.

Can someone repost pls?

I've got less than a year till 40 and never had a 1st kiss. I never thought I would make it this far. So much pain inside you have to take a break and lean against a wall at work sometimes while manual labor is breaking down your prematurely aging body. You drink like a fish, watch your family and co workers par off, have affairs engage in casual sex. After 23 or 25 all you can feel is bitterness, pain and an inner ache of crushing loneliness the world the world can never understand or truly care about.

This is bait. This has to be bait. Holy fuck.

Now don't get me wrong that sentence is fucking awful to read and the fact that someone was paid to type that is embarrassing, but I think it's a sentence? Idk I'm dumb too

u rite it might b but ye someone was paid to write that 🤒🤒

Its incomplete as it doesnt explain what this guy called elliot Rodger rather it explained what elliot Rodger is

It isn't saying he called him anything, just that he namedropped him.

"Plight of the Adolescent Male" is what the episode is called. The sentence is saying that he mentioned Elliot Rodger in that episode.

"Plight of the Adolescent Male" is what the episode is called. The sentence is saying that he mentioned Elliot Rodger in that episode.

Lmao, learn to read.

yeah it is a sentence. the information it's trying to communicate is "elliot roger was named in one of this guy's videos," they just overstuffed it so badly trying to fit in contextual information for their normie readership that theres an explanation within an explanation, which is incredibly awkward to read, especially since the sentence just stops after it.

The awkwardness stems from the fact that you're waiting to find out what he named Elliot Rodgers as, but then it just ends, cause all the sentence is trying to say was that Elliot Rodgers was named.

It's awkward but also an acceptable use of "to name."

From OED:

III. To mention, specify by name. 5. a. transitive. To mention or specify (a person, place, or personified thing) by its proper name; to reveal the name of.


I'm pretty sure there's some rule that says if you have to bring the dictionary out to prove your sentence is "technically" correct, you should restructure it anyways.

Yeah, that's why I noted it was an awkward construction.

An em dash instead of a comma and an or would help the last phrase.

In one video called “Plight of the Adolescent Male,” he named Elliot Rodger, who killed six people and injured 14 and is often seen as a hero for so-called “incels" - those who consider themselves “involuntarily celibate.”

Is this the 40 year old virgin sequel?

>40 Boomercels are the worst

/r/braincels is a serious threat to impressionable young men in their 40s, it must be banned

this is not a sentence. buzzfeed mongs 🤕🤕🤕

How do you know that, when they wrote and were writing that sentence that they didn't know that it wasn't, going to be?

This is why we must seize the means of reproduction so this atrocity never happens again!💯

🤨🤔 Someone redpill me on yoga studios

Its where the foids gather, especially mayo foids

Too many hot chicks in yoga pants for the incel brain to process without flying into an incoherent rage

Esto pero unironicamente

Wei bussy jajaja

Hombre+panocha= hanocha?

Dude ronaldo lmao

  • carpet

  • minimum 4 walls

  • occupied by yoga classes

  • some say they are the birthplace of new Chakra connections

  • multiple locations found throughout the world

  • typically open in the morning and close at night

Thanks for the /quickrundown/


  • 15 to 30 women sweating, pretending be naked from the waisted down for up to 45 minutes
  • Minimum 2 desperate, noodle-armed cucks sniffing the feminine buttstench wafting through the room

Imagine not going to yoga in your local gayborhood.

Hippie shit for retards who suck on cosmic tranny cocks

Fuckin' yikes gross, 🤢 🤮 🤢 🤮 🤢 🤮

Kundalini is awoken via the bussy.

Every dog has his gay

Shortly before Friday’s shooting, Beierle uploaded one song called “Fuck ’Em All,” with the lyrics: “To hell with the boss that won’t get off my back / To hell with the girl I can’t get in the sack

Someone give this man a grammy.

Why the hell would you still want to date women when you actually despise them. At least he deleted himself.

Driven by hunger, a fox tried to reach some grapes hanging high on the vine but was unable to, although he leaped with all his strength. As he went away, the fox remarked 'Oh, you aren't even ripe yet! I don't need any sour grapes.'

I think these foxes want underripe grapes though.

