SRDines want their mothers, sisters and future daughters to be bukkaked on camera for money and lash out angrily at the insinuation that it's wrong

1  2018-11-04 by Sea_Safe


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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What's sad is this person thinks their mother hasn't done those things just not on camera.

Well SRDines mothers probably has. So he's not wrong.

What your mom never got gangbaned and bukkaked for money ? Uhm sweaty, are you even normal?

The JAV content is really a little more eccentric than what most people actually try out irl ...

I would totally print out pictures and plaster them all over their desk every day, who wouldn't be scarred for life after seeing your mom with cockroaches and squid tentacles wriggling in her vagina?

Yeah, two words, pal: minnow enema

I'm sorry that you took my comment serious.

m e r e l y p r e t e n d i n g

It was all a ruse!

How clever! I thought based on those posts you were actually a kind of pure moron, stupid and therefore without selfawareness, but it turns out that all along you were merely pretending to idiocy in such a seamless and convincing manner that even now my opinion has not changed.

Kudos, fellow redditor. Keep up the good work, and don't forget to feel good about yourself and your valuable contributions every so often.

You pat yourself on the back for that one?

More of a stroking motion. Did you ... want to help out?

Anything for you bae.

Inviting a sardine to stoke you with its scaly fins.


Any hole's a goal fin's a friend? Not sure how to feel now. In sage mode I once again repent.



i was just pretending to be retarded

The fact you think my comments were serious says more about you than me.

Is this the best this sub has? Pretty boring, atleast the other user put in some effort.


this explains so much about srdines tbh

That thread is retarded. SRDines can't resist playing dumb to avoid ever shaming a woman for anything she does.

This woman seems to be a big name pornstar, not some random girl with one video on page 238 of pornhub. The other kids will find out about it.

It's cool though, her 12 year old kid can just explain how problematic and sex-negative the other middle-schoolers are being as they pass around links to his naked mom getting jizzed on.

It's even better now since they've moved on to the argument that all of the women in our life have been gangbanged and bukkaked already and if they were to just do it for money on film there would be nothing wrong with that.

Shame is a patriarchal concept. In a feminist society, all actions are equally void of merit or degeneracy.

This but unironically.

How can I find a bukkake loving 3D waifu if she's too ashamed to reveal it publicly?

Not if you're a man.

Oh right, forget there wouldn't be any men in a feminist society.

This is next level feminist thinking. They’ve gone from ‘porn is unhealthy and teaches people the wrong things about sex’ to ‘porn is an accurate depiction of a normal sex life and the reason you don’t think so is that you’re a misogynist.’

How can I get my brain that big? Is it steroids?

Human Growth Hormone, I think

Is it steroids?

It's probably the soy

How can I get my brain that big? Is it steroids?

You're gonna need a bigger bong hit transplant.

How can I get my brain that big? Is it steroids?

learn to rationalize and normalize every degeneracy i guess.

Worst part is that takes half of the fun of being a degenerate

Right? Last year it was: porn is mysognistic and bad, shows an unrealistic sexual activity.

Now it’s: well yeah, if you’re a woman and not blowing twelve guys while scissoring a transgurl, are you really equal?

"Feminism" has been hijacked by pornsick trannies. Look up the shit they do on Twitter like complaining about porn games not hsving transwoman in them. They transition because they get off on being treated like a sex object.

Liberal feminism has been hijacked by a lot of shit. It's choice feminism. Anything a woman chooses to do is feminist and empowers them. Even if it's getting gang banged by 12 dudes in exchange for a rock of crack. GC is mostly crazy, but they sure know how to call out bullshit like this.

Literally all of this is a good thing.


No friend this is your brain on srd

Lol, moderator literally triggered by reality:

Stating the obvious is now considered bait. Lol @ progressive mayos.

Fyi it’s removed.

For others, here’s the text, from his history:

Pretty sure the stigma comes from sleeping with hundreds of filthy sex addicts and the incredibly high rate of STDs within the industry.

But yeah, documenting the process of sleeping with a hundred people and contracting STDs and sharing it with thousands or millions of people def contributes to the stigma as well.

Wow, SRD really is a pathetic hugbox. I just assumed it was a nicer, more boring version of r/drama. But I guess their agenda shilling is serious.

Btw, I wasn't even trying to be inflammatory. I didn't think my original post would have generated so much butthurt.

Now the mod is deleting reasonable comments that supported my claim of the prevalence of STDs within the porn industry.

These people are fucking delusional.

Your brain on /r/menslib

page 238 of pornhub

Even on page 238 I can't escape incest porn.


That's Anri Okita, shes know the world over and was one of the most popular in Japan. Guarantee someone is gonna recognize her and tease her kid.

Do porn stars really stay that famous? The only one my parents age that I know about is Ron Jeremy, and that's only because he has stayed famous for years.