They just look underripe! They're actually thousand year-old vampire grapes!

because they have what he wants but they wont give it to him, so he resents and blames them for his problems

I think they only want a regular woman for someone to hate on daily.

Ask commies.

I don’t know any to ask :(

He was probably a heterosexual.

That could be the cause. Sexual attraction to things you hate doesn’t make sense to me though.

That picture they got of him, lmao

He looks fat, unwashed, and with a double chin. Good that he killed himself. Not good that he killed two people before doing it

The screenshot itself is low-res, but the video itself is potato quality too.

so he was just a mentalcel.

So the same as most of those other incel dumbasses, basically


For Asians, they just have to move to the suburbs where there aren't many other Asians. They're bound to encounter at least a dozen crazy weebs and kpop fans who will attach themselves to any Asian they can find, regardless of ethnicity. Asian men are unironically starting to become high-demand.

He's even had sex multiple times.

wait really?

Said so in one of his videos.

then how the fuck is he an incel

It's been taken down.

Wow he looks great standing next to the White House.

Would a triple chin have meant three victims? 🤔

fat people are dangerous, cmv.

Cool it with the anti-Americanism

it's "people of size", shitlord

Burgercide when?

What's his reddit account? No way he doesn't have one 😏

I wonder if any braincels posters recently disappeared 🤔

Nah dude probably was a normie. Braincels posters aren't crazy psychopaths willing to murder people.

Thanks for defending us somalicel

Gotta keep the people informed is all 😤

Yeah, they disappear all the time. But that's because they end up killing themselves not going on some homicidal rampage.

I want to hear his music, its gotta be good with those lyrics

here's his soundcloud

pls rate and share

Why are all these killers called incels on specious grounds? None of them called themselves incel, they're just labeled that after the fact.

Yeah, they all just happen to be Elliot Rogers fans 🙄

He was a popular, likable guy with lots of mainstream appeal.

I don't think a fucking married dude is an incel, retard.

I am a supreme gentleman fan tbqh

Also, why are you all seriousposting in my r/drama ?

The Toronto guy definitely called himself an incel, idk if this guy ever straight up called himself that but it sure sounds like he did

This guy specifically called himself an incel and idolized elliot rodgers lmao

R u upset with ur good incel name being besmirched or something?

This guy specifically called himself an incel

Where? All the article says is the shooter mentioned Elliot Rodger in a video. That's it.

The article says he identifies as an "involuntary celibate," but if you're worried that's made up by jews controlling the media or something, you can watch his old videos.

The article says he identifies as an "involuntary celibate,"

No it doesn't. It says "appeared to identify" meaning they're guessing themselves.

This thing says he's married. Very incel of him.

Woooops suddenly everyone's silent but the downvotes keep coming

Those things can be edited by everyone, hence the edit button. It's the site that /pol/ goes to whenever y'all qaeda acts up to change the political affiliation to 'republican'. Though either way, he called himself an incel and ranted about incel topics.

He called himself an incel before the fact.

Shortly before Friday’s shooting, Beierle uploaded one song called “Fuck ’Em All,” with the lyrics: “To hell with the boss that won’t get off my back / To hell with the girl I can’t get in the sack.”

Another song, called “Nobody’s Type,” featured him lamenting that women didn’t find him attractive. “I’m no athletic shark. I’m not a physical specimen. I don’t win the trophies and medals. Nobody stands in awe of me,” he sang.

In “American Wigger,” he sang that he would “blow off” the head of a women he referred to using the c-word. The song “Locked in my Basement” featured an extremely disturbing tale of Beierle holding a woman prisoner in his basement using chains so he could rape her.


fucking hilarious he was a "soundcloud artist". also had songs titled ""Who Let The Fags Out?" and "Bring Your Fatwa" lmao. can anyone find his songs? his account has been taken down

In “American Wigger,” he sang that he would “blow off” the head of a women he referred to using the c-word.

Yikes is right. Did they seriously publish an article that had "a women" in the paragraphs?

Who knew incel music was a genre

America has an incel problem, and the only solution is more guns to neutralize the incels with.

If there is a bad guy not getting any pussy around, I sure want multiple good guys not getting any pussy in the area. All the churches, yoga studios, synagogues and mosques should have a righteous incel guarding them.

Be American

Get shot

Memes just write themselves.

no better way to go tbh

Nah it's more a stereotype than a meme

Is it really a stereotype when it's so close to real life?

Ofcourse hes a fat white fuck. Lose some weight and he could have been chad. No truecel out there committing mass shootings. Fucking white fat fucks

Lose some weight and he could have been chad.

He spent too much time sulking in his own fucking shit to be a "chad". Sad manlet.

was he a manlet? He was probably 5 10 plus. Mayos are tall

Internally he was. Being a manlet is equal parts physical and mental. Bussy is always a manlet.

Fatcel = volcel but unironically


That's how I react whenever an african-american commits a murder. "Fucking skinny black fuck. Keep shooting up corner scores for $100. Fucking black skinny fucks"

Jesus christ this sub has become a pathetic fempire sister sub

Yeah I remember a year ago when drama was stanning for incels.


Wait what

Incels are often dramatic.


Being this dumb is fine - encouraged, if anything - but refusing to argue? That's just a flagrant violation of sidebar rules.

You know what's happening here. It's very obvious.

Yes I do! What's happening here, you see, is that we're talking in plain English about the news as accurately reported.

Show me your bussy

I agree with everything you said except leaving. When you're being invaded, you fight back.

Also this fucking guy was married ffs. How can he be an incel if he's married?!?

u mad bro Xd

"Don't shoot women."

WOW! Fucking feminazi fempire feminist feminism. Literally SRS.

Jesus, this is the most SRS reply i've seen. Would be right at home with the rest of the circlejerkers at Circlebroke

Angry dr. lobster mcmemerson fan detected

Sounds like someone is an expert on JB Peterson


Woke 👆👆👆

This srs clone shit hole is of a sub is unironically linking BuzzFeed

dude bussy


Can always count on a KiAcel poster to show up and display his immaculate ability to accurately dive right into the actual core of the issue. Thank you for your service.

Actually, it is about ethics in incel massacres.

Can always count on a KiAcel poster to show up and display his immaculate ability to accurately dive right into the actual core of the issue. Thank you for your service.

Actually, it is about ethics in incel massacres.


I bet if you post this 1 more time people will care

Third time's the charm!

Too many guys want gals several points above them on a ten-point scale, too many gals want guys several points higher. Too many fours chasing nines.

What I don't get about incels is why they don't pop down to Tijuana with $100 or whatever the going rate is. Needs are needs. Pride goeth before a fall.

It isn’t even a need, sex is a luxury, and you can always fucking masturbate. You need air, water, health, food (well this guy didn’t really need food).

A subjective point. E.g. Islam considers it a need, hence it is frowned upon for a married person to decline sex requests from their spouse, without a reason e.g. illness. I suspect the other major faiths are similar.

Is it possible for the organism to continue functioning with only air, water, and food? Sure. But a social life including sex can still be viewed as a human need. Suggest looking up language deprivation and, further afield, the pit of despair (on monkeys).

Huh? Withholding sex is a method of making displeasure known in the Quran...

A rightoid lying about Islam on MY reddit? Well I never.

Really gets you thinking... Hmm...

The command to forsake your wife/wives in bed is for when they are being disobedient or not fulfilling her marital duties. Your comment doesn't contradict the statement that having sex with your spouse regularly is part of the marital duties in Islam, and thus, generally obligatory.

"A 3/8 in. wire mesh floor 1 in. above the bottom of the chamber allowed waste material to drop through the drain and out of holes drilled in the stainless-steel. The chamber was equipped with a food box and a water-bottle holder, and was covered with a pyramid top [removed in the accompanying photograph], designed to discourage incarcerated subjects from hanging from the upper part of the chamber."[3]

I'm sure sexual frustration wasn't the major reason that these boxes were pits of despair. A person can have a social life and intimacy without sex.

you can always fucking masturbate

Interestingly enough, I'm sure when the FBI looks into his internet behavior they're going to find gigabytes of the foulest, most depraved porn known to man.

Isn't sex at the base of the hierarchy of needs?

I know it is (well, reproduction not sex) but I would argue that this is more on the species level rather than on the individual level, unless you were to make the claim that people can’t be happy unless they have kids?