I can barely name any porn stars from ten years ago. I certainly wouldn't recognize one on the street, or expect kids these days to be able to look her up.

if she stays out of the camera she could be mostly forgotten relatively soon. theres a million new pornstars and a tb of porn uploaded every day. its very easy to be forgotten, but its always a risk that someone will recognize and then tell everyone they know.

Someone always finds out. Former pornstar teacher who was really popular got fired because some kid that jerks off 4 hours a day to hundreds of pages of new videos on xvideos WILL find you... Even if it's not the first week or month or school year, the kid that rubs hi third pinkie red raw WILL eventually stumble on that grainy porntubesite video and come in to school smiling "My dads friend says his uncle saw you did a naked video" The teacher get fired but nobody criticizes the kid with imprints on his peen that is somehow terminally pornsick at 13 years old.

some kid that jerks off 4 hours a day to hundreds of pages of new videos on xvideos...the kid that rubs hi third pinkie red raw...terminally pornsick

is watching porn & jacking off no longer considered normal?

how else do you survive adolescence?

I don't think there is anything wrong with rubbing a bit hard from time to time as a hormonal adolescent but there are way too many kids watching hardcore porn at 12 and rubbing it out constantly. That isn't healthy and is definitely having an affect on some people's ability to form relationships and understand women. Nofap is a bit crazed at times but a lot of them talk about getting pornsick way too young . and it having a negative affect on them,

To the point they physically CANNOT go one week without looking at porn and even the whole idea of not jerking for 2 weeks is impossible.

Some people found some issues they had with anxiety or other stuff was due to excessive masturbation. One dude even commented that his excessive perspiration actually stopped after 3 weeks of quitting constant masturbation. Maybe it's mental, who knows but I think a lot of guys would benefit from calming down a bit.

If a kid's mother was a porn star, there is no way her or she can go through high school without dozens of people somehow finding out.

Gianna Michaels bruh

eh, the kiddo can deal with it. Plenty of people have worse parents.

ترضاها لأمك يا منحط؟ ترضاها لأختك؟

The other kids will find out about it

The other kids will find out about it because they are degenerates who fuel the porn industry that they find so degenerate. Maleoids were unironically a mistake.

What's sad is this person thinks their mother hasn't done those things just not on camera.

If this poster is female you know she is good to go

Do people think the average woman is covered in semen by 10 guys every night?

only the good ones

This girl is super hot tho tbf

I like her smile :)

SRDine incels do.

Unironically I know a lot of megaturbosluts, like at the far end of the bell curve on levels of sluttery, and I don't know a single one who has actually participated in bukkake.

even mega turbo sluts aren't willing to do porn. that tells you a lot about how fucked up a woman needs to be to do porn.

Tbh I think most of them are probably just in really fucking shitty situations and either buy into the LE EMPOWERMEM narrative until they actually do it and realize getting your face spit on while being rawdogged from behind on camera isn't actually a women's liberation movement, or know it's bullshit but just need the money more than the self-respect.

I think the odd chick who actually enjoys it definitely has something Seriously Up tho.

There's probably some exhibitionists who like doing it for the camera, but most probably do it for the money.

Tbh I feel like exhibitionists are probably into making homemade porn with their partners or whatever. Proper commercial porn is probably just not sexually arousing at all with a memorized script, a director barking orders at you and constant pauses to change the lighting or whatever.

To be fair, the guys in the porn industry are usually fucked also.

Drug addiction, STDs, history of childhood sexual abuse, etc...

But that's none of my business tho.

yeah but no one gives a shit about men.

There are no men in porn. Only vague forms of flesh attached to a dehumanized penis.

The only interaction they've gotten with women is porn.

Huge overlap between incels and srd menslib poster mentality

Tbh I wish I had a younger sister who was bukkaked on camera, that's kinda hot.

No you don't. It would get extremely sadder as she gets older.

Your top of the dinosaurs 🦖 consumption list now

the dinosaurs were siscons too

Nah brah

Dinos no like degenerates 😡😡

I was under the impression they found them very tasty indeed (excepting herbivores).

Herbivores are cucks

You're gross.



Weebdom isn't a kink, it's a plague.

no u

Kinda wish I had a younger sister that was an escort who did anonymous encounters in gloryholes ahaha wouldn't that be weird? ahaha

Swear to god, if the GOP does well this week, you’d better be in every /r/politics thread.

You couldn't pay me to read that many r/politics comments

That’s fair because it’s not like they read the articles

<sensible chuckle.jph>

Tru tho

Pass me your password and I will do it for you while you handle the Drama workload.

Yes. For this noble cause we must redistribute the means of memeing.

you are honestly the second best account on this website (zozbot, PBUH is the best)

Right: "All women are whores, and that's bad"

Left: "How dare you even insinuate that. People like you are the reason women are afraid to even leave their homes"

Left two weeks later: "All women are whores, and that's a good thing"

Sodom and Gomorrah intensifies

Wtf? I'm pretty sure my mom hasn't been bukkaked. That you think this is a thing shows maybe you watch too much porn.