Idk maybe I’m talking out of my ass :)

You are talking out of your ass. How many fifty year old virgins are there that haven't commited suicide? Is it a coincidence that literally every happy, well adjusted adult is not a virgin.

He is a leftoid who unironically posts in r/Egalitarianism and r/news.

Are you really think he is going to prefeer being scientifically accurate to pwning those incels awesome style?

It is, but that's also been the most controversial thing about the hierarchy of needs. A lot of researchers add the caveat 'but I'm not sure/don't think it belongs there' when teaching it to students.

This is an incredibly untrue statement

This is an incredibly untrue statement

Sex is not only a need according to Maslow but a need more important than safety, hygiene or recreation

The casual racism goes with the need. Who wants to bang some dirty Mexican 12 year old?

For a lot of them it isn't about sex, it's the feeling of approval and being attractive you get from having a partner that desires you. They can't get that, turn so absurdly resentful and defeatist theyll never get it, and then stew in crazy internet communities trying to convince themselves women are trash so they're not worth it.

I bet this guy used to be a liberal at some point before he went crazy.

Let me rephrase for you loser.

I bet this guy used to be a liberal before he became a conservative nutter.

Let me rephrase for you loser.

Ohhh a no u right off the bat, I don’t know if I can take this obviously high level of bantz.

I bet this guy used to be a liberal before he became a conservative nutter.


Most zealots start off with an opposing belief to their current belief set. Take for instance really religious men that are vapidly anti-gay. Then they are caught in a hotel room getting butt-fucked by 6 dudes at the same time.

Name one

He’s not a terrorist just a degenerate. It’s not exactly rare for male feminists to be rapists or for conservatoid men of the cloth to be kiddy diddlers. Usually acts of terror are motivated by a specific ideology not innate human frailty.

Ronald Reagan was a liberal.

And shillary campaigned for Barry Goldwater I’m not really sure what your point is...

You just made it. Most zealots start off with a belief the polar opposite of their current beliefs.

TIL Hillary Clinton and Ronald Reagan are radical zealots and not milquetoast middle of the road boring centrists.

Crystal Ted! Man knew how to party!

I always carry my Bible when I smoke crystal meth.

Most zealots start off with an opposing belief to their current belief set.

That happens often but is not always the case. It also tends to be the case more with religion than politics.

Though either way, the shooter wasn't apparently a conservative zealot, he was just a radical incel. I guess the thing he could have flipped from is feminism, but it doesn't look like that's the case here- he likely just found an incel community while trying to find tips for dating women and the rest is history.

What are you betting that on?

Most zealots start off with an opposing belief to their current belief set. Take for instance really religious men that are vapidly anti-gay. Then they are caught in a hotel room getting butt-fucked by 6 dudes at the same time.

Dude, getting buttfucked isn't a political persuasion. What you're talking about is some kind of reaction formation, where repressed stuff is expressed as the opposite.

Well I'll bet he was a conservative before that! Checkmate liberals 😎

Yes, that's the typical path, from center-left and stumping for a strong social safety net to railing about white supremacy and misogynist horseshit and then shooting people over it. Democrat to alt-right, right? That's how it goes! Because nobody is more susceptible to hard-right propaganda than a Hillary voter!

That's certainly the simplest and most obvious explanation, yessiree...

40 years old and he doesn't even have 6 figures in net worth lmfao

It took them a while to realize those two went just holding corpse pose for a really long time.

The Incels love to feel sorry for themselves. Instead of doing anything to improve their own situations they go online and rail against the system that's holding them down. Go to the gym? Nope. Take care of yourself? Nope. Get a hobby? Nope. It's pathetic - these people are a waste of otherwise good carbon.

They see themselves as victims, and even then, some people can probably thrive by feeling like an underdog, but they can’t even do that smh

Because they just reinforce each other. They've got a whole huge circlejerk, massive threads wherein they just remind each other that they're all worthless and hopeless and will eventually commit suicide.

It's like a cult for depressed men who can't acknowledge they're clinically depressed or seek help. They'd rather wallow and believe they're worthless and take it out on literally everyone else.

It's infuriating. These people have chosen to be complete and utter horrifying, miserable wastes of oxygen. I want to feel sorry for them, but more than that I want them to stop poisoning others with their insanity, and so it's just about impossible to feel sorry for them anymore.

I also wonder if enough people know that depressed men are often angry. So, these guys slip through the cracks instead of receiving help irl. Cause I agree that stuff like ruminating how ugly they are could be depression.

Well, they're keeping it out of the atmosphere. That's something.

The Incels love to feel sorry for themselves. Instead of doing anything to improve their own situations they go online and rail against the system that's holding them down.

Incels, women and communists basically

Incels dont even accept fat people as incels. They say unless you've worked out your body you're not an incel. Some would even say if you've not had plastic surgery you're not a real incel. So how can you claim they dont try self improvement?

No point in trying to convince people who see incels as boogey men otherwise. They're so convinced of the stereotype that no amount of evidence will sway them jfl

I’m pretty sure there’s more about self-improvement than outside appearance. It’s much easier to get laid if you’re fat but not a piece of shit than if you’re a piece of shit with a sculpted body.

source: your ass

This is objectively wrong. Studies have shown that women consistently have a baseline for looks before personality even comes into play. And the preferred body type is ALWAYS a strong body. In addition, men who display narcissist, aggressive, sexist traits have more sex than those who do not.

If incels personality is the problem then why can they successfully catfish women with great ease?

Why are you talking out your ass on a topic you have no idea about?

lol @ all that work. I know some ugly fat dudes who have girlfriends and wives. They aren't failed humans like incels. If you take showers, talk to women like they're actual humans, don't say creepy shit, and don't watch anime/my little pony, getting laid is not difficult.

If this is their problem then why can incels catfish women with great ease? Why doesn't their supposed creepy personality and negative views on women not hold them back?

There's different ways of getting laid, you fucking retard.

Obviously, you are not Chad, so you're going to need to go down the "don't be a stupid piece of shit" route like the guys I'm talking about.

Can you write your post again in English?

Yeah, I can simplify it for you: Keep Yourself Safe. Immediately.

(you also described feminists, btw).

Just take a shower bro

He had musclar arms and got fat later which happens alot for people his age

Take care of yourself and find a hobby, lmao

Victimhood has an addictive quality.

Incels need to go. We gotta exterminate Incel trash before they keep blowing up in public. Garbage men who need to be euthanized. A modest proposal, really. The lives we save may be our own.

couldnt even get a decent score. it's over for celcels

Can't you see that I'm the one Who understands you? Been here all along So, why can't you see You belong with me?

Standing by and waiting at your backdoor. All this time how could you not know, baby? You belong with me You belong with me You belong with me Have you ever thought just maybe You belong with me? You belong with me

Can't you se that I'm the one

Who understands you?

Been here all along

So, why can't you see

You belong with me?

Standing by and waiting at your backdoor.

All this time how could you not know, baby?

You belong with me

You belong with me

You belong with me

Have you ever thought just maybe

You belong with me?

You belong with me

Standing by and waiting at your backdoor.


OK, I was contemplating the winking emoji and it occurred to me that if Taylor Swift is into butt stuff, I would be willing to get pegged in order to bang her. If anything just to say I banged Taylor Swift. But what if she just pegged me - no reach around, no nothing, could I still say I banged Taylor Swift? Or any girl really it doesn't have to be Taylor Swift. I mean if you bang a girl up the ass it definitely counts as getting laid and I don't see why in this era of gender equality why it shouldn't work both ways.

Question: if the genders lined up in any other way, would it qualify as sex? Answer: yes.

Still, if getting pegged by Taylor Swift with no reacharound is your thing, you might want to rethink both your expectations and your analysis of her dating history, it's public record =P

Moids, smdh.

Incels need to go. We gotta exterminate Incel trash before they keep blowing up in public. Garbage men who need to be euthanized. A modest proposal, really. The lives we save may be our own.

oh another right wing, racist, white, male responsible gun owner

who coulda guessed that this guy would turn out to be a terrorist?

anyway, back to our coverage of the migrant caravan! (scary music in background)

I'm a big defender of gun rights but I for one am perfectly ok with banning Floridians and people from Florida from ever owning firearms

Oh wow, this guy is going to be the new patron saint of incels....Butt Hurt Generation is probably my favorite track I'm.....Locked in my Basement is probably the creepiest song I've ever heard

But I don't fuck fatties for free

St BlackOpscel is the only true idol tbqh

Wasn't he recently exposed as non Incel?