Have you asked her? "I'm pretty sure" doesn't sound to convincing.

What percent of women do you think have had a bukkake?

More than 0% less than 100%

more than zero percent of women are pornstars

therefore your mom is probably a pornstar

This is your brain on feminism.

The soy is palpable.

uhh did your mom really not have 500 abortions and 10 undiscovered species of anal parasites? some women have serious problems with internalized misogyny.

Have SRDines never touched a woman or do they strictly only interact with whores because they are all literal cucks?

To be so deluded that you think the average female getting nutted on by 10 guys at once is normal and amicable. Let alone the fact that pornstars are just prostitutes that don't let you touch them.

Knew this girl in high school who was super hot and popular even she wasn't a while.

They're thirsty incels, of course they only interact with women they think will fuck them.

What if someone's dad was a pornstar? Seems these dudes would be like, "Nice"

No they wouldn't are you fucking kidding me?

Have you seen the shit men do in porn. They'd never stop mocking that poor kid.

Imagine the relentless mocking if there is video evidence of someone's dad fucking in the Amazon position

I'm scared to ask what that is.

The best sex position

Basically a girl putting a guy on his back while riding his cock. The girl is the one in control in this position

Do you honestly not see the difference?

Thora Birch's parents were both in porn.

So when I say this, I have an unrealistic perception of porn but when a leftist says this, its... right?

Fucking retards. Go to a Yoga studio and stay tehre

I hope this wasn't intended to be a joke about the shooting. That's not okay if it is. That's chapo shit, like the baseball jokes.

Go to temple

Let's hold off on those jokes. I don't want /r/drama to get banned

Now he can jerk off to Milf porn without the fantasy.

Why is SRD scraping up 224 day old drama.

Anyway here’s the album:

Actually tasteful tbqh unironically


How long have SRDines been this retarded? I remember them being reasonable at one point.

Around 2014 was when the metasubs all "moved one over." SRS moved into circlebroke, circlebroke invaded SRD, and the reasonable SRDines came here.

This is why we need a Wall.

Wtf? I'm pretty sure my mom hasn't been bukkaked. That you think this is a thing shows maybe you watch too much porn.

Well someone wasn’t at last years, “bukkake SRD moms” event.

You mean this one?

(Seriously, any reddit meetup photo would probably work here.)

Honestly, I though this was the Baltimore picture with all the naked fat people.

That one is undoubtedly great.

But they're all basically the same picture:

  • 75% nerdy dudes,

  • 24% morbidly obese women, and

  • 1% normal-BMI, reasonably attractive women who look very uncomfortable that there is going to be photographic evidence of them associating with the other people in the photo.

I always wonder what kind of extreme mental problem the one normal-looking woman in these photos have.


It's always BPD

I love this picture because it always makes me wonder where the parents of the black kid that hambeast with the FUPA is clinging on to like a Big Mac is? Like, that cannot be her mother and there's no black people in the picture...

There are normal looking reddit meetup pictures, it's just that the most terrible ones stay in our minds.

banned from SRD for this comment:

(being in porn is) For emotionally damaged and mentally ill women who have no self respect and are willing to burn every bridge in their life and alienate everyone who loves them rather than work hard like everyone else to make money.

Lol. what was the reason the mods gave?

Idk. With the right looks and management you can make way more money catering to thirsty guys than you could make doing an average job.

Most porno girls make about as much as a low level office worker annually. Only a few get rich and that's usually from owning their own company after becoming a big name.

Yeah. I’m more so talking about Patreon girls, lewd cosplayers, Snapchat girls, and such. I imagine the average porno girl doesn’t make much at all.

Just take a look at the high calibre /r/gonewild and co., complete with selling their used shit. People are pathetic and will lavish these individuals in money for some nekkid pics.

People are into weird shit sexually. At least the people buying those used panties probably know its gross and weird as fuck but the girls who do it are really fucking sad because it gives them such an ego and they start believing their own hype thinking because a few 300lb neckbeards who will never touch a woman buys shit from her shes like Kim K with her 'own business' and is a 'entrepreneur'

Wait ... people actually think Jordan Peterson is attractive? It never crossed my mind to think of that one way or the other ...

Is necroing 7 month old threads not the most retarded thing possible? SRD debates

Lmao y'all thought srd was a shit hole just wait til you see /r/kappa

Some truly retarded degeneracy at play.

Imagine unironically thinking mayo woman don't get bukakked regularly.

r/drama needs a redpill so bad lmao 😤✊✊✊

This is some kid's mother

Don't tell me that's the father -.-

just some random musician

Imagine being so cucked you marry a girl who's fucked hundreds of guys. Hope he got a DNA test on that kid.

Just a reminder that your mom was sexually active in the 70s/80s and totally had coke snorted off her tits while she was sucking several cocks at once. That or she was ugly.

> Don't insult other users or creep on their post history.

wtf is even the point of an internet forum then