Na, he posts wistful admiring pictures of a female character from Final Fantasy on his FB publicly and girls were exposed sending pics of him to their friends with mocking “this is your perfect boyfriend” captions.

His new pictures may make him look marginally better but St.BlackOps2 cel is still a patron saint and human deity to inceldom.

  • The American Whore
  • The American Whore Part 2

This sounds like quite the series.

The American Whore

The American Whore Part 2

I skimmed over it, and it's basically him reeing about racemixing. He says that white women who racemix (AKA the "American whore" he's referring to) should be crucified, because it's "the most heinous crime".

The American Whore

The American Whore Part 2

I skimmed over it, and it's basically him reeing about racemixing. In part 2, he says that white women who racemix (AKA the "American whore" he's referring to) should be crucified, because it's "the most heinous crime".

And yet, to this day, we still have people on this very sub denying that white males are insecure as fuck about their women getting BROWNED.

Holy fuck that first video lmao. The sheer level of bitterness he has toward some random wamen with black dudes is insane.

Thanks for watching it for me. I wasn't about to go that deep.

Short dicked fat assholes take it pretty hard.

Dont click on links!

-Blocked Website Details- Malicious Website: 1 , , Blocked, [-1], [-1],0.0.0

-Website Data- Category: Trojan Domain: IP Address: Port: [51535] Type: Outbound File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe

That's just a false positive, you nerd. Some people uploaded malicious files to the website, so the whole website gets marked as malicious.

Did you buy Malwarebytes Premium, or did you pirate it?

Yeah, I'd rather stay away from mixtape website it seems sketchy considering my kaspesky picked it up as well. On another not, are you doing this on purpose by any chance? Cause that's very bannable

Doing what on purpose?

So long ago, I was a Viking marauder, or a fighter pilot, like Maverick; but they would all, conclude the same way- a naked woman in my arms, and sucking my dick.

A totally normal fantasy for an adult.

he called women “sluts” and “whores,”

Also "femoids" and "roasties" I'm sure, but journalists aren't hip enough to understand what that means.

There have been enough incel thought pieces by this point that journos know those terms.

killing 2? nice "mass" shooting dumbass

I fucking KNEW IT. just like celebrity deaths, right wing terrorist incidents will now come in 3's

This was the 4th in 2 weeks, that means 2 more are coming

This is number four after the KY racist grocery shooter, the Magabomber, and the synagogue shooter.

Man Hillary and Soros must be working overtime to plan that many false flags.

Gussycide this man is a hero

When you and your personality cause you to be as popular as a taint cysts pus chunks in sausage gravy on biscuits for sunday breakfast, you dont try to maybe take a shower and read a newspaper/book so you can talk to someone without sounding like a douch nozzle, no instead you go on soundcloud and spew hatred. Its painfully obvious that it must be every woman you have ever spoken too, can't possibly be that your a worthless pissrag of a organism, so it only makes sense to kill 2 women who value your life less then dog snot. I just cannot see it, what happens to these fucktsrds that this is what they think is right and just? Its everyone rejecting you, your the ball that dropped.

This but more coherently

It's pleanty coherent just a bit colorful.

You sound schizophrenic

You fucked a scarecrow

This is why getting rid of r/incels was a stupid idea.

It was a perfect containment and monitoring zone for these socially inept spergs. It also gave me something to laugh at hysterically while dropping a duce in the toilet.

How more many lives half to be taken before they start implementing state funded waifu’s?

Yet braincels exists

ladies... you gotta start putting out or this shit is going to get worse and worse. for the love of god stop it with chad.

2 dead while shooting white gussy in a barrel?

I swear those incels are the worst shots ever.

Practice is hard. Why can't things just be effortless and undeserved?

He sounds like JustinRPG IMO.

You both sound like retards for knowing what Internet personalities sound like.

well if he aimed for a high score he failed at that too

collective treachery

High school girls

Jesus fuck this guy is 40 and this pathetic

Ok, no matter how much anyone deserves it, no calling for deaths to either foids or incels or it will be the death of you on this sub.

Just curious, who can we call for the deaths of?

That list dwindles daily.

Are mods still allowed?

Dude, I honestly don't even know anymore because of admins. Just stay away from violence.

Hi, can you please not seriouspost in my /r/drama? Thanks.

But I can still call for my own death right? Because that’s ever so funny! Check out 2meirl4meirl!

What about people sentenced to death?

I think that is ok? The problem is the inconsistency from up top.


It's becoming obvious that the mods are foids.

Gamers. They rose up and now it's time to put them in the ground.

I'm used to it now. By me I mean justcool or masterlawlz.


Hitler and Stalin are still fair game.

If I pull a Jair Bolsonaro and say, “I’d be incapable of loving a son of mine who posted on CB2, and I’d rather he die in an accident,” is that still okay?

Keep yourself safe


Everyday this sub dies more and more by incompetent mods!


hes right though

just let this place get banned. stop fucking its retarded dead corpse and just let it rest

No u

For real though, the rest of us are relying on you to push back against their bullshit.

Can we call for the death of western civilization?

I will have to get back to you on that one.



You realize you will never appease sjws/sjw culture? Yes none of this is excusable, and yes we can joke about it here. Just remember none of these “people” will ever understand. People with senses of humor will be relegated to white supremacy shit holes like gab and voat.

I am not appeasing anyone.

I know mr cirq, I simply was making a point you understand all too well.

Stop being a nerd nerd

I doubt he's trying to appease everyone. He just doesn't want the admins to shut this place down.

Yep, same as you and I

We can still call them incel freaks thought, right?

Yes yes of course absolutely. Let's not go full retard, we can't kill them but they are still awful.

Also, can we mock people’s deaths after the fact?

i wish i was dead

dont be silly

you wish you *were dead

i wanna die and i'm a grammarlet

Just deal with that shit quietly. SRD tier post stickies are worse than a np link. Nobody wants to know if you’re modding or not.

DM for my paypal donations welcome.

Yeah the sticky happens because it gets old needing to do work over and over in the same thread.

SRD tier would be locking threads as well as a sticky telling the entire sub the misbehaved

SRD tier would be locking threads as well as a sticky telling the entire sub the misbehaved

Shiver me timbers! No...

what about braptards

Literally the reason I started reading/r/drama only once each week or two.

"Waaaaaah guise don't do a booly on the incels and MDEfags or they might make the world better by keeping themselves safe."

My man, you realize no one is anti bully here? You can insult people all day here, just the admins crack down if you get violent with speech. That is site wide rule, not drama.

Incels are all white anyways so thankfully the mayocode can still be discussed

Incels have a massive population of Asians actually.

Buzzfeed news

lol imagine taking this seriously

So, this event didn't happen because it's in Buzzfeed?

No, I'm just pointing out that they're a fucking abysmal news source.

They're better than a lot of other major outlets

Yeah, those women thought they were dead, and then the cops came in and told them that BuzzFeed had written an article about them later, so they came back to life.

They are all amerimutts so it is actually a good thing.


Do you think that as he was shooting up the place he suddenly realized it's not everyone else's fault he's an incel?

Is it clear he's an "incel"?

He talks about asking women out, getting phone numbers, and was caught grabbing women by the ass. The vast majority of "incels" won't do this, because they're actually volcels who would get laid if they were actually sexually aggressive / assertive in the real world.

He was 40.

Damn No Nut November is already taking its toll.

2 people killed

totally unremarkable, maybe mentioned on like page 4 of tomorrow's paper

2 people killed by incel


In general, caring about few random people getting killed on the weekend where Diablo on mobile was announced is just poor taste. People should important what's important.

To serious-post for a second, I think this will only become more common as our atomized urban living society allows more and more people to just dissapear into online spaces and slowly go mad feeding off of their own resent for humanity and lonelienss, and as we demonize them it will only happen more and more often because people that could be saved will be driven off by preemptive contempt and fear.

I can't think of a good solution except maybe actively banning these online communities but that runs the risk of causing a short term surge of sprees, will definitely catch a lot of decent sites in the process, probably wont do anything because these folks are internet savy and will just migrate to different platforms, and might just drive these weirdos deeper and deeper into isolated madness.

But seriousness aside, Gamgergate 2 has arrived.

To serious-post for a second, I think this will only become more common as our atomized urban living society allows more and more people to just dissapear into online spaces and slowly go mad feeding off of their own resent for humanity and lonelienss, and as we demonize them it will only happen more and more often because people that could be saved will be driven off by preemptive contempt and fear.

This is exactly what will happen.

I can't think of a good solution except maybe actively banning these online communities but that runs the risk of causing a short term surge of sprees

If popular sites ban incel communities then it's much less likely that young men who are as of yet just unlucky will find the communities and become incelized. Going to a community offsite is a blocker for a lot of young people, who are only familiar with big, time-tested websites and will only join a small offsite community if they're already part of the community it belongs to. In addition, there needs to be more social skills and emotional support programs for both young men and women to counter the effects of growing up on a screen. Finally, the education system needs to teach critical thinking and reading so that people don't fall victim to radical propaganda, but that's not going to happen so we're all kind of fucked.

Going to a community offsite is a blocker for a lot of young people

While that's true generally I think most people already vulnerable to incel messages are already more than e-literate enough to find and migrate to a random incel website, and are part of communities were incel-lite messaging pops up a lot so it's reasonable to say they might see a link or the mention of a title somewhere and follow it up even if there's no official "incel subreddit"

In order to make this incel community removal work a lot of incel-vulnerable communities, meaning communities full of people who have lackluster social lives, mental issues or issues with women (MGTOWs, PUAs, shitposters, lots of edgier gaming communities, swathes of 4chan) would have to accept heavy moderation or be banned, and those communities dont just dissapear, they'll find new sites and new forums to hangout on. They might be driven deeper into internet insanity in their efforts to find a new place to shitpost their lives away, suddenly feeling a sense of community and having shared enemies with the incels whose site they now occupy.

there needs to be more social skills and emotional support programs for both young men and women to counter the effects of growing up on a screen. Finally, the education system needs to teach critical thinking and reading so that people don't fall victim to radical propaganda, but that's not going to happen so we're all kind of fucked.

If we need people to resist basic and natural impulses like fear and hate in our modern shame-for-virtue culture while critically examining and deconstructing the motives of killers in order to create compassionate society scale solutions for people like the killers then we're totally fucked to an absurd degree.

Finally, the education system needs to teach critical thinking and reading

this more than anything else, IMO

it's amazing how many people just believe everything they read on the Internet at face value

ITT: Righteous blue pill types, usually pretending to be radical centrists, spouting maymays about fat guys wanting model girlfriends


Says the unironic braincels poster


Are you sure I'm unironic?

Also: people you are the reason I shred my comments often, so that retards won't be able to trawl my post history when they don't have any arguments.

it's not fair that people know I'm retarded

u rn

Try harder.

Try not to shoot up any yoga studios

weak topical burn

Even Ed could do this better.

Ok male feminist neckbearded incel, cool story bro, whatever you and your schizo retardation say

womp womp

Are you sure I'm unironic?

Also: people you are the reason I shred my comments often, so that retards won't be able to trawl my post history when they don't have any arguments.

But why u fat tho

In 2016, Beierle told a young woman who was laying out at the pool of an apartment complex in Tallahassee that she had "a nice butt," according to the police report.

"She thanked him..."

What a chad, kudos.

Turns out he's a daddy lover too

Seems like there's been a lot of "right-wing" shootings interestingly close to the elections...

A married incel, wot?

Hold up!


Ok, no matter how much anyone deserves it, no calling for deaths to either foids or incel freaks or it will be the death of you on this sub.

(emphasis mine, because that's a doozy of a clause)

Geez thats worse prevarication than Trump saying "and some, I assume are good people", or drawing attention towards the other sides behaviour vs. Neo Nazis, or chalking antisemitic shootings up to false flag.

They started the sentence making clear they may deserve it, but you cannot say that, mmkay?

It's time to criminalize male virginity after the age of 25. Lock'm up!


That's unironically why there's so many trans speedrunners